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Say I use a denoiser? My current set up is pretty bad low light so I was thinking of cranking up iso and dealing with it in post

My autistic friend who only shoots analog is complaining about it and warning me as a noob to avoid it saying it "changes the original pixels"
AI is certainly cheating, whether that matters to you or not is a personal call, but the answer will reveal deep and fundamental truths about who you are as a person.
Not really. It's like calling demosaicing, lens corrections, sharpening, WB/color adjustments, and jpg algorithms cheating.
Cheating what? Its not like the original photo you took is some sort of perfect captured essence of reality in the first place.
I learned that if you use Lightroom's AI denoiser at 1, it preserves everything but only removes color noise which is nice. I use it all the time.
I just chrominance denoise without luminance denoise in DPP. I admit I have no idea if AI can do that better. Can it save small true color details like eyes &cet. without leaving fale color hallucinations when handling really high iso?
It looks uncanny and less like photography. Imperfection like noise, grain, and softness helps break photos out of the uncanny valley and communicate that it’s a memory. When photo quality gets unrealistically high with AI hallucinated detail, and sometimes even with unedited files from high end cameras like the 907x+cfv100c, images begin to look fake and strange, like a computer generated artwork. The reason being, our natural vision looks completely different from camera vision, its looking through the eye of a machine and seeing everything familiar and so accurate and real, but way different.
Try it
Too much of ANY correction looks unnatural. It's a matter of magnitude
technically no such thing as cheating unless you're in a competition
I draw the line at generative AI hallucinating things into existance, for me even using photoshop cut crap out is fair if it enchances the photo, channel related
this guy photoshops in almost all his pics, wish I cared enough to try as well
It's not cheating, but instead of learning how to take photos you're learning how to make photos
Film fags that shoot in manual are autistic and this like if of thinking will only harm your photography
It will be cheating when our cameras are just constantly recording 8k video while bracketing aperture and AI picks out the best frames as photos
>it "changes the original pixels"
Changing the pixels is what editing is. If you don't change the pixels then you haven't changed anything about hos the image looks. Whether or not it changes the "original" pixels in the file you got from your camera (which the camera itself will have fucked about with, and no point was there ever a file with perfectly pristine data) depends on whether or not you save over that original file or not. AI or not doesn't matter for any of that. Now if your friend really is autistic and you're not just saying that to fill your daily buzzword quota then with his mind set he's pathologically incapable of grasping this, but why the fuck isn't it obvious to you?
Its like as if I posted this comment. I cant agree more.
>friend who only shoots analog
ah, another retard that shoots film (not all film shooters are retards mind you).

If this worked mobile phones would utterly destroy all other cameras. Any shit iPhone could just press this magical ai remove noise button and have a flawless photo.
In reality your add on that has nothing to do with ai will just smear your photo.

Also no matter what you do your friends photos will look better because he uses film.
>but why the fuck isn't it obvious to you?
Because there is no friend and OP was autismo all along
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I'm gonna keep using AI and don't give a fuck if it's considered cheating.

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He also shits on me for because the "soul" of photography is going full manual, personally I find it clunky and time wasting

Idk why some filmfags are like this
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>photos of niggers
nothing of value was lost
That doesn't even look bad. Look in the mirror if that's what you are looking for.b
Being racist is a sign of lower intelligence
>Look in the mirror if that's what you are looking for.b

your blur there doesnt match his hip or whatever, this shit looks like ai slop mixed with amateur photoshit
Not necessarily in this day in age, where you're technically racist if you believe you should have to reach a minimum IQ score to own a gun or vote, even if you say the solution is to work towards raising african american IQs by systematically destroying an anti-intellectual culture of heavy drug use and reference the academic performance of african immigrants in the UK as proof that it's possible.
Nice cope

Good job, you did a cheap porno shoot from 25 years ago

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