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/p/ - Photography

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Post your favorite painterly photos with female models/actresses.

I'll start
david dubnitskiy is kino
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561 KB JPG

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paolo roversi
verification not required
File: Katrin Koenning - Glow.jpg (152 KB, 840x840)
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Can't post it here because it's NSFW:
I don't have a plebbit account. Post it here with a NSFW warning
>Flickr has a shit ton of NSFW photographers, mainly Eastern Europeans.
Any recommendations
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318 KB JPG
check this guy, Russian I believe
discover new ones by looking at his favorites
here's his leaked boosty stuff:

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936 KB JPG

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maxim nikitin

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerMaxim Nikitin
Image-Specific Properties:
>nikon boomer not so sneakily zooming in on booty
literally me
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yung cheng lin
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aleksey yepanchintcev
model: katerina (she has an album)

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
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thanks for the recs
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you're welcome, there's a shit ton of this stuff on flickr, 500px, etc.
you can also download the original image on flickr with a greasemonkey script to bypass their block

pic is basforever (Bart Ramakers)
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>slavs be like
>look at the size of her pigs. my angel!
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929 KB JPG


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apparently it's a parody of
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976 KB JPG

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1.61 MB JPG
another one

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D700
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Macintosh)
PhotographerMARAT SAFIN
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
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This one has such bad vibes it's unreal. Something very primal and horrifying about this.
Tasteful nudes require pubes.
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1.7 MB JPG
here's another version, more inline with the original painting

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pubes are like haircuts IMO

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we're actually intellectuals

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Pretty sure we have a different board for these types of imagery
Uhhh, that would be wrong? Yeah, wrong.
It's photography. Please define the difference between imagery and photography
Please define photography.
This thread is a nice example of photography
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707 KB JPG
Paolo Roversi is pretty much the only contemporary fashion/celeb photographer who stands out to me.

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Image Created2019:02:21 03:02:00
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the way she holds that knife you can be certain she never did any manual labor
his work is amazing
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paolobros... life is good
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rimel neffati
I had a nightmare that janny deleted this thread and blocked me for 1 year for making

I am such a bitch
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605 KB JPG
This soft skin rendering was inspired by Belgian painter Fernand Khnopff

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS2 Windows
PhotographerFernand Khnopff
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2014:05:14 15:30:23
Color Space InformationsRGB
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And then there's pictorialist photographer Heinrich Kuhn

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Image Created2011:03:04 08:31:40
File: Heinrich Kühn 2.jpg (78 KB, 735x1000)
78 KB
More Fernand Khnopff

Fuck this looks like a photo

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3782
Image Height3288
sarah moon

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thoughts on zhong lin?
>blurry mess
>black and white
File: Across 3 Seas.png (3.3 MB, 2974x1286)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
thoughts on cho gi seok?

post more
they do a lot of thematic photos
how's that for painterly
Goddamn he is really good
>Set designer does everything
>Photog comes in with a 35mm at f5.6, center composition, pushes button
>"Genius photography bruv"
Really? There's composition and light tho. But if those ideas are set designer's then he should ditch the fag and learn photography.
Would it be immoral to pay a prostitute to model for a photoshoot?

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how is it immoral if she is giving you her consent? they have been through hell so if you make them look good that will be a kind gesture.
There's a tripfag who shoots nothing but nude prostitutes. Can't remember his name though.
I would love to see his work.
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410 KB JPG

I do a lot more than nudes, I've only ever actually done them a few times and I've never shot actual hookers, most of the people I've worked with are either exotic dancers or friends. The majority of my body of work is actually landscapes and truckersnaps.


You're seriously asking about the morality of paying someone not for sex to take pictures of them and they don't have to spread their legs.

These are some of the best people to work with because they are already comfortable with being nude in front of other people, and they're already expecting you to try to bang them. Which, you shouldn't use your camera to get laid and shits gross, at least with a prostitute it's part of the deal.

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FlashNo Flash
Focal Length50.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
marat safin
you're american aren't you
He means the filmfag degenerate, not you.
>at least with a prostitute it's part of the deal.
ew, banging prostitutes
This thumbnail triggers my trypophobia.
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636 KB JPG
the pic on the right is good
that's a good one

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