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File: cameraya.jpg (396 KB, 983x592)
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Is Sony A6100 or A6400 a good upgrade from Sony Nex 3?
A6100 is gimped. I'd avoid.
>aps-cope cams intended to be worse than the full frame models
Buy e-m1 ii
Yes, it would be lightyears ahead of the shitty first gen NEX UI. Having said that though, Sony has the worst UI of any brand. So its like going from bad rotten tasting shit to almost okay tasting shit (but its still shit).
I've got like 1-2k to play with for a frame + a couple of prime lenses for portrait photography and low light gigs

Should I keep saving and get an a7c or just buy an a6400 now and go for the cropped sensor meme
Buy an a7iii instead for the entire shutter and usable evf
Is the EVF really that bad on the a7c? I've used smaller Sony evfs before on the rx100 and that seemed fine. What's wrong with the shutter?

I might give both a shot

But considering an a6400 is half the price of an a7iii here I might just go for that, granted i don't know too much about crop lenses
Yes its bad even for an EVF
Extremely poorly built camera with no IBIS

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wow, it looks just as low resolution as a DSLRs OVF!
Unless you really hate the evf bump or just like the aesthetics get an a7iii. Its the same sensor with better controls and a better evf and the exact same sensor. As for crop cameras the a6400 is alright if a bit pricey.
I do hate the EVF bump

It makes the a7 look like an incel camera, it will repel normies

>No hump
Chad tier guy

Incel sitting in bushes with a telephoto lens
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>Is Sony [...] good [...]?
No. It's time to switch systems
excuse me aya is MY wife, do not post her
he's not wrong though. the bump was a necessity with SLR designs. with mirrorless we could do away with it but greedy camera jews would have to pay for new moulds so they kept the dumb design
Would Aya be a gearfag
It's necessary because it allows for a larger higher res EVF. The A7C models make a compromise to get rid of the hump.
Nah that's because they're recycling older EVF they have in stock

They could produce a better EVF but why when they can just stick in an old a6400 EVF and sonyfags still buy it

Look up the specs, it's basically the same
Save up a little more for a used a6700 if you have a collection of Sony apsc lenses built up, used a7III if you don't and you can start building up a FF lens collection. The a6100/a6400's ergos are dogshit and once you have a decent sized grip with a front dial you won't want to go without them ever again.
If you want the proper APS-C experience get a Fuji. Sony is a meme. Even micro four turds is better than that.

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