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File: pepe (193).jpg (27 KB, 425x340)
27 KB
>nice picture, what camera did you shoot it on?
It's so frustrating. The initiated ask about the lighting and mise-en-scène instead.
Tell them that you have built a peehole camera in your cock. The foreskin protects the film from premature exposure. So when you have to take a shot you pull back your foreskin and boom, you release the shutter and make the shot.

Offer them a demo show. If they refuse just call them gay, do a 360 and walk away.
>The initiated ask about shit that is entirely obvious from looking at the photo
ok retard, i was only asking what camera you were using so i know whether to call you a pedo or a zoomer
>a 30 year old one, thanks
People ask this now because to normies, sensors super 35 sized and larger are lost technology. Have been since the 2000s compact digital craze (which includes, was not replaced by, phones - phones are currently ergonomically and economically worse to fit their cameras in)
Eh, mi bici lleva camaras de butyl
>thinking normies even know what sensors are
They don't have to

if you have a fucking nex 5n with an adapted helios they think it is literally magic, AI, "what app is that" "is that a filmic camera"

You dont understand how dumb normies are about photography. Normies thought taylor swifts om-d e-m10 kit lens snapshits were done on a $2000 fujifilm or shot with some kind of polaroid just because it looked slightly better than their phones and their "retro vibey" pns shitters
Count yourself lucky, all the normalfags I know just parrot media talking points. I've never heard one talk about cameras beyond the word zoom.
>people don't care about my autistic hobby
>but are still nice enough to fake interest
Nice picture! Was that one from the cinestill roll that took you 6 months to finish?
>nice picture, what camera did you shoot it on?
The answer is always "the one I had in my hand."
>normalfags just parrot media talking points
It's a requisite for being a normalfag

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