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File: Daido - Stray Dog(1971).jpg (274 KB, 1200x941)
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In this thread we'll share brutal street photography that we like. These streets are fucking hard man

Moriyama the GOAT of hard streets
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2.04 MB JPG

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File: Daido A Hunter .jpg (157 KB, 480x685)
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A HUNTER is by far Moriyama's most brutal street photography book. This is like a visual diary of a serial rapist moving around in his. Whole has an extremely sinister atmosphere of rape, lust, pornography, speed and murder. You're so in the visual field of a rabid rapist who with his car can go anywhere.
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File: Moriyama 2.jpg (182 KB, 1024x711)
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Image Created2013:08:17 14:47:20
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This was staged and there is no aesthetic brutality here.
his art is not to my taste but at least he was doing it of his own volition and not copying instagram trends
incredibly based
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this reminds me of a certain meme hmm i can't quite think of it
>>his art is not to my taste but at least he was doing it of his own volition
jesus how new are you? this work is from 1971
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i have only one brutal shot

just the idea of walking barefoot on all that debris is visceral to me

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you are comparing a photographer who made his photobook in 1971 to the fucking insta thots who came 50 years after his book? What is so hard to understand
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i hope you have someone to tie your shoelaces for you

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that's brutal. you should have followed that man he looks like he has seen some real shit
kill yourself boomer
keep posting
keep making a fool of yourself
don't care, it sits coherently in the overall aesthetic of the book. works perfectly with in the logic of that book.
kill yourself
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1.08 MB JPG
>velcro straps confirmed

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Those are bad photos though, and we can tell you're samefagging
kill yourself
shomei tomatsu's oh-shinjuku(1969) is another masterpiece of brutal street photography
fin with tomatsu one of the most famous images
a truly tldr of a brutal photobook
you're the only one who said anything about comparing it to insta thots. telling on yourself a bit eh anon?
why are you samefagging
what is your end game?
I don't know about all that rape shit but this book looks pretty good. thank you
these are fucking awesome
hey kid, wanna see one of the bosses of brutal voyeurism?

let me present you "Kohei Yoshiyuki's The Park"

>The Park, Kohei Yoshiyuki’s cult 1970s photography book, presents its audience with scenes that were not meant to be seen by anyone but the people involved.
One night in the 1970s, when Yoshiyuki and a colleague were walking through Shinjuku’s Chuo Park, they noticed two lovers having sex in the darkness. But what drew his attention was not the act of public copulation, but that there were onlookers surrounding the couple, close to the action but unbeknown them. Yoshiyuki spent the following months diving into this strange, seemingly symbiotic subculture of public sex and its voyeurs before documenting it with his camera and an infrared flashlight.
ok imma end this at gay shit. if you wanna see the gay shit then look at the other half of the book
Didn't this dog have three legs?
You're thinking of the Alice in Chains dog.
File: AAAAAA.jpg (61 KB, 700x582)
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Street snaps ._.
Street snaps, film ö
Street snaps, film, Japan Ö
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222 KB JPG
Is this brutal bros

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taking a random photo of a police offer mid-stop is brave, having that police officer be a woman is having a death wish
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Kino technique wow gonna spam this

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Fucking kino. Some of the best shit I have seen on this board in a while. Post moar
that's not bad at all
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Thank you bros

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It seems to work well on statues this one makes me think basedjak with text bubble but scary

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Is the frog reminds me of the jungle which is brutal

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What the fuck is this retard? This is not brutal. Do whatever you were doing in other photos.
No man they're brutal
You samefag in every thread and always reply in caps when called out, lol. Why do you think your photos are so good? They are shit.
My contribution
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632 KB JPG

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How do you take street photos without being called out? I'm scared that people would call me a creepy for taking pictures of random people in the street.

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grow some balls. nobody cares. if it is legal by law then you should feel no fear. everyone build their own thing so i won't give you any advice. try it man.
I would suggest you to buy a smaller camera from street photography though. people feel way more uncomfortable with a dslr.
Quiet TLR like Yashica Mat or very wide lens and take the subject photo in the corner so they don't think you're photographing them. Sit somewhere and pretend like you don't know how to operate camera. Whatever you do don't use SLR, for some reason it triggers normies, especially if you have big lens on it.
Use a DSLR with the biggest lens possible and dress like you’re on safari.

Verification not required.
just do it pussy.

nobody will actually do anything unless you go up to actual crazy people, and even they have the empathy to not murder or attack you on the spot.

start by taking pictures from a distance, and then get closer. you WILL make people uncomfortable, you can't deny this fact. people are pussybitches everywhere you go, afraid of being seen. photography as an art allows you to confront people to this fact. it's the only art in which the process actively scares people. this is why the dynamic of street art is so interesting. you are going to get judgy looks from people, people will be afraid of you, but you can't let that stop you from pursuing your art. if you have a real passion for photography you WILL break through the social anxiety and fears involved. it will make you stronger aswell.

every person who is impacted by your taking pictures will feel totally happy/normal 5 minutes after the encounter. if they feel uncomfortable in a second they won't later on. it's not a big fucking deal at all, fuck pedestrians.

ill post some pics i took which might be considered "brutal", i like this thread

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If you tastefully edited these you'd already be pretty significantly beyond snapshit territory.
street is categorically snapshits
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1.82 MB
1.82 MB JPG
I fucked up. But color theory is real and it does a lot for pathos.

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I would heavily disagree, but that's fine, case in point, here is an example of what I would categorically not consider a snapshit
except that this isn't street. This is a "cityscape" It is a landscape in form and style. Just with an urbanite pallet swap.
File: R1-07079-0004.jpg (801 KB, 1800x1200)
801 KB
801 KB JPG
talk to people and be very open

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Make eye contact, smile, say hello. If taking photos directly of people, ask if they mind or give them a compliment relating to the photo. You will have bad encounters, but most people are harmless. In my experience most people are concerned I work for an insurance company or I'm taking photos for a lawsuit or something, by just being open and willing to talk to people you can disarm them 99% of the time.
File: DSC00636.jpg (1.96 MB, 6000x3376)
1.96 MB
1.96 MB JPG
Would you consider this brutal street photography? homeless women here in brazil in a city near to me. Talked to her gave her a water bottle she been homeless for like 5 plus year

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this is not brutal. also homeless photography is a low hanging fruit and it is pretty hard to do it right. if story is not in the photo then it is a shit photo, caption can't save it. it is a shit photo.

you're in brazil, that place can be brutal as fuck. there are gangs, violence and shit. go document that shit. Salgado's photos of that gold mine are brutal. you can mooch moriyama's style too.
fuck man Salgado goated with Serra Pelada photographers. peak brutal
you tell them to blow it out their ass, then take more pics of them while they're mad and chasing you
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do you have any hand to hand combat training?
yes i've trained myself by going over every variable of that specific scenario in my head 1000's of times. it has never happened, but i have trained.
bruh...you gon get fucked
i'm unhinged enough i don't really care about any consequence of my actions its okay
Don't be a fag. I know what you're going for but streets can be hard.
This could honestly work because you'll look like a lunatic and people generally leave nutjobs alone.
nah I live in a city safer than 90% of the us I'm privelaged as fuck
nothing but confirmation that street has no artistic merit, at best it's journalism but mostly it's low effort trash
this is a very nice pic, but did you do the fucking steven spielberg color correction? like made everything grey except the subjects? thats kinda wack.. post the original
>he didn't fuck the model
you're not made for the hard streets. cope harder
This is where the whole "what's street and what isn't" becomes less about the content of the of the image and more about the word we use to categorize the image, which is to say that the semantics as a conversation is increasingly abstract and personally uninteresting.

Literally this is street photography: the subject and photographer coincidence on a street. Philosophically this documents urban life, which is, again categorically street photography. Context does not necessitate nor even imply landscape. Composition is more nuanced than that.
Cannot believe Gilden has not been mentioned yet

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street is categorically snapsnits, if it's not a snapshit it isn't street, hence that photo is a landscape.
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>whatever i like is a photo
>whatever i don't like is a snapshit
fuck off retard
no. I said whatever I don't like is street. Learn to read, faggot
you're too pussy for streets
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Yeah, /p/ee has just pissed another brutal photographer. Good shit

You need to go even more degenerate. Shit like this >>4383512 with ketchup is too mundane. Cultivate the soul of city dwelling urbanite scum who can murder someone and looks through the bullshit with his feverish gaze.
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that one is not too bad with that ribbon flapping in direction of flapper it even carries the message of some sort
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2.58 MB JPG
is this brutal?

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yes this is brutal
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901 KB JPG
more dreamy than brutal to me
yes but i'd crank up the contrast for greater effect.

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Image Created2024:11:28 01:20:27
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