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Or do soviet rangefinders take comparable photos?

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Yes, but the average person on this board is a poorfag and will never be able to afford one, so they will say they are not worth it.
Several anons have one
name 50
>several anons
>name 50
I don’t know if you know what anonymous means
yeah well i don't think you understand the shitposting nature of this website
dont want != cant have
I've had a Kiev 4M and a Fed 3 and the Kiev is worth it if you get it for 20 bucks or so, the fed is not so its lens now sits on my leica.

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Oh wait i misunderstood the question entirely.

Yeah they take comparable photos, because its the photographer that takes them.
(The clear leica finder helps tho teehee)
Yeah well I don’t think you know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
i've heard the are but im too poor to have ever touched one
yes and yes
Buy chinese rangefinder lenses, they are made with the same quality as legendary memed up leica lenses, and then the photos look the same
>take comparable photos
they take I D E N T I C A L photos if you use the same lens
leica handles much nicer though and leatherette >>>>>>> whatever cumrag zorki and fed uses
>they take I D E N T I C A L photos if you use the same lens
You clearly have not used a real Leica if you think a $20 camera is even comparable in photographic creativity output.
I can't imagine carrying around $10,000
>leatherette >>>>>>> whatever cumrag zorki and fed uses
Older Zorki/FED models are covered in a nicely textured and solid-feeling vulcanite, instead of the horrible scratchy nylon covering that later models use. A lot of people shit on soviet cameras, but the earlier ones (circa 1955 especially) can be quite nice.
As long as the shutter works properly it's only the lens and the film stock which determine the quality of the image. Even then the film and lens attributes are a matter of taste. I've never shot old Soviet rangefinders, do they often have reliability issues? Is there good variety and availability in compatible lenses? Flickr is great for seeing many example images for specific lenses.
Some models have reliability issues, a lot dont.

Basically go for the leica and contax copies, when they started dreaming up """"improvements"""" thats when they got unreliable
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>you will never be a qt Asian girl that shots Soviet shit
Why live
No, they are not.
A plastic Nikon F55 beats it in all technical categories, for 15 bucks.
>TTL metering
>Modern glass
>VR support
>Higher FPS
>TTL flash
>Good ergonomics
>Digital top display and viewfinder display
>Can adapt any old glass, if you want the "character"
>Faster shutter speeds
>SLR viewfinder shows what you actually shoot
Leicas are just toys for hipsters.
Funny, I bought an F55 for exactly 15 bucks yesterday and my leica, hell, even my fed 3 beats in the rangefinder-having category.
A rangefinder is an objective downgrade to an actual viewfinder. What do you even mean?
There are pros and cons to either, it's mostly subjective preference
I would like to find her range if you catch my drift
No, there really arent.
Please enlightened me as to the pros of rangefienders over TTL SLR viewfinders.
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less than 5k euro altogether

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How often do you use those anon? I feel with anything more than I single point and shoot + full frame and I'm just hoarding shit that sits on the shelf
all broken btw
No blackout when shooting, and everything is in focus all the time (nothing lost to bokeh)
You can see what's going on beyond the frame, which helps with timing and composition
You can use the frame lines to preview composition at different focal lengths, awesome as a scouting camera
You can make use of ND or color filters without affecting visibility
It's also helped me think about focal lengths differently, the ovf I look through is the same size and magnification all the time, so all I'm really picking is how wide or narrow I'm framing within that window

There are cons too of course, but I'd take rf ofv over slr ovf most of the time
>oh no someone has a different perspective
peak /p/
These are the memes that come from my own experiences with rf
I could give pros about SLR ovf and cons about rf ovf too, I got no problem seeing pros and cons with either
Just don't use objectively worse if you just mean you don't like something
>No blackout when shooting
Lmao, when you've hit the shutter it's done, Anon. The choice is made.
Also the "blackout" lasts a fraction of a second.
>everything is in focus all the time (nothing lost to bokeh)
Yeah... Except in the actual shot, of course. Not having a bokeh preview is not a feature, you massive retard. The F55 dors have a bokeh preview button, by the way.
>You can see what's going on beyond the frame
Entirely depends on what glass you have got attached. Use a wide angle and you don't even get the full picture.
>You can use the frame lines to preview composition at different focal lengths
As opposed to just literally seeing your actual composition (with optional guidelines) at any focal length...
>You can make use of ND or color filters without affecting visibility
Lack of preview is not a feature. It's a lacking feature.
>It's also helped me think
Did it though? You don't seem to be thinking at all.
Everything you mentioned is subjective, so thank you for confirming it's not simply objectively better
It's fine if you don't like them, fine if you can't comprehend the value, not everyone "gets it" sometimes, and that's okay, there are lots of cameras for all types of people
It still has it, and the F55 doesnt, so therefore the F55 is worse in that regard.
Moot used to own a Leica and posted about it here once
the pentax and m2 sees a fair bit of use whenever I'm in sub-zero climate. when I go out I always have two cameras with me, unless I'm using a medium format, which I exclusively shoot B&W with.
most of these cameras see weekly use except the mamiya
only the XA2 misses focus sometimes. i forgot it on a car roof when I was jumping in and it flew off. survived surprisingly well
less than
Just glue a little magnifying glass on a real camera, if you miss the option of looking through a disconnected, unrelated glass. You hipsters are fucking retarded.
It wasn't her camera I just let her use it as a prop

Asian girls all shoot Fuji x100 or crop Sony
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this. could own one if i wanted to, but don't care enough about 35mm film or their 'meh' digital lineup to warrant getting one, plus I'd rather use the funds on a holiday or a new car or something (im talking if i were to buy brand new, out of the shop where it would be $20-30k+)

I bought a Canon Canonet to scratch that rangefinder itch and see what it was all about, and honestly, I get it. I get why people love rangefinders, if people had the means and drive to buy a nicely built one like a Leica, hell yeah, more power to ya, but the ones who start the pissing contest should know, (and this goes for any and all brandfags out there) the rest of us don't really care
Nah i like the rangefinder focus.
There is no such thing as rangefinder focus
You are free to have that opinion, even if its wrong :3c
It's fine to simply say no viewfinder blackout doesn't matter to you at all, but you shouldn't then assume it shouldn't matter to anyone else
Like I said, I have other cameras for other things, but none give me as much joy in operation as my rf
lol, rf describes specifically the focus mechanism in the name
But it doesn't actually show the focus of the actual lens. It's just objectively worse in every respect.
Yeah thats why its a jewelry scam like mechanical watches now
>$300 of chinese machined parts tuned and fit by some half blind swiss fag and sold for $12,000
>still only as accurate as a casio f91w and jogging or golfing wearing it will destroy the mechanism, which needs rebuilt every 5 years or accuracy plummets on the order of minutes per week
Does it sound like a leica? Calibrate your RF and keep an eye on those shutter curtains, the horizontal cloth type lasts a few thousand shots
And some people like it it like that.
It does show what the lens is focused at though
>objectively worse
You keep using that word, it's still subjectively better for how and what I shoot
Of course there are pros (and cons) to traditional viewfinders, as I've said several times

Just saying it sucks over and over isn't really adding anything of value to conversation
It shows where the rangefinder mechanism is aligned hopefully relative to the focusing scale on the lens that may or may not be accurate at the moment

Which is why the majority of leicatography is at small apertures with wide angle lenses. There are no pros to rangefinders at all except not smashing jew noses against the backs of cameras
>cant actually frame with a lens that doesn't have corresponding framelines lmao
>cant use wider than 24 without goggles unless you want random frame periphery
>cant use longer than 70 without goggles (not even 85...) unless you want OOF and maybe janky framing

mechanical watches are an apt comparison
absolutely inferior technology with not one single upside, only being kept alive by people who only differ from steampunk nerds in their parents wealth, so they can pretend its tradition instead of vanity and collector autism.
join the plunge and start doing 4x5. lecias are ass and so are most 35mm cameras and stocks
>It shows where the rangefinder mechanism is aligned hopefully relative to the focusing scale on the lens that may or may not be accurate at the moment
If we're going to get that pedantic, SLR's also have the same problem. You aren't seeing what the actual film/sensor will capture, you are seeing what the lens projects on the mirror, which also may or may not be accurate. Modern SLR's have AF tuning for a reason.
>Which is why the majority of leicatography
Hardly, plenty of people, myself included, often shoot at wider apertures. I honestly consider my r more reliable for f1.2 focus than an mf SLR, it's much easier to visualize how far "off" of focus you are, making it easier to nail correct focus quickly.
>There are no pros to rangefinders
To you, because of your subjective preferences. I already listed several pros for me here >>4378471

For the 4th? time, yes, rangefinders can't do everything, which is why they make so many different cameras. We can invent any number of hypotheticals for any camera where it wouldn't be the most optimal choice. What a useless endeavor.
Just realized this board is like a watch forum for peasant neets.
watchfags are peasant neets.
>archiuxury lmao

finally someone admits mirrorless is superior
I own Soviet, Jap and Leica RFs

The Soviet ones are cheap for a reason. They need Capitalism to work right, but they are fun. If you can find one that's already been gone through by someone like me, they're good.

The Leica is expensive for a reason, it's like shooting a Mauser or a bolt-action Springfield. Everything is made well and the fit and finish is awesome. All of the lenses just work and they're good, except for the 135 Hektor and if you stop it down to 11 it's fine.

The Canon 7 is a nice in-the middle solution. Works well, feels good, big huge ass viewfinder. Quiet shutter, advance lever. Has the Leica-style rangefinder coupling so you can use any LTM lens on it, mine has a full set of Soviet glass.
Bro is NOT having a second point of view. (VERY SAD)
I like how you faggots always pretend Nikon doesn't exist.
If you INSIST on a basic manually operated clunk camera, then Nikon has got every single imaginable corner cornered for you.
These are all made before the end of the 60's, but even then they had started getting TTL AE and shutter priority modes down
>Nikon 1
>Nikon S
>Nikon M
>Nikon S2
>Nikon SP
>Nikon S3
>Nikon F
>Nikon S4
>Nikon S3M
>Nikkorex 35
>Nikkorex F
>Nikon F Photomic
>Nikkorex Zoom 35
>Nikon Auto35
>Nikon F Photomic T
>Nikkormat FS
>Nikkormat FT
>Nikkormat FTN
>Nikon F Photomic TN
>Nikonos II
>Nikon Photomic FTN
there are maybe 4 good cameras on that list and they're overpriced. everything else is landfill
There are NO good cameras on that list.
Just like there are NO good Leicas of that kind.
Wait until the 90's and the 2000's, and you get the F80, F100, F5 and F6, all of which piss and shit all over Leica blocks.
I don't think there is a single rangefinder that is worth the price. The cheap ones are absolutely horrendous and the good ones are thousands of dollars and just objectively worse than most $20 entry level SLRs from the 70s and 80s.
Why would you get an autofocus nikon? Most non-retarded people can autofocus faster (and quieter lol) than an f5 or f6.
can manual focus*, rather
>finally someone admits mirrorless is superior
yes, rangefinders (which are mirrorless) are superior
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>this is what laicacuck hipsters actually believe
>Most non-retarded people can autofocus faster (and quieter lol) than an f5 or f6
F5 and F6 both support moder F-mount glass with quiet and fast internal autofocus motors. Even supports VR.
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Zone focusing is faster than any AF because you're already in focus :A)

Real talk though, I think a lot of people here get hung up on specs as if that's the only metric to gauge a cameras qualities.
If someone wants an old piece of shit then an old piece of shit will be better than any of the latest space ship offerings.

Anyway have a DSLR photo because I love my D700 as much as I love my M8.

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I don't shoot leicas, I just shoot cheap manual SLRs.
This is a nice way of hiding nikon colours, however it still looks like a phone photo
The problem is that leicacucks pretend leicas are anything other than potato cameras which have been outspecced for half a century.
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It's only a problem as long as you're getting upset over it.
Do you get upset over retarded people being retarded? Do you try to fix retarded people? I wouldn't, that's an impossible task. So why get upset over brandfags spouting bullshit.

Thanks, I'm the best.

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Confirmed for newfag underage get b@ and v@, I'm the biggest Nikon Boomer on this board I just don't care for the Contax style RF

I already have a Photomic and Prism F, F3, two Nikonos II's, FTN, F5, Df, D800 and 700, D60, D300 IR, FA and black body FG


Confirmed for having never shot an F5, shits instantaneous I couldn't believe how quick the F5's AF is. They were the staple of sports photogs and were aimed square at Canon after their 1N-RS took a giant shit on the F4, really it's a fantastic camera I recommend trying one, they're cheap now.
You are such a fucking faggot tripfag. That should be bannable in and of itself.
>its the jews fault that: i cant afford a 2k camera, cant manual focus, cant calibrate my own rf, cant frame properly, have to rely upon technology to do all the work for me
got anything else i should add?
>Someone with money fucked the girl I orbit.
>insists on making himself as unlikable as possible by bragging about trivial bullshit every chance he gets
You only just got the F5 too, just stop it ffs. Unless you actually enjoy the negativity and looking really insecure and reactionary all the time in which case have fun I guess. I don't get it though, you go through these weird phases
Did you ever consider the possibility that common knowledge is in fact fucking common, dickhead?
If you are worried about cost and if luxury items are worth is then the the simple answer is no, no they wouldn't be worth it to you. If you are worried about money don't buy a Leica. If bang for buck is your consideration then this isn't the system for you. If you are worried about money and really want the Leica look then buy cheaper Leica R lenses and adapt it to your mirrorless camera. You can pick up a nice portrait lens Leica Elmarit R 90mm f2.8 in near mint condition for about US$500-600 dollars for a premium copy. Throw in another $25 for a meatal adapter (don't get shit 3d print ones).
he is a 40 years old fat fuck that still post here. What did you expect

I've had the F5 for about a year and have put 20 rolls through it, I haven't exactly just got it. I dropped every AF 35mm camera I owned after I got the F5, shits just that good. No need to sperg out just let people enjoy shit. The F5 is just that good, as long as you don't mind the weight.


Deal with it homie, I ain't going nowhere as long as I live rent-free in your head. My very existence makes no-photos seethe and as a result my dick gets hard over it, stay mad fagtron. Another Sugar Thread is coming so I hope your butthole is ready.
a canon t80 would blow this niggas mind

Why not a T90? I have one.
because the t80 autofocuses faster than modern nikonshit lol

Wait, you're serious?

Very clearly trolling, good day sir.
Too bad because you bring your organs with you everywhere.
This. People arguing over cameras that use roll film is kinda insane.

Any box that has a working shutter and can fit a good lens on it will take comparable photos to a Leica.
It's not the hammer, it's the carpenter.
>soviet rangefinders
all broken or soon to be broken
My Kiev 4 will outlive you
you've already been btfo by half the thread but I want to also pin here a comparison in weight and portability, my film RF and DSLR both with 50mm lenses are 1.7 lbs. vs. 4 lbs., also your retarded
>if i compare a soft as fuck lens on a point and shoot to premium professional camera with an ultrasharp cinema grade prime
Yeah because the DSLR is full of macro, UWA, telephoto, autofocus, autoexposure, and digital capability and the leica scamera is not.

Compare to an om1n with a zuiko 50mm f1.8 and suddenly it’s the same. Compare to a sony a7c and the exact same lens can do a lot more.
>comparing his jap crap to Teutonic excellence
l m a o
Its fine to admit that rangefinders are just for fun. I love mine because its super comfy and thats it.
An om1n is a better camera than any leica. Pure photographic excellence.
and ching chong to you too, subhuman
Look at how hostile you got because i called your pre-ww1 camera design dumb.

A rangefinder is a large sensor PNS. They are worse except at peripheral FOV and rule out a lot of focal lengths and basically every zoom, but you can get better pancake lenses and collapsible optics. That’s it.
Leicas are made by albanians, nice try yid
more importantly, w2c a cute girl to take a picture of pointing a rf at me?
>he doesn't know
I matched her on a dating app and just asked her to do some modelling
I bought a Leica because these fucks here said I should and it was a broken piece of shit so I'm buying a 500CM
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ehhh not worth polluting my psyche with a dating app just for a photo op
even just the seeing beyond the frame point is sufficient to qualify rf above strictly worse than slr. for me, the drawbacks simply don't affect me day-to-day and i have more fun with rf so i use that most of the time and when i bump up against the limitations, then i'll swtich to the slr or digital

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Personal choice, I simply find focusing trough a rangefinder much more accurate and faster, and seeing outside the frame is nice, not to mention how smaller the lens and body can be when you dont have a mirror

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