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File: edit.png (323 KB, 693x565)
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>edit photo on my PC
>looks good and just the way I like it
>transfer photo to my phone
>it now looks like shit when viewed through the phone
Oh just wait until you start printing.
Is this just the way it is, or am I doing something wrong?
this is the way that it is unless you are using a calibrated monitor
for the time being i just use my iphone SE screen as a reference point as it's fairly color accurate afaik. need a color accurate monitor badly tho
SE 2020*
You need a monitor with an accurate sRGB calibration. Be that a purpose-built ART PRO GOY KEK monitor I can't be fucked recalling properly, or a calibration tool you use to tweak your current one. Think about it; your monitor has settings for brightness, contrast, saturation etc, and it has it's own colour profiles. Everything you see is through the monitor that is doing its own thing because most people use monitors to watch movies or game. Then you take your phone, or someone else looks at it on their monitor or phone, and those devices are doing THEIR own thing.
I mean, the fact that it's old isn't much of an issue, but if it's worn, damaged, apple are stupid cucks etc, it might. Never owned an iPhone though. I have a Nothing Phone that's quite new and it will still show things slightly different to my calibrated monitor. Not by a large margin per se, but it's an OLED with the vivid colours setting on, and my monitor is IPS that's has a very accurate sRGB gamut.

If you want a less nerdy explaination, just know that using different technologies either hardware of software are going to affect how you see your image data. To have a perfectly accurate representation you'll likely need to go down the AdobeRGB rotue which is a) not fuckin worth it, and b) a complete bitch to get your entire workflow accounted for. That's only for pros who do it for a living really. For us mere /p/haggots we are better off settling for a bit of variance unless you *really* want perfection.
I deleted the post, my bad. But yeah, I get it now.
my monitor is calibrated and everything I make looks better on everything but my monitor. it feels so bleak.
Is it bad to edit it on my PC and edit it again using Instagram before posting?
Depends entirely what you mean by editing. Different software does things slightly to moderately differently. Cropping and resizing doesn't matter, but anything like noise reduction or adjusting curves is going to get fucky if you double dip
Just after I edit a RAW file, and I'm about to post it on my IG, I sometimes tend to lower the brightness/highlights down using IG's editing features. Is that bad?
imma make TONS of money and buy a color grading and print making slave for myself like Bresson. great artists can't bother with that trivial shit. we gotta run and gun and run and gun, life's too short bruuuh.
A calibrated monitor has zero effect on how the photo will look on your phone, or anyone else’s.
I personally wouldn't do that, but as long as that second pass is only minimal tweaks it won't destroy the photo. It might be fucked if you then download that IG version for PC viewing but that's a guess and even then it's probably fine
Calibrate your monitor so it looks the same as your phone, then edit the picture. Your phone probably has fairly standard display settings, so it should look fairly similar on most normalfag displays.
Lmfao, no.
Phones vary so much and phone faggots vary even more.

>Blue light, from MY screen?
>enables night mode/warming/anti-blue light software filter to change screen colors
>immediately proceed to view images

Imagine "calibrating" to a cuck display instead of aiming for the fucking standard.
If retards have proven themselves incapable of even leaving displays in a standard mode, willfully choosing to fuck with colors, why cater to them? They all have different preferences and you will never please everyone. It's actually impossible. Not due to taste, but because nobody's even seeing the same shit. They also change displays every year, sometimes more often than that. All anyone should do is aim for accuracy in sRGB. Anything else is wasted effort.
Gives you the best chance of the most people finding your shit good looking. Everyone else with incorrect rendering can pound sand.

These days you can't even trust websites to handle AdobeRGB or any other profiles (like P3, etc) to deliver images in your profiled setup. If you don't convert the pixels to sRGB and prep for stupidity (throwing color profile out without converting, as they change your JPEG to a shit webp) you're literally doing everything wrong.
>talking about displays
>brings up racism
Americans, man. Take your meds, buddy.

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