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What's a good alternative, Is 6 still viable?
I dont intend to pay so price isn't an issue.
For editing? Photomator
Photoshop is literally 10 dollars a month.
Stop being poor.
Also, Lightroom is just photoshop for people who cant handle reality.
>I love jewish cock so much oh my god
>Supporting Adobe
Thank you for training their AI for free. You did the work. They took the paycheck.
You wouldn't download a car. Why do you think it's ok to steal software? You're hurting Adobe and driving costs up for consumers.
I actually really like the new AI healing tool. It's one of the few good uses for AI I've seen. It does a 10/10 job removing dust and other small distractions. It's much more convincing than healing or cloning, even when looking very close up.
Just shoot in jpeg, crank up the saturation to maximum. No need to dick around on a computer clicking buttons when you should be out taking pics.

Please donate to support my growing family
>I love owning nothing!
Just crack it like everyone else. Russians and the CIA have probably already turned your computer into a botnet anyway
Why do people use lightroom over photoshop in general? I've been a little out of the photo world for a couple of years, but now all I see on youtube and shit like that are people using lightroom over photoshop. Why is that? I used photoshop all the time 8-10 years ago when I was doing a lot of photo stuff.
the workflow is faster, the catalogue/library is also very useful
I used to edit my photos with photoshop until last year, I wasn't convinced by LR until then. With the newer versions, camera raw and the LR raw edit module have become good enough for 95% of my photos.
There are many tone and color tools included. Local corrections with masks are great, the automatic selection is very useful and selects some objects very efficiently (especially the sky). You can also make decent hdr and pano stitching extremely quickly. If all of this isn't enough you can still send the photo to Photoshop for further edits, but I use it less and less after mastering LR.

The other bonus is that it acts as a library which allows to add metadata if you need it, or select photos with filters. I used to classify my photos with my file explorer with well chosen folder structures and still do so, but it's also nice to have the possibility to add ratings, tags etc. For me it's especially masking tools that made me switch.
you've been doing it wrong even 8-10 year ago boomer
grow your family in me Rockwell senpai
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There is no alternative
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Just use Darktable like normal people.
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>normal people
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Hahahahahahahahahaha. That's fuckin good.

Do you actually not think that thousands of people would build their own death cubes for the road if it were legal? I would strap a motorbike engine to a shopping cart and pimp it out with hayabusa tyres.
You're right, but I guess most would do it as a fun project.
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Which is unironically exactly the role Linux should play in a non-server environment. I daily it but I'm a fuckin' nerd; it's not at the point where you can daily it for the Average Joe without doing at least some surface level research and trial-and-error to keep things working / make it work the way you want. It's a track car that would throw a piston and leave you stranded if you took it to work regularly
people in here have never been to >>>/o/ and it shows
Darktable even does tethered shooting with zero issues.
You would be crazy to use Lr now and train that shitty Adobe AI with your data.
Get over it. Adobe is dead.
>implying I haven't blocked LR from accessing Adobe servers
I send my data to Russian hackers only (but not wilfully)
Why the hassle? Darktable is my studio daily driver for three years now. Zero Issues.
I can charge lower prices to my customers and have higher profit margin.
I don't try to sell my photos, I don't even show or publish them regularly. I take photos because I enjoy the process and I don't want it to become some kind of bragging/competition so I don't care.
This means that I can use whichever tool is available without fear, pirated software included. It is not a hassle whatsoever.
What makes the workflow faster for you? is it just more streamlined or something? What's really missing from lightroom that photoshop offers?
I feel too old to start learning a new program, but if it's worth making a sort of downgrade for effective streamlining, then I may be up for it.
All I really used to do was raw file editing, some slight colour grading, spot healing and stuff like that. Never anything really advanced as I liked keeping my shots very natural.
yeah - i can import all my photos from a shoot, use the library to apply my basic preset to all the shots (or just fix the basic exposure using auto things) and filter the shit ones from the creme de la creme, edit the good ones as i go, export.

i cant, on the other hand, imagine, how i would approach having to go through like 1000+ shots from a wedding in photoshop (hell, i cant even imagine having to go through 10+) - id have to use another software to categorize them, develop each and every one of them in photoshops camera raw, then save/render/export them one by one.

of course, if you come home with just a few photos you would probably have the time to deal with this.

re-reading your question now that ive written this down
>What's really missing from lightroom that photoshop offers?
i am pro-lightroom, i dont need photoshop for 99% of my work and lightroom is much more convenient and faster for me.
Why use pirated software when the competition is better and doesn't try to steal your work?
I've gotten used to Adobe programs when there was no competition, and I don't think it's worth learning a whole new software environment.
Plus I suspect Darktable to be a meme, although I'd still use it if I couldn't get adobe software for free. I'm all for free/open source, but I prefer efficient software if it's also free (in terms of cost). I don't give a shit if it steals my work, I'm just an amateur and I'm not pretending to produce great pictures.
Fair point. I remember getting used to it was a bit of a learning curve and that surely isn't for everybody. I even paid some guy for training sessions for the team and setting up some LUA scripts. However, it quickly paid off. Plus the market on darktable picture profiles is still quite open so that's a nice bonus income.
The thing you mention about going through individual photos from a wedding and doing them all one by one manually was exactly what I did... I did more video work at the time though, but my process was pretty similar in premier pro / after effects to what I did in photoshop.

All I've done the last five or six years is just take two or three shots and then maybe work on them. I haven't had the need to do those broad brush strokes to 500 images in a very long time. But I may be getting into it again soon'ish. So thanks for the input. I may give it a shot to try it out. I mean if everybody else is using it, then I'm probably the dinosaur who hasn't caught up to the party as usual.
What are your thoughts on Affinity Photo? Is it a meme?
No, it's very good. You can a do a lot with the whole Affinity Suite and as for Photo you can develop RAW but the noise reduction filter is way too conservative and you should sharpen until you develop because sharpening during RAW developing doesn't show accurate results.

Since I started to take more pictures at events and got like 20-50 keepers I started to use Lightroom because it's made with a workflow in mind, such as:

-Copy your pictures to your PC from the memory card.
-Add said folder with your pictures to Lightroom
-Rate the keepers
-Apply presets for a basic editing
-Masking is so much easier, even without subject or background detection (masking is easy as well in Affinity Photo, you just select an inverse mask and brush your subject)
-Export all of them at once in both high quality and for social media.

If you just take a couple of pictures per trip then Affinity Photo can do the trick but it's more of a Photoshop replacement that Lightroom's.
Most small studios i know of switched to Darktable and GIMP when Adobe went crazy. They would never risk a proprietary lock-in ever again. Affinity is good to play but the heavy lifting is now done on opensource. The cost of hiring a techguy now outweighs the risks of losing your work or getting sued for third party rights.
>Copy your pictures to your PC from the memory card.
That's consumer grade. Wireless tethering to your own cloudshop all the way.
>Apply presets for a basic editing
That's scripted with the camera connection.
Yeah I use a pirated copy of LR but I've been considering Affinity at one point, I would be willing to pay 75 yurodollars for a copy if the quality is here. Meme subscriptions are a clear no.
To further add on that: You can seriously optimize your workflow if you just start tagging in camera and apply basic presets on import/transfer. Incredibly useful if you do time sensitive gigs.
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To make it clear. Lightroom is a retouching software with advanced cataloguing and batch retouch or editing features and a non destructive workflow. Photoshop is a raster image manipulation software that can handle RAW files, it is capable of non destructive workflows but requires more knowledge. Can they do similar things? Yes, but if you're working with more images (And I'm talking as little as 20) Lightroom is more efficient. It is like trying to make posters on Indesign if you have access to Illustrator. You can, but it's definitely more cumbersome.

If you do more complex image manipulation, like advanced skin cleaning, shape modification or compositing include PS. If you're an average photographer, stick to LR.

That being said as far as LR alternatives you should DEFINITELY give Darktable or Rawtherapee a try. I feel that going from LR to DT in particular is not too hard. It might just cover all your needs and it will cost you nothing but time. If you don't like them and are willing to pay or pirate, the next real alternatives for RAW editing are Capture One, which is genuinely great (To the level of Davinci Resolve, compared to Premiere. A true professional tool). And ON1 which seems to be good, but I haven't tried it. All these programs come with advanced cataloguing and batch editing featues.

Speaking of Affinity photo. That's another professional grade tool, but like >>4376749 mentioned. It is more of a replacement for Photoshop. It is an image manipulation tool with RAW editing capabilities. The Affinity suite is pretty solid if you're a professional designer, not a professional photographer.

For your future reference the video editing alternatives for Premiere are: Free: Kdenlive, Olive. And paid: Davinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro if you're on Mac. I've used Sony vegas and hate it.

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Great quality post. For video editing alternatives please consider openshot. Should be suitable for most people especially with 4k and LUT support.
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I got affinity photo 2 for dirt cheap on a sale. Does everything pretty well.

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>it's not at the point where you can daily it for the Average Joe without doing at least some surface level research and trial-and-error to keep things working / make it work the way you want
fedora 40 gnome here: never had to touch the terminal, never crashed, updates through gnome software just work. just admit your hobby is breaking things on your computer so you can fix them
The best case for professionals would be to have an application that is available on most operating systems.
This way you can leverage creative people from all camps so they can focus on actual creativity instead of meme OS wars.
How is Capture One? I heard tons of good things about it but it cost a lot for lifetime license. For now I sit on Darktable 2.6 (because new versions keep removing modules I use and development goes into odd direction like removing simple and comfortable "brightness-contrast-saturation" sliders in favour of using some complicated modules with parametric masking) but I need to account ahead for alternatives.
My time is valuable, loonix tranny.
>My time is valuable
i always chuckle when I see this in 4chan
Your time may be. But your money isn't.
His statement is hilarious in so many ways.
>muh money does not matter
He is implying he is a busy "pro" photographer.
However if he really was, as
stated most professionals have tech experts on their team and use automation to reduce their workflow.
>muh my work is special and deserves the best tool
Most closed source companies leverage their AI efforts and use YOUR work to train them. Just face it: If your work was valuable you would protect it from copyright theft by these companies.
>muh open source muh closed source
You just fell for the cult, man. Just use the best tool for the job.
Please respond.
capture one has a trial version. try it and see for yourself.
it's more intuitive than Photoshop (for me at least) and you have more granular control than in LightRoom. Overall pretty good i'd say.
NX Studio for Nikon
Free and btfo’s Craptable
> Most closed source companies leverage their AI efforts and use YOUR work to train them. Just face it: If your work was valuable you would protect it from copyright theft by these companies.
Only concern trolling lolberts and freeturds think like this
>no they are not selling my work BUT ITS ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE! *eats toejam*
>My family snapshits are feeding AI porn models and this is a good thing.
Try to install lightroom classic, Still need Creative cloud.
Photoshop is literally $10 a month.
Put down the fucking dumplings.
>just 10 per month!
>just 120 per year!
>just 600 in 5 years!
>are you poor?!

Subscriptions are always worst possible options for consumer while best for company behind it, which is why it's forced everywhere.
Photoshop used to be $700-1000 alone
It's cheaper now if anything
So you’re poor?

This isnt even a “i dont want a leica, its a bad value for hipsters” thing, its literally the best thing for the money period and the primary industry standard creative suite. You have to know how to use it for a lot of photography jobs.
I love it when people scream about paying for a subscription. Bro you are subscribed to Netflix and Amazon most likely.

You're kind of paying for a subscription every time you get on a bus or a train. You don't own the service.
Even $500 per year to make better photos with less work is literally nothing you poorfag

Decent jobs shell out twice that per week
Nah, I don't pay any kind of subscription. Even my phone is on prepaids.

...and yes, I'm poor. With my education (PhD in applied physics, solid state ionics) all I can do is to work for minimal wage at national institute, equivalent of 750$ per month (after taxes).
>Even my phone is on prepaids.

Thats called being poor. Not rebellious.
>Even my phone is on prepaids
Same, never going to be on contract for a phone plan
Where to crack lr? I aint paying jews
Just google it, or I guess r*ddit has some ddl links. But you will become part of the russian botnet. I have the m0nkrus version
Lightroom is decent but I don't like it's library features. I much prefer Digikam for catalogue.
I just finished a trial version of DxO photolab and I enjoyed the experience coming from Canons dogshit digital photo professional. Will wait and see if they have a black Friday sale and purchase it then.
Fuck I really need to start learning it.
Yeah Linux is definitely not ready for an normie userbase, but it does seem to be inching closer as time goes on.

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