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Should I get rid of this old gear?
It's a Canon 5D mark II.

What other camera or brand should I be looking for?
Is Sony A7IV any good?

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Depends what you're shooting. I find the 5D mark 2 to be fairly good, but it has its limitations, mainly pulling detail from shadows. If you're not shooting moving stuff at night then I would just use it. The 17-40mm is good, the other two lenses are just fine. Pretty good IQ but nothing special. Could probably swap them out for some primes that are more suited to whatever it is you shoot. If you really need zooms go for the f/2.8 ones.
Well, I currently shoot as a hobbyist, but I aim to eventually become a professional.
IQ is not a necessity right now, but as you've stated, my current gear struggles with pulling details from low-light shots and shadows.
AF also feels kinda unreliable sometimes, when I attempt some panning or try wildlife, or even just people walking.

I've tried a bunch o mirrorless cameras, and the flexibility in post, plus the quality in the pixels was much higher!
I have a 5dmkii with the 24-70 2,8 lens too I was looking at selling recently, but when I saw what they go for I decided to just keep it. Not worth the hassle of selling it for how little it's worth now. I know it's old, but it's still weird to me seeing that price when I know how much it cost way back when I bought it.

It still takes great images though. So maybe just keep your favourite lens and sell the other two off if you want to sell some of it. You're not going to get much for the camera itself.
Is this thread an ad?
Wait to buy an a7iv. The a7v comes out early next year.
Is this post an ad?
No. I’m telling you to buy snoyboys barely used kit. Not to buy the a7v and actually give sony money.
Or just get the A7iii when the a7v comes. Not losing much in terms of image quality.
Buy a 1V
>implying the a7iii will get cheaper
Fair point. I'd recommend the Panny S5 original, but since it's lacking the phase detect AF it might suck to adapt DSLR lenses on that. Maybe A7ii would be good enough for OP?
Neither. Z6II or pick up a ZF since used prices are heading towards $1500 and below. Better AF, color, and lenses vs panasonic. Better build, color, and ergos vs sony. The lenses vs sony are better and bigger in the midrange, as bad but cheaper in the bottom tier, and there is no prosumer tier like the f1.4 GMs, its just straight to pro. But, you get a mediocre pancake!

On the other hand canon goes from consumer grade junk, i mean sovl, to ultrasharp flawless RF L(uxury) lenses with no intermediate so
>Better AF
You sure about that? Panasonic phase detect AF has gotten really good.

Otherwise I'd agree with you, on the value proposition. If OP has 1,5k$ to spend I can't think of a much better camera than Z6II (or the ZF, but ergo).
Panasonic PDAF is on par with the first z6. There is no excuse for panasonics oversized, bad ergos, underperforming, and notoriously unreliable junk outside of the ultra low budget prosumer videography sphere. Nikon on the other hand makes cameras for photographers.
trve. if panasnoy is up for consideration just get a cheap z5 so you can invest in nikon’s superior lenses. what does L mount have, sigma? lol. Z mount can also adapt leica M with focus confirmation (ZF) and no corner color shifts or sharpness loss (like what happens on sony’s overly thick IR filter). L mount ironically can’t.
Samefagging much?
anything to beat down panasonic’s paid marketers here. anyways, /p/eople

please do yourselves a favor, buy used nikon gear. Panasonics marketing team is here 24/7 saying please buy s5 new on amazon, please do g9ii tradein deal, s5ii bundle is on sale at b&h, but unless you are broke as fuck and NEED certain codecs and FF video they are simply bad cameras compared to better made, more capable, more ergonomic Nikon kit.
>anyways /p/eople
ew. cringe.

I agreed with you on the Z6ii as the better value camera at that price point, and pointed out you're wrong about panasonic AF. As a very sane, and proper response, you start sperging and samefagging.
No one should even give panasonic a chance. Imagine getting burned with a broken camera 2 years later or an s5 that drains its battery while off. Not worth it. Even sony is more reliable.
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What happened /p/? It has been almost a decade, and it seems like higher iso apsc sensor tech froze. Has it plateaued?
Sony let fuji and nikon borrow the nice DX sensors (xh2s, d7200) but didnt want to make their crop cameras better and lose full frame hobbyfags
Yes. A decade later and all we have are good ibis, better video, and nice af
It would be helpful to know what you shoot. I’m using a 5D iii (very similar to you only a tad better auto focus) for all my studio work it has over 200k shot on it and it just keeps going. It’s been tethered to the same iMac for almost 10 years and is used almost daily.

If you’re doing events, weddings, landscapes you probably want better AF and DR but for lots of paid work the 5D is still a great tool for the job.
>good ibis
gimmick feature, not useful to photography
>better video
>nice af
af has been good enough since 2013
Is the time now to get whatever gear we can, whether new or used before the china tariffs go though and prices skyrocket to unpurchasable levels?
Leave panasonic system NOW
No? Most camera shit I've ever seen is made in Japan, Vietnam or the Philippines
I'm currently a hobbyist, but I'm looking for a better camera to eventually use professionally. The 5Dii is amazing, but sometimes you need that clean image or better AF. Like, sometimes I do wildlife and night photography and the old sensor makes it difficult to edit on LR. The resulting photos are usually noisy and unsharp.
>night photography and the old sensor makes it difficult to edit on LR. The resulting photos are usually noisy and unsharp.
use a tripod. I just saved you thousands of dollars. You're welcome.
>leave panasonic
I bought the s9 new cause I wanted a good "does everything good enough." It's served me well enough this far
>"does everything good enough."
choose one
Yeah, but I do street photography a lot and a tripod isn't very practical.
There's something special about night photography without flash, so I don't want to limit myself to daytime.
I used to have an EOS R, which was fine but ended up selling it because the tracking AF was unreliable. Then I tried an R6ii and the difference is huge.
With this mindset you won’t ever go pro your the issue not the gear I can get super clear images a night with a 5D lol. The 5D ii has about the same noise as a Fuji XPRO2 and that’s a famous street photography camera lol
Bro, I never said I can't take night photos but the difference is there and you know it. Gear is relevant for some situations and types of photography, such as wildlife.
Idk you could get something newer, but I honestly don't think it's going to help that much for night photography. Maybe a stop or two at most. All your lenses are f/4, trying grabbing one of the f/2.8 lenses first or even getting a fast prime.

But honestly it sounds like you just want something new just because you want something new and if so that's fine, you don't need to justify it. Just as long as you're not going broke buying stuff. It's okay to experiment and try new cameras out just because it's fun.
I've got a few primes, which I use at night, such as the EF 40 f/2.8, EF 50 f/1.8 and EF 100 f/2.8L.
It does the job, but perhaps I'm pixel peeping my photos too much...
I think you're right, I was looking for a new camera for the psychological effect of having no limitations gear wise.
My shitter Fuji is made in Indonesia. It now has a bleeding LCD screen and has erratic dials.
Yeah if you underexpose at night, outdoors, and basically take photos of the lights. That doesn’t work indoors or in places without lights and flash is stupid.
Even the 5D classic is decent in low light it’s a skill issue
>”low light”
>low ISOs in brightly lit bug streets, blurry pedestrians
This is low light by film standards. Is the skill issue refusing to travel to some overly bright asian slop market and living somewhere decent, being a decent person, instead of a street photographer?

I don’t think you know what low light actually means for people who aren’t imitating 20th century leica owners 24/7. Low light is exclusive of good, purposeful photography. Low light is snapshits at ISO 25,600 1/250 because you’re doing dumb skateboard tricks with your friends at 9pm in a public park and phones keep fucking up the pictures
>uh kevin can you stand still right under a light please - i need you to do this because going over iso 3200 is a skill issue. i can show you some chinatown creep photography videos for reference if it helps.
we dont actually use cameras as cameras here bud

we only take photos of rocks, leaves, and the backs of strangers heads. sometimes the sides. its art.
By your standards no one was decent before the 80's, and the fact the dude didn't get mogged is example of bugs just minding their own businesses.
Also agree that wasn't low-light
Civility only goes up as time goes on. Street markets and walking areas are pretty primitive and easily harbor hidden problems like dog meat stalls and backdoor drug and human trafficking. Online markets and drone deliveries are cleaner, safer, and more effective and allow for trivial interception of illicit goods by police.
Upgrade to an RF body and use the EF adapter. Budget will dictate what you buy, but you don't need to replace those lenses. An R6 or R6ii will give you the same resolution (little more for R6ii) but sharper (weak AA filter) with more DR and far better high ISO. Plus all the cool new features like AF improvements and IBIS.
>think of how much money you’ll save by buying a $2500 camera for your old junk lenses instead of selling your pile of ewaste for a fuji, a prime, and the kit lens!
>and then you can buy a $2500 new RF L zoom too!
Gearfags be like “let me tell you how to keep spending as much as possible”

ORRRRR stop pixel peeping and stop being a gear snob. Get a lightweight normal camera, a small prime, and a generally useful zoom.

Degearfag your life. You do not need more than a 35mm f2.8 and 24-70 f4 to take good photos.
>Civility only goes up as time goes on.
>The police
Touch grass home boy
Sorry your friends daquan apartmente and tyler-joe traylor got shot or beat up for refusing to show ID or comply with basic directions because they either felt bad about doing what they were told or it they had a warrant out for selling meth lol, but yes law and order are good things. I would actually be in favor of street photography if they helped solve crimes but they usually just shoot backs of heads.
>angry poorfag is angry
>you’re a poorfag, he says, as he spends well within the average credit limit
Canonikony blobs are not status symbols. Get a leica SL blob if you wanna pull that.
personally i dont take “poorfag” from someone who shops like they can only have one camera system.

a rich man has a hasselblad 907x for fun, a leica also for fun, a nikon flagship for work, and a collection of film SLRs.
a poor man has a canon flagship because its a jack of all trades and master of none. a crew cab, short bed pickup truck for the people who cant afford a summer car, winter car, and work van. a mascot for poorly masked poverty.
Write in english next time nigger
>reeeee don't use your existing excellent glass
>sell it all and buy an apsc or mft with one prime!
This was literally you. He already has good equipment, he asked about upgrading, the only thing he might want to upgrade is the body. He would be stupid to ditch the glass.
>he has
Ancient boomer blob ewaste that doesnt hold up to a fuji xt3 with the kit zoom. Only good for gross shit like wedding photography. Wedding photographers section 179 their entire kit and get it for free so if he were one, he wouldn’t be asking.

This is the perfect opportunity to leave blobby wedding cameras behind. Compacts now exceed the quality of a 5div+24-70 f2.8 L.
why would a rich man need a "work" camera tho?
rich people buy "work" stuff so they can work one day a year and pretend they do things other than underage hookers and drugs
To pretend to be normal and advertise his personal brand
>the quality in the pixels was much higher!
Obvious troll is obvious. Still not obvious enough for the gearfags of /p/ evidently.
>fuji apsc kit zoom is better than full frame L glass
Usually this level of delusion requires mft.
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My main camera is the GFX50SII. I'm thinking now wether I should get a b-roll camera that I bring everyday for not so serious photography. I can't decide between the X100VI or the Nikon Zf with 40mm (gonna be glued on the body). The Fuji is smaller and more light but I'm afraid I won't enjoy the apsc IQ. Nikon Zf looks damn cool and I love the focal length of the 40mm lens. And sample pictures look great.
I functionally replaced my 50R with a Zf and haven't looked back
but I also still use my other Fuji's more often
get the Zf
The gfx50 is just fat full frame thanks to the ancient shit sensor, you might as well sell it, or shoot nothing else and remain ignorant.
The ancient, 1st edition 24-70 l is actually pretty soft.
The GFX is my favorite camera. Love the incredible detail in prints and for my taste it resolved better than my previous A7IV.
Of course its 50mp, so it will definitely be better than 33mp and very close to 61mp if the lenses are keeping up for all cameras, but sensor performance is the same as modern full frame. It can merely resolve as well with a lower quality lens.

Dont touch a zf or a z7ii if you want it to stay your favorite.
Swap the 5dmk2 for a 5ds, its a massive upgrade is one of the best value professional cameras you can buy used atm (at least in the uk).
Also swap the 17-40 for a 16-35 f4 L, the 16-35 is one of canons sharpest wide angle zooms on ef making it a better match for the 5ds' sensor and its cheap used as well.
Your others lenses are great and theres not much point wasting money on expensive mirrorless systems when the 5ds is such a good value if you're not a professional.
I've got a 5dsr that I use for wildlife photography every other day and its autofocus is great for it, just not amazing like new mirrorless bodies that are 4-6x the price. The dynamic range of the sensor is great for night too but I only do long exposure astro landscapes.
Photography without light is retarded and you're setting yourself up for disappointment no matter what you buy. Get faster glass if anything, those lenses you have are all f/4. Even a 50/2 will be an improvement.
I see you had already pointed it out, my bad for stating what had already been said for not reading the whole thread before posting.
His existing glass may be excellent for some things but it's not fast enough for low light. There's people on MFT shooting at faster equivalent apertures right now.
The full frame advantage in low light comes from using faster equivalent apertures.
>section 179 their entire kit and get it for free so if he were one, he wouldn’t be asking.
Not how tax writeoffs work. You deduct the expense from your profits which are then taxed. You pay less tax, but you don't save the full price of the kit.
>I want to do night photography but all I have is an f/5.6 zoom and no I don't want to use a tripod or having low IQ pictures
Many such cases
good lightmeter that can do flash metering as well? beginner noobshit here
> not reading the whole thread before posting
You do that a lot brainlet tripfag
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>tripfag admits he was a dummy
>better double down and call him a slur just in case
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Would you guys have some camera and lens recommendations for a beginner, with a body ideally both good for photo and videography?

Mostly do "vlog"-like videos (I do piano/guitar covers) and I'd like to get into products and macro/wildlife/insects photography later on.
My budget is ~1000€, could also go more if it's a real checkpoint, I don't really mind.

I was told the Sony Alpha lineup are great for my usecase while having a solid array of lenses, any opinions on those?
He's still a tripfag. A rapist doesn't get set free because they apologised for bumping into someone on their way to rape a woman.
tripfag simp
Canon R10 and RF 85mm Macro
Forgot what the faggot above said. A7SII and don't look back
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>Recommends snoy
>Calls OTHER people faggot
You dont need a video specific body

>Use a tripcode
>This is rape
>This is the irl equivalent of rape
>You are raping people
Weird sjw mental gymnastics but ok.
An MFT body would do great video as well as macro and wildlife photography. A Panasonic GH5 and the Panasonic 12-60mm would be a good pair for everything you want to do and is easily under $1000 used.
Hahahahahahahaha no. IQ is awful. Autofocus basically isnt up to par. Even an a6000 is better.

Only a photographer would be stupid enough to recommend a junk camera. They derive a sense of accomplishment from using junk because they can’t from taking decent photos.
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a fucking canon r50 is better than that unreliable piece of shit. Even sony doesnt have this failure rate despite having 50x the market share.

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Sony makes the best cameras but there’s a lot of cross contamination from the video game board here that causes people to reach for reasons to hate playstation, inc for making their wii look gay. Niggas have told me "dont buy a sony because this retard dropped his in the ocean". Do what you know is right. Sony is the best where it matters, which is why 5/6 news agencies went with them over canon.
No, they just aren't that good at making cameras. I like my PS4 but would never buy a Sony camera again. Try not to take criticism of a huge extremely successful brand on a Laotian ceramics imageboard seriously, it's not good for you.
*personally, though also seriously
>No, they just aren't that good at making cameras.
You can keep telling yourself this lie, but please don't tell it to others. Sony cameras remain among the best. I trialed every major brand (Z6II, ZF, R5, A7IV, A7C) and found that while sony's UI is less appley and lacked rounded corners, and nerds can delight themselves into pushing sony and canon files unrealistically until they break, the actual photo taking experience on sony/canon is vastly superior. They were also the only ones that did not NEED skin tone fixes.

Nikon was the best to fingerfuck with the best UI styling and has nicer screens, but for actually taking pictures, the Z6II was just bad. The ZF was a fucking tragedy that made the a7c feel fully decked out (and still didn't have the same autofocus accuracy as the a7iv and R5). I'm pretty sure nikons hybrid autofocus' contrast side is based on a lower resolution version of the image and they lack cross points because their autofocus is simply not reliably precise enough for the sensor's native resolution. They make the ONLY mirrorless cameras I have ever used where the autofocus gets more accurate in a cropped sensor mode.

I hope you get this isnt about defending sony, because I also canon. Its about defending innocent /p/ users from buying garbage and buying twice . Most people should only consider 2 brands if they're spending big bucks on a camera: Canon for zooms and Sony for primes. Canon has better first party budget shit, sony has better first party premium shit. Canon for FPS, Sony for MP. Camera shopping could not be simpler.
Honorable mention goes to panasonic for cramming all the good video codecs onto otherwise "meh" cameras and giving amateur filmmakers a lower priced non-autofocusing alternative to a "real cinema camera".

>inb4 muh a7iii sucked, muh r6 sucked
And early DSLRs werent even 1/3 as good as film, which didn't change the fact that they did eventually get up to 24mp, 14 bit color, and 14 stop DR later.
Sony lacks hipster appeal. They will always be bad or not real cameras to hipsters (aka half of /p/).

You cant be a famous 20th century “artist” with a brand that didnt make any cameras, lenses, or film in the 20th century. They dont even have full stop clicks! They dont even care about the shutter sound bro! 0 leicas outta 10
>someone suggests mft
Like clockwork.
Mft just sucks. 4x the noise for no real benefit except ok-ish IBIS (tripod = infinite ibis). Just buy a d750 if you’re THAT poor.
the colors and lens sharpness are pretty shit too even with a $1k panafeica noctitroon

pixel shift on mft basically just shows you how bad your lens actually is lel, the lp/mm demands of the teeny tiny pixels are beyond whats needed for the gfx100s and 62mp snoys
is it worth it to spend the extra 2000 for the g master? i love portrait photography but i really dont know.
The problem is that M43 is actually shit. Encompasses the worst parts of a P&S without the benefits, and the worst part of APS-C with a shittier sensor size, pitch, and technology.

t. Olmypussy PEN owner
85 is for plebs
Viltrox 135mm f1.8 lab instead. Sharper than the snoy GM!
The only Sony options in my budget are the a6400 and A7III, are these still okay or totally outdated?
Everything else is closer to 2000€ where I live.
nta but the a7v will release in 2-4 months time. keep an eye out for cyber monday deals tomorrow for the a7iv perhaps. or even the a7cii
It's not even close here, lowest I can even find the A7IV is 1900-2000€ for the body only. Is the A7III that bad compared to the more recent options?
damn, I can get an a7rv for 1500euros equivalent in Australia .anyway, the 4 is just better in every way. the 3 is still a good camera but old
this the gear thread?
finally ordered the z 50 f1.8 s, thank you black Friday
also ordered the new sirui 40mm af anamorphic, will be sure to post when here
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Film user looking to offload a T2 for a digital point and shoot. While I like developing I have less time to do it and want something more streamlined. I used to have a film GR and have played around with the digital equivalents.

In 2024 should I get a GRIII or a GRII? I see many saying the newer model looks too clinical with how sharp it is but others say you can emulate the GRII with specific recipes. What should I get?

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If you can't decide based off sample images, just get the cheaper one.
my gf asked me what I want for christmas and I've been wanting a nice tripod. I just want a really sturdy and stable arca swiss type tripod with a good ball head, but not something that's $800. what are some companies I should look at?
this half assed japscrap will never come close to a contax t2 and ricoh doesnt have the ingenuity or basic taste to pull it off. even fuji cant, their shit is comically proportioned, plasticky, gimmicky and designed by a committee instead of pure and purposeful, and ultimately feels fake in use and the photography looks faker once finished. its the corny paint by numbers blackface act to film’s real life harlem jazz.

its hard to do things the best way sometimes but thats what makes it worth it when digislugs get btfo
Trash everything

Get a silver Manfrotto used on ebay or a older 190 Manfrotto
Anyone use the Flashpoint/Godox Zoom Li-on line of speed lights?

I need one as a background light for gelled background looks and a kicker instead of one of my AD200s. I’m debating between Zoom III and Zoom X Pro. The Pro is nicer but $100 more and I’ve never used round flashes desu.

While I’m asking, I need some new gels. The ones I got with my yongnuo are falling apart.
What would be the process to wirelessly and automatically upload files from a camera to a cellphone, which would then upload the files to a cloud backup? I'd like an agnostic solution that's not tied to any particular manufacturer's phone app.
A flash is a flash. They work fine (and are compatible with the same transmitters and receivers as the ad200)

Just pay attention to what you’re paying for (gn, recycle, shots/chg) and you will be ok
Keep dreaming bud
All in one step? Doesn't exist.
You'd at best have to upload to your phone and/or send the files to a local server you have control over, but it wouldn't be seamless like you imagine.
Forget the cloud, return to local backups.
is the EF-S 10-18mm canon lens any good? I have a t7i and I was thinking about getting it over the 24mm pancake lens, but the slow aperture is what puts me off
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You may not like it, but this is what peak gear looks like
>Pro body for all the prints you sell and football games you shoot
>Smallest pancake lens possible for muh grams
>Prime lens for maximum sovl

Alternative exists but they are wrong
How are chink lenses these days?

I'm looking into the yungno and meike f1.8 85mm just for something to shoot friends and the odd model for portraits, but nothing pro level for money. I like the look of gucci ziess lenses but I don't want to drop 1k+ on a lens

Chinese lenses like 200 dollars and they have comparable bokeh and are lightweight, still looking like they have usable AF for E mount
What do I get to make big sharp prints of nature photos? GFX or Nikon? I want the sharpest possible photos so having nice sharp ~35 and ~85 primes is important.
Also considering an L mount camera, maybe the Sigma fp l, with the Panasonic 35mm f/1.8 and 85mm f/1.8. They look very sharp. Has anyone used an L mount macro lens they like?
>Is Sony A7IV any good?
Please no. As a photographic community, we need to band together to fight against the Sony scourge that has taken over the industry. Please help and fight back. Buy anything; Canon, Nikon, Fuji, even Olympus. Just please do not buy anymore Sonys. I get so infuriated whenever I see a Sony camera out when shooting, and boy have the number of them been increasing.
sony make the best cameras though. say i want megapickles, the a7rv is basically the only choice
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>say i want megapickles
then you go for medium format
Lol i was out with my sony yesterday and a canikon blobber scowled at me and turned around as soon as he saw me grab my camera. His gaze hit his shoes real quick and i didnt take a photo since it was just the back of his head.

I need to be faster next time. Does anyone know who makes convincing logo stickers that would go on an a7c? I want a photo of THE moment a blobber gearfag realizes i have a sony and the brand fanboy seethe starts boiling underneath

I’ve never had problems with fuji bros just blobbers. Mft fanboys ??? They never talk
I've been through:
Nikon D700
Nikon D500
Leica M240
Fuji X-Pro 1
Ricoh GRII

Bought a cheap as fuck a6000 off a nice lady on facebook marketplace to use as a beater

Fuck me, it has been the most enjoyable to use camera I have ever owned.
>fanfiction of a snoy goyer
I'll have you know most other photographers I've met are just plain fucking weird in one way or another.
I still can't get over this one guy I saw handholding an EF 800mm f/5.6 and complaining his photos were coming out blurry at a popular tourist spot, when everyone else had normal sized shit. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was a retarded blobber.

>stickers that would go on an a7c?
You could just tape over the branding. Although that doesn't help if you're trying to larp as another brand.
No it was some big pro body eos r guy with a 70-200/2.8 or something at the park
Its mostly canikon digital pro camera people that are weird. 5ds, z8 on a touristy photowalk guys are always the crazy ones.

The serious wildlife photographers that use them are alright, but you never meet them when they’re using that big ass camera. They probably have a PNS in public.
I'm kind of a photography normie and would like to get something relatively alright to shoot shit while I'm hiking, I have a Nikon D3000 with stock lens, should I buy a better lens or would it make more sense to buy a new, maybe more streamlined camera? I was thinking about Canon R100 with 18-45 and 55-210 lenses.
Go for a mirrorles, you get smaller options. F mount tends to be big, even dx. The bulk is more annoying than the weight. I like my mft gear while hiking. I have a FF kit I bring out to easy hikes or walks but if I'm climbing anything over 3k ft that day I want a small kit. Look for other people's recs online maybe?
R100 is barebones when it comes to features (the same level as your D3000 or Canon 1000D, really), I'd advice strongly against it.

Hiking is a tough hobby for camera gear. I'd probably get Sony RX100 or Olympus EM5 mk II with 12-40 f2.8 pro used depending whether you need weather sealing or not... If you want to go Canon, get 200D or 250D. RF mount is not the mount to be right now.
if you’re canon r100 levels of poor dont torment yourself, save up until you can get a fuji xt4 and the kit zoom

cheap canon is actually worse than micro four thirds

dont torture him with the em5ii. that camera is awful.
Yeah, I was thinking what would be the cheapest weather sealed kit. My main gripe with em5 is the 16 mpx sensor, but it is small and rugged. Fuji prices are awful, but probably worth the extra.
NTA but I got a em5.ii after loving my OM-5 thinking I could sell the latter and the former would be good enough, but the OM-5 makes way more sense for hiking/backpacking. The extra MPs are nice, but it also has better ibis, live nd, starry sky af, handheld high res, wb is better, and on and on. If only they'd put it in a metal body.
lol, lmao even
fuji x has the best lens selection too. NOT!
Will I be happier and more emotionally fulfilled with my photos if I buy a FF camera and make large prints with it? I have only ever used crops and gotten small prints. t. rock and leaf shooter
i switched from mft to ff and even though the mp increase was only like 16 to 24, ive made some nice 12*18 prints with shallow dof to hang around my house. so yes is my answer, but my next camera is gonna be a sony a7rvi when it releseased so i can print even bigger
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Yea it's worth it, best set up imo is a FF as your main camera and some decent pas you can put in your pocket

I went from 1 inch pas to FF and the gap feels pretty substantial being able to play around with different lenses and shallow depth of field

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Megapickles are ancillary to the seccy af DoF, DR, and low as fuck SNR. Basically, everything will look just that bit more profesh'. Is FF necessary for most people taking photos? Fuck no, but if you have the means and beans to buy one because you enjoy that shit, then do it. IIRC 24MP is sufficent for like 20" wide prints with sufficent DPI, and you can go even biggur with the 72DPI mindset (wdym bro just stand further back kekekek). I print 12x8 at max (because frames and shit get expensive)
The a7iii is a great camera. The only complaint I had was color science for people if you use Lightroom, but after I fixed that it takes better pics than my Nikon's.

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