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I finally understand landscape photographers pain, 2 months of constant landscape photo uploads then I upload 1 photo to my art nude project and it gets more engagement than all 40 of the landscape photos I uploaded combined.

It doesn’t help there is only so many landscape locations where you live then you are out of content.

Also landscape thread, what are you shooting? What is working, what isn’t?

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Where, Insta? It's full of horny jeets.
That's just how people work. The most famous landscape paintings either include people or use a fantastical art style. If you actually spend time browsing landscape photos for fun I'm afraid you're the weirdo.
>Beautiful art is less popular than porn pretending to be art
include nudes in your landscape photos
landscape photography is the midlife crisis sports car oh photography. ever looked at who's doing landscape? middle aged men. mostly to escape their family life or after a breakup/divorce.
you do landscape for yourself. not for internet points from horny zoomers on social media. you do it to get out, to spend a day in nature, to have something nice you can print and hang on your wall.
if you upload it to social media and expect external validation you are a woman or a zoomer.
>Also landscape thread
upload one of your landscape photos then
I used to shoot Landscapes just for the landscape. But what really sets my best landscape photographs apart was the human's interacting with it or animals sometimes. Like my dog running through the marshy grasslands of a saltwater marsh. Or in the case of my wife her hiding topless amidst all the grass with only your breasts poking out like two flat shield volcanoes of pink and Crimson skin tones in a sea of green.
>middle aged men. mostly to escape their family life or after a breakup/divorce.

t. middle aged man trying not to kill himself
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based and topless wifepilled

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>t. middle aged man trying not to kill himself
I suggest you get an OM-5
also watch this video about how switching to micro four thirds helped this guy leaving his wife and 4 children to save his mental health:

Kek, is this the most desperate marketing campaign in history or what?
>thinking of killing yourself?
>buy an olympus first!
>please respond
snoy, canon and fuji destroy lives. m43 saves them.
>Women destroy lives until you can only afford an m43

looks like doghair has us all beat
so he kills himself sooner?
>human gf: go broke after she leaves you and takes all 4 kids, and your money. end up forced to pretend micro four thirds is good otherwise you're going to quit photography, the last excuse you have to delay your suicide, and finally off yourself
>german shepherd bf: your butthole is a little loose and your farts smell like dog but you can buy a farm full of sexy goats, shoot as much 8x10 film as you want forever and spend several thousand dollars taking pictures of dead moths

i should get a german shepherd
oddly specific, anon
you can see all of that happening on real time, just come to /fgt/!
Really says a lot about society
If you had a higher resolution full frame camera you could see her tits. Alas you cucked yourself by letting mft's low resolution and high noise censor your photo. At least it was 1/4lb lighter amirite? Who needs to see tits when you can laugh at how light your camera is?
This is the correct answer.
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Silly you, use the nude as element in your landscapes if you want engagement. A landscape usually is better if it includes a person or other element to give a reference of scale and depth anyway.
I myself like to snap "landscapes" I encounter but honestly only real use I find for those is soothing screen backgrounds.
(My current desktop lock screen.)

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>A landscape usually is better if it includes a person
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Ok,could you post your landscape which does not include a person 'or other element to give a reference of scale and depth' and is more than a disposable screen background like mine unfortunately tend to be?

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>'or other element to give a reference of scale and depth'
Never quoted that, i said you were wrong for trying to fit people into landscaping aesthetics.
Here's a famous example anyways, a bit saturated due to XP, there's one around that looks much more like the original.
That is an excellent screen background and famous because being the default background in a popular OS for a while. Edited version removes any distractions. The photograoher definitely deserved to get paid well for the original.
I myself found the brightness of it it annoying and used low key snaps of my own instead but I admit it's a matter of taste.

(I should have the version with Teletubby house and Bill Gates as Teletubby somewhere but can't find it now.)
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It's so over for 30 years old virgin landscape photographers. Sex has polluted everything. There are no horizons left.

Landscape is low tier. Sorry, that's just what the "Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture" decided.
I got curious and tried to search for contemporary landscape photography:
Oh dear.
have sex included in the landscape, that will get you attention
>paint scene fellating your lords and masters good! Best!
Yeah lmao, typical feudo-intellectuals

I am so glad quirky modern art jewshit replaced this.
Not really contemporary landscape is like pic related. Landscape became "man altered landscape"
I have never seen a vagina
Landscape is high tier in american, russian, and nazi german schools of art. France can suck my cock.
They took this with a RZ67 and Velvia (so top tier camera and film), yet it's a shitty tasteless landscape idk why I really don't like this image
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>Historical Painting
c-can this be done in photography?

photobros i don't feel so good
Well, I stopped bothering when I got to this one in the 'Contemporary Landscape Photographers Capture Far More Than...' article.
NGL that's kino
>tall enough to see over the man made horrors but not tall enough to cross it
Historical painting serves no artistic purpose. It's essentially kings saying "painting my version of my exploits in a glorious fashion, and painting my enemies as defeated and ugly, is the best thing an artist can do". Historical painting today is a bunch of dated propaganda stuffing the history books.

Scroll down, the article details how as culture evolved and euros left their dark ages that the hierarchy changed. Landscapes, animals, and natural beauty in general were elevated. Even then, the hierarchy was colored with belief in religions we now know are objectively false, untrue loads of amoral, primitive horseshit, ie: "he who paints man is great because man is created in the image of yahweh" - we can no longer buy this. Humans were not created by yahweh. Humans evolved when a bunch of monkeys made the conscious choice to live better and gradually adapted to their decision to be the kings of the plains instead of jaguar food hanging from trees.

And with the invention of photography we put the nail in historical painting. What good is historical painting, over any other way of recounting events? A negative taken at the time and place has more verisimilitude than an embellished drawing.
I was thinking about historical painting as the paintings which depict mythology and other types of artistic imagery like pic related
Historical painting ran out of mythology to paint fast

It takes thousands of years to turn a dumb bedtime story into a serious myth and one week to run out of material
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You are wrong. See Nickola Simori
*Nicola Samori
>Copy a better artist from 200 years ago
>Rip the canvas
>"I'm doing something new"
welcome to the base of mount bullshit, next stop on the tour, the schizoid cliffs (just before the nepobaby glaciers, now sadly receded due to climate change)
>copy a better artist
tell me a single artist who never copied anyone else? samori has added a tons into it
>I myself found the brightness of it annoying
There's supposedly the scan of the original and it looks much more toned down, then there's the alternative shot with the original colours too but with a cloud blocking the sunrays, it really is all about that lighting in the grass.
Get some taste, subhuman
>then you are out of content
that's why landscape photographers travel
The AI generated catgirl fetish cosplay nudity landscape or whatever you come up with should average 400x as much.

No one said you should just photograph landscapes for popularity, anon.
What did you expect bro? For people to care about your snapshit of a tree? Do you spend a bunch of time looking at landscape photography done by others, I doubt it. Even paintings of landscapes were considered inferior to figure and portrait paintings. Landscapes are just inherently less interesting than other subjects.
maybe its the connection of 'hey maybe i could do this, all it needs is a kit lens and good lights' vs the pro lens fullframe landscapes need.
You just know
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It's the most difficult kind.
You have to be there when history is being made.
They may be once in a lifetime chances.

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Both of these are staged and fake
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>Historical painting serves no artistic purpose. It's essentially kings saying "painting my version of my exploits in a glorious fashion,
>painting some obnoxious fag
so it's essentially wedding photography?

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