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>saves the entry level market
Fuji won.
Wait wait wait, what the fuck does this thing do that the X-A series doesn't?
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honestly thought it was this from the thumbnail until I clicked
>both brands make kino retro aesthetics
>fuji becomes viral and successful
>olympus fades into obscurity
What did Olympus do wrong bros?
They didnt market themselves as a magic talisman that will give you super skills if you buy their product.

They marketed themselves like a DSLR company would.
Gets you pussy
Actual truth: Olympus could not compete with phones in the image quality department. Early models were very problematic. Weather sealing works or it doesn't, cameras were advertised like they were waterproof but weren't. Most appealing lenses are not weather resistant either, mostly just big "pro" ones. Fuji and sony APS-C literally mogged them to death, so hard olympus asked JIP to take their name off the cameras out of embarrassment.

Panasonic saw the writing on the wall and made all their m43 cameras extremely video focused.
>Actual truth
What did she mean by this?
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But Sony did literally the exact same thing and they still sold plenty of snoys to NPCs
>watch olympus ambassador make a wildlife video shilling the "reach" of m43
>their video camera is some mid range sony with 3rd party telezoom
>showing cropped video of animal while talking about "making" the stills image
>*click* *show image*
>m43 still image is worse iq than the sony video stream
>"here's why m43 is so powerful guys"
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holy seething schizo
They were going broke as fuck from huge amounts of internal corruption and by the time it was found out they were already doomed. Ignore any other answers. Market share, sensor size, mirrorless revolution, whatever, all is surprisingly lackluster compared to the immediate effect of "There are a missing 117 billion yen listed in the books and no one can find it."
Here's the shills

Their camera division was seriously fucking dead.
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>'hey that's neat, I haven't heard of that Fuji. What a neat little thing, reminds me of my E-M5. Are small sized and not super expensive cameras making a comeback? Is that a round PEN type viewfinder I see at the back?'
>look it up
>Fujifilm's X-M5 is an entry-level mirrorless APS-C camera with a strong focus on vlogging.

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Tiny Panasonic GM5 successor WEN
Real answer; Fuji shilled their "film simulation" and tiktok fags ate it up
>entry level
>$800 msrp
pick one
>fuji becomes viral and successful
instax saved fuji desu
I think this one is more handsome, unfortunate they went belly up
Remember when entry level was around 250? I remember.
When were things $250 and what were they?
Even the first entry level rebel dslr was $900
>Even the first entry level rebel dslr was $900
Not the other anon but I'm Australian so it was a 300D and it cost me 1700 dollarydoos with the 18-55mm which was about 1200USD back then. 6 fucking megapixels and if I remember rightt, 2.5 or 3 frames a second on continuous? Fuck me I thought it was goddamned space magic.
olympiss did a harley davidson: they focused on geriatric boomer market segment and completely ignored younger people. now their customer base is dying. they better bring out a pen-f mk2 or it's totally over for them.
>can't compete with phones
>zoomers spend their allowance on prehistoric point&shit digicams
as if that mattered. they just failed at marketing.
the ep-7 is a very nice cam. but I couldn't make it work without a viewfinder. if it had a EVF it would be a goat camera. especially at that price point
>Its been almost a decade since the pen f came out
Its never happening
I know :(
X-E4 sold for less on launch
Some of the Rebels have been $550 with a kit lens, the 4000D was under 500
Gives you worms.
>Their camera division was seriously fucking dead
Only for the ones that you don't shove up your ass.
If they gave the TG-8 a m4/3 sensor and a prime lens, it'd save the entire brand.
are there hotshoe electronic viewfinders compatible with it?
honestly it would be really great for EDC if it had a viewfinder or a really bright screen
why do you love being a stupid nigger so much
>m4/3 sensor
>phone quality
>save the brand
*if they converted the m4/3 mount to fit an aps-c sensor it would save the brand
They're an outdoors only brand now. I hope it works out for them, but nowadays other brands can weather seal their cameras. They should be ok though as long as fujifilm doesn't release a camera with sealing+working AF. If that happens it might be over...
Other brands could always seal their cameras, to about the same degree. Olympus didn't introduce an innovation there, and their "weather sealing" is most likely worse than nikons. IRL the D850 is basically waterproof, and the only time it got any water in it was when it was tested alongside an olympus. The same test almost killed a sony that was also filmed being shot in the rain for 1hr without problems.


Well, OM System also paid off petapixel to outright lie about the G9II's low light performance and claim the OM-1 was better (IT IS LITERALLY 1.7 STOPS OF DR BEHIND AT EVERY ISO), so we can assume something about olympussy's past behavior from this.
When Olympus/OM system provides anything to a reviewer, they pay them off to make olympus look more favorable.

Add in sample size and a few forum posts about olympus garbage dying from light moisture and olympus starts to look more like sony


t. scorned panasonic fanboy
What phone has a m4/3 quality camera?
Why are you mad, schitzo? If others could always seal to the same degree, why don't they get the stuff IP-rated? And offer warranty based on water ingression?
Flagship phone cameras exceeded olympus m43 quality last year.

The only m43 system that can still outdo a phone is more expensive, FF sized panasonic m43.
>Flagship phone cameras exceeded olympus m43 quality last year
Any with decent ergonomics?
>IP rated
Olympus's IP rating, in legal text, is worthless.
>Offer warranty based on water
Olympus didn't make this company policy.

They were never better sealed than canon/nikon pro gear. The only gotcha was they were sealed despite being as far from pro gear as possible. They are also less sealed than panasonic pro gear. Same size userbase, you can find user reports of oly water damage but none for the gh6, g9, etc.

It's a myth and it's no wonder olympus sold the camera division instead of some of the lawsuit ridden medical business
>olympus sued for a medical device that overinflates people with gas
It's a way of bringing down people who are, in the view of these people 'low' and 'stupid' enough to use the system. Only full frame is good enough, and everyone should think that. Otherwise they should just go and shoot with their phones, it's literally the same.

Oh yeah, and don't go to the phone photo general and after that check out what crop cameras output. Lens quality has NOTHING to do with image quality. Only MEGAPIXELS and SENSOR SIZE. Just remember that, retard.
>olympus sued for a medical device that overinflates people with gas
Which one's that?
>Go to the phone general
>IQ is on average higher than micro four thirds
Yeah, you need 24mp ff minimum to beat AI.

Computational photography is a powerful thing
>IQ is on average higher than micro four thirds
You are tripping.
>film sim dial
i don't know anon, this doesn't look like winning to me
>no ibis
honestly kind of hype, nearly as small as the x70, just a little thicker on the lens
used to run an e-p1 with 17mm + ovf back in the day, seems similar with the 18 + ovf

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mostly it has C-slots on the dial, a flip-out screen and no built-in flash, and it's not out of production
>1.04M-dot LCD
Why have screens on cameras stagnated in the past 10 years? No wonder phones killed the camera industry.
because photographers dont give a fuck. believe it or not they are different from typical consumerist techbugs
>omg le benchmarks le processor le screen! -techbugs
>things that affect how the photo turns out. -photographers
Call them consoomers because you think the aspect of the photo they’re after doesnt or shouldnt matter, ie: sharpness hate cult, softness hate cult, grain hate cult, tonality hate cult
Call them posers or gearfags
Call them talentless for buying an aid, call them a drab corner snapper for buying a leica

But they’re not quite the same as the man who buys the new iphone because the screen is better and the animations are smoother
Holy cope. Enjoy your unusable screen in daylight from a decade ago lmao
Skill issue
>Happy with paying more for less
>Unironically being a good goy consoomer
the camera industry is basically a cartel at this point. They don't want improvements, they just want to keep it the same mostly so they don't have to work as hard. There's no disruptor because they've already been disrupted and they're just getting by with whoever survived.
If I get this fuji will I never have to edit my shit again? People make fun of me because I use darktable but I use linux so I can't use anything better and I don't want to buy another computer just for editing photos.
It also doesn't help that the remaining loyal fanboys buy whatever low effort recycled scraps that gets put out.
>never have to edit
that's a matter of discipline not the issue of camera model. Digital tools make it so easy that even if you like the sooc photo, people will still try to tweak it or put a filter on like an addiction.
I mean like adjusting white balance and exposure and stuff not shooping.
>People make fun of me
*/p/eople who click every EXIF field to find something to complain about
You will have to edit your shit constantly

if you want 0 edits life buy a nikon
Isn't every brand but Sony good? I've people say their chosen brand has "actually good soocs" for Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus...
As long as you don't buy a SNOY (worse color science and you will have to post process every pic you take) youll be fine.
But Fuji is the GOAT for SOOC jpegs.
>if you want 0 edits life buy a nikon
If you want 0 edits life buy a 4x5.
No. Panasonic, olympus, and pentax have awful colors no matter what.

Sony and canon have bad or good colors depending on the model. All the sony hate comes from amateur videotards not knowing how to use the a7ii and a7iii because sony’s auto white balance algorithm fucking sucked. All the canon love comes from the 5d classic and 5d mark 3 but other canons are hard to tell apart from a sony honestly.

Nikon is ALWAYS great.

Fuji jpegs look like puke. All the colors get averaged together. Zombie skin. Beige eyeballs. Pallid lips. Pink teeth.

But if you shoot nothing but concrete at golden hour and backs of heads in B&W they’re great!
talentless NPC hands typed this
Not fitting in among 4channers (mostly hipster potheads and schizotypals) and their so called taste is a good thing.
yeah imagine having different taste than someone who literally days “npc” and ends words with -pilled -let and -cel
the horror
imagine samefagging your own posts
Kek memebrains mad
yeah imagine samefagging your own posts
postulate the concept of replying to one's own 4chan output
Lots of canon dslrs. Pentax dslrs. Nikon dslrs. Sony nex cameras. Micro four third cameras. But Fuji? Nah. Entry level..not consumer/enthusiast grade faggot.
In English, Pajeet?
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this or an a6400? they are the same price
Which one has more dials (do you need them )and which one has a viewfinder (do you want it), which one has more lens options on the useed market for cheaper
That's because Fuji came into the market to milk hipsters who thought £250 DSLRs were bad because of their price
Never been the case, at least for USD pricing on new models. Entry level has been $500-800 for the last twenty years. D40 launched at $600, D60 at $750, T3 at $600, T2i at $900, etc. The lowest you'd ever see new, is $400 for a few weeks a year on an older Rebel, or like $450-550 for a two lens kit.
If you consider inflation, an entry level price of $800 today would be a similar equivalent of $500-600 10-20 years ago.
It will be for a very casual edc camera (90% photos 10% video), honestly think I could get away without an evf because the video on the fuji looks a lot better

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