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>Ricoh printerfag thinks he can buy an "undercover" street camera to make him invisible
>Starts taking unwanted photos of a melatonin enriched gentleman and his partner
>He camera and face gets rearranged


How do you keep your gear safe /p/?
thoughts on his work?
>5 year old article
>Photographer thinks he can take photos of anything in public and everyone will be okay with it
Kind of inspiring knowing he has expired multiple RicohGRiii's for this work
>"I'm a little more wary of what I am shooting"
Yeah, don't anger the chimps. Basically life's golden rule.
I would carry my obviously not a film camera on a neckstrap sometimes and have had multiple of them tell me to stop filming, and one time I had a spot meter out and they thought it was a camera.

Other times I've felt them staring at me waiting to see if I take a picture and I put the lens cap on the camera to reassure them their picture won't be taken while 30 video cameras film them on every street.

So silly.
Video camera. It was a film camera. They didn't believe it wasn't recording. :(
happens. I was taking some pictures of some pigeons and some crazy dude came up behind me and asked if I took his photo a few blocks back. when I said no, that I hadn't been shooting until I saw these pigeons he got super fucking angry and was like "oh I guess you were just taking pictures of the ground then huh? huh?" and I was like wtf?? people are touchy about their privacy in weird ways I guess
Cringe. You can tell by the framing he fired off the shot as quickly as possible and hid his camera away. It could've been a good shot if he took 2 steps forward
He relaxed, never relax.
II don't really do street photograhpy, but even at events and such I've been to I've had the local bogans loudly yell at people with their cameras out about taking photos of them. Like recently I was at something called the moon festival where it's shoulder-to-shoulder and this bald fat 60 year old was straight up chimping over these teenagers taking photos of one of the festival dances.
Even if 0.1% of people are like this, it's bound to happen.
Such disgusting creatures.
Holy shit Clive you are so fucking pathetic you gearcel stop embarassing yourself in public dude nobody wants to hear about your pancakes that you will never buy
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By being the visibly bigger asshole

>hey you can't take my picture!

"Fuck off, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy you're in public dipshit, everyone here has a camera in their pocket on their phone and there's security cameras all around this bar watching you, if you don't like cameras stay home retard, call the cops if it's such a big problem"

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Do not forget to pepper spray them when they get in your face.

That's actually not a horrible idea especially in blue Democrat liberal population centers where guns are controversial. Bless the deserving with the hot sauce, something decent like POM that shoots a stream. Can't carry firearms in bars either so the pepper spray would work well.

I've never been attacked while shooting in public, but then again I don't shoot around blacks (mostly) or really rough parts of town and I don't shoot much after midnight, with obvious exceptions.
>notting hill carnival
I mean that’s practically asking for surprise buttsex as a white person lol. Why would anyone even? It’s one of the most notorious events that causes observable spikes in all kinds of criminality while it’s going on.
.... what the actual fuck are you talking about?
He takes his job at IHOP very very seriously.
>I don't know anything about thing but I'm going to tell you about what I reckon anyway
Classic tapwater bogan retard
Please, it's bongwater not tapwater
Firstly, everyone who shoots street should be punched in the face at least once so they learn a little humility. Secondly, it's not even that bad. He got hit in the nose and it bled, it's probably not even broken. I would say quit being a pussy, but then he' a street photographer, being a pussy is a prerequisite.
I am a street photographer. I told your mother she was beautiful and I wanted to take a picture of her for art. She demanded I take nudes of her and do the old in-n-out back at her place. It was beautiful.
Escalate your own aggression far beyond that of the aggressor. This will only work reliably if you are >6’0” tall and >200lbs.
>Mfw 5'11" and 185lbs
Landscape and architecture photography it is I guess
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This is a question for oldfags but does anyone have the greentext of that guy that was taking pictures in a nightclub and some roid-rage gorilla "asked" him to let him take a photo? He posted the picture and his face was priceless
Thats was me in the picture, please delete it if you have it
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Tripfag delivers.

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>the chick silently trying to figure out who has the bigger dick
comedy gold
Mah man
>empty red bull fridge
what a cursed place that must be.
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I come to this board every 6 months and see this same fucking image and article with 5 threads of street signs and building fronts taken from street level asking
>am I a good photographer
any time I mention street photography I get into a retard shouting match with some one saying it takes no skill to "run and gun" and then proceeds to post pictures of fat girlfriend taken from behind in a helicopter or some shit

>I don't shoot around blacks
No kids, no blacks is how I shoot. Funny a good street photography youtube channel featured some guy and the only issues he had were two fat loud and aggressive blacks
>channel featured some guy and the only issues he had were two fat loud and aggressive blacks
buy an ad nigger
stfu do you think any outside link to content is self promotion? you think I'm these fucking newyork city niggas. this board is containment for autistics gear fags and retards who can't take portraiture except for fucking dolls
Fuck off Trevor you dysgenic fuck
my name isnt trevor you asperger's patient
Nice try Trevor
Fuck off and die Trevor
I fucking hate that nigga trevor like you wouldn't believe it
fuck off and buy a fucking ad trevor

Holy shit you're still on here sugar?
>At the Notting hill carnival
Wow, what a surprise
why do you act so tough online Sugar? You do this and then also virtual signal how you don't sleep with models and how "problematic" it is
he fat
nuff said
Because he's a loser. He acts tough online because he's a coward in real life. He doesn't sleep with models because they won't sleep with him (you'd understand why if you saw a photo of him).

He just says/does whatever he needs to in order to prop up his increasingly fragile mental state where he is badass and in control of his life because in reality he has been completely spiraling into self destruction after being let go from his job, which until then formed half his identity. He simply cannot handle being both a failed truck driver and photographer. But after years and years of posting photos without any meaningful improvement to his work or recognition from anyone that his photos are good, he is about to have a complete breakdown.

There would be more dignity in it to just admit that he has failed and start over, try something new. But he's too much of a coward to look in the mirror with honesty.
As you can see sometimes AAVE just gets the point across better and more accurately than larping as sigmund freud’s spiteful cousin and heaving a mountain of fresh bullshit from the depths of uranus.

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