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What's your dream location for photography? I feel like Japan is really popular these days. Where would you love to travel to for taking pictures? No matter if landscapes, towns, people, etc.

Being from Germany I really would like to travel through the US once. Deserts with abandon motels, old gas stations, etc. always amaze me.

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Since we're dreaming here, I'd like to go to different time periods. I'd shoot many many rolls of 35mm in Tokugawa Japan, Classical Greece, Ancient Rome, pre-revolutionary France, etc.

Adolf, if you come to the USA for photography, you should consider Northern Idaho. Look on Google Maps at the various lakes, parks, small towns in the area and you'll see what I mean. Also, it's not too far from some very scenic stuff in Canada like Banff, depending on how much time you had.
I've been trying to go to Pripyat for over a decade but things keep happening in Ukraine that prevent it.
Oh man, the Chernobyl area would be pretty sweet to spend a day or two taking pics in. Almost worth the turbo ass cancer you'd get.
>over 132 hummingbird species
Need I say more?
>these days
Japan's always been a popular photographic destination. I'm more amused how it's STILL in fashion. Like as if there's not enough photos of nipland landscapes and cityscapes.
Tierra del Fuego and southern Patagonia. I've been to the southern hemisphere a few times but have never been cold there and I'm interested to see if the cold is any different down there. Sounds stupid but it is what it is.
your mom's bedroom
Russia for ultimate sovl
russia, ukraine, iran, yemen, norway, scotland, the list goes on... cities to remote villages to wilderness, i want to shoot it all
Brother is feeling suicidal
shit i would love to shoot in Hong Kong's fish market at night or in that gay parade in Tel Aviv, but i can't go to Israel because the nasty jews will rape me and kill me.
it's exclusively rocks and leaves, not worth the cancer
this, I am planning to visit some of those soviet satellite countries for the kino brutalism and decay too.

Also Hong Kong on film, that would be kino I think.

The nevada desert, for extra rock and thorny leaves.
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japanese brothels

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potentially great photo ruined by blocky digital dissolving artefacts in the sky

gj om pisstem. should have got a g9ii for its superior dynamic range.
the prospect of someday travelling and photographing the world is one of maybe two things i want to live for currently

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>Being from Germany I really would like to travel through the US once. Deserts...
>U.S. deserts
Stay away from dirt roads. No, your rental minivan cannot handle it. Yes, you will die if you go off road.
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i stopped by a museum in nevada and this guide advised me not to go to the ghost town i had planned to see. only accessible by off-road vehicles and i just had a regular sedan. apparently there was a group who went out there unprepared in the past year and they got stranded and died

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Germans in particular have an uncanny knack for dying in the American desert. IIRC there have been like four separate cases of German tourists dying in death valley in the last thirty years.
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I don't care. I had fun taking it. Got up before sunrise and biked 10 kilometers to location through fog and woods :::)

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that's typical german hubris(autism) for you. idiots grow up totally pampered in a society that protects them all the time and the outdoors in germany are a joke. if you get lost inna woods you just keep walking and half an hour later you're in some village or on a road.
germans don't comprehend the scale of the great american outdoors. it's good that germans go to die there. I wish more did. it's a great filter removing autism from the human gene pool
though that one story of the idiot german with their kids going through death valley in a sedan and a carton of red wine is really sad because they killed small kids. fucking assholes. I hope they suffered.

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Japan is so overrated. All the "modern" buildings are way older than you'd think so you're basically only there for a few pagoda temples and the scenery. There's a reason so many people's trip photos there are fucking Family Mart signs and vending machines. The people are all quite old too, like 45-50 on average. Not photogenic are cool. Seoul or Shanghai are much more energetic and interesting cities to shoot in.
Mongolia and other steppe nations are my dream, I'd also love to shoot in Taipei.
Kowloon Walled City

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Wouldn't call it overrated, just easy mode. It's not difficult to find beautiful sceneries, architecture there so whereever you go you can get some nice photos. They take care of their surroundings like the tiny gardens, etc. Also long sunsets, often without clouds help. Everything is clean and no one stealing your gear.
>everything is clean
lol did you miss the rotting piles of garbage
>beautiful architecture
of what? 70s low rise flats and commercial? there is 1 high rise area in shinjuku thats like 8 buildings. you must live in a fly over to think this is impressive. tokyo is a old dying city. sure mountains and forests are pretty. as they are in any part of the world.
I'd like to go to southern Italy. I've been to Sicily before, and it was an absolutely amazing place for photography, if a bit dangerous. Of course, cause I'm a retard I didn't took my camera with me.
But still, southern Europe on overexposed film is something I'd like to do. Especially southern Italy.
Having driven through Nebraska and Kansas I can tell you it's paradise if you're into liminal space photography. The whole place has this strange feeling of being abandoned and forgotten by the world. Oddly, it felt refreshing
>I feel like Japan is really popular these days
>these days
It's always been and will be popular. Japan is easily top 3 if not the best country to go if you enjoy photography.
>Incredibly easy to navigate
>large dense cities
>amazing mountains and ocean vistas
>lots of abandoned buildings
>rural towns that have basically been stuck in stasis for 50-80 years
>interesting monuments and cultural sites to visit
I could go on but I think Japan being a great place to visit is obvious.

>I really would like to travel through the US once. Deserts with abandon motels, old gas stations, etc. always amaze me.
Its nice and enjoyable for a particular kind of person. The US is the exact opposite of Japan where instead of being a tiny island with high density of interesting locals, the US is extremely spread apart with oceans of monotonous landscapes and small towns that are intersections with suburbs stapled on them. Be ready to either spend a lot of time to get to one interesting place or money to quickly bounce around the continent sized country. The US is huge and not as densely populated as you'd think it'd be especially west of the 41st Meridian.
This or south east asia.
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Japan is alright because I think there's just a lot of color and interesting stuff happening.

Pic taken last week

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Sounds like it would be a great place to shoot large format
The Swiss Alps and northern Europe like Norway, some US national parks, the -tan countries, and Iceland.
Lots of Germans I know travel to my town to take photographs. We're right next to the famous Chief climbing area and it's only 300 M off a main Highway and parking lot and it's a relatively easy hike for someone in shape. You got an ocean mountain bike trails Rivers Falls everything here

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