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How long until the average point and shoot camera is obsolete?
The day they figure out how to stop them from losing their shit in the rain
the iphone 16 pro max has a 1/1.14" sensor so very soon, probably 2030s.

then its a matter of the phone companies giving their phones actual glass lenses
They already are and they never will be:
>They already are because most photos are viewed on phone screens at 1080p for less than a second so "quality" doesn't matter
>They never will be because physical restrictions on lens size will mean they forever rely on AI slop to look "good"
(I will never stop using my Lumix LX3)
Glass doesn't work for the crazy optical designs used in phones. Using plastic to make aspherics is common even in regular camera lenses to keep the size and weight down but mainly size for all the normies who can't stand their phone being over a third of an inch thick. 2030s will likely have a way more exotic technology. Metamaterials, tunable lenses, who knows. Even with a metalens, I'm sure having a bit more room to design with will always allow for a one inch thick point and shoot to do things a super thin smartphone can never do. On the other hand, camera manufacturers usually lagged behind the smartphone market for a lot of advanced features.

Still no 4k60 point and shoot, still no handheld stacking for low light or DR improvements, crappier stabilization, crappier displays, generally worse autofocus, no ultrawide (ZV-1 II sort of an exception although that camera has a lot of the same downsides as a smartphone). And although the smartphone interface fails in the rain as >>4378324 said, you can pretty much use every smartphone in wet conditions whereas weatherproof point and shoots are the exception.

Consumers whose needs were met by point and shoots switched over to phones a long time ago. Point and shoots do telephoto and flash better but that capability isn't worth it for most people.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
File: N8.jpg (4.14 MB, 5185x2645)
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>normies who can't stand their phone being over a third of an inch thick

normgroids are insufferable, we need to bring back the good thick camphone desings, the old thick nokias had by far the best phone cameras for many years, the downside was the computational power was very low and uneven to the camera power, a short video could freeze these phones

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:09:25 12:03:26
White Point Chromaticity0.3
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Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width6000
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Exposure ModeManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
The irony is, I'd buy and use a phone that was an extra couple hundred grams and double the thickness if it crammed in a 1" sensor and a telephoto prime like a 100mm equivalent. Would there be a huge market for it? Probably not; it would likely only exist as a flagship phone for Xiaomi or some shit at first and few people would buy it

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