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/p/ - Photography

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Have you taken a photo on your Full Frame camera that’s more compelling than this photo I took and edited on my phone? If so post it below

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Camera ModeliPhone 15 Pro Max
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.1 (iOS)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Image Created2024:10:30 00:28:10
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Keep slathering lipstick on that pig.
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408 KB PNG
shot with my cell phone
Show me a more compelling photo that you’ve taken on your full frame camera please
those purple and green splotches are why I sold my MFT camera lol
Ridiculous that I don't get those on a 20 year old dslr (though it has banding if you push the shadows)
If I were a mod so many people would get banned from this board, kek. Probably even me.
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I love his colors, this would make a great print
It's a lot easier to take a photograph with a smartphone. If OP can't even manage that, imagine how bad he'd be with literally any camera.

I sure love using something that makes taking a photo more difficult than it needs to be.
Canon Nikon and Sony need a reckoning day, their refusal to add any smartphones features even in 2024 is appalling.
>i'm a casual consumer not a photographer
Yes, we know. Wrong board, son.
Nice picture OP. Gearfags will zoom to 100% and say it's an AI render not a photograph but they're just jealous about your talent.

Have fun taking 20 times longer to get some video for your Insta reel.
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/p/ is dead, it's just snapshitters and weak trolls now. No wonder it isn't moderated in the slightest anymore, it's a rotting carcass.
then leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out!
>boomer talk
ESL? I know you guys are behind the times like that.
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The fact you think my photo is AI is a compliment I can upload the raw photo as proof if you like it’s taken in the camera app for iPhone and edited in Lightroom that’s it.

Subject > Lightning > Framing > Camera is the point of this threat hate Full Frame retard shills.

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You might prefer reddit where you can read 500 posts about somebody who just brought a camera and is trying to start a business and is asking how to use the camera as they just started photography yesterday.
Or maybe the reddit film boards where it’s 1000 posts of check out this old camera I brought for cheap.
No fun allowed,just the same few dry posts over and over for all eternity.

Yes, photography. Your hangups over sensors is really weird though, it's as if you're poor.
>plebbit lives in his head rent free
Never been there, man. I wouldn't know.

Know your enemy
I shoot a little bit of everything but since I’ve been on p the FF shills have been unbearable lol.

My current body list is
Leica M6
Canon 5D classic
Canon 6D i
Sony FX3
(Paid to use this stuff not an autistic collector)
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>he needs more

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lmfao saved
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809 KB JPG
idk you tell me

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Now that’s a comfy autumn colour palette, good job sampling nice tones. Saved.
I feel like this is the internet in general. Everything is overused and we have seen and read it all already.
>npc things
could have just said no
>Least post-processed digishit
I feel like compelling is entirely subjective.
I think my photo is more compelling because I think its cooler, but again that is entirely my subjective opinion.
I viewed this thread on my phone initally and went "huh, that image is pretty decent, what the fuck?" Then the second I opened it on my PC at a size larger than 6" it immediately looked like splotchy dog shit. So basically, if it's not viewed on a phone or printed at a measly 6x4, your phone pics are going to get mogged even by a 1" p&s or god forbid a MFT with a decent lens.

Now that's not to say I can't appreciate a phone camera, but when people say "the one you have with you", they obviously don't mean this lmao.

why is there always somebody who replies without reading the comments in the thread?

You might want to get your eyes checked if you viewed this on your pc and didnt notice anything unusual about it.
>complains about someone not reading the thread
>doesn't read the post he's replying to
Yeah uh buddy, I said as soon as I opened it on my PC it looked like shit.
Holy shit that is smudgy, even on my small screen. Did you do the noise reduction and sharpening or was that already baked in?

This is why ai is going to kill photography, so many people cannot identify blatant ai generated images.
AI or just AI over sharpening, same difference, people will look at the quality and say "yuck".
no, it's that terrible phone photos look like oil paintings, which also happen to look the way AI does now.
Alright fuck me, I figured saying it looked like shit would be enough, but yes, it's obviously generated. Happy? Similar to how you shouldn't give a fuck about what camera is used, you shouldn't really care if it's generated if it looks like ass.
>This is why ai is going to kill photography
This doesn't even make sense as an idea. Do you mean for professional work? Sure, but who cares? 98% of all professional photos aren't worth looking at anyway
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2.53 MB JPG
>or god forbid a MFT with a decent lens

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If i am a landscape photographer and nobody can even tell if i took the photo or made it with AI, its way easier to just make AI images.
If I am a brand and nobody can tell, its easier to use AI photos
etc etc etc

Sure somebody will still go out and take photos with a camera, just it will become infinitely harder than it already is to get anybody to look at it.
I can generate 100 images of corners of buildings in the time it takes you to go out and take one. Then with a bit more programming I can just get the AI to make a caption and setup and automated script to upload an image a day.
Hell the whole thing could be automated to where I made a system that posts 2 photos per day for 5 years straight and I never even looked at a single one or did anything.
That is the future of instagram by the way, in fact i would say tons of people are already doing this.
AI landscape is absolutely moronic
landscape photography is supposed to make you want to visit the place, if it doesn't exist, the image is worthless
>If i am a landscape photographer and nobody can even tell if i took the photo or made it with AI, its way easier to just make AI images

The answer is obvious; you don't enjoy photography and you should probably stop.

Or I cannot afford 5 trips per year to amazing landscape locations so I can just do an AI of them to build my following, while slipping in a few shots I took here and there.

Anybody not using AI will be fighting so hard to compete with that. I can AI antartic trips I never went on, nobody knows exactly how every iceberg looks etc. Then I can AI a trip to africa, as if anybody will know if a tree or hill is in the wrong place.

You wont know, my antartic photos from a trip I never took to antartica will fool you.
>how am I supposed to build a following without taking expensive trips?
You don't enjoy photography and you should probably stop.
Spiritually Jewish post my man.
Why does it look so blotchy like you ran it through a photoshop Stylize filter?

I am an artist, I will use the best tool to get my vision across.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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I literally offered to post the raw image. It’s taken in a camera app and edited in Lightroom that’s it.
no fotos?
Still in the remote location I took the first photo in, island just north of Skye in Scotland.

iOS “Pro Raw” is not a true raw format it’s unfortunately baking in lots of stuff if I want to use night mode to get the 30 second exposure.

Perhaps I misunderstood you do you mean that the iPhone camera app is using AI or do you think I’ve used a generative image? Because it is simply a photo I took with my phones default camera app.
>local fart-sniffer enjoys huffing own fumes
You don't say
the purple/green noise splotches are unbearable
once you see you cannot unsee
Sorry for having an opinion when asked for one I guess?
Sky looks like a fuck ton of color noise but horribly denoised
Man, he's living ren't free inside of your head
It's a snapshit + slider rape from a complete retard.
seems you are unable to understand the fine nuances of the English language
>Unhelpful reply
Be the change you want to see and explain it to me if you think I badly understood the premise of the question :A)
> The fact you think my photo is AI is a compliment

> I can upload the raw photo
was 1 week enough to convert a jpg image to .raw? or do you need more time?

> Subject > Lightning
your mom > lightning
This isn’t a board for learning English, ESL, may I direct you to Duolingo/Rosetta Stone
kek, 10/10
> I took on my phone
> photo
You mean an approximated image based on signal from 3 colors sensor that was processed with software written by chinks and pajeets
>approximated image based on signal from 3 colors sensor that was processed with software written by chinks and pajeets

so only film pics irl are real pics ?
yes, even though those are b&w they are real representation of absorbed photons: silver gelatine, colodion wet plate or daguerreotypes, color photography is an interpretation. Portra and gold look different, foogi and snoy color 'science' is different.

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Only if you dont develop the latent image. As soon as you develop and grow the silver crystals you're altering the original image.

Even worse if you do enlargement because now you're making a derivative of the original image.
This photo was taken with a full frame digital camera.
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Why does it look layered with erase tool used around the house? Also what's with the bar on the right side? Stars look like they were shot with a fairly long focal length too, some of them are huge.

Not shitting on it, just curious.
My photo is better take both and ask a few of your friends without telling them who is who just what image they think is better.
imagine being this mentally ill to look at some photo at 4000% magnification
It's literally 100% size as opened in my browser. I didn't even need to pixel-peep; the reason I lifted the shadows is because the stars at the bottom are unnaturally dark and fade into nothing. I've never seen this myself, and it doesn't look like thin clouds or fog since they get illuminated by the stars.
Your photo looks like shit op
>688 wide
It isn't even resized, how small is your poverty phone?
Well, I suppose there's a few things. One - this was edited for print. As you're cranking the exposure - you'll see quite a few artifacts from editing that just weren't relevant to fix. I don't know what bar you refer to on the right side?

Second - I suppose it should be apparent this had to be bracketed, based on the detail in the cabin, and the dark sky. Could not have been captured with a single frame with any film or sensor I know of. What might not be apparent is the amount of light pollution behind and around the cabin. I suppose, in post, I could have simply masked out the foreground and moved it up but it was a nice night and I was happy to have everything in the frame just as it was that night.

I don't think some of the larger orbs are stars. There were some satellites or aircraft in the frame and I think I needed to stack 3-5 exposures to get this without getting that motion blur from the planet spinning around. I believe it was taken at 180mm.

Sure. I can certainly imagine my friends might like yours much better.
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So that's phone, MFT and full frame sorted... Fine, I'll post an aps-c one. Anyone want to contribute their MF/LF version of the clichéd stargazing shot?

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gtfo with those muted, dull colors
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4.09 MB
4.09 MB JPG

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Never been on reddit but it sounds like you just described /p/. Well, except for the thousands of posts part.
compelling ≠ iq
Ffs retard, why necro this ass-tier thread

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