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>Dual wielding allows you to double your capturing capabilities in the same amount of time

What are some other lesser known useful photography tips and tricks?
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He truly is the Drizzt Do'Urden of photography
>wedding photography isn’t soulle-
Dear god what a shitshow of a ceremony and what a shitshow of a photographer. Just go all the way and hire trevor wisecup to personally blind everyone in the wedding party with flash.
>holding camera out with one hand spray and praying
might as well set up 20 4k drones flying around randomly capturing everything and then screencap from the videos.
Here's a good trick: converting your images to b&w makes the high iso chasers cry.
weird cope out of nowhere but ok
Goodybye chrominance noise, hello sovl
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fyi this also solves the horrible Sony colors problem
I spent 1300 on a 18 year old meme camera, when I could have bought a FF mirrorless with a max iso of like half a million. Do you really think it's cope at this point or maybe JUST maybe I just have a certain preference?

This guy gets it.
>fake white balance
Show us on the chart where sony mogged you
sorry that happened to you or whatever
and not a single well composed photo was taken
what a faggot
King Snapshitter
>I spent 1300 on a 18 year old meme camera, when I could have bought a FF mirrorless with a max iso of like half a million
No wonder you're so hostile over people liking color photography at high ISOs.

We need a new version of sour grapes for people who put in a lot of work to get something mediocre/bad and aren't actually a rich playboy who can say "idc its just a 1300 toy lmao i have a hasselblad too".
pathetic flex but ok
>i just have a preference for old quirky gear ok
thats a huge gear shift from
>B&W makes good cameras OBSOLETE, SEETHE FAGGOTS!
>the fox comes upon a lemon tree
>thinks that if its the color of cheese it must be delicious
>spends all day trying to scramble up the tree
>finally gets there
>wtf its so fucking sour. fine. ugh.
>the fox climbs down and heads off with his bag of lemons
>just down the road he sees an orange tree
>"Those are probably sour, imagine putting in the effort to pick that shit, lmao"
fe2fucker confirmed for femboy fox uwu
Never did I say that but nice projection ig

>Hostile at colour photography.
You got all micro four thirdsy
>high iso fags CRY!
Nah we laugh. Anyone can shoot b&w, but you’re saying you have to.

The financial issues you have created are turning you into an olympus person.
Im saying you CAN turn your photos black n white if you use ancient gear. That's the epic cool tip. Then I added a jab at the kinds of people who need THE BEST OF THE BEST AND NOTHING ELSE WILL SUFFICE.

I feel like I've hit a nerve here and maybe its for the better.
See, he’s turning into an olympus person. Haughty and hostile.
>fuck you if you want something better than what i have. you’re the worst if you want something better than what i have.
micro fe2fucker thirds metamorphosis complete
Or you can just use older gear the way it was intended instead of being a coping faggot
English isn't your first language so I'm sure you have trouble with saying what you mean.
nah hes suffering from a common photographers disease. its the same thing that makes micro four thirds users so hostile about “snobby overspending fool framers” who have $350 nikon DSLRs and what makes canon r5 users call the a7iv unusable junk. the infection might pass when his finances are back in order. or maybe not.
You're out of your mind if you think those snapshots isn't what his clients want.
WTF how is the gimbal camera automatically following the people?
It's not, the operator is just positioning himself to get them from an angle or straight on, like at the end.
I think you guys just hear what you want to hear.
I think you were just coping.

Converting the photos you took with your crappy $1300 camera to B&W doesn't make anyone cry like
>omg, i was such a fool to choose a $400 D750 over a leica M8, high ISO performance does not matter
A guy with a $400 D750 can convert his photos to B&W if he wants to, but he doesn't really have to, you know. He's just going to look down on leica plebs who don't get the choice no matter what. Just cut the cope and convert your camera to a full spectrum one, no CFA.

i was just being funny but 4chan being 4chan had to take everything at face value
I still stand by my statement so where's the backpedalling?
>foreigner humor
Do you have Germanic ancestry by chance?

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