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How the fuck he did it bros? HOOOOOOOW

For me Edward S Curtis is an absolute towering mammoth of 20th century American photography. What a fucking genius.
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Motherfucker photography doesn't gets better than this
Boomer shyt
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shut up tasteless zoomer subhuman. you need to be whipped by an aristocrat into aesthetic awakening. and hopefully he will teach you the 101 of composition real good.
Madness, madness, pure madness

this man always knew where to stand and where to place his subjects
Holy madness

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this man was blessed by the grace of god

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>Mandan man overlooking the Missouri River, c. 1908
Fucking chills
Native Americans looked like they were from another planet. So kino but sad too. Modernity bulldozed everything.
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Whole framework of """contemporary""" documentary is there. Holy shite.
The coherence of the technique and subject only results in kino

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Un-fucking-believable image
Modernity has little to do with it. They were genocided by europeans pure and simple. Their culture, along with their people, was eradicated because considered inferior and barbaric.
Beautiful and hauting pictures of a murdered people and culture.
You're right but Europeans are just one aspect of modernity. Whole world had embraced modernity in some way or another by hook or crook.

I am not american so what happened to 20th century Native Americans? They were also genocided?
Edward S Curtis' The North American Indian Project

All 20 volumes plus prints. Imagine owning that mammoth
Euro colonisers + some NA tribes vs. the other NA tribes.
Also small pox before vaccines were invented.
Depends what you mean by it, modernity can take many meanings, but usually it is meant as a time period and/or historical/social process, linked to industrialization, the development of science, philosophical currents, etc.
One could argue that modernity is a strictly european phenomenon, that's not to say other societies did not evolve, but rather that they took a different path than europeans.
Anyway, by the time Curtis started photographing native americans, their population was only a small fraction of what it was pre-european colonisation. They were kicked out of their lands or had their means of subsistance annihilated (see bison hunting), they were pitted against other tribes, caught between different european settlers, they were infected purposedly by europeans, they were simply massacred when they dared oppose europeans. That all happened mostly in the 19th century. By the 20th century only a handful of natives remained and were already "pacified".
European modernity killed them in the sense that endless territorial expansion and industrial production of weapons by europeans are what made the genocide possible.
>by the time Curtis started photographing native americans, their population was only a small fraction of what it was pre-european colonisation.
Holy shit man. So this is not even the fraction of their "true" culture? Culturally they look so advance(not in the retarded anglo progressive industrial kind of way) in these photos. I wonder how they looked before intervention.
>true native culture
Choose one.
before the settlers even started consciously genociding them millions of native people died due to the social collapse brought on by european diseases spreading ahead of them (and potentially other factors). google the mound builders.
What do you mean by that?
Look up Wounded Knee Massacre. It is considered the final step in a long series of massacre in the process of "pacifying" (genociding) Native Americans, although it is not the last massacre. Wounded Kneed was in 1890. Curtis started his documenting work in 1907.
And yes, he documented the last breaths of a dying culture, most of it remains either unknown or known through the lens of their murderers.
Curtis work is not only incredible on a technical level, it is literally invaluable on an anthropological level. I just read he also made thousands of recordings their tongue, songs, etc.
the horse was a european import to the americas. despite the strong association of native americans with the horse in visions of Apache warriors or proud Sioux chiefs on the prairie, no american person had ever seen a horse until the explorers and settlers arrived.
Then what was their means of traveling?
Choose one:


>Among the Iroquoian nations in the northeast, ‘mourning wars’ were practiced. Such conflicts involved raiding with the intent to capture prisoners, who were then adopted by bereaved families to replace family members who had died prematurely due to illness or war.

Utter lunacy from beginning to end. Each "nation" was committing genocide on its neighbours nonstop.
Anon, there's a reason why they lost... they sat around smoking leaves and raping one another and never advanced.
Can't you ride a Bison? It's ironic but they looked so complete and badass on horses.
They didn't even make proper shoes, just firm socks.
sure, and the Aztecs were imperial conquerors of their territory, as were the Inca, as were potentially the Mississippian mound builders (although we don't know really). As were the europeans, and africans, and asians, and basically everyone ~1500s. is the arguement really "they didn't have a culture or society because they took people as slaves," because I have bad news for you about europe.

>sat around smoking leaves and never advanced
every native culture pre-collapse had centralized governance, crafts, agriculture, and so forth. I understand you're an ignorant person but just because you don't know or understand something doesn't make it unreal.

they used their feet and dogs
Their metaphysics and general aesthetic seems really advanced though. Tech is cool but it's not the only worthwhile thing.
Here come the genocide apologists
>muh they were already doing it against each other
>muh they just were weaker so we had a right to exterminate them
a pathetic excuse for a human being is what you are
Genocide is what shapes the world.
I think we should genocide assholes like you.
Let the most violent motherfuckers win.
they should've kept riding dogs, would be cool to see
Oh, no! You genocided me!
Seriously though, sober up and read discussions before commenting so you don't look like a retard. We know you aren't one.
>resorts to strawman
Better luck next time.
Thank you for this photo history thread. They are always a welcome addition.
your post got deleted lmao
These photos are very White; posing for portraits is rooted in White culture. The powerful vibes here are all from the dominant Whiteness of the photographer directing the confused subjects who were all living in a White nation doing White things like riding horses and wearing woven cloth with a thread count higher than 10.
That was the joke... who do you think deleted it? Sober up.
You can delete your own posts, newfag.
lol sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, they didn't ride anything. they used dogs to carry things on sleds or on packs, or they carried things themselves in the same way. the weren't riding the dogs as far as I know (aside from sled riding)
I am not that anon. His taste is normie and status quo.

I am not white. I even agree with you that these photos are the magic of Edward S Curtis and who was working within western tradition. I don't even believe in the objectivity of photography. That's why I called him a genius. But you gotta admit that Indian aesthetics were also kino and badass. With only technique Curtis would have gotten nowhere. It is perfect blend between technique and subject. Of large credit is for the photographer. There is no such thing as objective reportage.
now I see pathetic white supremacist a lot on this website, but capitalizing the w in white is a new low.
You are a complete loser and the achievements of other whities are not yours to boast, get a life retard
Yes, they were interesting people and extremely badass, and put up a good fight. Their descendants are extremely pathetic though, and it's sad. They are basically political pawns now, convinced that being replaced is a good thing because of an acronym they were included in.
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I don't know man. I just hate modernity. Which has buck broken so many cultures around the world. If a culture won't submit to modernity. then that culture will be buck broken by the monster that is capitalism. So I don't blame them. But that's just life. Civilizations come into being and then die as if they never existed. Sad, many such cases.
Photography without MoMA and pseud influence

Now you get shit like alec soth lol
Native Americans are the original proto-Aryan race that domesticated wolves and spread south as they evolved, taking over south asia and eventually landing in europe (the stragglers got pwned by mongols however)

Their only crime was having the good sense to be stuck in time. They are the original White People, the spring from whence you sprung, long before abraham and jesus heard voices after sniffing cannabis incense.
Alec Soth is fucking garbage. Why do people eat that shit up?

>Photography without MoMA and pseud influence
I am finally beging to see the see light. You're totally right.
What a brutal redpill
I know your mind is addled by politics, but White is capitalized because it is a proper noun when used in that particular context.
Not my problem.
This. Literally your ancestor. Some of them fucked off over the bering strait instead of migrating across eurasia. Those were apparently the smart ones
>stone age people
>same average iq as most european whites
>every msm article capitalizes every race but white
>one random guy on your snapshit board capitalizes white
Kek, how fragile can you be? Whites are just as deserving of capitalization as every other race... especially in English. Cope harder.
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It's easier to find beauty in the world untainted by industrial revolution and rampant capitalism. I pretty much stopped taking pictures just because how shit everything is outside.

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Stop being racist toward Whites or leave the board. Nobody cares for your racism.
>Their culture, along with their people, was eradicated because considered inferior and barbaric.
And look at Europe now. Such irony
nice thread op I didn't know this guy the pics are amazing. Too bad it's derailed by /pol/
Discussion is part of photography. Also people learned things here today if you bothered to read the thread.
I'm just glad to have more photo history threads taking off. Even better that they're made with quite differing tastes.
you posted 0 photos so I didn't read what you said as simple
>ambush hasn't posted any photos
coping newfaggot detected
Anglos, not Europeans. The Spanish and Portuguese blended with the locals and embraced them as citizens of their new provinces. Brits were the only genocidal conquerors.
Everything else is a dirty anglo lie.
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Like anon said: Anglos.
But many parts had their plains and desert natives left alone and they slowly but surely stopped doing their past thing due to industrialization, modern vices and harder to maintain said life without paying taxes and without communal land, although spaniards did hate indians having long hair so there's also the cultural thing imposed.
The only thing left is their nothing-but-talk parties and eating habits in Mexico, in the US i suppose riding for the sake of it and beating their wives.
>firm socks
So good that even italians use the same style of shit to this day. But spaniards soldiers showed them the leather goods which they still use, like cowboy boots that americans think are theirs.

On topic Ansel also did some injun work which is decent too
>Dudes who build pyramids and floating platform agriculture were savages
Sure thing Chaim
NTA, but if we're talking about the Aztecs, they were more like the Assyrians than uncivilized savages: excessively brutal to and hated by the people they conquered.
Most of these and north American peoples would have loved to do to the Europeans what the Europeans did to them and the only reason why they didn't was because they were weaker. Not that they didn't try, e.g. the Comanche were quite successful for a long time.
Yes, their hatred runs deep and their pettiness knows no bounds.

I have at least 7 photos on the board right now including 2 taken this week.
>dis nigga never sought out landscapes
typical citydweller
Kek, subhumans here would discuss anything but photography. They have raped this thread too. Not surprising. Sad, many such threads.
Genocide/eugenics speak... pretty hypocritical.
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Yes and?
Stop raping this thread with more political bullshit.
No. You aren't even posting your own shots, this isn't your thread. It belongs to a dead guy.
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>muh photos, muh pressing the shutter like a monkey
>no you can't suck dick of great photographers you have to only sniff your own farts
Kill yourself you narcissistic direction brained glue sniffing motherfucker and take your religion of politics with you too.
>kill yourself
Kek. Why don't you do it for me, Mr. Angry Apolitical Eugenicist?
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These people are all LARPing, you can get the same shots today if you want and they'd be just as authentic. Go to a reserve, ask around at a gas station for someone to put on their reproduction garb and get some shots of them. Nothing's stopping you. They'll take name brand smokes or a Tim Hortons card as payment. Would be a fun little project.
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"Like this?"
"Yes, like that. A bit higher."
"What does this mean?"
"I don't know. Hold still."
you are a pathetic self-hating cuck. Snap out of your deluded dreams of grandeur, your ancestors are literal rape babies, stop sucking off their colonizers.
Romans or whites did not bring civilization, quite the opposite, they braught their barbary and enforced it on indigenous people.
Colonizers are blood thirsty beasts and no amount of deluded self-proclaimed "civilization (TM)" can change that

>posts pictures of indigenous people post-genocide
>complains that people discuss the topic of the photos
nothing more retarded than pseudo apolitical cucks like you. No piece of art was created in a cultural and political vacuum.
This is what liberalism and idpol does to your brain

Screeching about “cucks” over literal ancient history
>u bell beaker culture bootlicker!
it feels like a lawrence of arabia situation, a bunch of tribes that out number the pilgrims and conquistadors 30:1, but no formal unity to organize a war party large enough to sweep them
don't use words tht you don't understand bucko, makes you look real stupid when they are not relevant to the current discussion. i know little cuckservative retards like you only have a few buzz words that you repeat as an ad hominem over and over again, but take my 2 cents of advice and stop doing that.
you're the only one screeching over ancient history. got your panties in a bunch just because someone mentioned the genocide commited by white people
too bad your precious indigenous first-nation tribes got fucking decimated by the mosquito spreading diseases from Europe, then unceremoniously swept up with guns. Should have had nastier germs to BTFO the e*ros when they came over instead of it being the other way around. Oh well, better luck next time faggot.
Oh shit moopco is finally out of the literal asylum lmao

Look at this clown loser grasping at a sense of superiority in a nonsensical rant about liberalism idpol incel nonsense lmao. Did you know moop is proud of leeching off welfare on the basis of a "mental disability" he chooses to pretend to have? Britain's welfare system is going to run short on funds to serve people who actually need it because of people like him.

Also, isi will never fuck him, and natives average IQ was ~85 so it's doubtful they ever had a chance.
They got decimated because as much as you hate jobs and taxes, being able to do math and melt rocks together goes a long way.
Well yeah, bc thats not how any of that worked at all. It's like saying durr Japan attacked pearl harbor, why dinnit ze germans and the british organize with USAland to prevent it. Nigga you're talking about 1500 independent natoins that have as much as a 37,000 year long birds nest of rivalries, alliances, battles, territories, and an insanely complicated political landscape at work. They're not such simpletons that they just organize around skin color like our most primitive fuckin 1-dimensional retards today. The eastern half of north American continent actually did organize around 1050, in what was the largest empire in the world at that time in the empire apocryphally called the Mississippeans & centered on Cahokia, funneling food and natural resources from Florida to Ontario to the Gulf of Mex & the Dakotas, building massive civil & agricultural projects to provide for half the continent. It became insanely wealthy and powerful, built hundreds of pyramids and funded thousands outposts & cleared waterway transport routes to various important sites & city locations and a big utopian walled city in its capital center for its richest & most powerful leaders. The ruins of it are scattered all over the country to this day. & you know what happened to it? Its capital city was destroyed and rebuilt 3x in a row by the great western tribes that didn't like the looks of a huge motherfucking powerful empire taking everything and everyone over, until all the citizens also finally agreed it was too big for its own good, killed off the ruling class, burned the city to the ground, reformed their old tribes and bands and went their separate ways & went home. All the surviving oral records of the migration to & from it are the same, that the lesson is, the land is too big, too varied, the people are too different, and to rule it all as one is impractical and puts too much power and wealth in the hands of any man & guarantees failure.
There was nothing there, no civilisation, bunch of savages that spent their lives getting stoned and killing each other. When civilisation came they fucked around and found out. Should be happy that they have their reservations and casinos.
Yeah there's this to consider too, that americans are almost completely ignorant of their nations history, & make up for it by imagining whatever story they need to to make it work for themselves.
>and natives average IQ was ~85 so
Oh yeah, they were super big into IQ testing in the 1500s & 1600s.
Oh look yet another thread that features the existence of nonwhite murricans, gee i fucking wonder if it won't be full of the same fuckin ignorant ass unread retards that absolutely must shit out their mouths and make themselves look like dumb cunts every time they're faced with people who came here before them, or came here after them, or are in any way not just like their perfect selves.
Bunch. Of. Whiny. Worthless. Cunts.
The issue of early-type empires is that the way they're kept together is the rulers being enormous cunts. Naturally, this creates a lot of very angry people who'll gleefully stab you in the back the first chance they get. That's why Cortes was able to succeed with so few people.
Later empires learned that it's better to lay off the cuntishness a bit and add some benefits.
NTA, IQ correlates quite well with a number of metrics. Reaction times for example. You can get a reasonable estimate from a number of things.
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I don't live in free country.
Stay mad, kek. We can discuss injuns doing White things (like riding horses) if we want.
Incredible stuff, thanks anon
>riding horses
lol sure, if by white things you mean Asian things. Like everything else you want to take credit for bc you're roughly the same hue as people that preceded you, practically all their "innovashunz" come from jewish merchants trading on the silk road into the east. I hope for this threads sake you're all teenagers, so you have an excuse for being completely unread and dumb.
>baited af
It's easy because you're insecure.
Nobody who actually has to live near chugs thinks like this. They are basically a combination of the worst traits of niggers, beaners, and white trash, but they have both a remarkable predisposition to addiction and zero ability to hold their drugs/liquor so they immediately get wasted and stabby off everything from smoking fentanyl pills to drinking mouthwash. Wanna cure yourself of your bullshit noble savage delusions? Spend a couple days on the rez. If you don't get stabbed or run over with a Chevy Cavalier by a drunk driver, you'll leave with a very different impression.
>commie desperate to take his superiors down a notch
I'm white as fuck, 1st gen german immigrant, & I've spent most of my adult life living in the no mans land between three reservations, the domnant culture in our area, and your impression is entirely typical of the chicago yuppies that drive up here and set cultural relations back a half a century every goddamn year, acting like entitled cunts to everyone who isn't a fucking white rich urban weasel. Hate to break it to you but your fucking cities and counties are also full of fucking white people who are poor as fuck, commit crimes, are alcoholics, addicted to & dying of meth and a lot more designer drugs than we can get our hands on or afford here, or don't those count bc it's always excusable when the problem hits a little too close to home. Then it's ohh the factories gone, shops closed down our families are suffering, not like those other ppl over there, they're just junkies, bc they're bad people.

You're traveling into another culture, & you're not lewis & clark going in there clean to forge some good bonds with the villagers, you're walking into 400 years of bad blood between white culture & them, gleaming like the frickin sun, when most of the white guys they see on the rez are coming in to try to sell them drugs. It takes some fucking tact & skill to know how to navigate & recover from when shit goes wrong, and some amount of shit always goes wrong some of the time, just like when your fresh ass walks in a country bar full of white dudes fresh off the farm. Not everyone is going to welcome you, & some guys will just want to fight you for sticking your nose in. You need establish a good reputation in the community first, and nurse it like its your entire value as a person, bc it is. And shove any expectations you have up your ass before anybody sees them ffs.
>nothing more retarded than pseudo apolitical cucks like you. No piece of art was created in a cultural and political vacuum.
Kill yourself direction brained drooling retard. Your religion of politics is sickening. You political subhumans are odious bunch. Where ever you go you pollute the air and leave behind turds.

BTFO your odious ass to >>>/his/ or >>>/pol/
>if i close my eyes and cover my ears everything around me stops existing
you're too young to be on this website
Same shit a christcuck would say. I am not interested in your religion, stop shoving down that shit down everyone's throat.
Imagine being such a piclet that you have to make threads with other peoples photos
I find this mentality fascinating and common. Does anyone here enjoy photography? Does anyone enjoy particular photographers? Do you even have the vocabulary to explain why? Even OP just goes "LOOOK OMGGG" instead of explaining why they're moving on a broader scale than like, there's good balance to the composition occasionally.
>Does anyone here enjoy photography?
On /p/? Surely you jest.
You've never made your own photo thread have you?
kill yourself narcissistic cunt. nobody cares about your retarded snapshits.
it already doesnt exist you virtue signaling oversocialized loser. its ancient history. who the fuck cares? just look at the pictures

you latch on to meaningless ideological conflicts because youre a narcissistic coward. lemme guess, vegan and anti pet or you at least eat line caught fish? too pussy to have a real opinion like “israel is a genocidal apartheid state”, “sony cameras are good and most of the memes are entirely made up or apply in equal measures to canon and nikon (other brands are even worse)” or “medium format film resolves over 200mp which means the moon landing photos were impossible to fake via editing”
You're a mentally ill loser.
narcissism, rampant egoism and delusions of grandeur is mental illness, seek help
You're really insecure and projecting that insecurity onto others. Grow a pair and start a photo thread with your own work, loser.
i know i am not on the level of greats yet so i would rather keep my head down and learn than ignorantly wave my dick like 99.9% of photographer who are not even interested in photography and produce shite work.

even without posting my work. i can say with 90% certainty that my work would be better than narcissistic ignorant retards like you.
fuck off

look at work of greats and get humbled. otherwise ignorance is bliss. hell yeah.
>im a nophoto because im not good enough
beta cuck
beta cuck

beta cuck

beta cuck
>>>im a nophoto because
a fucking monkey can press the shutter. go get a publishing deal from a real photobook publisher if you really want to wave your dick
illiterate monkey who is proud of his illiteracy
based retard
>not posting your amateur photos on an amateur imageboard
You really should have more confidence in yourself, anon. Remember where you are.
if people like you critique photos here, i'll never post anything here. im not interested in the verbal vomit of ignorant retards who think pressing a shutter button is a virtue and pinnacle of art.
Then why do you feel that your opinion matters in the first place?
>think pressing a shutter button is a virtue and pinnacle of art

This is where I ask you to show me when I have said this. If you can't show me, then we'll just have to assume you're mentally ill and making shit up.
>i'm a loser
We know, lol
Because I have extensive knowledge about photography. And you're proud of your illiteracy. Why are you here? Go masturbate around your masterpieces of photographs.

Retards who yell "no photo" are like that.

Speak for yourself redditor
You're a failed nobody seething about people who are actually interested in photography. No, I won't look at your snapshits now, fuck off.
Illiterate redditor
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>Because I have extensive knowledge about photography
I look like this and say this
>knows his photos are too shitty for /p/
They must really be terrible, kek
maybe? i never look at photos on /p/ee. i only post in actual photography threads
Jesus, I'm feeling second hand embarrassment from you
beta cuck
You sound so hurt. This is genuine impotent rage. Worse than m43 joker boy.

Maybe you really are a beta cuck
Go take out your unhappiness and failure on furries or something not here. Yknow with homemade frag grenades not text.
Awww look at the lil loser lash out! He thinks that if he’s angry when he types we’ll be mad too :)
>Does anyone here enjoy photography?
Well you don't post any photos and are permanently angry, so perhaps you need to take a look in the mirror.
Blame Incel Adams for his retarded antiartistic lack of vision and gear faggotry.

Mortensen was right.
Yeah sure it was adams, and not the disproportionate amount of jews in the “random deep focus snapshit” genre courtesy of guess whew owns the galleries
Adams was literally the leader of said group.
>Be all kiked up
>on mums side so it actually counts
>go to gallery
>show me some shit I haven't seen a thousand times anon
>oh uhhhh...
>every excitable jewish photo student

Gallery owners think hey its real neat that you're one of 15million fuckin jews out wandering around here, but business is business, if you and your shit won't sell, your ass is out. If you're not well-connected, or very good looking and putting out in the back room, good fucking luck in NY. And it's all about NY.
It only worked when taking random snapshits like an ape was “edgy”

Now you need to take well considered awful photos like alec soth. Give it another 70 they’ll be back to good photos again.
>wow look at this
>a traditional studio portrait
>ill pay 27 grand
Hi, I'm Kickabitch-Slapahoe via direct maternal line. Since you're a leftist, your politics are window-dressing for worshipping people like me as a fetish. I accept.

Caveat emptor, as a result, this hallowed burial thread now belongs to Heya-Hoya chads, and I hereby banish you with these magic words:
Hell yeah, I'm a rape-baby times one billion too, so what? Call me a slut for white barbary, Instead of getting my butthole rearranged by the wise elder matriarchs in the longhouse I get to read posts on /p/ from people who watch YouTube all day. I'm crazy for hospitals, competitive market systems, rule of law, peace through deterrence. Post-Roman Anglo-Judaic civilization, capitalism, usury! People who hate society the way you do get twisted by ressentiment (French word, read Neetzsche) into miserable bastards who never go very far. Love society, and it'll embrace you back! The Roman, the Jew, and the White man created a system where you get rewarded for making things that other people want, and dis-incentivized from being a net drain on the world. Maybe you've been feeling too much of that stick, and haven't figured out you can just chase the carrot...
I thank whatever white man had the kindness in his heart to rape my great-great-great-great grandmother.
Kill yourself

Illiterate subhuman

Kill yourself

I won't look at your snapshits, go away subhuman
Incel adams and f/64 are the scum of photography. They did everything in their power to castrate photography.
Redpill me on Mortensen
Woah careful there buddy, your vast knowledge of photography is almost leaking through
Why would I spoil it on a proud illiterate subhuman like you?
Oh the irony
oh the subhumaness of why would you look at other people's photography
>hated by the people they conquered.
Once again i do have to say, Aztecs were not the Mexicas and the Mexicas were not the Aztecs.

White Americans are the real Native Americans.
What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with enjoying other people's photography
>>What do you mean?
You haven't followed the reply chain? From this >>4376017 reply this shit flinging context started.
Calling White people "white supremacist" is not a personality.


That's one way of putting it.

White people are indigenous.
What a waste of time that was. Goodbye
thanks for posting. this man was god tier with the composition
also i just realized that i have a book of this guy's work that i got from a camera swap for $10. excellent value
Typical "Dying Race" pseudo scientific BS. Tried to capture the "vanishing race" by erasing any signs of modernity that were present in these peoples lives. If they had short cropped hairstyles they were given wigs by Curtis, or beads or clothes that he kept in the trunk of his car. Not Native looking enough, add more feathers. Pure white fantasy instead of the authentic to sell his anthology to collectors of the exotic, which was the fashion of the time. Get some taste.
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>>Typical "Dying Race" pseudo scientific BS. Tried to capture the "vanishing race" by erasing any signs of modernity that were present in these peoples lives. If they had short cropped hairstyles they were given wigs by Curtis, or beads or clothes that he kept in the trunk of his car. Not Native looking enough, add more feathers. Pure white fantasy instead of the authentic to sell his anthology to collectors of the exotic, which was the fashion of the time.
What the fuck? This has just increased his baseness level. Fucking kino. I welcome the imaginative and I shit on f/64's "objective" cancer. People who think that photography is objective are fools. I'll keep enjoying kino.

Kek, fuck off
Not when you try to pass that shit off as science like he did.
He did that to get funding which is based as fuck. Artists historically were immoral tricksters. Really based of him.
>mention the most mundane opinion (more like a basic fact really) that native Americans were genocided
>whities chimp out and start condoning genocide
Truly a cursed race, utterly incapable of reforming itself out of genociding people
The thing is, we don't care because every race has done it. You can't bully us, kek. We don't care and will just hold up a mirror at this point.

Right now Canada is full of "vibrant" brown immigrants and what are they doing? Warring in the streets, kek. Whites can't even tell the difference between the groups yet there are deep cultural and racial divides between them fuelled by hatred. We're literally importing 3rd world race wars right now, you aren't going to get very far pushing the White guilt tropes and canards.
Proving my point, you're a fucking psycho monkey
You're going to be angry for the rest of your life because your racist revenge fantasy will never come true, kek.
lol beta cuck
They lost a war. Their own kind of war. Sorry for playing by their rules.

>lying is based because it proves lying is possible!
No. Not really.
Illiterate subhuman
awwww is babby mad?
awww baby wanna make his own toys. keep sucking on that little thumb little chudie
>>>lying is based because it proves lying is possible!
>No. Not really.
Photography is a lie.
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>copying your bully
Oh no no!

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>talking is a lie
>words arent hard truth
>people who expose this fraud and lie are BASED

>Yes, sir, but you are a suspect in a fraud case.
>happy, enlightened anon enjoys photography
Its moopco btw

Ambush, break out your phone and show us the twitch screenshot again
Unlike people like you I am not a genociding monkey, I aspire to nothing more than a peaceful life, but the wh*te hegemony of the last centuries won't let us have that.
Colonizers love projecting their own sins on people they murder. Degeneracy, barbarism, blood thirst, really it's all about white people. If you're gonna do all this shit, at least have the guts to look at your actions past and present straight in the eyes for what they really are - the biggest crimes against humanity in History.
touch some grass
Film absolutely btfos digital the thread. Many such cases.
This. It's moopco. We have never had more than one anti-white, anti-capitalist schizo and it's moopco, the scrawny welfare leech from bristol.

I guess he got a one year ban and just came back because /p/'s quality fucking cratered around the same time he started posting his MUH FUCK WHITE PEOPLE shit in this thread, and with regards to what better topic

Than the supposed race of the tranny he simped for (isi)

>Against humanity
You mean crimes against neanderthals? Oh no, now we have civilization instead of 200 tribes constantly trying to genocide each other with rocks. What horror, to end that chapter of hominid history.

The natives got BTFO because they were highly aggressive and dumb as rocks. If it were rich asians gentrifying a white trailer park, driving them into homelessness, and resulting in their deaths, you'd scream in joy, I'm sure, because ultimately commies are never about right and wrong

They're about support party or not, and just hating white people.
So is he a self-hater or a jew?
moop is a skinny anglo saxon who faked having a mental illness for money and actually developed it due to social isolation mixed with a touch of narcissism. what happens to a lonely narcissist?
his motivation is he's voluntarily gone off the deep end
Art is literally a lie you fool. Imagined getting cucked by photographers into thinking that their in camera manipulation are "reality"
>>moop is a skinny anglo saxon who faked having a mental illness for money
This based as fuck doe. I wish I could do the same thing and then pursue photography for the rest of my life. Imagine taking pride in becoming a wage slave kek.
He cries about being unable to afford taking a taxi or the bus, anon.
He didnt pursue photography. He pursued hating his own race on the internet.

Wrong. Which rabbi bludgeoned you with this demoralization? Art is communication. It can lie or be honest.
>timothy “ashamed of his dusty sony and rusted shut case of chinese cine lenses” moopykins
>pursue photography
the closest he came was streaming himself shirtless on twitch and crying about how pathetic his life was to an audience of 3 people
His bio was something along the lines of "i have a broad array of mental and physical illnesses" kek.
He sounds like a massive faggot. But him getting NEETbux is based.
>Wrong. Which rabbi bludgeoned you with this demoralization? Art is communication. It can lie or be honest.
Kek, I am parroting ancient Greek view of art. Art is an illusion. Only a fool would try to look "reality" in it.
He's poor though. Also fully vaxxed and boosted and was complaining about his skin falling off last I heard. Seems like his "boop seal" theory regarding covid was flawed.
Is he a tripfag? How do you know about hm? Who the fuck is poopco and why do a photography board cares about him?
Kek, poop will inject himself into your life. I had no idea who he was until he saw a photo of my kitchen counter one day and started raging. I baited him with a few other things, like speakers and even a chair. Yes, a chair.

He went on to gather kitchen counter catalogues from around his city and make a thread accusing me of sending them, and trying to get me banned. Basically he's insane. Also quite funny and entertaining, albeit unintentionally.
>le pagan mystics
parrot someone smarter then
Also I don't think this is him, it's a completely different type of anger. I can see why people would make the connection, but poop's more catty and has a bit more depth than whoever this retard is.
you do realize you sound like a complete psycho spouting incoherent things?
what's up with that brown stain in all these images? Is the photographer indian or sth?
Yes. The images were developped in toilet water, hence the brown hue
basically a british oldfag who lives off welfare and spends most of his time being unpleasant on the internet
not so coincidentally he is also a huge sony, hrt-for-children and infinity-bomalians fan
What are you trying to say?
Oh my fauci!!! You're so heckin write.
Kek, what is going on here?
moop hates sony now. he shills micro four thirds.
kek, did he run out of money?
it seemed pretty straightforward to me, are you esl?
It's Moop, lil bro
I live a few miles from blooded run. And the park to the west about a mile has 4 mound builder burial sites. Every 4th of July we go to to that park and watch the fireworks. And sit on the hill by the mounds. Typing this out felt weird because I'd never really thought about the irony of it.
Serves the injuns right for being xenophobes.
"The sets were available by subscription only. The standard edition, with photogravures printed on Van Gelder paper or Japanese vellum, was initially priced at $3,000 for the complete set. A deluxe edition, with photogravures printed on Japanese tissue, cost $3,750. Equivalent prices in today's dollars would be $77,500 and $97,500, respectively. "
Someone post screenshot. Here is the thread where he tried to frame ambush. He really got pushed over the edge by counter tops lmao

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People love kitsch... even I have some.

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You'll be paying to see Curtis' mastery.

>People love kitsch
Yeah...whatever MOMA doesn't approves is kitsch. Fuck you retard. Edward S Curtis is actually obscure
>taking the bait
I always know where to strike.
Thanks for the rec, love this stuff.
I ordered the complete portfolios from taschen
Rich motherfucker. Enjoy anon. I'm jelly.
It's only 20 eurobucks anon, I'm sure you can afford that too
I won't buy that shit it looks horrible. They have utterly fucked the kino sepia tones of Curtis.
>f/64's "objective" cancer
I do have to defend that group because their objective was pure sharp focus but not necessarily "objective" or palpable reality (other than Dorothea Lange's efforts at photojournalism) they often played with the illusion of whimsical settings that made you question the reality itself of it or so to say, Adams was notorious for shopping the light and shadows to create this effect, he never hid that fact.
Their group merely meant to distance itself from pictorial trends because they said that genre focused and mixed a lot of painting and graphic hand artistry rather than pure photography, which is ironic because Adams practically used dodge & burn methods like a graphic designer would.

Also butthurt jannitoids can't break my spirit, suck it and deal with the wrongthink, bunch of shit-eating pajeet homos

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>Their group merely meant to distance itself from pictorial trends because they said that genre focused and mixed a lot of painting and graphic hand artistry rather than pure photography, which is ironic because Adams practically used dodge & burn methods like a graphic designer would.
The entire debate was basically between "photos should be carefully staged and heavily manipulated to conform to an artistic vision" and "photos should speak for themselves" and it wasn't even really a debate because by the time f/64 was founded pictoralism was already dead out east.
feel sorry for op, posts kino photography of natives and the thread gets colonized by retards
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You may find it interesting: https://archive.org/details/edwardscurtisnor0000unse/page/30/mode/2up

Register, then you may use archive-org-downloader.py to get an offline version.
I feel sorry for OP because he has to resort to posting photos taken by another man.
>this bullshite again
You people have worms in your brains. Please see >>4376018
Cahokia Jazz deal with this topic. Neo Noir detective mystery set in alternate history USA. Shitty story development, and cringy action sequences, but it's got fantastic word building to bring it out of mediocrity.

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