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Is whining about to replace rage-baiting as a new trend in photography YouTube?
well most photographers are whiny and self important, just look at this board for example, so I think you might be onto something
>play the video
>"soothing" music
>whiny voice
he is a photographer alright
he is also very obviously gay. His mannerisms, voice, choice of music, all scream faggot. He constantly references his "wife", but she has never appeared on camera and they don't have a baby yet, despite being married a couple years at this point. I suspect "she" doesn't exist or is, in fact, a man.
he lives in his car of course he is a faggot
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What did you expect from a guy who shoots Nikon?
I thought there was some big drama about him switching to hassleblad?
made me kek. That was exactly the energy
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Just kidding, the guy is actually pretty decent (for a YouTuber. Lovely and comfy landscapes.

Totally gay, though.
he is no Steve O'Nions

I wouldn’t have a clue, I absolutely never watch YouTube videos from these types, I assumed lonely extroverts are the only people who do.
Yeah I also think he's one of the few photography youtubers worth watching. Decent fella
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I thought the current trend is some beta yapping about their new toy from le japan and demonstrating it with pictures of rocks and leaves.
watching this guys videos really made me realize that subject and lighting are everything, I already have all the technical and compositional skills I need, I just need to find the subject and wait for the right light.

his portfolio photos are great, but when he shoots dull subjects in flat light in some of his videos, his photos are very boring - like mine. Now I don't bother shooting unless the light is interesting and I'm going somewhere notable.
I like snappiness, I think he's one of those people who's gearfaggotry stems from the fact that he wants to be shooting film but refuses to. Otherwise he seems like a genuinely nice guy
Snappiness is one of those people who thought their photos looked better when they switched to a different camera and never stopped trying to solve their artistic boredom with more purchases, ever

he had to focus on old transitional gear because otherwise he would go broke trying to keep his rocks and leaves fresh
>and I'm going somewhere notable.
This is the only part where I disagree. There's beauty all around you. Otherwise yeah, lighting is huge for creating appealing photos. Easy to forget when an ok shot can be pulled out of nothing with modern sensors. I think Heaton is sometimes a bit unimaginative though, it's always worth trying even if the light is flat. Learning to use strobes changes everything too, even with nature (though not landscape) photography
Snappiness is awful with his "Look how QUIRKY I am using these VINTAGE cameras and lenses for FILMIC looks thanks to CCD sensors!" And as always, happy snappin™!
It's stupid because if you want the filmic experience on digital the closest you will ever get is a 5D classic and even then it's only a bit filmic in its tonality, the fine quality of the images don't really look anything like film. There's the DCS series but they're pretty much all cropped, and the full frame ones just look like pictures from a canon g11. Film is expensive sure, especially if you shoot heaps, but the cameras are so much cheaper than the e-waste he consooms.
None of those, not the 5D, or the DCS series look like film.
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You misread what I wrote, go back and try again. Thanks.
>I think Heaton is sometimes a bit unimaginative
That is also something I noticed, his pictures tend to lack originality and end up being a bit too much of the same stuff. I find his thoughts and process generally more interesting than the photos themselves.
His videos are comfy though, and I'm kinda jealous of him being able to live the life he lives.
>subject and lighting are everything
yeah. fuck landscape photography for that. I got to do two quite expensive photo trips this year, one to italian alps and the other to norway. Weather was abysmal on both and 90% of the time i didnt even see the sun. Almost all pics came back fucking bland and flat. Fuck this shit.
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this faggot is insufferable. hasselblyat gifts him a $15k camera and he's still complaining about his life. maybe he should leave the UK? fucker should be uber-happy with his camper van, free time and overpriced premium camera equipment. but nope, every video he posts is whiny complaining about something

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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
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>watching this guys videos really made me realize that subject and lighting are everything,
wow you realized this only after watching 200 hours of gay softcore porn?
He lives in a camper van by choice, implying total financial self sufficiency and is given $15k hasselblads as GIFTS and he's still a whiny cunt?

is it because he has anal prolapse from being gay?
> depressed man faced with digital photography where image is created by approximation trough software written by chinks, troons and sóyboys from grid sensor that results in uncanny valley HDR ridden monstrosity, gets even bigger depression
many such cases
But... I don't
he doesn't live in a van. he just has a van he imported from japan. he travels around europe with that van, sleeps on location to get up very early to get the best light. then he drives back and sells a bunch of calendars from his home studio. his income is calendars, prints and youtube. he gets free gear (from hasselblyat, upgraded from nikon z8), he can spend all of his time on his passion (photography and gay sex) YET he is still unhappy and whines about this and that in every fucking video.
this fucker needs a shroom trip or serious therapy at this point
seems like drama got too big. he's back to shooting his cheap Z8 lol
boomers in comments were furious because hasselblad wouldn't give them a $12000 camera for free
I went and looked through the comments and I couldn't find one person that was mad.
he deletes negative comments instantly
So how do you know they existed?
he wrote them
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Nikon is the only brand that effortlessly gets gay people to sponsor them

Sony has to force it and bribe drag queens to pretend to be as progressive as their extremely racist, anti-sodomy, anti womens rights conservative japanese execs (inb4 you could have just said japanese) aren't and canon and fuji can't even get homosexuals interested. yes, fuji can't get homosexuals interested. Their DEI program is just maternity leave.

Nikon on the other hand is literally drowning in gay niggers specifically. Gays to Nikons is like moths to a flame.
It's publicly traded. Execs mean nothing.

unironically lost
the amount of "gear doesn't matter btw I bought this new flagship" videos ARE TOO DAMN HIGH
sad that you even watch this faggot consumer shit enough to be able to parrot it. get off the vlogs man, they are cancer
lmao. e-celeb obsessed consumers are a pathetic lot aren't they
probably sits their obsessively checking comments and watching all the e-drama 24/7. complete no life loser that infests this hobby
I used to follow him. Got boring. How many samey images can you shoot regardless of them being fairly good. At some point you gotta say... Enough is enayyy

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