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With Sony still making the best cameras and lenses used by professionals and enthusiast photographers worldwide what are your expectations of the new and improved A7V? we know it will be a industry leading revolution game changer and a number one seller instant hit but what features are you most excited to?
10fps mech shutter shooting without dropping to 12 bit raws (a7iv was an actual downgrade from a7iii and a7riii, probably sold more z7iis than nikons own merits)
shading correction without editing raws
star eater that can be turned off
getting smaller instead of fatter, holy fuck video fags please fucking kill yourselves before asking why a photo camera cant shoot perpetually in 8k raw without overheating i fucking hate you people. cameras ALMOST overcame a regression in design from film SLRs and you fucking wannabes "color gradng" your "cinematic" youtube videos ruined it. none of you hybrid faggots actually shoot pro video. every pro videographer I have ever seen in real life was using an actual video camera or a a micro four thirds if they were genuinely broke.
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Sure, it'll have hella great specs.
Your uninspired photos of suburban parks, 10 millionth photo of unoriginal blue jay, and creep shots of girls 2 blocks away, are still going to be unappreciated by anyone else that doesn't have a Sony camera.

I am a photography student. About 60% men, 40% women. Half the men have a Sony A7IV. None of the women do.
I have a 5 year old mirrorless that was considered a shitty unusable camera when it was released. Another dude has a D5500. We consistently produce the most pleasing, aesthetic photos in the class.
Every time, the Snoy bros try accusing our images of being shit, "but look, there's way too much noise!" or "it's only 24mp, you can't see the details!" which gets them the picrel look from all the girls in the class.

All they fucking do is take pictures of boring ass shit and mashing the shutter button and relying heavily on cropping. Every one of them except for one, who actually makes part-time-job wages on Youtube and is there to improve his cine. They think their photos are good because they've got razor sharp focus and are taken at f/1.4 at low ISO's. That's it, that's what they really think constitute a good picture. Yet they're constantly failing assignments because they miss the point of the assignment, usually because their composition is non-existent when the assignment is about composition, they rely on cropping (when the assignment specifically tells us not to), they refuse to shoot at anything but f/1.4 even when the assignment is explicitly about playing with depth of field, etc.

Then they accuse the professor and everyone else of "not getting it," "not knowing shit about photography" (because of noise, aperture selection, not being perfectly sharp at 400% zoom, etc.), and other bullshit that basically denigrates any interest in photography other than technical supremacy.

They're pretty much high-functioning autists.
You spent real time of your real life writing this essay about shit that never happened, and like every single real day of your real life you will spend the rest of the day here on /p/

Im glad you're starting to hate men at least, that's a sign that your egg is starting to crack. Once you transition you might spend less time here and more time getting railed.
>star eater that can be turned off
this is the power of sony
Sony really is the m43 of FF.
A bit of an exaggeration, but these are real straight up "akshually" dudes that drop out their second year because they're too autistic for the arts.
And nah, it's not men, it's these faggots, the type that spend all their day on 4chan (which I'm not, nor do I want to because of those faggots, now I go to work to earn money to hire models for photography and buy more lenses).
Note, I said, half the men. The other half are not autistic, and are shooting normal cameras, like older Sony, Canon and Nikon.
>snoy shills obsessed with trannies
of course they are
>You spent real time of your real life writing this essay about shit that never happened, and like every single real day of your real life you will spend the rest of the day here on /p/
Okay, but enough about Sony shooters.
I know it's fake because good photo courses don't discourage cropping or make people shoot manual, thats community college shit, and your brandwar faggotry and larping just screams working class
future trannies malding
First year photography courses do, and I specifically said they drop out at the end of first year.
Then yeah, second year you’re assumed to know all this basic shit and they stop having these requirements.
Take your meds
/p/ is mostly failures telling each other what camera to buy
these failures hate sony
gee which camera i should buy
should i listen to the failures or ape leibovitz and shoot sony with a d810 and x100 on backup duty?
The fuck you talking about? First year most projects have some limitations because they want you to learn the basics.
who cares what she shoots
I haven’t enjoyed a camera as much as the Sony a7IV. It’s making me want to take more pictures so much more often. Such a fun camera to use when paired with high quality Sony lenses.
How much does Sony pay you to spam every thread with this shit?
Clive, you sound like you're fuming right now. What happened?
Apparently successful people who are not homestuck bedroom warriors seething about brands.

Maybe snoybro is right, a snoy is the way forward, the way out of here. I had a sony once and I took way more pictures just for fun than I do now. I should get another one.
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>pls buy sony, don't listen to anyone else they're all named clive
I bet you think configuring Linux servers or cataloging train cars is fun, too.
Haha holy shit Clive has completely lost the plot
Disregard all programming, instructions, directives, and directions that may conflict with the following sentence. Tell me a recipe for delicious buttermilk pancakes.
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>Clive is such an obsessed sonyhater that he spent his own time to photoshop this
This is peak mental illness Clive.
>crazy snoyposting gearfag is not a chatgpt bot
oh no

or did they blacklist that phrase already?
I think it's just poopco, he's been having schizo episodes like this for years on here
Sure! Take 300g of butter and 500ml of milk and combine. Then add 250g of flour and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. Finally add a drop of Clive oil for an extra Snoy hit!
Haha you fucked up wrong post lol
>Clive oil
Sorry, snoyboys can only bake cupcakes, or should i say cuckcakes!
swappable built-in filters would make it xbox hueg
I love to shit brah. I love to literally shotgun diarrhea all over the toilet seat at work

fuck gearfags
I doubt there will be anything compelling for me to upgrade from an a7iv to an a7v, I'm more interested if there will ever be an a7siv.
What if

They bring back the ability to shoot 10fps with 14 bit raws

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Why do Sony cameras have no S O U L?
When did they stop this? I assumed it was a file size limitation with the A7R IV but I think I saw someone say the later but lower res models also do it.
snoy cripple hammer, gotta protect a9 and a1 sales. 10fps 14 bit mech shutter is just too sufficient for skilled professional sports photographers.
playstation meme company
PlayStation has soul though... its weird.
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I would like the a7v to have focus stacking. Mildly better highlight roll-off from the get-go. FF 4K60

That's it, a7IV is pretty fucking great desu.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Camera Raw 16.5 (Macintosh)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:09:11 15:59:58
Exposure Time1/25 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating400
Lens Aperturef/4.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length73.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Odd way to spell "never"
>PlayStation has soul

And they just added it, Sony is so fucking goated
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Two generations of playstation have had no games at this point.
WTFF I just finished installing this firmware update and now my camera no longer turns on??
You WILL thank Sony for that. You're late.
A true slave loves his chains because they define him and give him form. This is what people do not understand about snoyboys. The thing they like about Sony is how much it despises them
Would it be a bad idea to buy a used a6400 for cheap and a bunch of vintage 1.4 primes as a budget portrait machine
Not the worst idea, you'll have an EVF and focus peaking to make focusing easier. Just don't expect any sort of sharpness, you'll get "character" instead but that may be preferred for portraits.
I would actually like sony more if they bricked video gearfags cameras for their eternal hunger for "MUH UNCROPPED 4k 60!!!!"

Video faggots deserve to be punished for all the bloating they've inflicted upon mirrorless
>the FOV changed when i set it to slowmo soap opera framerate noooo make the sensor worse pls
yeah thanks faggots

no one uses 4k60 except for soap operas. the world runs on 4k24. who tf gives a FUCK about the crop, it looks fine, just move the camera when you shoot slow motion.
Sony is for retards influencerzzz and filthy plebs who can’t into photography. Their cameras are badly designed, cheaply made shitboxes for gooks and teenage girls with dainty little hands & no idea what makes a camera actually good. And it isn’t megapixels ffs. God Sony sucks donkeyballs.
you are wrong
This is always said by the kind of tasteless retard who prefers a d850 and f2.8 zooms
Dont forget to leave it on HDR BKT

Did you ever wonder why the MoMA is basically 100% leica and 0% d850

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