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File: 0003_3A.jpg (3.21 MB, 2075x3130)
3.21 MB
3.21 MB JPG
Post car photos, classic cars are best, but cars of any kind are ok. Also any constructive criticism of my pics would be appreciated.

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All were on Fujicolor 200 (aka Kodak Gold 200), Nikon F5, with 50mm 1.8G and 105mm 2.8G macro lens
i'm a car autist so i would rather just see the whole car desu ne
All your pictures are over cropped and generically uninteresting.
Good IQ, but a 67 MF camera would have been even nicer. Your pics would only benefit from it. Hell, if you had taken them all in 4x5 that would have been even better!

Can car meet car picks even be all that good?
File: P3128137.jpg (1.95 MB, 1944x2592)
1.95 MB
1.95 MB JPG

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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
File: P9140914.jpg (2.53 MB, 1785x2380)
2.53 MB
2.53 MB JPG

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File: P9140917.jpg (2.74 MB, 1889x2519)
2.74 MB
2.74 MB JPG
>nophoto opinion
whew, imagine taking spergs who don't go outside any seriously

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>Every photo is slightly green
That’s a noritsu alright
>park white car on lawn
>lawn reflects in white car paint
leave your fucking cellar
Spend more time around film kid
>silver car in frame
>awkward angle (should've squatted)
>vsco tier filter
>cliche porsche wheel arch shot
>but framing still sucks
>grading makes the background colour less natural than the car
File: P9170040.jpg (2.38 MB, 2592x1944)
2.38 MB
2.38 MB JPG
n o p h o t o

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leave your mom's basement, incel
post your anime figurines. it's the only thing you shoot. admit it, mentally ill troon
File: 06.jpg (1.64 MB, 1500x1200)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB JPG
See how the blacks are black? Spend more time around film, kid.
File: R0010989.jpg (831 KB, 1600x1200)
831 KB
831 KB JPG
blame ricoh for the colours

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homosexual detected
File: IMG_20170301_0005.jpg (3.93 MB, 5882x4606)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB JPG
Why are you so defensive? Shoot bigger film of your completely static subjects you lazy fuck.

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File: R1-06701-0011.jpg (824 KB, 1800x1200)
824 KB
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Image Created2024:08:17 00:47:55
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Nophotos having an opinion
File: DSC_0774.jpg (3.8 MB, 6016x4016)
3.8 MB
3.8 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 5
Camera SoftwareNX Studio 1.7 W
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)120 mm
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Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSC_0214.jpg (4.32 MB, 3000x1688)
4.32 MB
4.32 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:09:18 11:36:02
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You are NOT ken rockwell. My eyes are intact after viewing these. The editing is tasteful and the framing is purposeful. There are no cheeto mountains, meteorology gadgets, or hotel signs in sight.

I'll be contacting ken about this libel shortly.
Don't forget the neon orange sunset and radioactive palm trees
That's fair. My macro lens was new to me, so that's the main reason why all the close-ups. Also trying to avoid getting all the other cars around in the shots.

Fair enough

I only have 35mm, don't plan to ever get MF. I do have a DSLR, but just prefer film, for funsies.

I'm watching for good deals on a PlusTek so I can try scanning my own. Generally I like the lab scans though.

I'm his doppelgänger. Please donate to support my growing family.
Don’t get the plustek just tell your lab to give you flat scans. They already look great desu.
File: xe6eiivA-Enhanced-SR.jpg (2.39 MB, 1698x2560)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB JPG

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 7.4.1 (Macintosh)
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Image Created2024:08:13 00:11:27
Color Space InformationsRGB
File: DSC_0775.jpg (2.94 MB, 4460x3984)
2.94 MB
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I too am a fan of the Portra 160. Probably my 2nd favorite summer film after Ektar.

Based stuffed animal enjoyer

Nice, I never understood why they leave the little cables hanging out though

Where is this? Midwest somewhere?

I dig the classic whitewalls
File: P9070197.jpg (1.98 MB, 1944x2591)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB JPG

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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Gain ControlNone
File: DSC_0765.jpg (3.11 MB, 4865x3892)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB JPG

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File: 79corvette_web - Copy.jpg (938 KB, 1417x903)
938 KB
938 KB JPG
Here is my early 80s advertisement style shot of my beautiful 79 corvette. Love putting together old retro looks for shoots.

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Image Created2024:04:13 08:33:31
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Another soft focus 80s style. This is using the old Rodenstock Imagon variable 200mm soft focus lens made famous by the classic Hollywood black and white portraits of George Hurrell. Just needs a girl in a bikini next to it to finish it off. Other photo was shot with an old Zeiss Planar T* 85mm. Love vintage shoots.

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Image Created2024:06:01 15:50:19
Exposure Time1/50 sec
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Image Width1417
Image Height945
Exposure ModeManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
I really like this, it actually does look like it could have been an ad from the era. Sweet car, anon.

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