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File: Pentax-17-film-camera-1-1.jpg (399 KB, 2000x1333)
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I bought it as an everyday camera, about to load a roll of Gold tomorrow. Is this a mistake? I really like the idea of having a small, half-frame analog camera to take pictures that are meant to be viewed by me, a few friends and no one else and don't want to either carry my mirrorless setup and lenses or fuck around with an external light meter on vacation. This one fits into my pocket.

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You're in a far better position to answer that yourself, especially relative to your specific use case, than any of us.
Meh that's what cellphones are for
Not if you want to shoot film.
>f/6 effective lens
>half frame quality
35mm film is already not fantastic quality, cropping it in half will leave you with gameboy camera tier photos
new slr when
>Waah only 25mp of resolution
so, the highest tier of photos? dang that's pretty cool
>Is this a mistake?
you're the one in the situation. you tell me
35mm film, is like 16mp effectively once it's been through most lenses. You can probably pull like 30 if you have a goated scanner and it was shot with modern L series glass or something, but from an older SLR or rangefinder you're gunna get about 16mp. Half frame you're getting like 8mp, plus dogshit lens interactions cus of the crop factor, and mid DOF. It's just 90s point and shoot film camera, minus half the frame. I don't get why you would pay for one of these when you could just get any older point and shoot and it will be better.

Fuck off retard
Be wrong then. Why would I care if your own niggardly brain causes you to suffer?
>Half frame you're getting like 8mp, plus dogshit lens interactions cus of the crop factor, and mid DOF.
Post your resolution chart test results with a Pentax 17 under studio conditions to back up that assertion, buddy.
then shut up your whore mount and your stupid ass shit megapixel war
>braindead swearing and name-calling
I'm sorry the product you voted for with your money is bad. Maybe you can sell it.
I feel like ultramax would be more versatile especially since the roll will last a long time
Lol WUT? MP on digital/scanners is all about the aliasing and color sampling. Lenses work in lp/mm.
Braindead take
theres better older half frame cameras that are cheaper on ebay. you scammed yourself.
>I don't get why you would pay for one of these when you could just get any older point and shoot and it will be better.
I'm gonna buy one at some point simply because I don't think it's a huge outlay to support the one major manufacturer who might possibly decide to make a real new film camera if this does ok. I get that for a lot of people it is a big outlay which is fine but if I'm in a position to support them I'm happy to do that.
I see more detail in 6mp camera shots than half frame

yeah, this is true. new film cameras, especially new rangefinders would be good.
>especially new rangefinders would be good.
That would be very good but I'd settle for a decently thought out SLR
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half frames can be nice. i took this with the ecktar h35. simple and small. point and click. 400 iso i dont really care, i just carry it around with me and shoot. 72 photos or something a roll. noice. click click. watch it buddy im shooting over here! click

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Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Yeah, absolutely, an ILC system would be good. I just though rangefinders would be good, because most decent ILC rangefinders are like $1000+ on the used market.
Film is a total larp. Everything is video now at least MILC can do video that people actually want to look at.
Would you not consider the Canon 5/6/P decent?
>F/6 effective lens
Whenever I read something like this I seriously wonder wether it was written by a retard or a troll. Don't know which one is worse
micro fool tard detected
The trolls 100% because they are the ones who enable the retards.

Don't you have some sunlight to look at? Yknow, so you can turn to stone and be quiet?

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Image Created2014:05:18 23:18:51
Yeah they're good they're just old. With any camera that old you gotta be careful with breakages and such.
I have one. I like it. It has its limits and sometimes I wish it would have just been a normal fixed focus point and shoot instead of the gay zoom zones. Don’t even try shorter zoom lengths, its very difficult to nail focus at less than a meter because it doesn’t have an actual viewfinder. But once you get past these limitations and find its rhythm, its fun. But more importantly you can buy it new instead of buying crap from ebay with failed capacitors which plague the market now. There are still tons of used detachable lens SLRs for film that work great, but all the old film cameras in this size category are starting to die. Known issue, most cannot be repaired. So this is what we have now. Half frame is more than enough to post online. I just scan it at 7200 dpi instead of 3000 dpi. Definitely less detail than true 35mm but this works in your favor by slightly blurring more complex backgrounds while the subjects have more than enough detail. anyway its a neat toy and make sure you put a note in the note holder in the back. mine has a smiley face and when flipped to the back says “christ is king”
Akstually 110 film (or 16mm film if you are a minoxfag) it's the m43 of the film world
Thank you for this response. I also started to shoot it a bit, and zone focus is kinda weird indeed, but it's a matter of practice. However, thanks for sharing this opinion, it's informative and I will keep it in mind.
And for the rest of replies: Jesus Christ, can't you contain your fucking autism boys?
>And for the rest of replies: Jesus Christ, can't you contain your fucking autism boys?
You are on 4chan.
No problem. I’m one of the few people here who actually have one. Everyone else is just complaining that they can’t afford this new toy. And trust me, it definitely a toy. But I’m having fun with it! So is my wife, who is the one who asked me to buy a small film camera for her. She wanted something simple that could replicate the classic disposable camera aesthetic of her childhood. I think it does that well.

Another tip is that the included strap is exactly 25cm (or whatever the distance) aka the exact plane of focus on macro mode. But as I said before, the closer focusing distances are very tight and since the viewfinder is fake you wont know if you got it or not until the film is developed. But if you want to take a macro shot just use your phone. This camera is meant to candid snapshits, and thats where it excels
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I don’t want to be called a nophoto but because I don’t post pics of my family on 4chan, I’m limited on what I can post as examples. This photo was taken with Cinestill 400D (meme film for meme camera) and scanned at 7200dpi. Kinda shows what to expect in terms of photo quality. I also have shaky hands and digital optical stabilization has been a blessing for me, so using this camera is hard. You may do better. I personally don’t think you should use less than ISO 400 films though, unless you have a tripod but again thats not what this camera is meant for. ISO 800 for indoor

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8300i
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 25.9 (Macintosh)
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btw if you are on mobile, 4chan downsizes pics. Open the image in a tab and take the m after the file number before the dot jpg for the full resolution. If you are desktop chad then ignore

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8300i
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 25.9 (Macintosh)
Image-Specific Properties:
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What the fuck, nothing is in focus.
I have a neurological disorder that makes my hands shake. Well actually it makes everything shake, not just my hands. I shouldn't be shooting film at all.
OK mate, I understand ; at least you're enjoying it, that's the most important thing.
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The photo looks sharp and in-focus, just the scanner's upressing and the film's halation failing you here.
Still very good results for half frame and meme film though.

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Thanks. Also important to mention that these pics are from my initial test rolls. I was still learning the unique focusing system. I have better photos that have subjects in good focus but since I don’t post pics of people to 4chan I’m limited in that regard. But once you get the trick to it, it works better. Especially when you have a person and not a mess of plants. But if anyone wants to know what the floor is in terms of the Pentax 17’s capabilities, I think my photos show off pretty well what half frame held by shaky hands using meme film looks like. Most people will do better, especially when they have a better sense of the focusing zone system.

Thanks. But Yes this scanner is very visually noise but I’m stuck with it until my next digital camera upgrade cycle when I can get a full frame sony with pixel shift. That feature is currently gated to cameras whose prices are not worth the upgrade to me. Maybe a few years from now, but until then I’ll just make do. I’m only taking snapshits with film so the crustiness adds soul. Its a fun camera. Thats all I want out of it.
>Well actually it makes everything shake, not just my hands. I shouldn't be shooting film at all.
Good for you that you persist with photography anyway, anon. Fun is fun. Does it at least make fapping more efficient for you?
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>not buying an olympiss pen f
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i bet my ricoh costed less than your chaika
I do love a good industar-69
If you got it for 15 bucks sure
I bought an H35N for that exact reason. Price point + simplicity of use + size makes for an excellent EDC compact
Why are ESL shits allowed on this site?
I think you'll enjoy it Anon.
Have fun!
Get fucked, this website is international, like it or not.
sounds fine to me. I wouldn't get one because I don't have the money for it.

no, those are for placing phone calls when you're out.

>It's just 90s point and shoot film camera, minus half the frame.
that sounds fine if that's what you want, why would you assume resolution is that important if someone's buying a P&S to begin with

kys retard
Low IQ cope
>why would you assume resolution is that important if someone's buying a P&S to begin with
why would someone want to pay 8x the price of a point and shoot for a point and shoot thats the same in every way except it has 1/2 the quality? what a retarded question, read a book nigger.
>Is this a mistake?
You could get a Yashica FX Super 2000 for peanuts. I got mine from my aunt 20 years ago, and it still works like a charm. It's built like a tank. Paired with my Contax/Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 (got it for 250 bucks in mint condition), it’s an absolutely fantastic film camera for street photography and even portraits.
>This one fits into my pocket
You could fit your brain there too
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I bet I paid more for my Hello Kitty Golden Half than all 3 of you combined.
That's fucking cool.
I would use that, honestly.

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