going to jersey and york in aprilwhat do i photograph? (digital only)
Drug addicted bums and old people
>>4383050nah i dont feel like exploiting the most vulnerable members of society
>>4383051stay in seattle then bitchtits
>>4383053im not from there but okwhat is there to photograph in seattle?
>>4383056drug addicted bums, old asian people, and weenies with faux retro cameras afraid to take the good pictures
>>4383046>voluntarily going to jersey and new yorkIt would be very difficult to pay me enough money to set foot in that shithole
>>4383046It's a big area. The area around Liberty State park is interesting - moreso the industrial areas and marina nearby. Great NYC views at night from JErsey City. Hoboken has some charming street areas by the Path Station. There's a skate park by Castle point that can be fun. NYC has 10,000 things to shoot. Chinatown is usually pretty busy and can be relatively tourist free. The parks there are good for people. The highline is nice this time of year if you're sick of building after building in the City.