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Why are leicafags like this?

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Why are you like this?

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Lmao this is turning into such a shit slinging contest
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Absolutely btfo.

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Why are /p/ fags like this?
>autist screenshots something
>end up making a fool of himself
this happens way too much on this board
micro four thirds users. nuff said.
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OP on suicide watch

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reddit is just /b/ with corpo and usaf mods instead of fbi and cia mods no idea where they get their ego
give this redditor some gold, too bad it isn't his cake day too!
United States Air Force mods?
>the leica subreddit literally says do not post photos
I hope they enjoy their paperweights
I do
>snoy subreddit all about cameras failing
>DSC-F707 Not Charging
>Sony a7siii stopped recording. File saved as RSV. Is there a way to recover this?
>HELP! - Dust Keeps Entering Sensor
>Sony A7 IV, white flahs in streaming mode
>Sony A74 view finder blurry?
maybe if /p/ put that in the board rules there would be more photo threads
Funny because Reddit is the one whose user base totally imploded. 4chan's is also down but its slow and gradual not a complete vacuum.
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snoysissies... our response??
I get why someone would dislike the brand, but you don't have to post this image in EVERY FUCKING THREAD
no job no life issues.
Cope. Reddit is more popular than ever.
>10k for a jap copy of a german lens
what a world we live in. i bet his pics are breathtaking desu
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>United States Air Force mods?
prove it
Yes, because they literally have another sub dedicated to just photos from Leica gear
Yes, X (Twitter) too!
What an epic statement by an awesome Redditor!!! What kind a Chud would use 4chan in the year of our lord 2020+4?

Here have some plebbit gold, my good Xir.

Feel free to use it to fund another bull for your wifey ;) :)
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>Cope. Reddit is more popular than ever.

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