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Are people really going to accept this?
It looks fake as, a real photographer would do a much better job.
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those rocks would literally landslide on her head, no way that would be stable lol.
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the arm shadow on the sand doesnt match at all how her actual arm is positioned.
I have no idea how all these blatant issues got through on this campaign.
that is the most soulless image i've ever seen
Guess what people asked when 12mp digital was replacing 36mp 35mm film and 22mp 645 was replacing 200mp 6x7

Soon enough photographers were praising the “sharpness” and “sparkle to the skin” which got you to today, with snoy GMs and flat rendering
might as well, bitches all look the same anyway. What's the difference between those pixels arranged like that for the 80,000th time based on 20 hours of rigging lights and makeup on a 14yo & airbrushing the fuckin DNG to a blurry gradient in the software, or just telling the computer to make the blurry gradient in the first place.

Fashion photography, real estate photography and food photography are equal in terms of repetitiveness, boringness and pointlessness.
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I am trying to laugh hard enough at silicon valley sucking all the money out of the creative fields for itself. first record companies, then movie industry, then music production, then film production, then BAM, 2D imaging, painting, drawing, photography, writing, acting, modeling, next up porn, all ur monies will go to silicon valley instead, and all of you who no longer have a market can go work in factories... oh wait we not doin factories here anymore, go work in... I dunno just go be broke and die lol

Nobody wanted to invite or fuck the comp sci nerds, so now they've come back and are fucking everybody else instead lol
They look uncanny. The lighting is off and so is the image depth. But if you didn't tell me it was AI I would have never noticed because I'm honestly not looking very hard at ads for a fashion brand.

I think normies will accept it, because they can't even tell blatantly AI generated stuff is AI.
what the fuck are those poses lmao
Maybe that's the artistic intent.
Based, but you've grossly underestimated your MPs for film.
He'll be future proof if he buys a high-MP digital FF, though.
i doubt ai in ads will last long. people will have issues with not seeing the real product. same way some places banned cgi in food ads but times 1000
Why is she on tatooine?
based. fuck photographers and fuck models.

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