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You can no longer have more than two lenses. What will they be?

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24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8.
Based zoomer boomer.
20mm 2.8 and the 105mm 2 DC portrait meme lens
the m.zuiko pro 12-100 and 150-400
>muh indoor lowlight
i know how to use bounce flash
>muh bokeh
bokeh is a crutch, with wide telephoto range like this it's easy to utilize background compression to get a smooth bg (or take environmental portraits which are much better for wildlife etc anyway)
Hows the base iso of 800 and the diffraction softening after stopping down once thing treating you? All remedied if you go panasonic (cheaper lenses too) or canon rf (they have a cheap 800mm f9 zoom and a 24-240, its very nice)

40mm f2.5 G
90mm f2.8 dg dn

The loss of macro hurts but big lenses are gay for most photography
Helios 103
Jupiter 12
Lenses I own? Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 and probably the 16-35mm. I'd be tempted to say the 150-500mm because you just can't replace that sort of reach, but I don't use it very often. I do really like my 90mm macro but I guess I can slap extension tubes on the 55mm. And I prefer the look of my 135mm over the 55mm but it's such a big size and weight difference and it's just too long for a lot of stuff.
Just get a bellows for your camera.
One landscape one portrait

E.g. Zeiss prime 21mm and Zeiss prime 50mm. Sigma art 24mm and Sigma art 85mm. Fujinon GF30 and Fujinon GF63.

That’s all one needs really if no specialized usecase like sports, macro or supertele. If you have more that’s skill issue gearfag copium0TKNS17
Normie answers are always like "24-120 and 180-600" or "12-200 and a 100-400 on muh m43 equivalence masheen" but ive never seen anyone IRL with anything but a fuji/sony and a prime or a canon rebel and the kit lens

Thats because, dick waving aside, small lenses actually result in fewer missed shots than big ranging ones, because if you're creative you don't need a zoomed to fill detail shot of everything that exists, you need a camera at period even when you dont feel like carrying a bazooka

So something similar to a 35-85 combo is the GOAT. One lens will always fit in your coat pocket unless its a f1.2 gay master leicatron. Neither focal length has a phone-associated aesthetic. Both will cover everything, including landscapes and wildlife. But like artistic "deer grazing in the fog" wildlife not zoomed in detail shots for nat geo. For that, the final redpill is actually buying a whole other camera just for wildlife. Even if you're rich, an ideal everyday body isn't usually an ideal wildlife body.
2 28mms
I only own 3 so it's not a hard call. 24-70 2.8 for landscape and 105 2.8 for macro.
>24-120mm f4
>300mm f5.6 PF
I don't actually own the PF, though.
If we're going with glass I actually have, I suppose
>70-200mm f2.8 VR
Yea same. Both of Nikons offerings are legendary.
I'd get those and a D4 or D850 and be set for life basically.
>300mm f5.6 PF
Sorry, I meant f4
35mm f1.4 GM
70-180mm f2.8
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are you stupid?
rf 24 70
ef 85 1.8
this is my answer as well, having the non-pro versions of both and enjoying both of them
17(35)mm is just comfy
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first thought is to go with my two most used lenses. vm 35/f1.4 and xf 18/f2

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No, why do you ask?
What are you implying?
24-105 2.8 and a super takumar (up to series 200000) 50 1.4
A sharp 24-200mm and a very fast 35mm
>Hows the base iso of 800 and the diffraction softening after stopping down once thing treating you
Diffraction is not an issue until like f/8, which has f/16 equivalent dof anyway. Base iso of 800 is also totally fine with modern stacked sensors.
>Panasonic FF
I'd go for it if I went fool frame desu
Seems dumb. FF offers me nothing.
I have those exact lenses in the pic, for Nikon film SLR or DSLR they're great bang for buck if you get them used.

If I could only have two, it would be the newer Nikon 50mm 1.8G and 85mm 1.8G, for portraits and general purpose with film or digital.
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58mm and 135mm
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35-150 f/2-f/2.8
85 f/1.4
fuck widies
24-105/2.8 and 100-300/2.8
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Two primes either side of 50mm is still the objectively most effective way to become a better photog.

Currently rocking the RF 24mm f/1.8 Macro and the EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro and that's honestly enough. I do carry the RF 50mm f/1.8 with me but if we're picking two, it's those.
this but 12-40 and 40-150 f/2.8.
GF 30/5.6 TS
GF 110/2

Panaleica 200/2.8 with both TCs and the panaleica 12-35/2.8
Probably 18-55 kit zoom and some 50 mm. Maybe the 50 could also be a macro lens.
>400mm f5.6
>and a 24-70 f5.6
Sounds like lenses for femboys to me. I hope they're at least cheaper enough to make room for your HRT budget, xister.

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>Heres your equivalence, bro
What the fuck is wrong with penisonic?
RF 28-70 f2.0 and RF 70-200 f2.8. It's the setup I'm moving towards. Plus if possible, RF 100-500 f4.5-7.1 for football. Don't need anything else.

>You can no longer have more than two lenses. What will they be?
I’m going to choose the two crystalline lenses in my eyes and then I’m gonna go around and rob all you blind fucks of the camera lenses you can’t see
the panasonic is f/5.6 equivalent THOUGH
16-35 f/4
85mm f/1.4
thats what makes it so bad
>mft be like: want something the same size as a faster ff setup? at least your 4k60 is uncropped (because everything is already cropped 2x)
Nikon Z 14-30 f4, and Nikon Z 85mm 1.8.
Fucking excellent, both of them.
Or if destined for film wankery forever, the olde Nikonos 35mm and 80mm lenses bc they are compact AF and sharp as shit, & the both of them on the Nikonos V is the only film camera that does something that my digital absolutely cannot, and that’s shoot in any conditions perfectly reliably, in blizzards, hurricanes, total downpours, submerged in mud or literally underwater at the bottom of the sea. Great lenses, awesome body, if not slightly irritating to shoot (fucking zone focusing jfc)
Nikon Z 26/2.8 and Z 40/2.
Cope and seethe trannies.
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zeiss planar 80mm f/2.8
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these two
tiny and cover 99% of what i like to shoot
very different optical qualities
see also >>4369310

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Wait, do people actually use more than two lenses? Like actually use and not just letting it sit on a shelf for 9 months?

I've never found I need more than two lenses. All my cameras now just have a one lens setup.
21 1.4 and 50 1.
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Zooms for being a lazy snapshitter / paid gigs
Primes for actual sovl and decent photos
I own 5 lenses with the 2 zooms only coming out if weight / size is a constraint for whatever I'm doing. The primes get more use and having three (28/50/100) gives you more options. All my photos are dogshit, mind you, but that's not the gear's fault.

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>All my photos are dogshit
probably Nikon Z 24-120 f4 and the Tamron 70-300. Nikon's 100-400 is unquestionably nicer but it's also bulkier and heavier, and for what I shoot, size and weight is important.

Man do I miss the XF 35mm f2 on my old X-T3 setup though.....
Zooms are slow primes bundled up, learn self-discipline
>All my photos are dogshit
Nikon 17-55
Vivitar Series 1 70-210
I love this photo and am saving it to my computer.
The vast majority of my photos either lack composition, or are travel pictures. The macro I do is an exception but it's kind of hard to have a macro shot without a subject.
Yes, but the ones taken with primes are less shit.
Cheers, I'm gonna go back there soon with hopefully my CPL that I forgot and on a day without bushfire smoke fucking up the horizon
how many cameras do you have?
Viltrox 27mm 1.2 and Viltrox 75mm 1.2
What if my camera has a fixed lens?
Then you get to pick two fixed-lens camera bodies.
Leica APO-Telit-R 1:5.6/1600mm (picrel, valued 2 million usd) and a 50 mm f/1.2
I'd sell the first one and live a happy life without having to work any more
Forgot pic
That's a telescope, anon. Be cheaper to build an observatory
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being restricted to only 2 lenses mean you would have to sacrifice image quality or your style for the purpose of being able to cover all the focal ranges AND it also immediately eliminates any and all prime lenses from the list for 99% of photographers both amateur and ones who live off it... 3 lenses is doable but 2 is just forcing you to pick 2 zooms that cover the biggest focal range.

that said, since i do portraits/fashion and weddings and do automotive/nature/macro in my free time, i would probably be forced to go for either
1. 16-35 and 70-200
2. 24-70 and 70-200
i know SOOO MANY pros that do portraits and similar, who have only a 45-58mm lens and a 100/135mm lens as their only 2 lenses

people are switching back to the 1970's to early 2000's meta where nobody uses a 60 or 85mm lens and only 45/48/50/52/55/58mm are used in combination with 100/105/110/135mm

honestly do you even need a 80/85? i always thought that this focal length is shit when there are 55mm and 100mm lenses in existence
24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8, given the restrictions, though those aren't my favorite lenses. But it gives me the most flexibility.

If I had to pick 2 primes for my Leica system, let's say, 35 and 75. I don't currently have a 75, just a 90, but I'd get one.
I kinda want the 55mm for the 3D pop, but the CA on that thing looks so ass. Is it really that bad?
I just need a 50. If I have to pick another, probably a 20 or 24. Doubt I'd use it much though.
I can't say I'm displeased with it. I've had lenses with much worse CA. What I care about most is that it's sharp enough to actually use wide open and that it gives a pleasing look when doing so. And that it's small and was fairly cheap is a nice bonus, I could have got a 1.2 GM but I'd be less inclined to take it with me.

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And an example of the bokeh. It's not creamy, I have my 135mm if I really want that, but it's a look that I like.
The two lenses I have for my Sony full frame system. 35mm f1.8 and 85mm f1.8.
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Does Pentax have any (cheap) 50mm lenses that are f/2 or faster AND decently sharp? I have a vintage 50 but it's not very sharp

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a fellow biker i see
shot the main (top) pic with my phone, so only shitty resolution available... wish i had my snoy with me...

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holy shit anon thats nat geo magazine worthy
"here you can see a phonefag desperately coping"
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dawg what are you talking about how are you 'forced' to do anything? plenty of posters itt chose something completely different

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its because, lets say youre doing only automotive work for your local auto magazine, or maybe you shoot only landscapes and nature, in both cases, since youre restricted to only two lenses, if you pick anything other than two zooms, you will only be able to do shots and compositions that work with whatever 2 primes or 1prime/1zoom you chose. meaning youre literally forced to shoot a certain way and youre forced to do only certain compositions because your focal ranges dont allow you to do anything else, where as with two zooms OR with being allowed to pick 3 lenses instead of only 2, where you can do something like 16mm, 55mm and 100mm, in both of these cases, you have 3 out of 4 of the main focal range groups covered, instead of only 2/4 by being restricted to picking only 2 lenses, UNLESS you pick 2x zoom lenses......
but then again, more and more pros are going back to using 50+135 combo across all fields, especially portraits and similar
Not everyone needs to cover such a wide focal range
Picking lenses primarily to cover 16-200 seems like such a beginner move
Because he’s an actual working artist and needs to achieve his vision not play gear games like nonworking nonartists ie: leica strapping poseurs

Focal length affects perspective first and foremost. Get-closering every photo just makes everything look like winogrand.
he's such a working pro he has to post the same car pic with the ugly toning
such a pro he doesn't even know if a 16-35 or 24-70 would suit his needs better
so pro he admits explicitly to sacrificing quality and/or style to simply cover "all" focal ranges
so pro, he can't imagine doing pro work with a pair of primes (no one ever does that)
so pro he simply lists focal lengths, not even actual lenses (of course all 70-200 are equivalent)
I use my 24-70 as a 24mm prime that sometimes allows me to shoot a protrait without switching to a prime or telezoom

A 16-35 could be better or worse depending on the frequency of 2/3s portraits in the event.

The majority of pros own 2 bodies, half the prime lineup and 3 zooms for a reason. You’ll get it when you end up doing a real shoot. It gets fast paced and suddenly yes, you do not know if tomorrow will favor a 14-24+70-200 or a 24-70+135mm f1.8 because you’re not speaking with the client until tomorrow

2 lens kits are almost overkill for a hobbyist, but a serious shoot for a living professional, not a basic “i shoot duh weddangs” guy, who caters to clients, basically buys into a brand for their entire lens catalog because we need a shitton of lenses to work faster than or as fast as the other guys. Studio space lighting modifiers and clients are all charged according to time spent and models today like their “flow”.

if you have more than 1 40mm prime for a general photography hobby you are living a life of luxury. your second lens better cover a whole new genre like macro or wildlife. the oft cited 35-85 f1.4 pair is a work setup. as a hobbyist you need a 28-75 f2.8.

a professional works for people and does not make excuses about limiting themselves and working in the snarky artistic style of trevor wisecup. a professional needs a large lens selection to meet client needs, unlike a hobbyist who can play the shoot your day on a 50 game and get creative any time they want. yeah if your name isnt leibovitz, they dont want you to step too far out of line, do that for your own gallery debut not the cover of better homes and gardens.
50 and 55
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i'm a hobbyist but that seems reductive. there are many factors to style other than fl, and there are innumerable ways to compose any given focal length. i'm not knocking zoom coveragemaxxing if that's your preference but i'm doubtful that it's what literally everyone would be 'forced' to do in this hypothetical
also all this is beside the point of OP which asked which lenses, not which fls.

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I shoot a lot of events and weddings too, I understand having all your bases covered, surprised me because I have no doubt I'd prefer a 24-70 over a 16-35, not even close
I'd at least give you some credit if you made the effort to specify which 70-200 and etc, but you've still neglected to do that even when brought up
you also proclaimed what focal ranges are necessary for not just yourself, but others as well
how sad that you think focal length is all that matters for a lens, how sad that you think they are all equal in quality
you missed the spirit of the thread quite hard, your answer was not of someone who is passionate about photography at all
Quality? All lenses have been sharp since the late 80s. L2shoot and stop enlarging everything 400% and standing nose to print.
if we're going to be that lazy, don't even need the 70-200 at all since we can just high mp and crop
>crop your cropped crop for reach!
>enlarges his bayer subsampling blur
Ew. Get it right in camera. Thats the exact kind of shit that makes a good lens look ”soft“
nah, see
>stop enlarging everything 400% and standing nose to print.
modern cameras are simply good enough in resolution, your just peeping
> a good lens
wait, but i thought all lenses since the late 80s were the same and that sharpness he literal only factor when it comes to a lens

so are there differences between lenses or not?
a good lens is one made in the late 80s or newer duh.

primes are only for bokeh.
>primes are only for bokeh.
and manual focusing
and street photography
or different optical qualities and characteristics
or shooting in lowlight
or different size / weight
or for consistency
>myth unless $20 soviet meme swirly bubble lens
>thats just bokeh
>skill issue
>skill issue
what a silly perspective
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1. 16-35mm f/4 zoom
2. 35mm f/1.4 prime
sigma 18-50 f/2.8
xf 50-140 f/2.8
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>Tamron 35-150 f/2.8-4
in ef mount
>Pentax 35-105mm f/4-5.6
in k mount

You wanna fight about it?
>>>4372524 (OP)
I'd go with just a 50mm 1.8, thank you.



>variable aperture
>he needs the crutch of a fixed aperture
skill issue
Sony 16-35mm f2.8 GM (ver 2)
Sony 70-200mm f2.8 GM (ver 2)
This is your fate.
Accept it.
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Fujifilm GF 32-64mm F 4 R LM WR
i seriously cannot tell who is trolling anymore
It's not, for two reasons;
>I don't need a 300mm focal length
>I don't shoot mirrorless
>no photo
opinion discarded
>no photo
thread was answered here >>4372559
everything after that post is just peak gearfag cope
CabiCanon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Hexanon 24mm f/2.8
TOP MINT++++++ answer
Is this joking that the lenses I picked would be filled with mold, or serious?
Probably because of “Cabi” in the OP. “Kabi” means “mold” in moonspeak.
Both. Good lens choices, and see >>4377730


He's right, why not a Df, same sensor as D4 and weighs 1/3 as much
idk i want the big fatso battery grip and dat fps
i have a voigtlander 27mm f2 and it's pretty much welded on my camera, it could be a fixed lens device at this point. Given the comfort of having two lenses, I'd probably keep my shitty samyang 35mm f1.2, or revert back to 7artisans 35mm f0.95 that I weirdly liked a lot despite how shitty it was. So, I'd have one tiny little pancake on a wider side, and one standard 50mm equivalent that would be very bright.
Some standard zoom with my favorite prime lens
theres a pin sharp 1.7 in both A and M flavours and a 1.4 thats a little more expensive but the 0.3 of light doesn't really do that much difference, theres also this XR rikenon f2 that has a very good rep

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