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Your mother.

I like cameras, not brands.
super pro

I like brands, not brands.
You wanna hatefuck me SO bad don't you?
same thing
very gay
like aggressively and outwardly homosexual
gay and proud
High likelihood that the average canon shooter has never heard of another brand.
Recessed chin vibes
Literally the backbone of Leica, very good, horrifically uncool though
The best since the early 20th century, but the average nikon shooter has the same disability as the average canon shooter
Trying too hard but also not enough. The brand of half-measures.
You are autistic.
You are retarded and autistic, but you are 99% more likely to end up having your work remembered because you did it on a Leica
Less autistic than pentax, still pretty fucking autistic
Excellent all around, will still go bankrupt in 2025 chasing FF foveon tech
Sports, event, and journalism photography in one big blobby squishy package that sucks to use for anything else. THE pro workhorse. Leads the market in replacing pros broken cameras.
Art, travel, sports, news… and you’ll be buying a new camera and lens for each thing, and then replacements throughout at twice the rate of a canon shooter. SNOY.
Art and travel, 1 camera for life
Art and travel, until it breaks, customer service stiffs you, and you buy a fuji GFX
>fuji medium format ONLY
Quite good cameras for mindful shooters who miss 6x7
>the rest
camera tech nerds and coping gearfag retards, delve into this sewer if you want to watch someone replay a deep crop of a video of running water frame by frame while explaining the importance of “four four four all eye log gamma” - no, thats not military code speak, its video codec speak. On movie sets these guys are their own department and they get basically zero significant creative input for a damn good reason. Oh and the stills fucks are even worse. If I hear about micrometer pixel pitch reach adjusted for equivalence SNR 18% gray IBIS stops ONE MORE TIME, i am going to start removing all the rocks and leaves from the nearest park and rob you of your hasphoto fodder!

this post oozes incel
here's a plastic lens priced like premium now suck my tiny cock
last good cannot was P and 7
snoy feed and seed, would be great if it wasn't breaking all the time
foogi made some nice 6x9 camera, rest is shit
their only products worth buying were VCRs
used to made pro shit, now they make shit
last one good was om series (the old one, film like om2-n)
spot lightmeter and 67
they were pretty cool in 1913, just like Porsche pretty much selling the same thing for 100 years
nice printers
Kinda sad you did not mention the literal gods of image quality Phase One and their retarded cousin hasselblad.
This is the more balanced brand review you’re going to see here.

Pro: Reliable work horses and fantastic legacy glass
Con: limited features unless you pay big often slow to incorporate new technology

Pro: Probably the best video of the big 4
Con: Over engineered glass that’s over priced and sigma tier when it comes to 3D pop/micro contrast and rendering. Shit colours until the 2020+ models. Poor build quality compared to others.

Pros: Colour profiles do actually look nice. Very compact bodies/lenses ideal for light set ups/travel. GFX line made medium format affordable.
Cons: AUTO FOCUS behind most brands. Moved their main factory from Japan to South East Asia and since have had some quality control issues.

Cons: Great video at affordable prices for a really long time.
Cons: Honestly not sure why someone would go MTF over Fuji APSC unless you’re a video guy. Auto Focus in video is behind the big 4.

If we are being really honest neither had any kind of real impact in the digital era. They could both just disappear and the industry would not be impacted at all.

Pros: Insane build quality. They value 3D pop/micro contrast/rendition over sharpness in lenses and actually understand how to make good glass a lot like Voigtlander, Ziess.
Con: really fucking expensive and while some of it is justified you are for sure paying a red badge tax to join the club.

Pro: The best compact fixed lens ever made from the film era and tied with the x100 in the current era.
Con: I personally don’t like the colour science too much.

Pro: Insanely fun ideas when it comes to bodies
Con: Glass is so so so over engineer if you know what you’re looking at you can see it if you think it’s fine keep eating your slop.
This post is kind of schizo.
40k+ for a camera is ridiculous. Sorry. It's not a fair price even for hand assembled shit.
>Canon, nikon
They WERE reliable, quality with mirrorless took a dump. Nikon recalls and the R5II fiasco? Jokes. They are however very fast to incorporate new tech if it benefits video and sports.
>Nikon specifically
Gold star award for releasing the only japanese camera that is proper for adapting M mount glass - the ZF.
Actually the worst video, they cripple it to protect the cine line models. They also cripple FPS really fucking hard. Think "not going over 6fps with 14 bit raws" hard. 3d pop/micro contrast/rendering are actual horseshit. Please remember ALL LENSES are designed by computers, not artists, they do not have mystery metrics that aren't on any charts. The closest thing to a definition 3d pop has is uncorrected spherical aberration, and arguably sony has it in spades due to the wealth of voigtlander, samyang and tamron lenses they get - its a shitty optics festival like fuji X mount and leica M mount. Build quality is also unusually GOOD (post a7iii/a7riii) compared to the others.vWhat is NOT good is their track record with firmware updates - it's apple/microsoft tier. Do not update without waiting 1 month or you might brick your camera.
Xtrans was an actual mistake. A total joke outside of G mount. Avoid.
They make camera shaped camcorders. Simple as.
Yeah. But their cameras were the most durable for a long, long time.
Actually the worst reliability track record out of anyone.
Literally pentax
The sensor tech savior digital needed but didn't accept. Their non-art lenses are very good. Lets be real, digislugs will never accept actual better sensor tech. 70%+ of the market is video faggots obsessed with uncropped high framerate 4k despite not needing it. Hence all the low DR FF scams.
If you don’t understand that ED elements and more and more correction elements in lenses ruin their rendering by making them too flat then enjoy your slop.

There is a reason Leica, Volt and Ziess are seen as the kings of lenses.
>If you don’t understand that ED elements and more and more correction elements in lenses ruin their rendering by making them too flat then enjoy your slop.
You're parroting this from yannick khong, an uneducated non-scientist who cooked up theories about something he didn't understand - and then went on to completely contradict himself later. I recognize his midwittery easily.

Again. Lenses are designed entirely by computers. Before that, they were designed entirely by mathematicians. Optics are a mature technology and there is absolutely nothing to them that isn't on a chart. They are purely soulless devices with no magic, no "rendering", nothing. In photography, it's actually that fewer things are charted, especially with regards to color transmission, so people are in the dark and make up shit about things they don't understand and sometimes things that aren't actually optical properties, but editing styles and compositional choices made by photographers who are better at this than they are.

The reason those 3 look "3d" is because they're mostly older designs that correct lat CA and spherical abs less and have more sharpness falloff away from the center. They're also normally used on film which has no digital corrections, so vignetting and mild distortion are in effect. With a photographer who knows how to work around those optical flaws, the lens can be used to creat a faux 3d effect. You can do this with literally any brand and a relatively shitty lens and corrections turned off.
Also one more thing most photographers forgot existed - field curvature

If your field of focus has a curve that roughly corresponds to the convex shape of a human face, portraits at wider apertures can look faux 3d.

This is all very, very soulless and scientific. if you believe in 3d pop just shop ttartisans, viltrox, or some other cheapo 3rd party brand because they're mostly copying old patent-expired euro slop and unlike first party lenses do not force distortion correction on if you're a jpeg fag or use a processor that forces corrections if you don't edit exif to unforce them.

There is no mystery to the art of buying a lens. It's mostly how you use it, and a ttaritsans 50mm f2 could pass as a vintage leica spectacle.
I don’t know the guy you just mentioned but this guy is an ex Nikon lens engine engineer. If you have the attention span to watch a few of his videos you will understand. https://youtu.be/yZRcRKugR1c?si=soRe0810LV7V0k-R
ED only affects fake 3d because your brain uses CA to determine depth. yes really.
No, I'm not.
Which is funny considering p couldn't accurately distinguish between Leica and sigma shots when shown a collage of images
Yannick was one of the big propagators of modern lenses = too many elements = bad 3d. This guy is the same level of shizo, he just takes the angle that the ratio of ed to low dispersion glass is what matters. He is a chad for doing a blind surveys, where he shares results:
The audience was split 36%, 25%, and 14% for the 3 images, with the other 25% seeing no clear difference. You know what lens gave the perception of depth to the most people (36%)? The Sigma 24-35, a lens he describes earlier in the very same video as rather flat.
Kudos to him for actually taking the time to make comparisons, even if I'm not quite sure I agree with his analysis.
Anything but Sony and Leica is god-tier.
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>40k+ for a camera is ridiculous. Sorry. It's not a fair price even for hand assembled shit.

these are probably mostly rented, just like Arri´s for movie makers
For a large studio think major companies like Vanity Fair or Vogue it’s literally peanuts. They also had them in my university. It’s really only solo creators who can’t afford them and rely on renting if the art director wants that kind of quality. 90% of the time though full frame is enough for most product, fashion and editorial work I’ve worked in all 3 fields and never once have I been asked to shoot a P1.
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>muh schizos
>no one has seen the cooke cinema lens comparisons that filmmakers have done
its like you people arent even trying
Full frame is barely sufficient
>It’s really only solo creators
Arri is unreachable for small and middle euro and jap film houses too.
Arri is really only for american studios and big asian ones.

Sounds like you need a better script.
No, for stills. In the field. FF can’t deliver its max print size over ISO 400-800 without losing too much quality and becoming moody street photography. DX medium format is good up to 1600-3200.

Full frame is going to be replaced as the goto professional format very soon.
I’ve shot in all 3 fields for years and never had an issue I’m mostly using strobes and ISO 100.
I love Leica because they're making those monochrome sensor cameras like m246 or q2 monochrom and I want one, i hate leica because I'll have to drop 2k just for an used 9yo body and then I'll also need a lens for that. Will probably go for it sooner or later despite that, m246 would also be a rangefinder and I like using my Yashica Electro, so I assume I'd like Leicas even more
My current everyday camera is old ass X-T2, I love quick in-body image processing menus and the fact that it shows a small 100% crop of AF point next to a full image, making manual focusing trivial
It's cameras. No doubt they're all doing stellar work at what they're doing, but I like gimmicks, so no sonycanikons for me. Ricoh GR is a less gimmicky X100, MFT cameras are kinda cool but I don't want to make sacrifices for portability when large X-T2 with a pancake lens is portable enough for me. No interest, maaaaaybe aside of Sony RX1.
Going to lose more market share to Sony with every release
Indusry leader, simple as. No matter of doubters and shills will change that
The one every amateur should get (but wait for the prices to go down first). Kind of a hipster brand atm.
Best value for money FF, best video MFT. FF suffers from limited lens selection and MFT suffers from, well, being MFT. Underappriciated if anything.
Also going to eat away at Canon, but I doubt they will catch up with Sony any time soon.
You mean OM-system? A dying breed. Maybe if you only shoot birds you'll appriciate what they bring to the table. It's an irrefutable fact that FF has gotten so small that the weight/size savings are not much of a thing anymore. If they'd be any smart, they'd consider joining the L-mount and maybe there's a (small) future for their company. But they wont, so I think we'll see a couple of years of milking refreshes and then it's over.
Why is this included? They are their own thing, and I don't think they are going away any time soon. Good for you if you like what they have to offer. Don't expect new cameras any time soon.
Never tried one, too expensive. People say they are good. I can't imagine it's much petter than Panasonic since they share tech now.
No matter what a dust magnet it might be, the GRIII is a very very good compact camera. There is a reason behind the hype, and I think they could be in a position to make something happen (if they would refresh it).
Wild card. I like some of the sigma lenses, but sometimes it's just too flat. Sometimes it's the best glass I've ever had. Same for the build quality. No need to mention the cameras, since they aren't much of a thing anymore. I'd like to see foveon happen some day, but that's far, far away. Please Sigma, make it happen? L-mount foveon camera? Please?
#1 for a reason. Also the only company that did adaptation right and didn't screw customers here.
Innovative tech, poor ergonomics, quirky color science.
Preset heaven. Good ergonomics IF you like old school control dials. Really good video IQ.
Not enough hands on experience to comment, other than to say shit AF.
Trailing a bit behind Canon and Sony, but still makes solid gear.
Built like a tank, but bet on mft and now owned by boomer capitalist vampires.
Innovative and good gear, but missed out on mirrorless and never had the lens catalog depth of Canon and Sony.
"Look at me, I'm wealthy!"
Not enough hands on experience to comment.
Some great glass, but stuck on Foveon which killed their hopes of being a player with bodies and a mount. Foveon is tuned to deliver slide film results out of camera, which many people love, but has awful noise characteristics and is now firmly behind Bayer on both resolution and color/tonality (not the "look" out of camera, but the ability to distinguish billions of colors, which is bound by noise).
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1a. Hasselblad if you have money
1b. Canon/Nikon if you don't have money
2. Sony if you want a disposable workhorse camera

everything else doesnt matter
Good if you stick to their top 3 or 4 camera lines. Otherwise they'll smack you with the canon cripplehammer. Same goes for their lenses. Basically if you have the money great, poor if you're poor

The tech consoomers brand of choice. Not terrible, but kind of off-putting. They've mostly fixed their ergo and menu problems. Older cameras seem to hang around because Sony would rather release a new model than do a firmware upgrade, but the prices on older models remain pretty high

MF is good, but not true mf. APSC just feels a bit pointless now. I think their cameras look neat though

The value brand, especially for photography. People who don't care about video tend to overlook them. Get shit upon by spec-sheet obsessed YouTubers who all love Sony, which should tell you everything. I like their ergos, especially the s5. M43 is pointless

>Z mount if pretty great. Like Panasonic they are on the receiving end of a lot of spec-sheet retardation. The z7 range was basically the perfect landscape camera, and they seem to have killed it off, so fuck them

I have an om10 film camera, it's nice. I don't give a fuck about their digital stuff

Great ergos, mostly great cameras, terrible AF (like actually terrible, not like people say Panasonic or Nikon mirrorless have terrible AF), that has only just caught up with 2016. Lmaonolenses but you can buy an 80s screw driven autofocus lens second hand for the cost of a new lens from another manufacturer and play the "will it have fungus" game. Basically dead apart from maybe making some film cameras (but they can only manage to produce one every 5 years). Ricoh absolutely fucked it.

Panasonic cameras rebranded and sold for 10x the price.

Killed Pentax and should never be forgiven (along with hoya)

I really like the sigma art lenses. Their cameras are awful. They should have done the decent thing and bought Pentax and let those madlads loose on foevon
Bad colors, worse bodies
For trannies
For Trihards
For people larping as boomers
For faggots
For people larping as even older boomers
Doesn't make a real camera
Misunderstood 200 IQ camera designers
>Don't expect new cameras any time soon.
You can't improve upon perfection.
honestly this is the most accurate and best take in this entire thread
also you forgot phase one. hasselblad, nikon and canon are for actual photographers, leica and phaseone are for pretend artists/jews
>sony bad because it is
>panasonic? The VALUE brand!
panashit is the same price as sony and worse at everything except bundling useless video junk. autofocus doesnt even work as well as nikon and thats saying something. nikon and sony are value/hobbyist cameras. canon and fuji are for professionals. dont bother coping. panasonic is just shit
>but if u rig it out and shoot 422 all i vlog…
Ew. A camcorder.
>fuji mf isnt real mf!!!!
Ok, but its still 40mp and 2 stops of noise ahead of an a7rv, and 1 stop of noise ahead of every other foolframe.
>BUT ITS NOT REAL MF!!! A few mm smaller!
The fastest lenses that can go on G mount are as equivalently fast as the fastest lenses ever made for a 6x7 or 6x9 rangefinder. SLRs dont count because they lose half their resolution unless you forego viewfinding and are thus not comparable to a 100mp camera.

Medium format film can only break 100mp with slow film and top tier gear on perfectly still scenes. Fuji does it effortlessly up to ISO 6400.

The only better medium format cameras only have an extra 50mp and are also $40k (without lens) and borderline unusable outside of a studio.
Is this post an ad?
the fastest g mount lens with autofocus is an f1.4 (f1.1) and the fastest manual focus lenses on g mount are f1.2 (f0.95) and f0.9 (f0.7).

the fastest lens on medium format film period is a 80mm f1.9. on 645 (f1.1 equiv). fuji is actually ahead of “real medium format”. maybe if you could get a f2 lens onto 6x9, you could call it a f0.8 and come closer.
No. Its facts btfoing poorfag foolframe cope.

Also see: micro cope thirds users trying to rename full frame to small format
Seeting much? Enjoy the chinshit glass and "decent" f1.8 primes. You will never get as good glass as the panasonic s-line primes for the same money on snoy.
The panasonic lenses are the same price/size and nikon’s but worse.

Sony’s f1.4 GMs are the same size, more expensive, and better.

Panasonic = worse nikon
Nikon = budget bitch sony G master
Sony = you can have the f1.2 GM for $2k, the f1.4 GM for $1k, or the tiny f2.# for $500.
So now that your price argument got debunked, you're trying to bring it to the "size" of the optics? Are you for real, snoyboy?
The bodies are the same price as sony. You brought up the lenses, which are priced and sized like nikon’s S line but underperform and only go on worse bodies than nikons.

You can buy a z6ii for less than $1k or a z7ii for less than $1.5k and have something that is better for photography than any panasonic
I really have no experience with the Nikkors, or the Nikon bodies so I can't comment on that. I'd be happy to listen if you can somehow demostrate how exactly they are better, and I might reconsider my viewpoint.
This is widely discussed already because panasonic’s lenses look like clones of nikons. You can just google. The general consensus is panasonic lenses are less sharp, less well made, and slower to focus. You also get stuck on L mount, which is dead except for leica’s SL scam lenses and flat rendering sigma window glass. Z has basically nothing but gold and can adapt every other mount. Ironically, Z mount can use more leica lenses than L mount.
Can you demonstrate?
>please buy a panasonic and show us how bad it is
Google it shillboy
Who's shilling now?
Sony is only value if you buy 2 or 3 models back. And then Sony will fuck you by releasing an 'a' version that has a new screen but otherwise it's identical and gives them the excuse they need to discontinued the old line and smack an extra $500 on the rrp
>implying anyone here buys new/mfg refurb except for the victims of panasonic and canon shills (saar, on sale now!)
bur if you do buy new, start a small photo business (even if you have no intention of it succeeding or even existing off paper) you can deduct the whole purchase from your federal income tax.
>you can deduct the whole purchase
until the IRS deems it a hobby expense, because of the whole lack of business thing
I but new because I don't want to drop a grand on something that some anon has coomed all over
dadcore color good
color simulations
13% of the marketvalue
you like small lenses
yet another japanese camera brand with sony sensors
what happened after leicakamera_eight have not heard from them, they cost like adult money
that 40mm gr and waterproof compacts
one day full frame layered sensor trust me bro maybe just in two veeks
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Full frame foveon IS coming. You're going to be mad when you realized you could have been stockpiling high quality L mount lenses in anticipation and now you are too broke

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Meh. Decent cameras if you buy the higher end models.
Good for the price considering the lens options and technical ability.
Best option in regards to APS-C
They made the Lumix LX3 ergo gigabased.
Very nice lenses and good quality bodies.
Love the weather sealing, but the lack of compact weather sealed primes is a terrible mistake.
Cool that they still make DSLR cameras.
Analog Leica cameras are based, but the digital ones feel like bad value.
GRIII is an incredible camera.
Foveon when...
Full frame foveon is coming to Sony E mount*

A slow as fuck but sharper sensor type is just so sony. Canon and nikon are slowly speccing every full frame body with a cinema camera sensor because they don’t separate the cine, birdweddingsports, and photography lines as jewishly as snoy. No current a7 modem can shoot 14 bit raws faster than 6fps for example. Foveon’s problem is that its slow, but it’s right on trend with how sony is making their a7 line the slower, higher resolution cameras.

Also foveon on phone sensors would be an aps-c killing event
That doesn't make sense for them to sell it to Sony and stop working on it themselves. It's literally the core of the company. The lens manufacturing is done to enable the money pit that is foveon r&d. It's the sole purpose for sigma existing.
was worthwhile until rf lenses happened
killed minolta fuck them
exists for people who want film simulations but don’t want to learn editing
shit build quality, great otherwise
great build quality and cheaper than all other brands here used
they sell entry level cameras with evfs for like $550 so shoutout to them for
dead. if you want a dslr in 2024, get a canon
upcharged panasonic, with a userbase of b/w and street photographers
$800+ for a point and shoot lmao, but they’re the only ones still making point and shoots really
upcharged meme bullshit
The dream is dead.
>based on a single post from an autistic, gearfag canon forum
yes. sony tried to make their own in 2023. they probably failed or ran into patent issues.
>Why would sigma sell foveon to sony, instead of continuously redirecting profits to an R&D program that they have proven they do not have the resources to finish, yet alone sustain in a competitive state?
Dear god man, sigma needs to make money so they can keep up in the market they actually participate in. Selling foveon means less money spent on foveon and more money to spend improving their lenses, which actually sell, unlike their cameras of ill repute. Besides, if foveon were on yet another sigma no one would buy it.
>inb4 the memes tell me to hate the top 2 brands!
Ok but for the world outside of /p/ shitposts and your 10 "oh no no no!" screenshots canon and sony dominate hard. They almost have a 50/50/ split of the market now.

Who knows, maybe it could be for lawyer money so sigma can sell nikon Z and canon RF lenses. I actually hope they sell that meme sharpness first sensor to snoy. Let snoy have their 3fps "SHARP" sensor that can't do video (the most important camera feature) lmao. Sigma lenses could help prop up Z and RF mount so sony can lose their third party glass advantage and see an outflow of budget oriented customers who were only staying on sony for cheaper native lenses despite the bodies not beating or matching canon in any single relevant way without shelling out for an a1.

Let snoy die as a meme street and landscape photography brand while canon and nikon take back over as god intended.
>but muh foveon film like character, its like a leica had a baby with a hasselblad
>this is the culmination of the a7rv
>-snoys of the future with 13% market share
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What happened /p/? It has been almost a decade, and it seems like higher iso apsc sensor tech froze. Has it plateaued?
they all use the same exact tech
hey, at least the ones on the right are less green, so that's something.
aps-c always has been consumer tier trash for poorfags who cant into fool frame
Fool frame aint better, shits expensive

>t. foolframe user
What does /p/ think of these brands? GoPro
Blackmagic Design
they're all shit but each has a good product

what, you didnt expect a sensible answer did you?
No. I dont give a fuck about these brands, your answer or this obnoxious thread. As a matter of fact, fuck you for replying to me at all. Fucking donkey. Cant believe you.
alright bro im p drunk too so i getcha dw

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