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I don't get it, why is Rhein 2 considered the greatest photo ever made?

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I don't either and I suspect anyone "getting it" are just retards.
A fake photo that looks like a snapshit?
> why is Rhein 2 considered the greatest photo ever made?
It's not. It was just the most expensive sold at the time. And that is simply because of who took it, had it been taken by any other schmuck (which it easily could have) then obviously it wouldn't have sold for millions. Art is very often about the artist and not the content.
It's photography. The idea and final image is what matters not how challenging the photo was to take.
I wasn't talking about the technical difficulty. I'm saying it's not a photo that takes any sort of vision, it's snapshit tier.
I get what youre saying, but I don't think so. Simple, clean and aesthetic images are sometimes the most difficult to do well. It took thought to balance the elements in the image and come up with the idea of the shot.
I think it's pretty good. Way better than a lot of the more traditional landscape photography I see these days.
You're only a few steps away from embracing A.I. generation.
Not really, but I am curious why you think that's a bad thing.
im not the first guy but its because its satanic
Found the zoomer.
So you can't even properly articulate why you think ai art is bad? I was just curious about your opinion.
Money laundering.
Art comes from humans, retard. Artistry is an emotional, organic manifestation.
The irony.
Ai was coded by humans, and trained on man made images?
the only sane post in this entire thread
There is nothing difficult about that composition. There's a footpath right there, there are probably hundreds of people that walk past it every day and tens that stand exactly where he was and look out at the same view. The difference is none of them bothered to take the photo because it's a shit view and their photos wouldn't sell for enough to buy a nice house.
It's also shooped, to remove a building.
And a dog walker. So yeah, it wasn't as if he found the perfect clean and simple view and waited for it to be clear, he just edited it.
I always thought it was hilarious that he couldn't even wait for the dog walker to be gone.
That was the point, no?
>considered the greatest photo ever made
gr8 b8 m8
Because it's fucking fake
>What about all these other fake things too!
Yeah, they're fake and they make the world worse. Load a roll of film, crank the advance lever, and look at what is actually happening for any easy way to understand why fake is bad.
It's not fake and it is man made. Do we discount the skill and talent to both create a machine that produces images and the ability to use it?
It was also digitally manipulated to remove rises in the landscape, walkers and a factory. So its not like it was SOOC.

I think its fame came from its liminal nature. Its a very large print. Like looking through a window. It has a sense of calm, with potential for something to happen. The horizontals are aesthetically pleasing - as is the uncluttered landscape. Gursky was already a well established artist before he made Rhein II, and I suspect that his gallery likely paid to have the photo printed.
They will have created a big exhibition surrounding the work, called in all the collectors, media, and academics and used this particular photo to launch him into the museum quality art scene.
Do we discount the skill and talent required of an injection molding machine that makes a thousand plastic cups and hour when we instead celebrate the potter who makes one ceramic vessel in the same time? Or do we recognize that one of these people has developed a skill and utilized their creative talent to make something while the other was neither talent nor skill, just the ability to follow a program. People made the machine, sure, but they did so explicitly because they would rather have something fast with no human skill or talent (which is slow and variable), just cold machine precision that can only do what a person tells it.
Nope. Both are also taken for granted by the masses lol.

It's also funny that you mention injection molding because there is an "art" to producing complex molds.
>filmfags schizzing out
MILC sensors are analog data capture devices just like film.

Effort does not imbue identical or inferior results with magical powers sorry failures
>while the other was neither talent nor skill,
So you know nothing about mold design.
>Effort does not imbue identical or inferior results with magical powers sorry failures
People without talent have to tell themselves that it does.
>Found the zoomer.
tbhon i've noticed older people are far more blindly optimistic about ai that zoomers
The mold design, sure. The machine did not design the mold and it possesses neither skill or talent of its own in its usage of the mold. The people who's skill and talent developed the mold and the machine are praiseworthy, but the machine following the designs is not nor are the factory workers who ensure that the machine functions as designed. Does this clarify why "AI" is not worthy or praise, nor are the people who utilize it?

Effort is all that matters in this world. We remember the failures who tried far longer than the successes who coasted
>This thread

All of you plebcattle must kneel in front of Gursky RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Gursky is the king of Post-modern landscape photography.
>but this is just money laund-AAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKK
A true master makes everything bend to his will for art's sake

There's building and surrogate nature shit in your way to get your desired photograph? Fucking tear that shit up. Remove it, shop the fuck out of it. ALL MUST SERVE MY VISION. Gursky, once again, took us towards a horizon of total control. Never forget Pictorial mantra:

>"End justify the means"
Your example is not good. It still takes effort to make AI produce "quality" images. You don't get good results unless you know wtf you're doing.

"I'm a bit OCD"

- Andreas Gursky.
Liminal. Liminal. Liminal.
The ends excuse the means.
>We remember the failures who tried far longer than the successes who coasted
Such as? The only thing worse than a bronze medal is a silver one.

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