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File: IMG_7629.jpg (88 KB, 1343x527)
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Nikon D50
Nikon 70-300mm @300

Left and right are f11 ss125
Middle is f18 ss50

April, Aug, Sep full moons and a part lunar eclipse

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1343
Image Height527
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: A6605933.jpg (157 KB, 945x531)
157 KB
157 KB JPG
I dunno, lol.

I think it looks nicer under exposed a bit.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-6600
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.6
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)202 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:09:17 23:19:23
Exposure Time1/200 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating100
Brightness2.1 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceDaylight
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length135.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width945
Image Height531
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: A6605935.jpg (130 KB, 945x531)
130 KB
130 KB JPG
Same settings except with longer ss. I prefer the former, I think.
With a far-away object, f/11 or f/18 is probably not necessary, unless that’s the true sweet spot of the lens for sharpness. If the true sweet spot is, say, f/6.3 then shooting at that wider aperture would allow faster shutter speed
You want to stay below f/16 otherwise diffraction will result in reduced sharpness. Around f/8 should be good. ISO as low as possible, shutter speed as high as possible, mirror lock-up and either use a remote release or the self timer.
These are not the best settings you utter newb.
f8 and be there!!
Would buying an entry level telescope + adapter or some kind? cost less and produce better pictures than a $1000 super zoom?
Plus stacking a video footage using pipp and autostakkert
Picrel was made with my phone
Neat. I'll check it out, thanks.

Would a burst of photos taken with the electronic shutter be clearer / less compressed than a video though?
Maybe. Telescopes will be far far cheaper than camera lenses, but you will have a comparatively slow aperture and the glass sharpness won't typically be up to scratch. Its perfectly serviceable on a budget but you are still going to want some decent mounts as with such a high zoom your shutter speed can only go so far.
but idk if that would fuck with the shutter, but if it doesnt ,thatd be best
I'd suggest buying a 5inch newtonian telescope
I made this one with a 80mm refractor so I think a newtonian around this size would do a better job for the same price

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