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What's the best 35mm setup for street photography, in your opinion? Needs to be digital ideally because I'm a poorfag and film do be expensive. Thanks.

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M11 Monochrom with 35mm Summilux
35mm as in sensor size or focal length?
Focal length
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what type of street? also, define 'best', plus budget. anyways, the best setup for you will likely be different from the best for anyone else

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Equipment MakePENTAX Corporation
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>define 'best'
whatever the opposite of your photo is, anon
get a job nigger
any Olympus with the 17mm pancake. Pictures are good enough, and they're pretty comfy to shoot.
Well the Olympus 17mm is nice, Laowa also makes one that is a bit brighter and fully manual in case you prefer zone focusing.
This is a nice composition, but the motion blur from an unsteady hand sort of works against that. I also prefer my highlights not blown out, and too many people these days when they shoot black and white don't know how to use a color filter properly. You need to use one when you're out shooting natural light because the UV and the blue just swamps out details from the sky. To get a more natural look, using yellow or an orange filter and a deep red one to get really dramatic Skies that you need. It also works for underground seems like this where the primary lighting source is coming from an entrance to Daylight
Even after I bought a 45 mm 3.5 pancake lens, mostly because it was 30 bucks and it was a Zeiss like the very first Rangefinder that I ever had, I never really became a fan of them. Sure they are Ultra Ultra compact, slightly wide which is nice so you can kind of meet things in the Middle with your cropping and edited a little bit later on. But they always introduce some problem like a bit of distortion they're all so slow so your shutter speed has to be low as well. All in all the compromises just don't
the olympus one is 2.8 and the laowa its 1.8 lmao so not really slow, but as for distortion well yes it depends of what you are taking photos of, but honestly I prefer a 35mm equivalent than 28mm
doesnt snoy have a dedicated 35mm full frame?
you dont need the oly pancake. the f1.8 17mm is still pretty tiny.
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Used Canon EOS M body + 22mm f/2. Pick one with an EVF if you want that. Even the original M works great for street (make sure it has the latest firmware, orig firmware AF sucked). If you're looking at the M50, the M5 has better ergonomics (extra dial). Don't expect to build a system around it, EF-M is dead, but they're still great cameras. Just not a main system camera.

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>just buy a dead system bro
x100 unironically, the ovf is great
yes rx1

That’s a look though, having it look really rough, it’s not going to maximise likes on Instagram but I think it’s a cool niche kind of thing,
It use to be a thing back in the day in Japan as well to break every rule of photography so this fits that style.
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Cheap on ebay, treat it as a 2nd camera like a P&S, not your main system. The 22mm lens, size, and weight are worth it, especially for street. Later add the 11-22 IS, best apsc UWA zoom out there and call it a day.
Why do you have to buy a system if you want a 35mm street camera?
>Just consoom and buy a current system where you can consoom more lenses you dont need
Found the SNOY

Look up provoke magazine, a famous old Japanese photography magazine and style
>op already has a camera that can change lenses
>but buy this new piece of shit bro
>film do be expensive
You are not poor, you are just black
Provoke used blur because they were shots in the dark on low ISO film, not because they didn't know their shutter speeds

They 100% blurred on purpose, they were trying to capture what the eye can’t see but a camera can. They believed the camera can capture things words can’t etc. they messed with over and underexposing, blurring, developing wrong etc.
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I'll take your word for it as i can't read japanese, always seemed to me they did it on purpose but only because they used cheap supplies on harsh conditions like night time without much street lights.

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Kino photo.
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>filter for bw on a 2000s digicam
thanks anon but you're kinda missing the point of the picture. there was no detail in the bright area which would improve the picture. i wanted to capture the jarring transition from dark underground to light above world. the specifics of the above world are irrelevant. what matters is exactly what i emphasize here literally: its stark, blinding contrast to the dark i was exiting. anyways most of my street at 35mm is on film and most of my street on digital is at 28mm so i didn't have many shots to pick from, but this is all beside the point of my post which was that OP needs to be more specific to get anything but the broadest answers
who cares about the intent of literally anything up to the print. whatever led them to the images, they published the final results on purpose. nice pic btw

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op didn't mention a camera. Are you going off the exif? If that's his, he's obviously open to anything otherwise he would have asked "what lens for my Olympus?"
it's probably just retconning to save face
>oh yeah, that technical fuckup there? that was completely intentional to show the secret world of the camera. now buy my print
>best 35mm setup for street photography
zorki 4, jupiter 12, and a few rolls of kentmere 400

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