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Why are all cameras the same? Where's the innovation? This can't be peak design when every single camera feels shitty to use.

Where are personalisation options? Why are photographers so stuck up to not have any or put any of their personality into their gear that they spend 6 hours a day discussing about?
>or put any of their personality into their gear
because they have none that's why they are photographers.
>Why are all paintbrushes the same? Where's the innovation? They all feel shitty to use and its really hard to paint a nice picture
>Where are the personalization options? I want an attachment point for my little pony keychains and more color schemes
>t. dyes their hair and gets tattoos to show everyone how unique and full of personality they are
The toy section might be more your speed
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Because peak camera design was already reached.
It's the phone.
>comparing cameras to painting and thinking yourself an artist

You truly have zero personality, right
>*smears and adds fake bokeh*
When a product is undeniably better, it kills its predecessor entirely. Like dumb fliphones are totally dead. PDAs are totally dead.

What phones killed was not ILCs. It was smalll point and shoots like kodak easyshares. ILCs have been doing fine actually. There was a surge in popularity with the cheap DSLR craze but once that ended it reverted to the mean and ILC sales and market share have been proportionally the same as they were in most of the 20th century.
Yes, photography is art, and cameras can be compared to painting.

Thinking otherwise is for the same personality-void east asian practice spergs who think playing a perfect cover of something bach wrote is more artistic than inventing a new genre of music using a wood saw, two coconuts, and a modified old radio. Also see: "I shoot manual everything so I'm a real artist".
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That is why I add cute charms to my cameras
Camera makers are stuck in the past. Especially Japanese tend to be quite conservative regarding their products.

Cars are a mass product with lots of competition, so you see much more innovation there. With cameras it's the opposite. It's already a very niche product that fights for survival. More and more people just prefer their phone for photos and I can't blame them. The average person can't even see a difference in image quality. Apple invests shittons in AI to improve their photos, while Snoy, Canon, etc. sleep again. With declining sales there is not much space for hiring talents and try out new innovations. One step in the wrong direction could ruin the company. That's why they stick with the same damn design that evolved decades ago.
What kind of fucking idiot thinks AI improves photos
>Wow, the grain is totally gone! its so sharp!
>plastic and smears.jpg
Every innovation in real camera tech is about less and less reliance on AI. More megapixels and sharper lenses for REAL details, not AI inpainted details from a probability engine guessing what each object is meant to be. Larger sensors for REAL noiseless images, not AI smoothing out the noise and painting in the details it thinks should go there. Cryptographic signing for more certainty that photos are not AI enhanced.

>But normal people don't notice or care about things being real
The controlling classes of our society two terms for "normal people" (IQ 85-100)
"Consumers" (figuratively "mindless cattle")
"A sucker born every minute" (figuratively "mindless cattle")

They hate you. They see you as lesser forms of life. They buy up every house to charge you $3k+ in rent if you want to live somewhere so they can be in a better position when they up your hours and leave your pay be. They have used their friends in insurance companies to manipulate the healthcare system and fill it with so much administrative bloat that you can't get a broken bone set or buy life saving medication without paying 1000% extra to the benefit of the shareholders. This is not a conspiracy theory. Corporate america is quite real.

While you're bitching about the newest snoy not having automatic AI HDR and AI skin enhancement with AI noise reduction and sharpening built in, things like cryptographic signing to verify a chain of custody and a lack of editing without state-level resources are being artificially limited to professional journalists who are members of specific state-associated organizations.

So, when your "much better" AI enhanced phone camera catches a soldier stabbing an anti-trump protester 80 times or records a pharma executive admitting to foul play your AI generated footage will be worthless and you're a russian propagnadist.
only buyfag consoomer retards give a shit about the aesthetics of their cameras. if you want to personalize your shit you can always grab some dbrand skins. only influencer faggots care about the actual design of their cameras.
1970: hasselblad on the moon taking impossible to fake 200mp film photos, making russians seethe for decades
2024: iphone in the new mexico desert, every photo and video looks AI generated even if its real so no one can tell its all fake, owned and operated by russians
let me guess, boomer with arthritis that can't shoot anything but a canonikon blob
>Wrench makers are stuck in the past
>Car makers are even worse. Look at all these bolts. If its meant to be fixed, they expect it to break? Lol.
>I don't even need to turn a nut to fix my iphone. I just take it to the genius bar and they do it for me.
cucks indeed
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I think you forgot to take your medicine pal. AI improves photos/videos. Processing does it too. Enjoy your 5kg medium format camera on a tripod in 10 years when 12 years old girls take better photos on their moms iphone. That plastic and smears.jpg is already a relict of the past, depending on the model you are using.. and the tech is just in its beginnings.
>pic related visible AI, but won a photography contest

Not saying that AI should change the image I take with my Nikon/Canon/etc. But modern technologies/software could reduce noise, could keep the ISO down, could replace IBIS, could make AF actually good, could reduce camera size/weight and make them more ergonomic, could improve file sharing, etc. etc.
And maybe, just maybe that would make photography interesting again for young people. But nah, thanks to people like you it's dying and soon we see more camera manufactors signing bancruptcy until we can only buy Snoy devices.
>AI improves
Lol. I will enjoy taking photos of real things instead of spamming CGI.
This is already happening anon. There is AI tech out there to censor sensitive information like law enforcement officers in real time and anything that doesn't come from the AP and getty, the only ones who are allowed to use C2PA on snoys, is going to be called disinfo. Reason? AI touched it.

China will doubtlessly lead the pack, AI is perfect for replacing tianmen square with violent protesters being peacefully forced back as they randomly commit suicide, but america can't be far behind. Trump assassination day was worrying to every left winger I know at university. The rightoids were celebrating how cool trump looked in the photo but we were discussing why the photographer was using his cameras max shutter speed and cropping with a 24mm f1.4 shot wide open when 1/250 is sufficient to freeze motion when someone is making a speech and 1/2000 is tack sharp for all but the fastest sports.
yeah sony canon fuji hasselblad and nikon are just committing suicide by moving away from AI and focusing on reality

its not because their cameras are the ones every big corporation and government uses to manufacture the truth at all
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>he doesn't know

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>ILC sales steady once FF DSLRs get good and affordable
Now post the whole trend.
>it reverted to the prior norm
Normies have left photography. Now they only produce CGI and the chances of them producing certifiably real footage of things like police brutality are near 0, and no one will ever believe sneaky phone snaps or phone footage of some billionaire admitting to banging toddlers on a private island or engaging in epi-pen price fixing schemes.
uber based, have any more?
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You're supposed to dress your camera up for the occasions

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Because everyone shit their pants when Canon dropped the T90 penned by Luigi Colani and still haven’t recovered nearly 40 years later.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T20
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Windows)
PhotographerMIKE ECKMAN
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)75 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2018:10:15 21:17:18
Exposure Time1/25 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
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>make a dozen different product lines
>all have the same form factor
>video body shaped like a stills dslr
>pro line no integrated vertical grip
>just change the letter on the logo
Bravo Sony
>compact: just lop off the evf hump and dont bother actually making the body smaller
Integrated VGs are bad. They exist to exclude people who dont fucking want it every day of every event.
but it needs to look like something no one would carry without being paid to thats how you know its pro

it also needs a snowflake battery that doesnt work with any of your other cameras so they can make you buy more shit

and snowflake card slots that ONLY take snowflake cards that are really only useful for videofaggots shooting at uselessly high bitrates because that makes you feel more important when you need to buy new cards you’ll never use because you’re not a tryhard videographer who color grades and crops everything from 8k raw

if you’re just shooting events you need to buy the integrated vg or the one with worse rolling shutter and lower fps of course! disappoint yourself, or disappoint clients… how bout fucking kill yourselves you soulless jap salaryman bugfucks im shooting everything on a 5d3 fuck you fuck the r3 fuck the r1 fuck the z9 the z8 isnt as bad but still fuck it too fucking money grab greedy fucks removing the mirror and charging extra
>Yes, photography is art, and cameras can be compared to painting
lmfao what a retard
>if only they made different bodies for different uses
Just put a grip on. Same thing and all their cameras can finally share the same battery now. i think only the discontinued(?) rx100 and rx10 still use different batteries.
a6100 and a6400 are still in the lineup and not the same battery as the a6600, a6700, and the full frames.
Theyre both due to be discontinued any time now though.
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I give him little high-fives sometimes

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