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Lets talk about what's important in photography.
>gear & technique
Pre-visualising your image is critical.
Having an idea of the result you want to achieve lets you make intelligent choices for gear and settings.
Having yourself and your kit prepared for the shot you want means that when the moment arises you can get it.
Be where the photo is, with a camera ready.
>emphasis on ready
>choose a lense and a place to be
>does it need tripod, filters or lighting
>pre-set focus, exposure
When you or your gear are new, then snapshit away and peep the results, but when you want to see a step up, use gear you know and with intentionality.
Don't expect your gear to suddenly do something you've never seen it do before without a plan to use it differently.
Don't expect the rules of photography to work differently for you than they have for anyone else since the dawn of time.
Once you accept and work with rather than against them, it actually becomes pretty easy to get good images.
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Expensive gear is awesome, and if you want world class results you should should buy it and use it.
However your photos probably don't warrant it, and almost all good/great photos could have been taken with almost any camera, given more or less effort from the photographer.
Learning to use what you have properly will leave you feeling like an enlightened monk in a sea of gearfagging idiots.
>most sharp photos are taken with stopped down apertures in good light
>most lenses are sharp stopped down, even junk zooms
>most cameras have plenty of resolution and dynamic range for good light

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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Color Space InformationUncalibrated
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A super capable kit is great when it lets you take a photo that would have been impossible otherwise.
It's actually a handicap if you use it to
>zoom instead moving to frame the shot correctly
>push files to avoid exposing correctly
>replace a tripod
Almost any photo will look much better framed with a 24mm than a 16mm; or with a 100mm rather than a 400mm.
Having the whole frame fit within the dynamic range of a jpeg means you've probably got a clean capture to work with. If it doesn't you probably fucked up and took a photo in shitty light.
If you can't get the shot at 1/60, f/2.8, ISO800, it's likely to not matter what camera or lense
you're using; without a tripod (or a flash) you're about to take a snapshit.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
1. A camera left behind is invariably photos left untaken.
2. Good lighting is a meme.
3. Your flash is an essential weapon.
4. Megapixels do not a photo make.
5. Sharpness is a lie sold to you by big glass.
6. Reject composition, for chance is the language of the cosmos.
7. Photography should be fun.
8. There are NO bad cameras.
9. Emotion is the soul of an image.
10. The best photos are made under the most unexpected of circumstances.
impressive anon I couldn't make worst points if I tried
>Pre-visualising your image is critical.
stopped reading here

i rely on chance and intuition, the dionysian free spirit, i prize the spontaneity. . you're autism is sickening and sucks the soul of everything.
Garry winogrand was a hack consciously discouraging art because of his nature - wanting the host nation to worship decay, ugliness, and the unskilled and stupid
t. photos of building corners and the back of people heads
i don't like him nor i can see what is special about his shit. photography has the edge of spontaneity over other arts and it is fucking foolish the discard it.
>blurry backs of heads in black and white, spent $3000 on gear for this
Street snappers are derivative copying the same little gang of 20th century scam artists for eternity
i am not even a street photographer but im not a retard to deny photography's suit

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