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File: 28years.jpg (35 KB, 640x480)
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I think it looks awful, personally.

Should've used a DJI Pocket 3.

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>shot with an Iphone 15 Pro
And $100K+ worth of lens and other attachments
Also this is a fake trailer
How do you attach a $100k lens to an iPhone?
Look at all the converters and adapters attached to it. That thing looks like a jigsaw puzzle.
It’s a zombie movie. They could shoot it with fingerprints dripping on a chalkboard and it wouldn’t make any difference. Just gonna put a puke green filter on the whole fucking thing anyway. I mean honestly most of the best movies ever made in all of cinema history were shot in B&W & halfassed colorized later anyway. Most movies ever made look like garbage and it doesn’t matter one bit. All the millions of dollars worth of state of the art gearfaggoty and no ones still made a movie as riveting as a Hitchcock film shot on retardocolor v.1. The greatest music performances ever recorded were recorded in mono on a reference mic on a shitty reel to reel across a noisy echoey hall from the stage. BFD, it’s a privilege to exist in a time where we have the ability to hear those notes being played at all, and every one you can make out over the line going into the pisser is a fucking treasure.
wtf jesus. looks AI uspcaled
This is bait right? It's obviously a fake fan-made trailer filled with scenes from other movies and AI garbage like this
What even is the point of using an iphone if you are going to use it like that?
apple money truck
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Every now and then some hack director does this to prove a point, it always falls apart when pushed. The saddest part is they do it to lure plebs into thinking "a phone is all you need to do cinema" while they still spend millions in lighting, sets, makeup and everything else that matters. It still looks better than whatever some rando could do with a pro camera and no skills, though. But that's a low bar.
File deleted.
It's a marketing stunt, a flex on what they can do with "just a phone". Everyone benefits.
The director gets exposure and sells ticket despite garbage material that no one would watch if not shot on a phone, Apple gets free publicity. It's a racket, a dog and pony show (tm) if you will.
Can anyone id the slider they're using here?
That was different. It was a more than competent camera and it wasn't publicized to the audience as widely as this was before release. It was trivia, this is the selling point of a dull movie just like with Unsane, High Flying Bird, The Florida Project, Tangerine (this one with a hefty dose of pozz for more gimmick marketing to urbanite basedboys and cat ladies).
Why would that matter? It's a slider.
Wasn't the whole point behind using the 5D that it was tiny compared to what they'd regularly use? Iirc it was the building collapse episode and it was mostly filmed up close in amongst all the rubble.
It's also cheap to replace, essentially disposable to such a big production. Great as a crash camera.
Indeed, how fucking lazy and dishonest can someone get? "Oh look, I shot this movie on a phone, give Oscars pls"
What are you talking about. schizo?
Not clicking your pedophile link.
it's a bot that's triggered by the word pony lmao it always randomly pops up all over the boards.
openAI isn't sending their best...
>This movie was shot with an iPhone 15 Pro
>It was revealed to me in a dream
This is a mix of AI, cuts from different movies and who knows what else.
Yeah because it's not the actual trailer. You suck.
>I think it looks awful, personally.
yeah, tm sucks and keeps missing the mark
not a good look
"28 days later" series films were always shot on "new tech" from the time they were released
this is the same as that, in current year using a phone would be like using a canon camcorder for a big budget film in the 2000s
wait holy shit i hadnt seen this fake trailer you posted
anon this is fake and AI generated lol

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