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I've been out of the gear game for a long time (last camera i bought was in 2014), are they really so out of ideas now that "it looks retro and vintage" is a major selling point?
It's not a major selling point because they're out of ideas, but because it works well
yes. the camera tech has basically plateaued. Even if a company came out with an tech breaktrhough, they'll just piecemeal it and release improvements once every few years so they don't have to innovate as fast.
>works well
how? its just a cosmetic appearance. it doesn't do anything functionally
It works well as a marketing trick. People gobble that shit up. See the x100 and zf
>how? its just a cosmetic appearance
The cattle see something cool, they buy it
If they bought the good stuff there wouldn't be many cameras, and to be fair pros buy the same 2 or 3 bodies depending on their choice and lens system.
Photography tech plateaud at the Nikon F6 and canon 1v. Fine grained 35mm film has up to 500MP if you have the SKILL to get that much out of it, and there are NO digi-cams that get even remotely close.
Cope and seethe. Fuji and Nikon won.
>tips fedora
Woah, look at mr blackrock wannabe over here. Get over yourself lmao
>I've been out of the gear game for a long time
wait until you find out it's all mirrorless...
>how? its just a cosmetic appearance.
After the design tragedy that was DSLRs, people will gladly take that.

For a while it was like big camera did not want your money if you were not a soulless paid snapshtiter for the NFL

And after the latest round of increasingly large, low DR, high speed cameras i'm beginning to think they want to go back to that because whenever they do something nice for actual human beings, all the gearfags and sports snapshitters go "I NEED A BIGGER GRIP, WHERES MY 200-800 F4 STOP WASTING R&D MONEY ON SMALL PRIMES"
what design tragedy? do people stare at their camera more than actually taking photos? I've never once looked at my D7100 and said "wow this is ugly as sin I wish they would make a prettier camera so my photos would look better"
>What design tragedy?
The part where 35mm cameras became uglier than 645 SLRs and about the same size, becoming horridly inconvenient to just carry, and horrid to be seen holding.

The majority of people bought small sensor compacts instead. Big camera's position was you didn't "need" anything more unless you were le NFL wedding news man so their better cameras would be built exclusively for the wants and needs of le sports wedding news segment.

This is the part where a scrawny nerd or a gross fat fuck claims he is heckin manly for carrying a slightly uglier, heavier camera as if it is an achievement and people who have more sex aren't passing it up just because it's ugly and annoying to tote around.
>do people stare at their camera more than actually taking photos
no, they care about how they appear to other people while taking photos. They're delusional thinking that some mysterious onlookers or even peers will highly regard them for using a retro camera when in reality no one gives a fuck.
It's mostly about just holding something ugly. Voluntarily. That says something about you. Your degree of self care and self esteem. It's an ugly device, no one wants to carry something ugly around and hold something ugly in front of their face. People who are not ugly probably don't understand it. It calls up the image of the nerd, or add 20 years and call them a birdwatcher. Very uncool.

Just make the camera not so fucking ugly, and about 35mm to half frame again, like they were for almost a whole lifetime, and suddenly people buy. Who knew?
god you reminded me of my college photo club where a faggot would always share photos in the online gallery with a caption on how he shot xyz with a fuji x100v. Like no one asked, no one cares, we just wanted to see photos, even a leicafag wasn't in your face like that.
the leica guy was too busy having sex to caption his photos

the fuji guy was getting tired of being asked if toy cameras were in now
Hit a nerve didn't i, Fujiworm?
Nah I don't use Fuji. You're embarrassing, man
>DSLRs were fine bro
>>>literally so ugly they created fuji and m43 as the free market pushing back, which forced the big 3 to promptly kill DSLRs and switch to mirrorless, resulting in sony stabbing nikon 20 times in the chest with the piece of the original a7 lens mount that was supposed to keep the light leaks out
>the free market always chooses the superior product
retard alert
>WOW! some people care about THING? everyone look at me and notice how special and authentic i am for not caring about THING
5/10, got me to reply
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dials are fun

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where bokeh dial?
Yeah check yourself, the fucking fag picking a camera for looking cool and not for making things look cool
every camera takes photos as well as the other. looks is all that sets them apart.

>inb4 gearbabble
skill issue.
Personally don't get it but you can't deny it's its not working
I don't even use a retro camera. I'm just making fun of you because you seem like the kinda guy to wank to V for Vendetta. Get over yourself LMAO, some bullying will be good for you
get an om-5 bro
>hurr durr use film
>then digitalize it
>muh megapickels
>muh film
>muh grain
mental illness
tradesmen love their tools. stop being an autistic abo you petrol huffing slob
it chooses the popular product. one can argue what superior means in that context. is something that performs better on charts and tech sheets "superior" to something people want to actually buy, use and enjoy?
based fuji weather sealing
true, use them all the time in the rain, snow, sand and dust
always held up just fine
Yes. DSLRs were inferior to both film slrs and mirrorless.
But hipsters are still a thing, yes. Just look at the retards buying old Leicas.
>I'm just making fun of you
You need to be funny first, bud
Take your meds
>cringe + nophoto
Opinion discarded
>Photos in a nophoto thread
Retard alert!

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