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I use a digital AND film camera.

Digital to practice
Film to let go.

Why can't the rest of you retards be like this? Just shoot and have fun.
>another thread about how OP is soooo superior to everyone else.

You know a gear thread died for this, right?
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because i dont really enjoy photography that much
just like to snap a pic now and again so why bother with charging batteries, memory cards, or transferring your pics from one device to another
shit nigga i just want to take one picture and be happy about it

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>You know a gear thread died for this, right?
Good. Photo Thread > Snapshit Thread > Technique/Critique Thread > Meta Thread > Gear Thread > Snoy Thread > Huskyfag Thread
>Why can't the rest of you retards be like this?
because film is a consoomerist joke
fair enough anon. That's a nice pic so keep doing your thing
35mm film = 100MP minimum and upto 500MP.
ahahah oh no you're gonna make The Guy™ come out and post the chart

on topic however, i just took 30 pics on expired Fuji Sensia 200, gonna do my own DIY reversal with rodinal and c41 when its finished, wish me luck
too bad no film lens could ever resolve that
To an IG drone like you. Some of us partake in activities with real meaning, not "engagement" with chinese bot accounts. Film creates a physical copy of the light of the scene with superior detail rendition and more artistic color rendition instead of a bleh "neutral" reality copy that is artificially contrasty until it turns into rainbow vomit

Actually its very common for later zeiss/canon/leica lenses to resolve that
There are some modern aerial lenses that may be able to. Totally out of the question for ordinary shooters. Apparently some 35mm lenses can resolve over 200MP.

i think hes on break ill fill in
>Uh this is bullshit, I scanned a tire on a nikon coolscan and compared to this much larger tire shot on digital it is less sharp and has grain, digital has no grain and the edges are very crisp, 35mm film is no more than 5mp
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reminds me of this
> too bad no film lens could ever resolve that

Just slap a modern lens on it and stop whining. A sigma art lens on an analog canon ef camera easily outresolves the film
> 35mm film = 100MP minimum and upto 500MP.

I'd agree the 30MP Notritsu scanners fcking suck but 500MP is nonsense. 35mm porntra160 or vision3 50D max out at 100MP max
film has almost infinite resolution! but not on everything everywhere

the lower contrast the detail the less film is able to record it at all
>muh megapickes
>muh film has a gorillion pickles
pixelpeepees are turbocringe
8mp is sufficient for 99% of things
good taste anon
an 8mp film scan is "sufficient" for instagram, those people who never look at their own photos and only care what PHONIES like
an 8mp digital camera, excepting foveon, is worse than a phone
8mp scan of film looks better than 8mp digital but 8mp nonetheless is well sufficient especially if you digishit cam shoots the same way i shoot in your mom, i.e. raw
phonefag or no
Midwit take. You‘re not getting more detail, only a better look at the individual grains. Somewhere before 100MP it stops being worth it for 35mm.
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Imagine needing more than 6 megapixels

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Sure. I like mega pickles. They're better than kilo pickles. Why wouldn't I want more than 6 if I could have them?
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>digi vs analog
>format wars
>subject matter/genre sucks
>not art
every form of tribalism on this board sucks. it's so boring to read the same b8 and general spite every thread, all year long. which is why i no longer read posts. i just look at the pictures. i recommend you do the same and watch your enjoyment of the board greatly improve

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Focus ModeManual
Focus StatusOK
Picture ModeAperture Prior AE
Slow Synchro ModeOff
White BalanceDaywhite Color Fluorescence

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