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Spooky season approaching 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4353857

Quick FAQS
>what’s the best camera available on a “budget”?
The blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, or the Panasonic gh5 (can pick one up for like 500 bucks atm)
>what’s a good beginner video camera?
Anything that works, shoots at least 1080p and preferably has interchangeable lenses. Any recommendation beyond that will cause arguments so read the fucking sticky if that isn't satisfactory.
>What's a good sound solution that won't break the bank?
Zoom h1
>Can I use a zoom lens for video?
>Do I need cine lenses?
>Do I need 4k?
No. It will make your footage look sharper if it’s in focus, and it gives you breathing room in post. But 1080p is still absolutely fine
>Can someone tell me if my video is any good?
Yes, but be prepared to receive harsh criticism. If you're going to waste 5 minutes of our time with a shitty out-of-focus montage of nothing then we'll tell you that it's crap
Any tips on what acceptable apertures are for filming? I don't have an ND filter and just want to get some short walking videos or still videos in daylight. Is f8 and f11 still acceptable?
Any aperture is "acceptable". It's an art. As long as your image is in focus and correctly exposed, you're doing far better than most film students.
Personally, I like faster apertures because I like filming at night and I like bokeh. You do you though.
(Sometimes slower apertures might make your video look cheaper because smaller sensors have deeper depth of field than larger ones. Bear this is mind since it sounds like you won't be able to control your lighting very easily. Also though, nd filters are very cheap last I checked)
With deep depth of field you need to put a lot more thought into set design. You can’t hide stuff you don’t want people to see in the blur so you need to put a lot more thought into set design if you shoot at slower apertures and you also might need more light to get proper focus. Citizen Kane had extremely deep DOF and it was an awesome film.
Are any anons on here into color grading?
I find that a fast aperture and drawing focus between subjects as needed comes off as far more professional than just shooting at f/16 and having everything focused. Obviously depends on a lot of artistic directions. ND filters are fuck all; get KF Concept ones off of amazon. They are perfectly serviceable budget filters and will set you back a whopping $20 a pop. I recommend stacking fixed ND filters instead of using VNDs, but VNDs will cost less overall and be easier to adjust. Using wide angles (<24mm) with VNDs also causes weird shit with skies.
I'm dipping my toes into shooting HDRPQ and Clog2/3 footage then trying to grade it. One of my cameras does not do Clog hence learning HDRPQ. I'm practically fuckin' clueless but we're about to go down that rabbit hole with some freeware linux shit (KDEnlive) and will see how things turn out. If that software ends up being aids I'm not above putting some coins down on proper software. I'm not completely happy with the DR of my OOC footage so grading it is.
Resolve will let you color grade. It’s professional software. If you don’t need to deliver in 4k it’s free. If you want to upgrade to 4k delivery it’s just a one time fee of $300 not a monthly rental like adobe
Brilliant. I much prefer just doing a one-off even if it's like C1 where it's $500 and they only update for a year. I'm still using Photoshop 7 lol.
Fuck off mr.it'sdajooos
Yeah but it's a pain because of how inconsistent an image looks across multiple devices
>grade something to perfection with perfectly balanced details in the shadows
>look at it on my phone and it's an over contrasted piece of shit that's barely visible because everything is so dark
>inb4 get a better monitor
Aren't pretty much all phones now adding artifical vibrance, saturation, and contrast to the screen output? You can turn it off but you betcha most aren't. While annoying as fuck, it's like viewing HDR content on an SDR screen and saying it looks like shit.
I do sympathise though; having inconsistent photos/video is aids.
Yes. But weirdly, last time I noticed this I tried turning it off on my phone and it made only a minor difference. Maybe (probably) I'm doing something wrong. But my current solution is to just dial down my grades. Make everything a bit brighter, reduce the contrast slightly and follow the general rule that if something is very dark but viewable on my screen then it isn't viewable on a lot of other screens.
If you are going to set stuff really dark rely on your scopes and not on your screen until you can afford a properly calibrated reference monitor (those monitors run a few grand or more) so if you are just starting out use the waveform monitor in resolve to check your exposure levels if you are going for a very dark and moody scene.
It's likely the screen on your phone is brighter, which may unintentionally produce more saturated colours than what you see on your 250 nit (at best) PC monitor.
>Using wide angles (<24mm) with VNDs also causes weird shit with skies.
Depends on the filter and how you use it. It's best not to engage the far end, e.g. if the filter is 1 to 7 stops, then use it from 2 to 6 stops to avoid the x pattern.
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The best advice anybody could possibly give you right now is to just do what looks good. Even if you're an insecure faggot who's worried about what other film/video guys think of your work, you aren't making stuff for them, you're making it for the audience/client and they're not going to notice or give a fuck about all the gay shit your peers will scrutinize under a microscope as if any of it ever mattered.
Yes, I just graded a 6 minute docu project for a non-profit client. Nikon N-Log footage from 2 Z9s. A previous short film I used CSTs and Davinci's Film Look Creator with the Rochester template as a base. This one I used the new RED LUT for my Rec709 conversion as the final node, I think it turned out nicely. I'm pretty new to the world of color grading and video in general so I don't think I'm an authority or anything.
Best you can do is grade to Rec709 standards and stay in safe bounds.
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Poor mans Arri Alexa Plus update >>4371750
Got a tripod for $500AU (Manfrotto 546B + 504HD head)
The Ninja 5+ is coming next week, I believe I can record up to 30p 444 or 422 over SDI
16gb SxS card on the way, no reader yet lol (16gb is 7min @24p)
Battery adaptor is on order
Still need to find a mounting plate, its just sitting on the tripod in the photo, top handle would also be nice
What are you getting out of it that you can't get out of a c80?
It's just all fun for me, I don't even work in the industry, and the tonez.
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How fuckin' dare you enjoy your hobby. You should shut the fuck up and buy a CANon not a canNOT. Huehuehuehuehue, checkmate atheists
easy bait for sony/canon users
Anyone know how to hook up an old Mini DV camera with only S video/AV outputs to a modern hdmi monitor?
>$2k+ just for funsies
Must be nice
Anyone know how to adapt a three headed dildo to two holes?
I always had the impression it was bigger.
You need a composite to hdmi converter. Any cheap chinese throwdown will work.
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Does /vid/ use HDMI monitors/recorders? Do you recommend them? I kinda like that they record to SSDs and in ProRes...
I use a Ninja V

I'd never use Alexa with a recorder but whatever suits you I guess
If you get a used odyssey recorder you can record arriraw to ssd drives. I can’t see using anything else unless you just want to save on media costs or can’t find the sony media the older arri cameras require.
> three headed dildo
> two holes

Hay anon, what the hell are you filming?
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>Ninja V
Would you recommend it? And if so, do you also recommend any accessories for it? Thanks anon!
>do you also recommend any accessories for it?
A camera
Sure, but how do you mount it, for example?
On your cage
Just a single 1/4-20 screw? Got some recommendations for cages? Is there a way to add some articulation to it?
Dude, there are a ton of YouTube reviews, rig builds, google searches that can answer this shit. I hate to be that guy, but I literally just did a bunch of research myself on pretty much the same subject and figured it out, you can do it I believe in you.
i have a cage on my ninja
smallrig have so many options to mount anything to anything, camera gear is sorta like lego you pick and choose what works for you and build it.
I have a magic arm for my monitor, so I can move it wherever
these are easy problems, figure it out. filmmaking is mostly having to solve annoying problems in the field so if you let this trip you, welcome to ygmi status
>annoying problems in the field
have a look at instagram.com/shittyrigs for inspo
I've been doing my own self study, and even though I disagree with some of this post, I still think it's pretty awesome. Good job.
I recommend a book called a A Practical Handbook for the Actor. It's one of the best books on acting, if not the best.
if it works, it's good
Based and DIY-pilled.
Look the media world is limited by your budget. Nobody can recommend shit unless they know your budget, and honestly, stop asking for recommendations it's annoying as fuck.

Figure out what your budget is and start researching based on that.

I'll give you this: The movie the creator looks incredible and it was shot on something you could build yourself as long as you have the cash. So you could potentially have a multimillion dollar movie rig in your closet.

Movie trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex3C1-5Dhb8

The rig https://www.filmmaker.tools/sony-fx3-creator-camera-rig

The rig, autistically reviewed and assembled https://youtu.be/FljpaBdBCBY?t=51

Now you know that a top tier rig has, how it is assembled and based on your budget you can start selecting what you can get, where you can add or substract and what you should prioritize.
Sup boys. Got a job editing porn. Do you have any tips to make the shit either smoother or just general workflow tips?

It's a ton of multicam work and high speed footage review because the guy recording uses 3 cameras, there's a weird interview and then the sex. But I have been having trouble with the fucking just dragging too long and not having smooth transitions between positions.

Also any idea for copyright free music that would suit porn. No 70s shit, but... idk... what the fuck do you have in a porn teaser background?
If you had enough money you could get any camera rig you wanted even a red or an arri

How does the fx3 compare in image quality to a red or to an arri?

If budget is no object you could buy or rent whatever you need

Most people posting on here will need to use whatever they can get based on how much spare cash they have

If you have no money and you want to rig your camera out you could always go to a local mom and pop hardware store and DIY to get the rig you want without spending too much cash because stuff made for cinema cameras tends to be over priced for what you get.
Does it pay good? Just focus on the money shots. The privates of the girls. Or of the guys if you are going for the gay viewers. How did you get this plum job anon?
>If you have no money and you want to rig your camera out you could always go to a local mom and pop hardware store and DIY to get the rig you want without spending too much cash because stuff made for cinema cameras tends to be over priced for what you get.
Don't disagree. But the point I was trying to make is that you can get top tier level quality while still remaining close to a budget that an average joe with a job could afford with some saving. I don't care about people with unlimited budgets.

>Most people posting on here will need to use whatever they can get based on how much spare cash they have
Yes, we agree. I presented a top tier budget alternative for that other anon to dissect because all the information is readily available. He can then decide, based on his budget what he wants to do.

Pays well based on my local economy. Compared to american salaries I am below the poverty line. If you were to compare 1:1 I live like someone making 6k per month in the US, I pay around 86 dollars for my healthcare and pension and I own all my houses. Have car debt though and my phone is about to crap out, but I have an emergency fund, so all good.

I just applied to video editing jobs and it hasn't been exactly easy, but I have passive income so I could afford to wait. Content is content. And raw footage is far less exciting than the finished product. But I have no schedule and it is remote, so it's good.
Thanks! That's actually the only helpful reply I got. It's fascinating to watch how it's done by someone who knows what they're doing. Cool.

>mount anything to anything
Yeah, well, that's the problem for me because I don't have the lego pieces and don't have the budget to spend $10k on all the stuff to play with it.
And most importantly, I lack experience so I don't even know what's possible.

I was looking for a simple/cheap/affordable rig.

>So you could potentially have a multimillion dollar movie rig in your closet.

Yeah but the rig is like 5% of what makes the cinematography work
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Another "cheap" Alexa update
So far Im about $5500AUD deep into the project, I just need to find a wedge (WA-1) that makes the VCT-14 plate click in and find a relatively cheap CCH-1 top handle, trying to sort something out with a UK supplier for £100 + postage.
I worked out a way to output 1080p 422 to the Ninja V over SDI, it looks pretty good and it will be a effective way to record with the ssd. I have one SxS card so far with more coming with a reader from all over the place so 2K 4444 will be possible soon.
The timecode seems to sync up to the ninja, so I could probably use this to sort out my audio, the ninja has a mic in, so even if I record internally if I hit record on the ninja i'll have something to sync it up later with, instead of using slates.
V mount draws about 5.2A @ 15.3V, she's a thirsty girl, I should get about a hour with my battery and I have two of them.
The log video (SDI) with the R709 lut on resolve looks pretty good, im happy with it so far.

I still have no idea what im doing, but its good fun and its all about the tonez.
>$5500AUD deep into the project
Must be nice…
Check for used odesssy recorders on eBay because for about $200 you can buy a license that lets you record arriraw if you use that recorder.
I have seen on on marketplace at a reasonable price, are you sure the license is $200? I was thinking its gonna be in the 5 digit range
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I got one used on eBay for $800 usd and I bought the license for arriraw for under $200 usd from the vendor because the monitor was discontinued. I’d email the maker of the odyssey to check on the price and availability of the arriraw license with the company that makes that recorder because it’s been discontinued. I bought one for under 200 use earlier this year but you’d want to make sure you can still get that license before buying a used recorder.

I included the contact info of the person who sold me the arriraw license in the photo for this post just in case you buy an odyssey and want to inquire about buying a license for arriraw recording. Actually reach out first to make sure you can get the license at a reasonable price before buying the used recorder.

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