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>10.000 rolls of film
>plebs going crazy because of the lost and found trope backstory
>not a single good photo in her whole portfolio

How did she do it?
>nophoto being butthurt about a dead woman
go out and shoot, faggot
I love Vivianne Miedemaier
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>10.000 canvases with paint
>plebs going crazy because of the mentally ill forgotten painter backstory
>not a single good painting in his whole portfolio

Nobody liked his painting while he was alive.
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Monet was the last great artist everything coming after him is just intellectual jerk off
Because she was a woman shooting at a time when there were very very few female photographers. This is catnip for feminists and shitlibs.
>intellectual jerk off
you mean wannabe intellectual jerk off, there's really no intelligence when it comes to modern art

there is film stock available any nation on earth
better be well behaved to make request for material
>obsessive compulsive
>did photography just for herself
>beat the shit out of spoiled rich brats to teach them manners
>left behind 150,000 negatives
>gave her life to photography
>never compromised on her principles
She is literally /ourgirl/. She took some really great shots doe.
she's a woman. that's enough for commie libshits praising her shit. like that cunt ada lovelace and that other cunt grace hopper and that nasa cunt. all of them were incompetent or just assistants yet they're being praised by commies like there's no tomorrow
>thousands of photos
>shared with no one
>not a single good photo in her whole portfolio
>ton of selfies
she's literally me. I love her so much.
>street photography
Maier is an exercise in asking why photography often isn't considered high art/real art.

If a random retard takes enough photos, if you go through them later you will find a few dozen good ones. At the time, no one would have found them good due to them still being in their original context - the random output of a random person with a camera.
she was not
the size of her sensor helped her a lot

because medium format is higher quality it made the ordinary more worth looking at than it would have been with a blurry lens and half of a full 35mm frame. this is why 4x5 is preferred for photographing trees. no one wants to look at a grainy tree shaped impression as much as they want to admire a tree in greater detail.
>How did she do it?
Better than you.

>natural born gearfag
>what is composition

Get lost you fucking retard.
all of the retards itt who are saying her work was shit and easy, feel free to pick up a camera and hit the street and make work like.

take a week or two and post your shit in this thread. accept this and i'll keep this thread bumping for you photo geniuses.
>go and do the exact opposite of what she did to prove you can do what she did
What did zhe mean by this?
What is composition? Something she never used. See >>4366467

If you take enough photos eventually some will be good. That’s it. Her nice gear increased the keeper rate because something as boring as her usual shit only benefits from sharpness = more for the eye to look at.

Shit gear is good for one and ONLY ONE thing.
Portraits. Of. Women.
Occassionally “street” (creepshots of women)
Otherwise its boring as fuck and no one wants to see your blurry grass.
ignore my post and do what she did and post it here
Its also good for hobos

Low res soft shit really hides the heroin scars! Meanwhile high res pixelpeep gear be like
>yes i want to see their acne better
>do what she did
>post it
Anon you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what she did, stop being silly.
>>yes i want to see their acne better
Me and 4K ultra hq porno. You haven’t lived til you bust to shitty surgery scars caked in foundation.
based coomer
artworks gain massive appreciation when the artist is dead. Who knows anon, maybe your photos if you have any will be appreciated more after you die

That's so much the reason why i love this fucking board. Hearts out to you, brothers.
OP has never taken a photo.
>take a week or two and post your shit in this thread. accept this and i'll keep this thread bumping for you photo geniuses.
that's most of /p/, just salty autists hating everything and rarely actually doing the thing they claim to be experts on
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LMAO nothing but coping faggots in this thread. Yea sure it's just because she's a woman, yea sure it's just because she had a rolleiflex, yea sure it's just because she's dead, yea sure photography isn't "real" art.

Newflash, if you have no sense of composition, you also can't identify good composition.
>Good composition
Ah, "put what you want to focus on in the middle because that's where the focusing aid is"
this but unironically
this is a guy who's just angry because the opinion the tastemaker prescribed them got contradicted, a college drone at best

this is a photographer, they can know what other photographers are thinking, and usually, that is "nothing"
I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink
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You can act pretentious, or you can admit that vivian maier is another case of someone taking enough random snapshits for long enough eventually producing a few dozen okay photos by accident.

There is no artists mind. There is no creativity. She just snapped whatever she saw following the most pedestrian advice (center subject and sunny 16) and over 10,000 rolls, so about 12 times that many individual frames, eventually produced 10 memorable photos.
This isn't a good composition. It's messy. The dude on the left is cut in half at the edge of frame and so is the car on the right dragging down the entire image, without those it would have actualyl been a great composition. As is, it is extremely average but a fun moment. 5/10
>she has to because...uh..she just is.. okay!
You can't even come up with a single reason why she isnt good, so yeah.
10000 rolls is crazy.
I am doing a massive year long project to shoot 100 rolls and it feels tons of work.

At 2 per week it would take 100 years, she must of been doing a roll per day, for almost 30 years.
>No, she has to be good because "the experts" told me she's good!
120000+ photos, inevitable that someone who knows how to operate a camera will get something good eventually just by pointing it at anything they think is interesting. you are observing how complete chaos can generate something you can accept as art.

but it's just a minor public nuisance playing the numbers game
she was mostly shooting 6x6 so less photos per roll

Ok so then it is about the same as my project of 100 rolls of 36exp 35mm per year. 36x2=72 per week
7x12=84 per week

It’s doable but uses a ton of your spare time.
I (((wonder)))
>If you take enough photos eventually some will be good.
and yet you can't post one good one of yours. this is also as stupid a cope as saying "if you draw enough eventually one of your drawings will be good, so drawing isn't art."
Drawing takes actual skill, unlike pointing a camera at anything that moves for 120k button presses.
How come nobody on p shoots 10k rolls of film, literally getting mogged hard here, being too poor or not motivated enough both make you inferior.

This is why this women makes p so mad isn’t it.
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>be an unassuming woman going about her day who likes to take photos
>have no interest in publishing, just do it for your own amusement
>pass away
>decades later some random faggot digs up your negatives and makes a bank on your name
This is why I'll arrange for all my shit to be burned and keep the digital files on encrypted drives.
Getting there my nigga, I just took the tally the other day and I'm at 7800 photos with all formats combined. There's maybe one or two decent ones somewhere in there.
She died and a relative spun this scam to make money without having to do any work lmao

She shot 10k rolls, mostly of random garbage, died a nobody, and now her relatives are trying to scam art hipsters. That's it. And here you are white knighting for a dead woman, unknowingly defending the scam of a dead relative.

Seething so hard, either go shoot 10k rolls of film or admit this women has beaten you.
She's dead bro she won't fuck you
still no photos posted, strange since it is so easy and its just a numbers game apparently
I'm at just under 190 rolls for this year so far, probably 150 of that is 35mm. Could have been more but missed some events. I'm not even in my winogrand phase yet
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Nice bot, always nice to remember how fucking bad she was even with curation of 120k photos.
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a lot of these are snapshits but there are some cool ones I could see werr fun to take
I wonder how much that film must've cost though, and how could she afford it
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not a bot, just too many idiots like you posting without anything to back it up. figured anons who don't know her body of work would like to see a selection
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>You have to post your photos to dislike snapshits
They are snapshits, I know the tastemakers insisted you believe otherwise but art is full of scams like this.

Also your ability to spam this fast makes me not want to post photos for you because this board is full of autists who check exif, filenames, and apparent locations and even fake evidence to repeatedly accuse people of fucking their pets or raping 14 year olds. Especially people who shit on autists current religion ie: street photography, fujifilm, m43.
>a million mirror selfies, attractive woman, iphone: :|
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>ability to spam
I just mass downloaded the pictures from her self portrait section on the website about her work and have been posting them while watching starcraft, nice cope about how you're such a paranoid schizophrenic and see boogeymen everywhere however
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its very interesting that people believe disliking something others like makes them intelligent
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>Others like
all 5 people that listen to the art world overmind, few but obnoxious
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I had never heard of this woman before tonight, decided to look her up on seeing this thread and the reactions in it and thought that some of her photos were interesting and certainly thought her story of taking a gajillion photos apparently just because she enjoyed it was also very relatable. I know it is hard to believe but people can independently come to the conclusion that they like things, and there's nothing wrong with that.
>i am white knighting for snapshits by a dead woman
120k photos
professional curation
and the best they got was selfies

if this shit is gold then why isn't ever other teenage girl an art great? camera expensiveness? or lack of relatives trying to make money off it?
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>I find this work interesting and relatable and want to post it in a thread about the photographer
and as I said above I specifically downloaded the self portraits section of this website
which also contains multiple street portfolios, so its not as though she only took self portraits that's just what I picked since I enjoyed them and the OP photo was one of them

Nice work anon, what are you photographing to shoot that much?
Also what film are you using?
t. instathot
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ignore these retards anon. her self portraits are really touching and cool.
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Can you post some non selfie stuff, I can’t judge properly from mirror selfies.
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okay, last one for now.

Actually don’t bother I just went and looked, it’s street photography, it’s always going to be boring.
female garry winogrand sure gets a lot more internet defense than male garry winogrand

This guy sucks too, you can see exactly where Instagram selfies came from, same shit just on black and white film.
im shooting street mostly and then some stuff with models on the side. 80% of my 35mm is double x with the rest being delta 400 and 3200 and a tiny bit of E100. for 120 its a mix of delta 400 and tri x but im going to stop using tri x because i dont like it.
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Make 1,200,000 snapshits and eventually, after 50-100 years some fag will find a couple of shots interesting because their daily life subject matter changed so much.

It's the same comparison to Van Gogh, actually. Nobody liked him while he was alive, because his paintings were shit and his personality was equally shit or even worse. That's why Meier didn't make it, Van Gogh didn't make it, and that's why some autist Anon might make it in 75 years, if he hides his rolls well enough and tells his niece to open his figurine cupboard on her death bed.
Can you point out which one you think are good?
i'm at a little over 70 rolls for the year. i do split my shooting close to evenly between film and digital but getting into the thousands of rolls/lifetime is pretty impressive.
absolutely CHECKD
i think her work is definitely interesting because of the environment she photographed, especially being an outsider artist in that time period, but I don't think you could consider her some kind of prodigy
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i want to see everything
is there some torrent
or something on archive.org

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Ask her nephew who fabricated the whole "lost and found" story. Dude even lied about buying her undeveloped rolls on an auction
some book are available on archive and anna's archive
why are you so butthurt about this dude
>woman snapshits to pass time, same as every girl with an iphone
>but her camera is more expensive and has big film area
>suddenly "outsider artist"
Wow, so sensor size does matter
this is a man
i would suck his doe fr fr
not gay btw
he is the house subhuman of /p/ee. he is putting little bit effort more into hating her because isn't jewish. if god forbid she was jewish you would have seen 150 posts screeching about da jooooz. he has single-handedly raped discussions about photographers on /p/ award on his jacket.
Can we get that in literally any current human language, schizo?
fills all holes with your fingers and you shall receive honey in the hollows
Como, schizo?
>be vivian maier
>autistic and raped
>femcel, unable to love or form romantic relationships due to autism and being raped
>be nanny
>underpaid by rich retards who can't be fucked to raise their own spoiled retarded children
>take pictures in solitude for your own enjoyment
>die in squalor living in apartment full of hoarded garbage
>opportunistic talentless retard buys up your entire life's work and obsessively trudges through all your hoarded garbage
>makes a fortune publishing your private artwork
>"this is what she would've wanted, actually"
>talentless faggot that stole your pictures directs posthumous documentary about you
>airs out your dirty laundry
>former employers laugh about how you talked and walked weird and were an unfuckable freak and how you were strange for valuing your privacy 30 years after any of them last thought about you
>you have been dead for 15 years
>nophoto gearfags call your photos not meant for public consumption hooknose jew instathot snapshits
I feel bad for her, bros.
oh, really?

>autistic and raped
> unable to love or form romantic relationships due to autism and being raped
>underpaid by rich retards who can't be fucked to raise their own spoiled retarded children
she is just like me
she's literally me except i'm a guy and haven't been raped and have a pretty good job and am still alive
because every bitch has an iPhone in 2k18+6 but not that many bitches were snapshitting in the 1950s? i dont think this is very hard to understand

also did you schizophrenia alucinate something about gear in my post? get help
wow so if we take away every thots camera but one, the last camera thot will be an artist
I like many of them for different reasons but my favorite is probably this one because of the little smirk. She knew she was going to get this shot, certainly, and must have felt good about it. Maybe she met eyes with the guy unloading the mirror and they smiled at each other as people sometimes do. Maybe she was just having a good day and happy to be shooting pictures. I don't know but I'm glad to see her happy doing something she clearly had passion for.
>i dont think this is very hard to understand
am i wrong lads? do you actually need high iq to understand its not the same
I imagine these same people don't see the value in documentary photography period, let alone something like this.
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All of these are Instagram level snapshits. If she had an iPhone she'd be doing selfies.
nophoto mad
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>nophotos are so self-loathesome they cant comprehend the concept or appeal of the self portrait
you should try loving yourself, anon

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Excessive self portraits betray narcissism and vanity
Is it not narcissism and vanity that drives a man to argue with multiple people that their eyes and feelings are wrong and his opinion is right?
No because you don't need to take any credit for calling someone a faggot on 4chan
And this lady never took credit for her self portraits, she did it for herself, so what was your fucking point
>pop-psych use of “narcissism”
confidence in oneself is a widely celebrated trait in male artists but when a weird lady does it it’s off-putting to you for some reason
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Compositioneless snapshit
ok i'll say it
>tfw no vivian gf
>almost every photo is just her reflection or her shadow

That’s the angle she is marketed at. First female artist and extensive list of artistic selfies. The rest of her work is irrelevant to the female artist part so is forgotten.

I mean has a women ever done good street photography ever? I can’t think of any, it’s basically too dangerous for them in this day and age.
She's the instagram girl. Selfies, reflections of herself and her shadows. She'd have an OnlyFans and PornHub accounts if she was born in 2000.
It reeks of narcissism for sure. 150,000 photos and it seems like 80% are of herself.
>She is literally /ourgirl/
John Maloof, curator of some of Maier's photographs, summarized the way the children she nannied would later describe her:
She was a Socialist, a Feminist, a movie critic, and a tell-it-like-it-is type of person. She learned English by going to theaters, which she loved ... She was constantly taking pictures, which she didn't show anyone.*

[*] https://vivianmaier.blogspot.com/2009/10/unfolding-vivian-maier-mystery.html
>She was a Socialist,
no source, made up lies to pander bullshit to normalfags. being an anti capitalist is the bare minimum to have a soul
> Feminist
no source, made up lies to pander bullshit to normalfags
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>nobody posing her kino shots
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anon were going to need you to move to north korea if you keep talking
Keep seething jewboi
(((karl marx)))
>not a single good photo in her whole portfolio
Post yours
Does OP have a book about his work written by a conman israeli?
I don't fucking think so
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based viv
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It happens to all of us idiot. I have snapshits I took in 2005 that werent exciting then, but looking at them in 2024 they're slightly more interesting because the places that I took them in have mostly been demolished or changed, and the people in those photos dress different now.

Its just like how post 9/11 *any* image of the WTCs were seen as instantly iconic and a symbol of america when a year ago you'd see those same shots on postcards on every tourist stand in the city selling for a buck.

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