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What do you reckon /p/

sounds about right. your phone is good enough, convenient, and basically free. whereas an SLR is big, expensive, easy to steal, and usually has a flat battery.
If they really thought people didn't want a camera they'd make the form factor more like a camcorder than an slr brick tbqh. They know young people still want something that "looks" like a camera and does camera-like things, so why say that the youth don't practice photography?
Gen Z and A are also the most mentally stunted generations in american history and are projected to have higher rates of dementia at an earlier age than their ancestors - at such a high rate that the same data on their brains also predicts the total collapse of the US healthcare system.

Do you really want to think about their “preferences”? In most cases its because they are literally too stupid to like anything but simple short form instant gratification with sex, explosions, and shopping.
>ugh is that mild adversity
>like i have to carry 1 pound
>uggggh and learn something
zoomers, when they grow up and the last generations retire we will lose most of our industry and half of STEM. hence the AI push… before its too late!
tell me the one about walking to school, uphill both ways, barefoot, in the winter, with the vietcong shooting at you again.
>your phone is good enough

The technology in DSLR sensors is about 10 years behind what we are capable of putting in them. ISO noise shouldn't even be an issue at this point. Photon counting sensors exist and dynamic range of camera sensors should be wildly higher than what we currently see on the commercial market. Any remaining noise within digital cameras could easily be removed by Ai even now, never mind in coming years.
Even crazier, using SPAD camera technology, we could technically develop cameras which off you a partial 3D perspective of your subject from a single camera. It uses reflected light sensors to show you whats behind your subject (to a limited extent). So you could rotate your images a little with a bit of quality loss.
you guys forget most people just owned point and shoots or shitty digicams. nothing has changed normies just don't need to buy a camera anymore
>an SLR is big, expensive, easy to steal
Aren't bigger things harder to steal?
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Most of your industry is gone.
Turning 30 soon, and i've only ever met 1 photographer younger than me.
and nobody cares about digital setups, film and instants are the only photography that even mildly interests zoomers.

Now millennial boomers have way less competition to make it. Plus arthoes like published photographers. Great chance to fuck zoomer women.
> simple short form instant gratification with sex, explosions, and shopping.
You’re right except that in the case of sex they’re not having anywhere near as much as prior generations
It’s pretty obvious short form video has completely taken over photography these days.
Photography will still exist but in massively reduced volume and with much less general interest in it.

And then after the next 10 years of short form video, enough time should have passed for ai to actually make decent photos and videos and that will become the big thing.

The only certainty is change, things will always keep changing.
damn right

all of them are too scared to approach women from the fear of getting cancelled or having their video ending up on social media
You, er, you've never touched a vagina have you.
You're right. I am a 30 year old virgin photographer nobody. But mans gotta larp sometimes you know. Just for the sake of just
But how did you guess that I never seen a vagina?
most phones might as well be grafted to their owners hand. cameras are typically in a conspicuous and grabable bag going through baggage checking or on a passenger seat.
not that phone snatchers are uncommon.
well yeah. kids are fucking dumb.
I hate them.

>every fucking gen Zer:
>Bruh, how do i get this look
>posts crappy 30yo worn out vhs frame capture
They are having lots of gay sex at furry cons thoughever

Seriously why are so many gen z fags furries? Huge explosion in bestiality fetishism too

Yeah and meat paste fried in rapeseed oil “took over real food” but look at who’s eatinf
>Yeah and meat paste fried in rapeseed oil “took over real food” but look at who’s eatin
Game set match with all
>photography is ded, ur pixel peep, muh billion images, no one cares
demoralization fags. They sound like this:

Nine billion and one chicken fingers made out of mechanically separated paste that may or may not be chicken are fried in brain-damaging canola and swallowed in one bite every day. Stop cooking food. Stop checking temps. No one cares about your cuisine. All it has to do is go on a take out box and be microwaved, fucking gearfags just use a plastic bag full of panko crumbs
>muh gas stove muh sharp knife
Fucking gearfag all you need is an inch of canola oil and some flour!
>muh marbling
Fucking MEAT PEEPING! The nerve of you bourgie consoomer fucks! NO ONE LOOKS AT MEAT! It does not matter. Just fry it.
>no one looks at meat
as an avid sony shill i feel ignored
Unironically touch grass.
>complaining about zoomers fucking at furrycons
>Not gearing up for safari
>not practicing your closeup wildlife photography
its like playing the lottery, some of those big fat fuzzy costumes got flesh and blood girls inside.
occasional cute guy too.
Ass is ass.
Less competition.
This is what crop sensor users actually sound like.
absolutely fucking based, I now will attend my next local furry con dressed like I am on a safari.
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Dress like this and get your biggest telephoto lens out. Furries love the BIGWHITELENS.
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>I now will attend my next local furry con
>attend my next local furry con
>next local furry con
Phones have made any type of dedicated camera completely redundant for normal purposes and as a result the market responded by becoming much more exclusive and expensive.
Sure you can technically buy an entry model with kitlens for under $1000 but just getting a normal selection of lenses etc has become incredibly expensive and newcomers will have to stick to thrifting + LingLingtronics stuff.

Of course it was never normal for newcomers to outright buy a flagship camera with OEM lenses but right now the situation has gotten so bad you're a whale for just owning a new lens made by the same company that build your camera.
This is your brain on trying to impress /p/

Sony nikon and canon all have brand name lenses under $300. “Real photography” is so accessible now that the massive influx of poors created a social problem (“any viewing conditions that makes expensive stuff obviously better is bad and people with expensive stuff are worse than us real working men and should be ashamed” finally hopped from the world of car guys seething at BMW owners over to cameras with the DSLR craze)
Yes and? Me and a buddy with large format gear go to further confusion and furry weekend LA every year for the easy photo money. You can charge furfags hundreds for LF photos and they dont even blink. I bring a canon printer and charge them $50 a shot.
Lol wut? Using anything beyond an ewaste to mid range model, the kit lens, and one entry level to mid prime has always screamed “rich or odd priorities” and normal people with more lenses have always chinked out

Last century it was vivitar and tamron adaptall, now its samyang and viltrox since sigma thinks they’re leica and tamron thinks they’re zeiss
>large format gear
You're not any better than a furry. In all likelyhood you probably fuck dogs, so you at least have that in common with them.
Yes. And?

t. ULF shooter
the costume really makes it, they go nuts for that shit.
whole groups will turn and look at you, people will follow, circle, encroach, pose.
LF at a con sounds like a fucking blast,
I sold a 5 packs worth of Instax Mini last con, brought the new Mini99 and a group wanted a whole "Polaroid photoshoot" to turn into a scrapbook.

They were very gracious that I accepted their offer of "10 bucks a pop ok?"
They enjoyed their polaroids.
first time i sold photos at a furrycon, wont be the last.
If only a good Wide camera existed, could probably hawk those for 30-40
>make this post
>go about browsing
>Lomo Wide Glass just released
brb gonna fucking kill myself, curse this monkeys paw i fucking hate lomo
Excuse me we believe in monogamy and faithfulness here on 4chan. Have some family values.
oh man, you don't want to go down on this rabbit hole
ez money but at what cost
awesome friends who can hook you up with hot bitches and handsome studs
i refer you to my original post
ass is ass
and good drugs
and almost all kinky enough to blow you in a double-double suite with 12 people stacked like sardines
This is also why it's so easy to get laid as a millienal photographer. cameras shoot higher quality photos so a lot of zoomers will want you to take their photos and that's an easy in

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