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Nikon DSLRs General /NDG/

Anyone still shooting with them? What's your favorite?
Yes. Guess.
>Still shooting with Nikon in 2024
They can't even make a proper pancake lens instead they have to make a fake one by splitting the actual lens size in half with no filter thread and it cant even focus and goes BZZZZZZT BZZZZZT
Buy a Sony a7 instead
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/p/ I happen to have both a D200 and a D300 (I got it super cheap $50). I expected to like it much more than I did, but I much prefer the photos out of the D200. What's going on?
It's a CCD.
I have a D600, it's the only one I've ever owned. Mainly got it so I could use the same lenses for a DSLR as well as my F5. It's pretty great even being as old as it is, even though it does have the oil/dust issue and needs cleaning regularly. I'm probably going to sell it soon, just because I really only shoot film nowadays, and the value isn't going up over time. But for what it is, it's pretty good.
D610 is the same thing minus having to do all the maintenance, the D6XX was such a dud they had to discontinue the line.
Yeah I know, I got a really good deal on the D600 though. I know some people call it a dud, but I've never had any beef with its image quality or anything besides the oil issue, really. The oil problem soured people on it to the point where it never had a chance to earn a place in the market on its merits otherwise. Nikon's QA fail sank an otherwise competent camera.
I like shooting my old D4.
I'm looking for a deal on a D5 though.
D800 haven’t touched for about 4 years
D750 haven’t touched for a year

I’m not coming back unless editing tech improves to 1 click finished product, Nikon raws just require too much work.
>I’m not coming back unless editing tech improves to 1 click finished product, Nikon raws just require too much work.
Lol I find the opposite. I have a7iii and my d700 and d810 require 10x less edits in lightroom than Sony raw. Sony was the only time I had to buy color profiles to get past the awful skin tones.
>I’m not coming back
Back from what?
Putting up spy cameras in the gym locker room
Same here, my D700 needs very little when i expose decently, colours are great when overexposing a bit and sliding it down on Ps.
Although greatly depends on one needs, perhaps anon likes something not quite easy for old cams but even then you can download and make colour profiles in that one Nikon website.

True I imagine Sony is far worse.
If I had my time again I would go canon, I think their colours are just slightly nicer.
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It's not the camera, it's the raw processor you're using and the preconfigured color profile.

Digital cameras really can’t get green right huh,
This. Sony still has the worst color science.

Also in classic digital camera fashion the person looks like they are made entirely of plastic.
Yep. I realized that. Capture one didn't have the color issues that Lightroom had but I like the asset management in Lightroom.

I just don’t understand how both of these brands can end up with totally different colours when shooting a colour checker. Something is being cooked somewhere
sonysisters not like this...

Look how different the browns are hahaha
Wrong board chud >>>/pol/
Not quite, even Ansel Adams talks about this in the Zone System
The sony looks desaturated and less punchy than the canon.
Lmao these the skintones digital gets out of camera. Embarassing.
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D4. Still my main camera. I don't really have a reason to upgrade.

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>They cant make a pancake so buy a sony instead
No everyone who had them moved to canon, as every single model has a Canon equivalent that mogs it, plus EF > F
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I bought a D40 a week or two back, first time shooting with a real camera. It's fun. The editing process can be a little tedious though, but I enjoy being able to actually work on my photos myself rather than just trusting my phone.

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take a side by side comparison shot, im curious how they differ

enable active d-lighting bro, no need 2 shoot raw ever again (i never do this im too autistic)
I used them for many years but went to a Sony mirrorless as my main a while back. I still have the Nikons since I have so many good lenses, but they're more like secondary cameras for me now.

Sony hasn't been too bad really, especially if you use raw processing softweare that can use other color profiles. I've never heard of paying for profiles though, don't most processors include quite a few?
17-35mm or 20-35mm?
Former has shorter MFD but latter is way better build
>take a side by side comparison shot, im curious how they differ
I will try to do this later today.
>don't most processors include quite a few?
Yeah, I just didn't like the adobe profiles in lightroom for people (I had to shift too much for magenta and then fix the wb for everything). I bought the Color Fidelity profiles and theyre a closer match to nikon colors imo vs default sony.
My D800 is still better than anything else I can afford. Guess I'll be shooting with it for another decade.

45 GN and 50 Series E have entered the chat


CCD, I have a D60 and the colors fuck.

D300 is still good I'd never keep both in my stable though, I have a 300 IR converted and I like it.


Nikon AF-D? Skip them both and get the 16-35 they're cheap now. Or save a little more and find a Tamron 15-30
If it's an AFD dont get as they have a material problem with the motor going out eventually and it's no longer replaceable. I have one, that someone fucked around with the focusing heliod and now it won't focus to infinity, and is basically a macro kek.

They are replaceable but the motor depending on which one it is, can be a bitch.

Every single Nikon AF-S lens with an SWM motor uses one of two motor designs, most use the big one and the DX lenses use a smaller one. They are all the same motor. What happens is the plastic bearings the motor rides on disintegrate or they need oil. Most of the time the plastic breaks and you can't get replacement rollers so it's fucked. I've seen a lot of 28-70 ED's end up like this on my table and if I can ever get replacement rollers I'll buy all of them.

t. camera repair tech

17-35 is ez,


you'll need special tools, which I have.
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>take a side by side comparison shot, im curious how they differ
D200 jpeg sooc. Just realized I shot the D300 with a slightly wider aperture f3.2 vs f3.5 on the D200

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I own d610. Great camera but It rests on the shelf lately.
Replaced it with mirrorless by Sony. DSLRs can't compete in terms of AF and high-ISO with modern cameras in my opinion.
thanks fren. I will give this a watch over the weekend.
>ccd vs cmos

Make sure you use JIS screwdrivers if you attempt. These aren't hard to work on you just have to have attention to detail.

I've done my D800, D700, Df, 24-70, 70-200/2.8 VR1 and a slew of other lenses using Youtube tutorials. Do not take shortcuts, do it right the first time. I have stuff I've serviced 5 years ago that are still in front line production because I did them right.

If you have any questions ask me here.
That's the dilemma. Screw drive lenses are less likely to break, but can't be properly adapted to Z.

17-35 is an AF-S I believe so it can
Give it to me straight, my Nikkas.

I have a D810 currently and may have the opportunity to trade some gear in at a KEH event at my local camera store. Is upgrading to a used D850 worth it or should I switch to a new Zf or Z6 II?

Most of my glass is AF-S or AI so lens compatibility isn't an issue

I may also just be wanting new gear for no real reason
Anything but a ZF is going to be a downgrade in autofocus or dynamic range, sometimes both. The state of Nikon is absurdly poor.
>Z9: Low DR, 1 recall out, check serial before buying
>Z8: Low DR, 2 recalls out, check serial before buying
>Z6III: Low DR, bigger than its predecessor
>ZF: Normal DR, forced NR above iso 12k, pretty bad body design
>Z7II, Z6II: very mild fixed pattern noise banding barely visible sometimes, rarely. shit autofocus comparable to fuji, panasonic, and 2nd gen sony.
>Z6, Z7: noticeable banding when pushing exposure, even shittier autofocus, recall out for each, check serials
>Z5: Good sensor shit autofocus
i see no difference
Has the issue with the focus motor dying as others mentioned. What others didn't mention though is that your DOF (especially at the wide end) is so large that AF really isn't necessary in most cases

Better build is nice to have but unless you're pretty rough with your gear, I'd base your decisions on other factors. It being a screw-drive lens means you'd lose AF if you ever adapt it to Z mount (but again, who cares about AF with ultrawides)

Unless you're specifically after a wide angle with an aperture ring, I'd go with what >>4371835 said and get a 16-35 instead, I love mine. I'd avoid the 15-30 if you ever plan on using filters or will bring it when traveling/hiking as it's huge and heavy, despite it's great performance
if you go Z, go Zf. the Z6II has atrocious autofocus and the Z6III has terrible dynamic range because of the meme stacked sensor shit. our last hope is the Z7III.
>The state of Nikon is absurdly poor.
yes, it's a fucking tragedy. from top dog to piss poor in just a few years.
not even the samurai is immune to jewish mind tricks
The Z7III is just going to be an a7riv with a vibrance boost and less DR
It's extortion, they have no choice.
Which DX zooms hold up on the 24mp sensors?
which is the least DEI/GAY brand? will be my next camera
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they had every choice in the world. you don't see om system or fujifilm doing this.

i wonder why cameras keep getting technologically worse?
>female manager: like, omahgod, stop pixel peeping, photography is all about vibes and reels now like geeze, nerd. why do you want "smaller" cameras? like ohmahgod that's for creepshots, we should like make cameras like, bigger, so women can see them coming, small cameras are so sexist.
It's publicly traded, it's all down to the top investors and what their roadmap for any particular company or market is. These people cripple private companies to the point they fail and then buy them, or infiltrate public companies with endless laundered foreign aid dollars and cripple them to the point they can buy them out or trigger restructuring to their liking. "Wokeness" is just the latest tool to this end. They always use and abuse everyone. Anyone who believes corporate billionaires give a fuck about diversity or inclusion is incredibly retarded, it's all an excuse.
Fujifilm's DEI program is basically about encouraging women to have children and encouraging male employees to assume every woman there is married, because she should be.

It doesn't even qualify as DEI by american standards.
ironic. the most popular camera make with gay people has the least gay policies.

well, I guess I'm getting a 50R as my next then.
elon should totally buy OM System and make a right wing nazi camera
Yes, buy a used camera based on the obscure policy webpage associated with the brandname on it, you're a real culture warrior lmao

No better than the soiboys who buy more star wars funko pops whenever they do a heckin lgbtqiapz+ representation
fuck off, troon
>nooo dont tell me not to consoom based on what policy webpage is associated with the brand name on a used camera! TRANNIES!
Yeah so this thing you're doing is called virtue signaling

You weren't going to give money to the company anyways, you're not a market participant. Buy what you want, from conservative individuals, and tape over the brand name and strip exif if advertising is a sore spot for you.

Oh wait, if you stripped exif, for what reason would you buy a gfx50r... your only audience is /p/ and 80% of the value in each photograph is how you can shitpost in gear threads with that exif
I just want a camera that hasn't been made by brainwashed fags. Don't care about the rest.
>I gotta virtue signal. Oh my science did disney say they stand by bipoc rights? *empties wallet*
you're literally the right wing version of this buying a fuji just because their DEI policy doesn't explicitly mention fags
I actually had pretty decent results with an 18-55mm kit lens on a D810. I forget what focal length you had to be at to eliminate vignetting though
>noooo, if you don't want to give money to DEI infiltrated fags you're the woke right!! You should be enlightened liberal centrist like me!
D850. Yeah its great. Will probably go mirrorless eventually but I havent got a super high shutter count on this thing yet, and I like the ergonomics.
Plus I'm trying to stretch it out until Nikon push out a better sensor.
>an 18-55mm kit lens on a D810
Jesus christ, why
i like my Z7II :)
if youre buying a used camera you arent giving money to any corporations except ebay and usps retart
I'm shooting mostly landscapes and I regularly get infuriated simply trying to replicate the correct green tones
>DEI program is basically about encouraging women to have children
>and encouraging male employees to assume every woman there is married
That doesn't make sense, it really is DEI
>they're cheap now
Much bigger and f4 only. I did take it into consideration, guess i will have to again

>material problem with the motor
Do you mean the helicoid? motor is on the camera.
>someone fucked around with the focusing heliod
Should i then not have someone dick around with the helicoid? >>4371878 but oh shit you guys are right, it's a D but also AF-S. Plastic shit.

Because i will use it on a D700 and adapt it into a Z body, still undecided which one, i don't mind manual and i might also use a AF adapter while levering the weight.
>unless you're pretty rough with your gear
I take care but i am also used to windy desert conditions and hoping around with a backpack full of lenses. So no, i care about the mount ring and front element but not the body.
>aperture ring
I do want those for the same adapting reasons, f4 is too slow for 11pm shots in a dark downtown areas.

>Z6II has atrocious autofocus
I've used one and the only bodies i've ever used (borrowed of course) better were a A7RIV (shit ergonomics) and a Nikon D5 (stumbles in full darkness)
You are blowing it out of proportion.
Pancake lenses are a ho hum Optical formula looking for a user's who are better served by other lenses
I have a D750 and it's pretty gud, I especially like its ISO-invariance
Any idea what sort of video D750 does? Is it all line skipped? It almost seems like it might be usable for non-serious stuff, but then they do shit like giving it zero manual focus assistance. It's so half-assed.
I don't know I'm into photography, I didn't buy my camera for video
For real tho, dont get a dslr for video. Mirrorless or an actual dedicated video camera will serve you much better.
What do you mean? I gave pretty much the same answer as you did
Neither did I.

By non-serious I mean less serious than my photography (which I'm not getting paid for either). Target of opportunity which doesn't work in a photo. It-was-not-a-factor-when-buying-the-camera level of non-serious. But then I realized that they even gave it a hardware switch for video, which would seem like a completely pointless thing if it couldn't do anything other than line skipped trash. If the video turned out to be acceptable, might as well use it if the opportunity arises.
I like my D3 :) it's my friend!
>But then I realized that they even gave it a hardware switch for video, which would seem like a completely pointless thing if it couldn't do anything other than line skipped trash. If the video turned out to be acceptable, might as well use it if the opportunity arises.
All Nikons that can record video, have a switch to put it into video mode. The presence or absense of it doesn't say much about the quality of said video.
I don't know where to find out if the sensor output is reduced from 24mp to 1080p by lineskipping, or something else, but I'm going to assume if it was something better than bare minimum the Nikon would brag about it in the camera specs.
I have a D750 and the video is "ok". People filmed entire movies and tv shows on DSLR's before FF mirrorless was a thing, so it's probably "good enough" for what I'd use it for, if I used it.
At least it isn't like the cheaper DX DSLR's where you have to choose the aperture before you start filming and can't change it.
This is mainly the default JPEG settings. If you pull the raws of both of those into Lightroom, use the same Adobe color profile, and hit the "Auto" button - I doubt you'll be able to tell the difference.
because he's poor
that lens is usable at 24mm and costs less than half of any full frame 24mm lens, zoom or prime
I had just bought my camera and didn't have any lenses for it yet so. While I waited for a lens to arrive in the mail, I borrowed the 18-55 from my mom :)

But yeah for the price it's actually pretty sweet on FF
yeah I have a d7200 and a d750 and when I tried that lens on the d750 it's perfectly adequate, especially if its one of the VR ones.
it's almost certainly the cheapest f-mount lens with VR.
people constantly say the 28mm 2.8 AIS is the best MF wide angle, but apparently it's not as good at infinity. would the 24mm 2.8 be better than it for landscapes? it has its fans but certainly less than the 28mm.
There's no medium format Nikon DSLR
The 28mm f2 AIS is better at infinity and for landscapes. Sharp as fuck too. It has more distortion up close and a faint glow wide open but I guess that's the point. If you can live with those two things, it's a great lens and not too expensive. Dunno about the 24mm MF version but the AF-D version was pretty good.
Doesn't a DX lens automatically get cropped to APS-C size on Nikon FF though?
just bought a D850 two years ago. I love it
>Doesn't a DX lens automatically get cropped to APS-C size on Nikon FF though?
Yes but on FF DSLR's you can turn that and off crop it in post if needed.
With some lenses at some focal lengths and apertures, you may find no cropping at all is needed.
The 18-55mm kit DX lens is well known to need little-to-no cropping from 24-55mm, so you can basically use it as a 24-55mm FX lens.
On FF mirrorless they took this away and you're stuck with the camera's default 1.5 crop.
The more you know
Yeah it's a pretty useful trick for poors who've just converted from a DX camera to FX and still have lot of DX lenses
Nikons plan for such folks is that you'd use your DX lenses in 1.5 crop mode until you got tired of the lower resolution, then you'd shell out the bucks for actual FX lenses.
But since they gave the camera the ability to turn the crop off and just let it vignette (like a film camera would), they incidentally give you a lot of power to get slightly more out of the DX lenses than they probably intended.
On the 35mm 1.8 DX for instance, vignetting is so mild at f/1.8 that many might choose to just keep it in, since who cares about vignetting in a shot where everything but dead center is bokeh? And you're getting the full megapickels of your FX sensor.
This probably explains why this mysteriously disappeared from the Z bodies.
>This probably explains why this mysteriously disappeared from the Z bodies.
Yeah, makes sense...
On that note, do you happen to know of a 120mm film camera that takes F-mount FF glass? Or can adapt it well?
no idea
>Screw drive lenses are less likely to break, but can't be properly adapted to Z.
I hear contradictory things about how much better AF is supposed to be on AF-S lenses. Faster AF was the original reason anyone would want to move on to AF-S, right?
Most Ken Rockwell reviews of AF-S lenses just say it's "about as fast" as whatever AF-D lens it is supposed to replace.
ken rockwell doesnt put any effort into those copypaste reviews
One thing to note with screw-drive lenses is that focusing speed is dependent not only on the lens design, but also on the power of the camera focus motor. From personal experience, screw drive AF with a lens on an F801 may feel glacial, but the same lens on a D810 will focus noticeably faster. AF-S does not have this inter-camera variance (that I am aware of). On average I would say that the difference between screw-drive and AF-S is narrower with modern bodies, but AF-S still wins.
AF-S is particularly faster for telephoto applications (lots of heavy glass to move) and close to the same for normal to wide lenses. They are prone to breaking but I don't trust modern e-waste lenses to last 15 years either.
Ren kockwell is not a good reviewer of anything unless your typical shot is made with eye-searing saturation and is mostly of car badges and motel bilboards
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Does anyone know where i can get an adapter to put an L39 LTM lens onto a nikon F mount body?
Do the small ones break too?
>can't be properly adapted to Z
Good; it will suppress the prices.
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Women are one of the demographics that prefer smaller cameras.
>make a right wing nazi camera
Zeiss already exists.
They just need to start making cameras again.
>These people cripple private companies to the point they fail
How do they do that?
>Yeah so this thing you're doing is called virtue signaling
The corporation is the one virtue signaling.
He's just responding to their signals.
>You weren't going to give money to the company anyways
What gave it away?
His stated desire to buy a camera that's been out of production for over two years?
>Faster AF was the original reason anyone would want to move on to AF-S, right?
Most of the time it was FTM and/or not having the fucking focus ring turning beneath your hand because Nikon was too stupid/cheap to implement a transmission clutch, like even Tokina did.
Who's better?
Different type of auto focus...

Other than the z9 and maybe z6iii all other nikon mirrorless aren't as good as the d500.

I have a d500 and d7500 as backup. I shoot wildlife, unless I can somehow get enough for a z9 I don't see a reason to upgrade just yet.
Sorta similar, I use my Nikon DSLRs for portraits and around the house. When I leave home, I take my Sony mirrorless with me. I prefer the Nikon look overall though. Until Nikon mirrorless catches up with Sony, I will stick with 2 systems for the time being.
have you actually used sony mirrorless?

nikon mirrorless definitely caught up, and then shit all over it. it's called the ZF. technologically it is a brilliant camera, the best specced full frame mirrorless on the market today period. every other camera has specialized copes that affect output, the ZF is just pure good.

the downside is the body design is a fucking retarded mix of PASM and dials combined with a fucking retarded mix of digital camera size with small film camera ergos. large film cameras like the pentax 67 were actually more comfortable to use (and didnt have cheap plastic baseplates!)
Yeah, I have used Sony Mirrorless since the NEX. I mean generally for lens availability and 3rd parties. It's Sony's world right now, and everyone else is 2nd.

I definitely prefer the Nikon ergos over Sony, which is only useable as a best description.
>I mean generally for lens availability and 3rd parties
Here you go bruh.

All sony really has is the a1, the scientific instrument known as the a9iii, and the a7c original. Two tech monsters for journalists and journalists only, and a compact that is actually really well designed and justifies its compromises well. The rest of their cameras suck shit in basically every way and are engineered to make you wish you had an a1.
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there's also the ttartisan 6 bit adapter and a few autofocus leica M adapters

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Some people use Sigma Art lenses on Fuji medium format cameras because the Image circles are quite large I guess. I specifically remember mention of the 28 1.4 and the 40 1.4.
I actually managed to fix it. I just took the front element group off and then put it back on, and I think whatever I did aligned it again. Now my infinity focus is working again. ty Sugar
Certain FF models have DX mode, making DX lenses work on FF cameras. Not perfect, but it does work.
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Are megapixels largely overrated by people? I often shoot with a d200, d300, d700, and d810. And when looking through past photos in lightroom, I have to see the data to see which one was which.
Forgot to add, I have a d70 also and that is the only one I can usually tell is not the same as the others IQ wise. But that is largely i think more so a limitation of it's ISO.
In theory more megapixels should make the camera more color accurate as it can better sample an area in a given space compared to a lower resolution sensor. But in practice I doubt anyone would notice (as you haven't)

It's a myth that resolution increases sharpness, because it's entirely relative. A 2mp file on your phone will look great, but on an 80" 4k tv, would look like ass. A 100mp image will look identical on both. Resolution is more about determining how large your image can be displayed/printed.

Imo, any camera with 8mp or more will be indistinguishable on the same display viewed at normal distances at an equivalent scale.
>Are megapixels largely overrated by people?
Yes, I've made some nice poster sized prints on a D40 at 150dpi. I think about 12mp is enough for me, to allow some leeway for cropping.
If you care about pixels, then the d810e is your best bet.
>It's a myth that resolution increases sharpness, because it's entirely relative

digital cameras alias. even when downscaling, higher resolutions have less aliasing.

compare a gfx100s, an x-t4, and a d40 at 8mp, guess what, the expensive one still look better than the cheaper ones

man looking at that shit must make people yearn for film's return
lol no
If you care about pixels avoid d800/d810 what use is a high MP count if it's ruined by mirror slap
lmao, I've used my D800 for ten years now. Over 300k shutter revolutions. Never ever been a problem, and the images it produces are sharp as a tack.
Post examples with sub 1/250 shutter speeds then!
Similar to >>4374948, I've had a D810 for like 6 years and have lost sharpness from what could have been mirror slap no more than 5 times, every time being the result of using a 180mm+ lens with a sub-1/100 shutter speed on an unstable tripod setup. And even then, shooting via live view or using the mirror up shooting mode resolves the issue
that's crazy for having owned the camera so long you two are unable to post a single photo with sub 1/250 shutter speeds
Guess your word invalidates DPreview's tests!
What other requirements for a photo do you want, your highness? A lens with no VR? No tripod? Telephoto only? I'll be able to dig one up no matter what but I already know you're going to move the goalposts so I want you to be as specific as possible so I can prove you wrong
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I guess I'm blind then. This is 1/80, handheld.
Looks fine to me.

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Just wanted to try out my handheld skillz now.

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Based watchbro
confirmed blind thanks for posting
convinced me to not get a d800/d810
Would rather have a sharp photo with less MP than visibly blurred photos at high res
>he bought ze FUD
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>What's your favorite?
D40 obv

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Cope and seethe.
Nice Seiko. I don't care if they are a "cheap" brand. They've always made the coolest watches, in my opinion.
thanks fren. I bought that for myself when I graduated undergrad in mid 2000s. Was the most expensive gift I had every bought myself up to that point $300.
I didn't say D 810, I said D 810 E.

There's a difference. Look it up.
The only E variant camera is the D800E. There is no D810E since the "E" was to signify the removal of the AA filter from the sensor, which the D810 doesn't have anyhow. The only letter variant of the D810 is the D810A, which is geared towards astrophotography.

With all that being said though...
I recall a very foggy memory around 2013 of me as an early teen attending a photo workshop led by a Nikon ambassador. Since I didn't have a DSLR at the time, he let me use a prototype sports body, one of only ten made by Nikon and distributed to ambassadors for testing. If I recall correctly, it was a D4E, but I haven't been able to find anything about it online since. So maybe a D810E does exist. But being an E variant wouldn't really make sense given what the E stood for previously
got a D4 this spring. Just ordered all new grips for it yesterday. should be good to go after that.
It's a fun camera. I had one for almost 2 years but never got to push it to its full potential
>10.5cm f/2.5
Holy mother of based
105mm f/2.5 is hardly special.
It's special to me
Well that's cool then, I prefer the 105 f/1.8.
>what use is a high MP count if it's ruined by mirror slap
do Nikons not have mirror lock up?
They do
Bought a D850 two years ago from a photographer who had two bodies. Shuttercount of 9k. Was pretty happy.
Shutter on my D3100 died on me and the repair estimate for it was high enough that I felt better buying a d3400 body instead
Still rocking my kit lens, a 35mm 1.8 and a 55-200 vrii
Imagine having to use a tripod + mirror lockup + EFC for anything under 1/250 lmfao
Bought a 55-200 with broken VR at the junk shop, is it useless? It looks like an earthquake at 200mm.
Are you using it indoors? It probably doesn't help on a crop sensor.

You need either:
More light
Faster shutter speed (which you will get with more light).

VR itself is worth a certain amount of stops of light.

200mm is 350mm and that is going to be a bitch to handhold for steady portraits.
And to answer your question, no it's not useless. Lenses have been made with no VR at that focal length for the entirety of photography. You just need to learn to work with the limitations inherent at long focal lengths.
Thanks, I'll dig up my tripod and practice.
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NDG is now a handheld watch picture thread.
Watch out—watchbros are taking over.

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I have a D850 but it's been a few months, maybe a year since I touched it. Shooting my F4 more.
it's not useless but one with functional VR will only set you back $50 so don't think about it too hard
are you an albino or just naturally pigment deficient & pasty as fuck
Damn sister nice watch

>tfw no d3 shooting autistic watch collector gf
Tourist here, just picked up a cheap D100 for a costume but I intend to learn how to use it. Look forward to my shitty beginner tier photos.
just rule of thirds everything and shoot a 35mm f1.4 wide open all of the time
keep shutter speeds high, use more color denoise when needed and less luma denoise, it looks like film grain
apply mild selective color edits to pin everything in every set to one 3 color palette by drawing focus to it (ie: orange blue black). you really want to shoot for this sooc and use less editing, aka avoid having ugly color combos in your pictures.
>if color sounds hard, and it is, shoot in black and white mode and pay attention to contrast.
put a white border around every photo

there you go, how to be a good photographer. it sounds easy but it must be hard because ive seen some ken rockwell color shit here and it never gets better
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I don't but if you're going to learn here's some tips.
>Pretend you're shooting film and each shot costs money as in shoot with a purpose.
>Boring photos are boring just like too much going on in a photo is too much.
>Shoot RAW and learn to edit.
>Take photos everyday and take multiple angles of something you think is interesting so you can learn why some angles work and some don't. (This counts as shooting with a purpose)
>Don't rely on cropping ever and don't use telephoto lenses unless you absolutely can't get closer such as wildlife or sports.
>Learn how light works / understand the exposure triangle
>RTFM of your camera

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Thanks for the tips, anons.
That's normal color, anon. You should try sunscreen.

Thanks Anon. I need to fix the movement (balance wheel stops oscillating after a few seconds so it's either the balance spring needing to be replaced or there being dirt or damage along the train of wheels.) and clean the hands but I have recurring nightmares about messing up (I've never worked on a movement worth more than 100 dollars before)) so I've put it off.

Nice anon, welcome to pee!
I've had a couple D70s and D70Ss pass through my hands repairing them so I could give cheap birthday gifts, which are basically the same camera(identical autofocus module, VERY similar Sony CCD sensor) but worse in most ways.
While the power delivery boards in your camera are different, it uses the same ENEL3 batteries which are a little weirdly behaved when it comes to temperature.
My main advice is, if you get the CHA/CHR error and/or your camera has problems reading your CF memory card,
ignore the forum users from 2005 that all say it has anything to do with your cards being third party.
Nikon didn't make their own CF cards, they're just SanDisks or Lexars with a Nikon sticker (it's a good-looking sticker, but the camera really should not care, if it's a non-UDMA Type I formatted in FAT16 from a company with a real address and the pins aren't busted the card is pretty much is never the problem).

Any problems with card-reading and/or batteries is 9 times out of 10 to do with voltage-related instability in my (limited) experience. This is usually fixed by just cleaning your contacts, or reseating the battery after warming or cooling it in your hands. Unlikely this happens with your particular camera, but if it does, I just saved you from waiting a week for a new Nikon branded CF card off eBay.

Enjoy your camera!

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Image OptimizationNORMAL
>name dropping Ken Rockwell like it's a bad thing
> don't use telephoto lenses unless you absolutely can't get closer such as wildlife or sports.
Retard doesnt know about perspective effects lol
>tech monsters for journalists and journalists only
A9III is top-tier for recording video of artsy shit
are there seriously people out there that need to be told that shining a light at 90 degrees to the model will make half their head dark?
Redundancy is necessary in infographics
>My main advice is, if you get the CHA/CHR error and/or your camera has problems reading your CF memory card,
I had this on a d70 i bought, but formatting the card fixed it.
I was referring to the idea of "I don't need to get close I have a 200mm" they are all boring ass photos and I would gladly pay real money to never have to see another shitty concert photo from a mile away and below the artist.
Even worse is "street photography" with a tele. Looks like you're a pedo or a cop on a stake out.
Oh yeah street is about focal lengths and imitating past glories, not about urban surroundings and its people
I look forward to you not posting photos and telling everyone how your creep shots are superior.
>im not a creep i shove a 20mm f1.8 in faces and up skirts
kill yourself retard.
Skill issue
I have a D7000 that I used many years ago. Can anyone explain to me how the files from that thing look so good? It’s an old crop sensor, but I still find it edits better than even newer mirrorless cameras. The noise just looks like grain
Because you’re an NPC and cant see through nostalgia false or otherwise just like the other 70% of millennials
because its still a relatively modern camera. Almost any camera dslr from 2008 or later will still produce great images in good lighting. Where it will fall behind in is high ISO and AF tracking.
I remember comparing it to a Canon 60D I had, which I’m pretty sure was a pretty direct comparison for the time and the noise, especially color noise was genuinely 10x worse on the canon.
I’m not nostalic for it and I’d much rather my other newer cameras be better than it.
The 60D was a gimped piece of shit that tainted the x0D line until the 90D.
Also kill yourself retard
Skill. Issue.
this was only the fix one time out of tens for me
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2222 shutter count...

$310 bucks. Including a bag a dual charger a 4gb CF card with about 100 model train photos on it and an extra battery. Gonna go shoot some fall type shit.

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Was this after manually deleting all the pictures on your card? This is one of the circumstances where I can force some D70/S examples to sperg out until I reformat.
yes, you will need to format to FAT or FAT32 I forgot which. One wont work.
>and an extra battery
With cover?
>With cover?

And that funky Vivitar lens. 35-85mm f2.8. Manual focus though. Might be more fun on something else.
The 16 bit FAT is what these cameras expect, FAT32 works enough to let you to reformat to FAT16 in-camera. Not sure if that's good or bad to do.

Welcome to the D3 masterrace, anon, very jealous.
>35-85mm f2.8
Didn't know that existed, sounds pretty good coupled with a 20-35mm f2.8
Looks nice. I saw a similar deal for that, but I didn't want to have to invest in new batteries for it. So I will keep using my d700 for now.
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d200 sooc jpg

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Oh yeah good looking stuff here. I really like the fat bitch shot from behind a bike wheel. Since you're not posting any timeless classics I went to find the best the world has to offer in the genre.
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Fellow Nikonchads, how do I avoid dust getting sucked into the lens? I have several externally focusing primes and zooms that just seem like pumps for dust. I don't want to clean my D3's sensor too much because I'm scared of hurting it. What do.
Suck it up, anon (the dust)
Keep your surroundings dust free.
Stop pumping your lens under the couch.

For real tho you're prolly never gonna see that dust on an image, dirt on your sensor is a much bigger problem (buy a lens blower and a sensor swab kit)
it's really not that hard to clean your sensor. You only should do it if you notice marks that you cant remove in post, etc. I tested my cameras by shooting at a blue sky at small aperture to see. Then just use a dust blower, and if that doesnt work, buy the sensor swabs. I had to make like 3-5 passes. And after that, it was brand new.
Buy the 16-35mm, 50mm G and 70-200mm and live worry free.
Hey /p/NDG
>>4376381 here.

Got the day off. Gonna go shoot the D.

What do you think? Wide angle or tele? Or that weird soap bubble bokeh Vivitar?
I can't stop shooting with my d200 I got recently. I expected the IQ to be digicam shit (and it can fall apart in low light), but the photos it renders are very pleasing and beautiful. I have a hard time telling it apart from my more modern cameras.
Good. Enjoy it.
DLSR bros...I'm sorry...but the mirrorless just doesn't miss focus. I like my D850 but man the Z5 just does not MISS!
wideboi, get nice and close to things
is it autumn where you live? if so catch some colourful trees for us
What's a good Nikon DSLR to try to shop for in Japan? The D850 seems overkill for a first camera
The 5d mark four
Not really, DSLRs are done, they’re not making new ones, why not get the last best and be done with it?
The d850 still command a premium because it's the last (and best) sku. If you don't need it, then look at the d810. You can find a good condition one for $300.
D850 is already outdated, might as well pick up the goat DSLR
d700/d610/d750 from cheaper to more pricy
d800/d810 if you like mirror slap
Buy sensor cleaning swabs
It's not like a D3 is a good/expensive camera anyways, especially noting the banding/blooming issues. Better solution would be to upgrade to a D3S
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>t. glossed over the spec sheet once

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What is the goat DSLR?
the one you like the most
I hate digital cameras
The D5, D6, D500, D850, were the end of the lines. Depending on your use case those are the best ones to choose from.

the D6 Is a D5 with all the newer firmware stuff that the Z6, Z7, D780 and what ever other expeed 6 cameras got, plus the addition of WiFi and GPS
D850, it's peak DSLR
Some of us enjoy not having to shoot around a camera’s flaws namefag
D800 is dirt cheap now, and 90% of a D850. Can't go wrong.
I've got all of those (in addition to dust pumping devices) except the 16-35, what's that like? I've never shot that wide.
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Ended up side tracked most of the day. Might have time tomorrow to actually go shooting.

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It's a great focal length range as a general purpose zoom on APS-H.
I never used it much on full frame.
Dial it back like 15%, Ken
colors are great
original colors would have been good as well
Pentax K1 is the undisputed best DSLR for photos, Nikon D6 or probably the latest Canon 1DX if you want a tank, the latter has the best OVF in a DSLR.
For video supposedly the Nikon D780 is the best, a Z6 in the crippled body of a D750, if you want a frankenstein hybrid the Sony a99 II has some tools not seen again in a camera until much later, it's a A7RII on a Minolta body, IBIS included like the K1.
Nikon D850 is the most balanced, high MP and D5-tier functionality but lacks some tools the D780/K1/99II have and not as robust as flagships or older models like even the D700.
>Pentax K1 is the undisputed best DSLR for photos
what use is a body without lenses?
I agree but if you are one of those loonies who say two lenses are enough then yeah, it can be used. It has the f2.8 zooms and a couple of decent enough primes, so there's a selection of at least 5 lenses :)
Nikon has several dozen good lenses but no body with IBIS, quite mediocre OVFs compared to film-era or Canon's and no in-body processing tools like pixel shift, focus stack into single image or film scanning although the D780 does have it due to Z6 software.

Nikon never released a D880 because no one in the system would've bought a mirrorless body, even the D6 is crippled.
who knew Fujifilm was so wholesome?
really the best photography company

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this is wholesome. that's why I'm going to get a 50R once bitcoin moons

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what's better about D3S? There's an "inoperable" one I see on eBay I would love to resurrect, even if just to give to a friend. I thought it just had higher ISO settings nobody should use anyway.
You buy all your shit used. You only support ebay and mbp ya virtue signaling softboy with a gambling problem.
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well duh, of course it's just for me. imagine being so cuckbrained to want to make corporations happy lol. I'll just feel better knowing no DEI shit was involved in the making of my camera

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Yeah thats also how vegans and other whiners think because they’re narcissistic and overly concerned with meaningless struggles about meaningless things.
Its a western feminine thing, virtue signaling. Inept and inert. It changes nothing about the workd but it makes you feel warm and fuzzy and lets you narcissistically brag to the gurrrrrlz like the stuff almost doing princess you are.

Or you could do something real like missionary work. Converting people to traditional family values - how’s that for DEI? Who cares who made the camera, you didnt pay them, you paid klaus alhamadoob from facebook marketplace. Go volunteer for a church. Or a wodalist black metal band that hands out reindeer fur coats and elder futharks to impoverished children if thats your thing.
>so many lines of text
sorry bruh, not reading your schizo drivel
This is a nice photo, just save some saturation for the rest of us. What is with nikon shooters and color?
Idiot to english translation:
You are correct, I can not justify the purchase of a used camera based on the political leanings of the company that made it. BUT, gearfag hit a creative wall and thinks a new toy will help, so i’m going to consoom and consider applying for welfare.
a shame he just sold that perfectly usable camera to gamble on dogecoin so he can shitpost with a crop medium format just as he was starting to put some practice time in

let us pray he was lying to troll
>its the guy that went through a pen f and a panasonic in a month, he probably wasnt
I think it has to do with the photo looking different in Lightroom than it looks in a browser. Anybody know how to fix this issue?
check to make sure you accidentally didnt export in argb
I'll check when I get home. Thanks.
Now was that so hard? Omitting the buzzwords and angry ranting.
Thank you.
>nooo you cant speak with passion. it offends people. you called me princess and compared me to a vegan. mean.
Longhoused. White?
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yup you were right.
I am on a Dell XPS (decent screen) but was editing and exporting in Pro Photo RGB. changed to sRGB and now the export looks like my edit. Thanks agian

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File: export issue.jpg (468 KB, 3433x1441)
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well never mind.
guess there is still a problem

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerMatt Lamb
Image-Specific Properties:
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Ok seemed to have something to do with Windows HD Color. I don't know how that works but I guess it has to be on.

Fingers crossed this one looks correct.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D3
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)14 mm
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Image Created2024:10:23 19:39:16
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835 KB JPG
Well wtf?
Opera on the Left, Firefox on the right.

Opera looks. Firefox is now de-saturated.
I was using Firefox in all the screenshots up till now.

Any things to check out?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerMatt Lamb
Image-Specific Properties:
*opera looks right is what I meant to type.
I also have this issue, I mainly use Firefox and the colors looks weird. No problem whatsoever when viewed with IrfanView, the results are the same as in LR, but everything goes to shit with firefox. I've tried fiddling with various color management options in about:config, no luck so far.

I have a decent Dell monitor too, calibrated and shit. I'm interested if you get any explanation.
what think d500?
For what?
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I use a D200 and a D800. This is kind of my secondary, more casual setup. My only lens between the two is a 50mm 1.8 AF-D.

What are two lenses I could get secondhand that would be good focal lengths for both - ideally one wide and one telephoto? I was thinking of the 16-35 f4 and some variant of the 70-200 or 70-300.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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this is fucked and would be reason enough for me to stop using FF. I'm on Chrome and the colors match Opera. Browsers should not be rendering images differently, ffs.
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I know right. I just did some browsing around /p/ and holy shit, the /rpt/ actually has some nice looking things in there. This while Time Firefox was fucking me over in addition to the Windows HD color/Dell/Adobe color management mismatch that I have now apparently fixed. But trouble shooting while Using Firefox was just wasting my time.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerMatt Lamb
Image-Specific Properties:
looks like there are still issues
What was this color management issue? I'd like to check if I also have it, I'm the other anon having the color problem with FF
Export in lightroom was wrong (set to ProPhoto RGB)
Windows HD color HDR was set to off. (that somehow breaks Adobe's handling of color profiles during export.
And Firefox was ignoring everything/ maybe even substituting it's own color profile and desaturating everything.

So I still don't really know what best practices are. My Laptop screen it's self has a color profile driver from Dell and going through the calibration process I didn't have to change much It was already pretty good.

If I turn off Windows HD color then I can't see the saturation problem other people were seeing.

TDLR; I actually had 2 issues that were compounded the over saturation issue. I was doing my editing under the conditions of those problems and then when I posted them and viewed them in firefox, It's desaturation issue dialed it back to a point that still look dark and over saturated to me but I can see how (KEN ROCKWELL TM) it looks now that I'm viewing in Opera.

Why the actual fuck is this so difficult?
Go to about:config in firefox. search for gfx.color.
double click the one I highlighted. this fixed the desaturation issue
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ok I think I'm getting closer to getting things right.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
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[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D4
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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>ok I think I'm getting closer to getting things right.
>the leaves are purple
anon I...
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Thank you anon. I did check the LR export setting, but it could be a multi monitor issue too as I'm always connected to my tv which is HDR-capable, while my main screen isn't.
I've never seen anyone recommending the native_srgb flag, no idea of what it does.

Some webpages can help detecting issues with color profile management
Weirdly enough I find no noticeable difference between the first two images, but they appear in the following ones.
FF's color management seems to be a clusterfuck anyway

I also have two monitor profiles, one for the day and one for night, so I have to remember that I need to use the correct one when editing pictures. This could influence whether I make correct edits, but shouldn't cause different rendering between programs.
By the way if you know software that automatically switches monitor profiles after sunset that would be quite nice. f.lux could work but I'm not sure. I used it for a different purpose some time ago but uninstalled it, could be worth trying again.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.0 (Windows)
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Color Filter Array Pattern844
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Well fug that seems to be working okay, but I guess it was also me using the wrong monitor profile in pp since >>4373885 still looks different
>I was thinking of the 16-35 f4 and some variant of the 70-200 or 70-300
I'd say you're right on the money with that if you're going for zooms. The first gen 70-200 f/2.8 has some AF-S motor issues though, if you'd prefer to not roll the dice, the 70-200 f/4 or the 80-200 f/2.8 AF-D are good picks too. Or just a later gen 70-200 f/2.8.
Decent prime options are a 20 or 24mm and a 105 or 135mm
I feel like I need to go for a zoom on the wide end to make the focal length work on DX and FX. I would be fine with a 20mm prime on FX, but that works out to 35mm on DX which is not particularly wide.
Or the 180, if you fancy the size and weight, which is about equal to the 70-300.

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