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File: it's so fucking over.jpg (20 KB, 474x331)
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>there's dust on the sensor again
Literally me rn
I'm too lazy to clean it, I'll fix the spots in pp
stop using zoom lens, they are literally a pump that grabs dusty air, pushes it trough dust gathering sealing and then sends that shit into the sensor.
For sensor cleaning use diethyl ether, leaves no streaks and evaporates quickly.
Yup, never had any issues since switching to primes
Nikon D600 gang feels this
i was using a prime that i almost never even take off :(
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Many such cases.
Just give it that hawk tuah, spit on that thang
OP is a filthy animal.
my nikon Z 24-120 lives on my camera and there's zero dust on the sensor even with it being an external zoom
Can I use this ether to clean the lenses too?
Nikon zooms do better than other brands at keeping dust out. Give it time. The lens will draw the dust all the way in eventually.
Meanwhile Nikon D610 chads can't stop winning.
Based frog poster
It's not a matter of zoom vs. prime my boys, it's wether your lens has a fixed or moving rear element. A prime with rear focusing is just another air pump. Could be worse though. Your camera could be a ricoh gr, a panasonix lx100 or -even more retarded- a leica d-lux.
underage poster

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