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/p/ - Photography

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Sunset after rain

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.S901BXXSBEXFF
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width2340
Image Height1080
Unique Image IDc4e6a58c-5316-42e7-890b-c3baab1187f6
Hold it level Ryan
imagine how much better the photo would have been if you went outside
peak Ryan Cooper
>focused on the droplets, everything else is blurry and noisy
>not levelled
>pointy bokey balls
How do you get bokey balls that point in different directions?
OP your photo quality is very low, but there is a way to save yourself, it is called micro four thirds'

For under $500 you can get an amazing camera like an olympus om-d and an amazing lens from olympus m.zuiko or panasonic lumix and take much better photos than your phone. they even have digital levels and you can control the focus and shutter speed better.

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