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What's the deal with this camera, why does it have such a bad reputation? I was looking for a mirrorless body to adapt my vintage glass too and this really cheap. Is it worth it for adapting lenses?
shitty sensor
less dynamic range than 8 year old mft cameras
no ibis
hit with canon cripple hammer generally
crap video quality / video af
>shitty sensor
in what way?
>less dynamic range than 8 year old mft cameras
I just checked the photos-to-photos and boy that is rough. It is worse than some mft cameras, but that being said, it's the same as the 5dii and I think that's still a very usable camera.
>no ibis
Not a big deal
>hit with canon cripple hammer generally
In what ways specifically?
>crap video quality / video af
Don't shoot video, doesn't matter
>canon cripple hammer
tiny battery
usb-c yet only usb 2.0 speeds
stuff like that
They are cheap now, so if you'd want into the RF-ecosystem there's nothing wrong with it. If you'd ask me, the issue is the RF-ecosystem. The good lenses are very expensive, and the cheap one's aren't good.
It was the second R camera and was made to be the cheapest entry into Full Frame. They were still finding their footing with mirrorless, so some aspects about it are a bit fucky.

The DR and noise sit between high-end APS-C and budget modern FF sensors. The R8 being the next step up, and it's a noticeable step. The menus and ergos are a departure from Canon's norm.

However it is literally the cheapest FF camera you can get, and is generally still a good option for the budget-oriented. See if you can find one with the f/4 L lens that some came in a kit with.
>The DR and noise sit between high-end APS-C and budget modern FF sensors
bullshit, it's a repackaged 6dii sensor
Your point being, nigger? Modern sensor tech absolutely btfo's it.an4ax
allow me to restate my point
You are full of shit, read first and second posts of thread for more detail on why you are retarded
is the EOS R better than the RP?
I own the RP and I've posted a fuckton of images in /rpt/ threads. Feedback was mostly favorable.

Needless to say, I love that camera.
No, nothing is worse than mft except 1”. And the the a9iii, which forces NR and only comes out as good as aps-c for it until you look in the shadows (the lie reveales - mft DR)

Its about as good as APSC and what the r5ii, r3, and r1 would look like without forced noise reduction. Which is fair. It sells for less than most aps-cope cameras.
IBIS is a useless gimmick and video doesn’t belong on stills cameras
>photos look better over 1/60 or under 2s
IBIS moment
>takes 40 1/20 snapshits trying to get one without subject blur
Clearly never used a tripod in his life
Two different breeds. The R is basically a proto-R6, with the build quality and price to match. IIRC the sensor is more capable, but I can't remember if it came out of an existing design or not.
The RP is a bargain-bin full frame. Still capable, but it's basically comparing the R6II to the R8.
Thank you for your service, while these gearfags argue about sensor DR.
IBIS can be handy but the people trying to take handheld shots at 1/2 a second are retarded regardless.
Based. I own an R myself and have never told anyone when I posted.
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Love my RP too. I think once I do upgrade I'd go R6 Mk1 if I find a good second hand deal. All camera gear I buy is second hand anyway

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>shitty sensor
The sensor is fine except for base ISO DR. It can handle landscapes with sky/clouds, but not sun in frame. For that you need to expose/blend two frames.

>crap video quality / video af
It has decent video AF and good 1080p. The problem is the crop for 4k.
Sensor was outdated and outclassed when it was first released with the 6dii. It's crap!
>Its about as good as APSC and what the r5ii, r3, and r1 would look like without forced noise reduction.
Utterly retarded meme. The "forced NR" is so light that it doesn't affect detail at all. That means it's not strong enough to change the DR ranking. It's probably there to catch some e-noise artifact that might annoy people.
Also no dual pixel af for video. It has the hardware for it but Canon specifically disabled the feature.
Can't imagine why someone would knowingly buy a crippled camera besides it being cheap.
Show us your highest DR RAW, would love to see it. The vast majority of photographs ever made do not push the DR of today's sensors, and the RP is on par with the average for neg film (~11ev). I wouldn't want to shoot it for weddings due to less recovery in the event of an exposure error. But then again, I know a wedding photog who started on the RP and did fine.

It's fine in all other respects: res, high ISO, color (better than sony). It is what it is, the cheapest FF mirrorless. If that's all your need there's nothing wrong with it.
It uses DPAF for 1080p, not for 4k. It's basically a 1080p video camera. Some people don't need video or need more than that. For them it's fine. I would be the first to recommend something higher, but for someone on a budget it will get the job done.
>the usual canon cope
The EOS Rs, z6iii, z8, fujis, and g9ii all have the same base ISO shadow recovery capability. Aka the same dynamic range. EOS R/modern high speed nikon is gimped for speed.
And it does affect detail. 1 stop of noise reduction doesnt even affect detail that much. You can match ISO 800 w/ NR to ISO 100 w/o NR and the photos will look equally detailed if you use good NR not darktable. What little ultra fine detail blurring you’d find could be blamed on the lens or an AA filter. 1 stop of NR is literally nothing, and Canon’s NR is currently world class including in SOOC jpegs. No other brand produces sucb usable, pixel peeping worthy SOOC jpegs at high ISO.

The dynamic range just isn’t there if you wanted to push a file the extra stop. Oh the price you pay for speed. No worries, i’m sure they’ll release a quality first camera ala the 5dsr of the 2020s so they can profit off this situation. Lol.
This thread has to be an ad because it's making me wanna buy an RP so bad.
>IBIS is a useless gimmick and video doesn’t belong on stills cameras
I don't think it's useless, but not having it is not a deal breaker either. It's a feature like weather sealing in that you shouldn't rely on it instead of doing things properly, but it is a nice safety net in case you get caught out.
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Lol, lmao even
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>this thread
The RP is a truly excellent camera with almost perfect size, weight and ease of handling.
It doesn't have a great battery life or burst shooting rate, but anyone who tells you it doesn't take good enough photos is just not a good enough photographer.
>t. sold dozens of these cameras with this 12800 iso jpeg printed A3 as a prop

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
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>"it does affect detail"
>can't post an example
>writes a book
I don't know or care what process PtP is detecting and claiming is "forced NR" because unlike you I know about the complexity at the level of the sensor and ADCs, and that signal is tweaked and processed by every digital sensor ever constructed. Canon having an algorithm that trips PtP's threshold (while others might not despite similar algorithms) is not the same as "hurr forced NR IT'S NOT REAL DR!!!" All I care about is that the chain gives me the images I want.

You can push an R5 RAW further than most cameras that ever existed, and nearly as far as the very best today (there are a couple sensors even better in this regard). Well beyond what anyone practically needs, and without any apparent NR smoothing. I'm fine with that. I would even be fine with the "forced NR" by Sony at high ISOs except for the fact that it ate stars.

Do you even own a camera? Do you have any photos?

>hurr 5Ds
Can you post a personal photo with a DR wider than the 5Ds can produce in ACR? DxO PL? I won't hold my breath.
>IBIS is a useless gimmick and video doesn’t belong on stills cameras
Canon's IBIS is awesome. Not having it is not a deal breaker since there are IS lenses, but it works extremely well. Especially for video as you can often leave the gimbal at home.
Based. The people (or person) pushing the "it's shit" meme don't even seem to own a camera, or have any photos. Sure, pretty much every other FF RF body is "better", but put "better" into context. The RP can still take incredible photos.

>still better than most neg films
omg it's shit how will we ever take a photo?
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Blah blah blah...

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The poster who goes on autistic tangents about the "forced NR" has never backed himself up or posted any links/examples. Every time he's pressed on it, he just writes another essay with slightly different wording. He's such a one trick pony that I don't even see the point in trolling him.
Listen, the RP is not a bad camera. But you cannot drop these extremely mid photos as if that settles things. If you're going to post photos in a gear thread they have to be top 10%
Pretty sure he's also the 80mp 6x7 / 20 stop film DR / BlackMagic 16 stop apsc sensor guy. I'm honestly scared that at this point he wants to sleep with me.

>noooo you can't take photos with a RP it's shit!!!
Thank you hasphoto anon, maybe now the thread can move on.
>no photo
>has nophoto
>"durr ur photos are crap"
I was being nice saying they were mid, but you're correct, they are bad photos

I would rather post no photo than bad photos.
>they are bad photos
Cool, can you show us your photos?
Yes, you can go see them in the threads where my photos are, of which there are quite a few.
Cool, can you link some?
No. You can go and look at them though. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and burst your bubble. But on the bright side now you know why you shouldn't post photos in a gear thread.
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Please, shut up, canon 5ds larp sperg. You don't own a camera. You think everyone you get into an argument with is the same person. You have been reposting the same poorly shot, out of focus looking maps and awful volleyball snapshit over and over again for 3 months and when asked to post a simple photo of your 5ds you back out instantly. Shocking.

Everyone on /p/ recognizes you easily because you're incapable of hiding it. You think they're all the same person but you've pissed off a dozen people by now.

Anyways, time for facts
Canon, nikon, and yes, sony, are absolutely screwing FF fags out of some of the dynamic range full frame is meant to have. I'm not usually one to complain and like me a 10 stop DR CCD sensor sometimes, and not everyone needs the highest DR camera. But prices range from TWO TO FIVE THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS.
This is indefensible behavior from these corporations. I get it, it's probably cheaper for their R&D teams to speed up readout by gathering less light, vs the daunting task of developing entirely new sensor technology, but in what fucking world does corner cutting jive with a FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLAR camera and why is this gimping becoming the standard? If it's aps-c tier full frame it should be half off.

There's more than one person that has discovered the horrors of modern mirrorless anon. It's a plain fact at this point that canon has resorted to employing noise reduction to impress point of sale customers and keep their cameras ranked well in score-based review sites, the majority of which base their scores off immediately apparent noise, rather than deeper dives into real dynamic range capture.

Even dpreview is pointing it out with the R5II and Z6III and they usually shill hot garbage due to being an ad platform owned by amazon
I'm supposed to magically know your photos?
>hurr hurt feelings
I'm not the RP anon. I liked them and hope he posts more. I mean, they're not top 1% award winning, but I don't think he ever claimed they were.

All I see are you posting nophotos while shitting on people who post photos and telling people their cameras are shit (except Sony, right?). So impress us.
What made you get up on the wrong foot, my Snoy boy brother in Christ?
80mp 6x7 is a fact though? you're just a significantly worse camera technician than tim parkin. the great problem with film is the massive amount of skill needed to use it to its full potential. you simply lack that skill. its ok. digital was made because most people are like you, and suffer from a complete lack of skill.

you literally can not even achieve the full resolution of film with the majority of camera gear. the only reason tim parkin got a sharp 80mp scan of 6x7 is because he used a mamiya 7. if he used a hasselblad, it would have been softer than your momma's asshole.
>telling people their cameras are shit (except Sony, right?). So impress us.
I never said the RP was bad, I said his photos are bad. But I'm glad to see you're letting snoy let live rent in your head
True facts and settled science.

I don't think 5ds schizo has touched a camera recently and when he does, he fucks everything else.
>"Nikon has an unfixable blue tint" - 5ds schizo
>"hurr u don't own a camera"
Says the nophoto.

>writes the same dumb essays
>"hurr i'm multiple people"
Maybe in your head.

>and when asked to post a simple photo of your 5ds you back out instantly. Shocking.
I didn't back out. I said "you first." Any camera. Show us what you own that everything else is shit. Then I'll be happy to post my gear.

>posts +6ev extreme crops all of which are breaking down at this scale
Different sensors prioritize different things, and most are limited to about +5ev. The R5ii gave up a little DR and high ISO for faster readout speeds, for example, because most people would rather have the readout speed. Can you show us a photo that you took that needed +6ev? We would love to see it.

Employment issue.

>This is indefensible behavior from these corporations.
Cool. Show us why. Give us your most impressive high DR shot. And show us your camera, I would love to see if it's actually better than an RP.
- I will never sleep with you.
- You need to go outside.
- You need to get a job.
- You need to buy a camera.
I’m the one who originally asked you to prove you owned a camera. Not him.
>canon gave up a little dr and that’s a good thing

6x7 is objectively capable of at least 80mp BTW. This is an objectively proven fact that can not be disproven. You sucking is not disproof BTW.
>the guy sperging out in the thread defending the RP is the 5ds schizo
That makes a lot more sense.
>gets bullied
>starts thinking his bully wants to dick him
A natural born bottom huh
t. Self admitted Canon shill
>"i'm not him"
>repeats the same bullshit
Post your camera and I will do the same.
Post a photo.
Do something other than shit on photos and threads with your same old boring bullshit.
>reeeeeeee here's an essay why i'm right!!!!!
Is this like when snoys say weather sealing doesnt matter and its ok for a $3000 professional camera to depend on a rain cover in 2024?
>some people would rather it be lighter :)
Did you know more than one poster can say 6x7 is 80mp because fucking with you until you have a heart attack is really funny

And also that 6x7 is provably capable of at least 80mp
I want to let you know that I don't shoot sony. But now I'm going to start shilling it because it makes you so mad. I want you to know that every time some one sneak disses canon, it's going to be me. Start paying attention.
I already posted my camera the first time I asked you, you nocamera shill retard who posts the exact same implausible volleyball snapshit and nothing else.
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Don’t forget to use husky and gsd pics to trigger additional schizos and mix in references to film’s superior resolution for added effectiveness. Maybe mention bigfoot photos once or twice. The lulz must continue!

-Sent from my 500mp cms 20 II
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Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
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Canon still does a horrible job with sky colors, just now its cyan instead of blurple
I just went to a shopping mall and I was looking at cameras since it's black friday and it would be nice to be able to take nice pictures of my family. I could buy an EOS R100 w/ a lens or RP w/o lens for the same price, more or less. A bit cheaper, there was a 2000D or 600D w/ lens. I saw that the RP had a way higher "normal" retail price so I was thinking of going with that. Online reviews were more or less decent for all cameras, as far as I could see. Then I said, let's go back home and ask autists on 4chan what they think - I've lurked /p/ a couple times but I'm a nophoto still.

I'm blogposting just because
> 900s to post

What I got from /p/ in general and this thread is:
> 80% of a good pic is post-processing, 20% is a good camera
> don't go with Canon
> don't ask other people what camera to use cause autists will recommend terrible gear
> buy whatever you want, even a Canon, you gotta post-process anyway
Is that all?
Well, until the "forced NR" anon can back himself up, he'll just be written off as another shitposter who's still seeking parental validation.

Anyone can dismissively claim to post in RPT, it proves nothing since it can only be verified by... linking to it.

Its rather

And then there’s this no camera schizo retard who says canon is so flawless they somehow got a 50mp low DR sensor to beat a film format that produces tack sharp 80 to 150mp scans.

Please post a photo of your camera with a recent (past month) pic on the back and timestamped note.
if all you can afford is an rp and you must go mirrorless, and already have some canon compatible stuff or cheaper and easier access to it, the r7 is worth a look for a few dollars more. the r8 is a cuck camera and should be ignores, the only people defending it cope hard to protect the honor of their favorite brand.
>lens is is g-good enough wwwwwhatabout the 4k60 (slow motion video setting)

otherwise i would consider a sony a7c (used) or a sony a6700 for an every day family snapshitter
I cant believe canon fucks with our raw files just to cheat at camera reviews
Yup. Sounds like you got the gist of it. Use whatever works for you. How much did they want for the RP though? Both of those other cameras you mentioned were crop sensors and the RP is full frame.
Oh I have no camera at all and I would just be getting into photography. But it wouldn't be my main thing, my ideal solution would be
> spend a reasonable amount for family photos
> if I end up liking the hobby, be able to improve my gear without having to buy everything from scratch again

I don't yet speak photography well enough, so I'll say it in PC terms hoping I'll explain myself
> build a PC with a good mobo
> be able to buy more ram, more disk, and/or a better CPU if I end up using the PC more than I thought

So I'm open to change my price range to achieve this result, but my idea is
> if I spend too little, I'll get something that cannot do more than family pics
> if I spend a lot, I get an awesome camera I might end up never needing
>if I spend the right amount, I get a good camera for family pics, but I can play around with it
By playing around I mean trying with a couple landscape pics, and if I like the craft I can invest in better lenses and maybe a better body down the line, without having to sell all and start from scratch
About 600 bucks. I was looking at a range between 400 and 750, let's say, but I pulled this numbers out of my ass and I have no idea what cameras should cost
The problem with Canon's mirrorless is that they have no decent entry level stuff. They purposefully gimp their beginner lenses to encourage you to spend more money on full frame lenses which are expensive.
Thats a good number for your first camera I think. It's all relative though depending on how much you make. $600 is about right for an very nice copy of the RP. If you're in the US you can look at mpb or keh for used prices of stuff.
Be careful here. The RP is a repackaged old DSLR, the 6d mark 2, with a smaller battery and a lot of standard mirrorless features like IBIS and good 4k 24/30fps video totally absent. It’s sufficient for a hobbyist shooting lakes and stuff because so was the old DSLR.

And then there’s the lenses. Canon is really hard on budget shooters with glass quality and build quality. If you want to stay cheap it’s sony time, or your nice small rp turns into a crappy 6d with the optional DSLR lens adapter (an extra $100).

The 6dmk2 got more expensive on the used market because of the RP, if that tells you anything about it. Good mirrorless cameras typically cost about a thousand bucks. If you were never going to take advantage of modern features like pro ready 4k filming and nice lenses, it’s actually better for you to buy a spiffy used d750 (DSLR) and make up for the savings in learning some new skills.
I'm a yuropoor. Seen the sonys the other guy recommended, a7c (mk1 I believe?) was 1k used. For 600 I'd be getting the RP new, down from 1200. Without lenses, though.

So, let's say I go with the RP, do I have an upgrade path in front of me? I see from this thread that the RP can take great pics, from my novice pov. If I ever became so autistic that I could notice the issues with those pics and start feeling limited by the capabilities of the body, are there good bodies I can buy and use with the same lenses I bought for the RP? If that were the case, I'd feel ok with spending on a nicer lens for the RP since I can keep it after I leave the RP behind.
You have a really fucking expensive upgrade path, like $2000 body, or theres barely any change outside of low light (R8 - same camera better sensor).

Or, you can go the “knowers” route, for people who know what’s up. A used d750 is generally under $500. The lenses you can put on a d750 are less than half the price of the native ones for an RP. It wouldn’t have exposure preview, selfie capability, or subject detection, but that doesn’t stop half the professional bench at the olympics from rocking DSLRs.
BUT The RP is so cheap that the only better mirrorless cameras start closer to $1k-$1300. It’s dirt cheap old hat tech that wasn’t even well liked in its day.
Anything you can put on a d750 that says AF-S or otherwise has an in-lens focus motor can migrate to a nikon mirrorless btw
>So, let's say I go with the RP, do I have an upgrade path in front of me?
The short answer is yes, but you should look at lens prices.

>I can buy and use with the same lenses I bought for the RP?
Yes. The RP uses canon's current full frame lens mount (RF Mount) meaning all of their newest cameras will be compatible with the lenses you buy for the RP
Remember that your first camera doesn’t have to be good, but it doest hurt to wait 2 months and get a nicer one

6d mk1 + ef 40mm f2.8. $300 kit.
I do see some d750 for that price. I never clearly understood the lens price thing: how many lenses will I end up buying? From an outsider perspective, it looks to me like there is:
> "daily drivers", jacks of all trades masters of none
> "look at far stuff", telephotos
> "look at ze bugs", macro lenses
> panoramic/wide-angle lenses
> autistic stuff with very specific usecases

So, I'd suppose that a "normal" user, not trying to do anything too fancy, would generally be ok with 2 to 6 lenses? It's a wide range when each lens costs at least hundreds of dollars, but I'd only see someone buying 6 lenses if he's trying to do "everything", instead of properly learning each lens before buying the next one. However, everyone I've ever seen talking about lenses, tends to speak of them as of something you'd own upwards of a dozen of, which confuses me
>You have a really fucking expensive upgrade path, like $2000 body, or theres barely any change outside of low light
NTA, but you realize that this means he just wouldn't need to spend that $2000, he could just keep the RP for longer. Even if it is just a repackaged 6dii, so what? The 6dii is a good camera, but now it's compatible with RF mount meaning it has a long lifespan ahead of it, he isn't likely to outgrow it anytime soon, and by the time he does he will be able to make an informed decision about weather or not to change lens mounts.

Also I think mirrorless cameras are a lot easier to learn on than DSLRs, being able to change settings and see the change immediately is extremely helpful, rather than taking a photo and trying to play 'spot the difference'.
I've only ever used like 2 lenses per camera system I've owned. Anything more and they just sit unused. But then again I know what focal lengths I like to shoot.

I'd start with a 24-70 a so-called "normal" zoom and just pay attention to when and how you feel limited by it and use that to inform your next lens purchase. Whether that is "this lens is too heavy" or "I wish I could zoom in more" or whatever, rather than buying 6 lenses straight out the gate.

t. I made that mistake and wasted a lot of money
2-6 lenaes

Fast wide/fast normal wide, fast normal tele/fast short tele, tele zoom, UWA zoom

For me its 35mm, 85mm, 100-400mm
Nice, that helps, ty anon.

So I currently have these options it seems:
> d750, trying to buy lenses that can be migrated to modern nikon mirrorless, BUT it' a DSLR
> RP, since it's good enough that anything under 2k is not considered an upgrade BUT lenses will become expensive

What would be the next "good" upgrade over the d750? As in price? And how would that compare to the RP, and how does the d750 compare to the RP?
I’d go d750 to zf later (it will get cheaper) or future z5ii and start out with the 24-120 f4 vr and af-s 85mm f1.8.

That covers everything including bokeh portraits. The 20mm f1.8 G is a good ass UWA but expensive. I’d save UWA stuff for Z mount.

Bro, your 22" TFT screen from 2011 may need a backlight replacement.
>/p/ saves yet another clueless newbie from the canon upgrade treadmill and the sorrow of mirrorless after defeating the reviled 5ds schizo
DSLRs are more fun anyways lol
clackclack clackclack
Nice tits
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kek, yep, same faggot. "Nooo weather sealing doesn't really work any way and it expires like milk just use a raincover bro." Never used one in my life, never had a weather caused camera failure.

>i'm only pretending to be retarded

>I already posted my camera the first time I asked you
No, you didn't.

>noooo you can't trade a little dr nobody uses for faster readout in a stacked sensor!!!
inb4 he writes an essay about picrel (a car drove by during scanning) while claiming he's just trolling and it doesn't really matter.
Stop listening to snoy shills on this forum. Every camera you mentioned is fine. The R8 is fine too. What's your budget? What features do you want?
>shill attempts to sound reasonable
>"Canon is really hard on budget shooters"
Canon is not hard on budget shooters, and you can shoot any EF lens off the used market.

>upgrade path from rp
Any FF RF.

>R8 is $2k
It's $1,200 new, even less refurbished.

D750 is a good body. The one issue with going F mount is only some of the lenses work well on Z mount. The nice thing about EF/RF is everything works with the exception of some really old 3rd party glass. If you're going budget DSLR+lenses with an eye towards future upgrades EF/RF is dead simple. That's not to say avoid F/Z, just be careful what glass you buy.
>> RP, since it's good enough that anything under 2k is not considered an upgrade BUT lenses will become expensive
EF adapter, knock yourself out on eBay with EF glass.
I like mine and doubt you could get a better camera/lens for the price i paid
>the 5dschizo repeats himself for the upteenth time
No one cares about how much you suck at scanning film and love canon. You’re the crazy gearfag who only ever reposts a snapshit from 2018. Please post a photo of your camera, thank you
>cannot pos r shill phrases “crappy ancient af-d lenses arent fully supported” in the most FUDdy way and vehemently recommends giving canon money
>Never used one in my life, never had a weather caused camera failure.
I kind of miss the days pre-Alamby when DRTV was still a thing and Kai and Lok would torture test consumer cameras and beat the fuck out of them to show that in most cases they'll still keep going - it wasn't to recommend setting your Rebel on fire or putting in the freezer, it was to show that going outside in a bit of rain isn't going to destroy the thing you might have saved a few months for and that you can still get shots in times or places that you might not otherwise. It led to me taking my 50D at the time and later 5D2 out on days that I would not have and getting some photos that I treasure.
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R100 is a bit of a meme. At least go R50 but even then don't do that. Get the RP, you will not be dissapointed, even if 1/3rd the retards here can't stop screeching about DR and Nikon or whatever the fuck. Adapted EF lenses are cheap and plentiful.
>I'm a nophoto still
That's perfectly fine so long as you're not shitting up threads like some of the posters here. If you want a camera and want advice on gear or photography, that's alright just ignore these chuds having retard wars.
>upgrade path?
All in the lenses, which you can buy over time. Bodies not so much unless you realise you want "pro" features or find the shadow recovery of the RP to be insufficient. The R8 is a modern RP which has basically one flaw which is the battery life, you could upgrade to that and sell the RP and you'd only be out like $300 tops.

This thread summed up:
>It's a perfectly fine camera and it just had some issues from being early in the mirrorless lifecycle
>durr it's shit 6DII sensor reeeeeeee
>These photos are bad. No I WONT be telling you where I've posted MY photos on this board because... just because alright?
>Nikon shill vs Canon shill vs SNOY SNOY SNOY
Canon shill essay alert

Sony and nikon just have better sensors and actually have third party lenses lol
Fuck it's so easy to trigger snoyboys. You're as predictable as my morning shit and roughly twice as entertaining.
woah overreaction much

is this your job sir
Gee I wonder why there are so many used RPs on sale
Surely not because people sell em off not long after they buy in
>Boy I wonder why corollas are always cheap and plentiful
Thank you. However, I guess the guys were shilling other brands cause I was asking whether any other brand made more sense than canon. Local shops only sell canon and 1.5k$+ bodies from other brands, there was no "cheap" non-Canon option. But maybe it made sense to consider other brands, I thought.

Oh, and how much should I consider used cameras? I'l take an example I could find, idk if it's even a good deal but I'm interested in learning about the "mileage":
> Canon 5DS R
> 27k shots, 29k mirrorcount
> Nikon Z30
> 2k shots

How does that translate in life expectancy?
Why yes, there are thousands post-lease RPs on the market, that explains it!
Niissan narvara with rotten chasis
>obvious nocamera nophoto
>shits every thread on the board with the same boring essays
No one cares about you.
Yep, cameras aren't as delicate as the resident snoy shill would have anyone believe. My first DSLR was not claimed weather sealed and yet it took a beating and kept going.
No one serious buys cameras from local shops. That's how you get fucked into buying a canon, because they only carry canon, and it's literally the only reason canon has majority market share and anti-consumer practices - because exclusive deals with shops give them the position of having no easy alternative. They lack in IQ and overcharge for lenses and basic features like IBIS and full mechanical shutters that were on micro four thirds in 2012. In a fully fair market, where everyone had equal access to all major brands, I doubt canon would be more than the #2 brand. The #1 spot would eventually belong to fujifilm (improved profits = improved cameras) or nikon.

D750 is a solid rec for a first "real camera", although it takes some skill to use a DSLR that it doesn't take to use a mirrorless. It has an up-down hinged screen, high resolution, low noise, high sharpness, the best color science period, and fast and accurate autofocus in the OVF. With a few good AF-S F mount lenses (which work PERFECTLY on Z mount, contrary to that canon shill, who is an actual shill who stalks /p/ defending canons honor and begging us to buy refurbed R50s direct from their website...) you are all set to upgrade to a nikon ZF or something a year or two down the line when "the good nikon mirrorless" will be much cheaper.

Also don't but buy a 5ds R lol, the ISO noise is nasty on high res cameras, nastier on canons, unless it's clear daylight and it's a huge dinosaur camera that really shows how dated cameras end up looking with these overly conservative designers (tiny, fixed, low res rear screen). The sensors in Nikon cameras are absolutely superior. Less noise = more preserved microcontrast in textures and better color tonality. Noise reduction leaves resolution and detail alone until high ISOs like 800+, but makes some things look kind of plastic because it can't tell subtle color texture from noise.
Every time I see a used sony for sale it's beat to shit, missing half its paint, has gunk built up in the buttons, and it still works.

Perhaps sony cameras aren't as delicate as the resident paid marketers working for panasonic and canon would have us believe, and the famous imaging resource weather sealing test (which directly contradicted several independent tests that showed the same sony model surviving rain and arctic conditions) was faked at the behest of one of their sponsors. Perhaps the half dozen broken sony cameras they repost are all there is. Perhaps they repost the same s9 vs a7cii test that shows purposefully fudged white balance (green tint is a white balance setting) because the colors are actually fine if you merely open flickr and punch in the model name.

Perhaps all panasonic S, sony, nikon, and fujifilm cameras do the same thing. And only canon sucks because they force NR in raws.
>buy canon RF
>can't get native autofocus lenses from sigma, tamron, viltrox, etc
>meanwhile fuji, nikon, sony, and panasonic shooters are enjoying cheaper, smaller, sharper lenses from based sigma
Lol, so every 10k shot is roughly 100k miles on a car? I was seeing they claim a Canon 7D to be rated up to 150k clicks for example, so I thought it wouldn't be that bad

What about Fujifilm? Do you mean it's too niche a brand to make excellent cameras? Of theirs, I could find the X-E3 in budget, or an x-S10 with 15-45mm slightly above budget.
I can find the d750 a bit lower than the budget I had set, so I wouldn't mind going a bit higher for a mirrorless since most people are advising against DSLR. I can find a Z50 in budget, dunno if it's any good though
Just look up the expected shutter life for the camera in question (Google). Be aware that the rating is an average. Some don't make it that far, some go much further.

No experience with the Z30. As for the 5DsR
- IQ beast better than MF film. Immersive fine detail, big prints, 2x cropping when needed. Can support 60" prints with sharp glass, and 2x cropping.
- Built like a tank.
- Excellent OVF, 1DX derived AF using the OVF, and exposure meter. It even has iTR (mirrorless like subject tracking) through the OVF, not as good as decade newer mirrorless bodies, but works pretty well in certain situations.
- Excellent detail and noise characteristics to ISO 3200. 6400 and 12800 are usable, just don't expect 60" prints from them and apply a little NR.
- Not very tolerant of underexposure at high ISO, you definitely want a good histogram.
- Base ISO DR a little better than Portra. If you nail your exposures and learn ETTR you won't have a problem.
- Great ergonomics.
- Bigger and heavier than mirrorless bodies, it's a weather sealed DSLR tank.
- Video almost isn't worth mentioning, except that it does produce good, sharp 1080p. But you're on your own, LiveView/video AF sucks and there are none of the tools video guys expect. It was the early days of hybrid video.
- My only real complaint is that the RAW buffer is 17 frames with a fast card. It's definitely not a "spray and pray" camera. But if you anticipate peak moments, perfectly capable of fast action photography. Other than that, fucking awesome with amazing IQ.
>nocamera nophoto opens with a conspiracy theory as to why his favorite brand he doesn't even own isn't #1
Opinion discarded.

>people all over the internet bitch about sony weather sealing and color
>"nooo muh "independent" tests prove them wrong sony is best!" essay
Opinion discarded.
>Also don't but buy a 5ds R lol, the ISO noise is nasty on high res cameras, nastier on canons

>- Excellent detail and noise characteristics to ISO 3200

The duality of /p/ee-pee
Eh fuji is ok but they havent made mirrorless autofocus work quite as well as other brands because they’re a smaller company

Fyi the d750 is a superior camera to the rp for everything but videography. Its like shooting with portra 160 pro film in a SLR instead of ultramax 400 drug store film in a disposable. Just a lot better, but you need to learn to use it. And its bigger.
The RP is a camera i just wouldnt buy new. It only has half a shutter mechanism and no IBIS, so its a worse DSLR with way less battery life, that’s it.
>The duality of /p/ee-pee
Except one person owns a 5Ds and the other doesn't own any camera.
>people all over…
>conspiracy theory
Is walmart and mallmart stocking more cheap canons really a conspiracy theory

Distributor deals aren’t conspiracies. They’re business deals. Retard.
>one person
Claims to own a 5ds but can only repost a snapshot from 2018 and is mostly here because hes mad that tim parkin and doghair have sharper film photos than he shot “professionally”

He has never proven he owns a 5ds or posted a photo newer than 2018
>the whole wide world says sony cameras are the best or just really good
>a few advertising/review sites forums and the photo board on a site thats as botted as reddit say SNOY BAD
> At the Paris Olympics, which opens on July 26, Canon will provide more than 100 flagship cameras to professional photographers for free.
Weird, I saw canons melting out of the crowd and more and more nikon Z8s and sony bodies later in the event. I guess the R1 was as underwhelming as everyone said.
>portra has less DR than a 5ds
It has over 15 stops if you tolerate overexposure related color shifts. When film was a professional medium it had 10, but now it’s an artistic medium so soulless professional metrics regarding color accuracy and a cutoff for how much grain is too much no longer apply. By professional standards portra was only 8mp before photos were “unacceptable, use medium format you amateur” due to grain. but now that film is an artistic medium it has visible detail up to 24mp in scans and the grain is desirable. The old school opinion would call that an excessive enlargement and an unusable print!

Amazing how gear can be a matter of perspective even when you call it an objective measurement huh? Take DR in digitals. DXO says 14.5, photons to photos says 12.5, if you love noise you can squeeze about 16 stops out of a step wedge test with a typical modern ff sensor ie: zf, a7c.
the r1 has almost no dynamic range lol, its as bad as the a9iii

the z8 is a normal full frame camera after the second native iso
And here we go with the nocamera samefagging...glorious!

>nooo a local shop will only sell you canon, even used, they'll never sell you anything else even if their shelves are stocked with it
Tinfoil hat level.

I've posted multiple photos and I've got my camera shot ready to go, just waiting on you to post first.

>"weird, I saw this"
As is tradition.

>It has over 15 stops
That's strange since Kodak will tell you it's 12.
>but if you compress the highlights to one zone and tolerate severe color shift it's really 15!!!
If you ignore noise any digital camera is 15+.

Rest of your ignorant essay discarded, nophoto.
How can we banish this schizo?
Say 6x7 80mp 3 times in a mirror?
>6x7 80...
inb4 the essay

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>but how can it be 80mp when i couldnt get it to be?
Yes, why did 6x7 80mp scan fall off into unusable garbage at the same lp/mm mark as the 80mp camera and resolve the 8 as an 8 instead of a B when another guy took a boring snapshit of a document, actually implying slightly higher resolution?

Because you’re a shitty photographer whose crowning achievement was a creepshot of a womans tits in 2018. You are so bad at this, and so short on photos to post, I doubt you know how to use a camera so you probably missed focus. If other people are taking sharper photos of similar subjects, like charts and maps, you just suck at this. Thats why you’ve been reposting the same photo from 2018 for 3 months.

I’m sorry but this is as true a fact as canon forcing NR in raws and crippling everything under the number 6

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Its because tim used a fucking mamiya 7 and retard here cant exactly afford one if he has a 5ds that only sees sunlight every 6 years. Most people using cheaper SLRs never saw great resolution from MF film because of the excessive mirror related vibrations and inferior optics from designing around an excessively large mirror box. A mamiya 7 is rigid enough and has glass good enough to achieve these figures on a tripod. The other 99% of medium format cameras can not, period, except for a minority of later hasselblad V system lenses.
Makes me excited to receive my d810 in the mail
>i’ve posted multiple photos
>3 botched resolution tests
>1 deeply cropped volleyball snapshit from 2018
>1 low res sunset bridge with no date
>got asked to post proof of 5ds ownership after 2 people showed their zv1 and a7c, coped and backed out
either this is ken rockwell acting like a moron on the internet for fun when his wife is at work (again) or you are genuinely insane
Thread TLDR:
Film is based
Canon is for suckers
Buy D750+AF-S 24-120 F4 VR
Pick up a spare battery, remote, and get a decent and cheap pro quality tripod off ebay
Optional: Get mid-grade k&f CPL and ND64 filters for the 24-120 if you like photos of lakes and waterfalls
Optionally pick a prime: Nikkor af-s 20mm, 28mm, 50mm, or 85mm f1.8 G
Upgrade to Zf or whatever future nikon mirrorless appeals to you in a year or two
That about sums it up quite nicely
the 24-120 is so sharp, and then nikon made it sharper on Z mount

why hasn’t anyone even come close except for fujifilm? canon and sony only have meh 24-105s
Given that some told me that starting with a DSLR is a bit more complex, and D750 is on the cheap side of the budget I was considering, would you recommend any Nikon mirrorless? Is the Z30 or Z50 a good pick? When I look for mirrorless used nikons those fall on the higher end of my budget (with and without lenses, respectively), but I can look for other ones if you can recommend some. Or do you disagree that DSLR's challenges are a problem?
because sharpness is a metric no real photographer, that is anyone who actually takes photos, actually cares about. In fact it makes images look worse.
Cheap nikon mirrorless has shit autofocus, a downgrade from their excellent DSLRs.
Newer expeed 7 nikon mirrorless is good, z50ii soon and it promises the AF performance of the ZF in a low res cheapo crop body

DSLRs get too much hate due to street photographers trying to justify preferring cameras that are closer to leica design-wise without admitting that its just looks. I have borrowed, flipped, and rented lots of DSLRs and they are easy to use and very fun and comfy, especially the smaller form factor nikons like the d750 and d780. The learning curve is brief and easy. An entire generation of young mothers learned to take tacky bokeh portraits of toddlers on DSLRs. Anyone who cant learn to use one has issues. If you shoot raw instead of jpeg it actually gets easier because you don’t have to give a fuck about white balance or style settings and all you have to do is do -1 or -2 exposure compensation in visibly contrasty scenes with reflective white clothes or bright clouds on a dim day.

This is cope.
Pair of nice tits don't make for a good photo.
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>autistic essays
>status: BAITED
LMFAO glorious

>nooo i want a photo of your camera!
Right after you. Please include your film camera in the photo.
You don’t own a working camera then?

Or are you the titty creepshotter with the RP?
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>titty creepshotter
Oh you still can't prove you even own a camera?
>no u
Right after you.
muh new must be better
Like mine also. Prefer it over the Z and Sony full frame offerings I've had.
I posted my a7c for you and you just posted some schizo chanting about people wanting to fuck you. Feel free to make like a tree and leaf.

Non-canon is better
Sony = nikon > canon > fuji
>I showed you my a7c please respond
>but bad battery
highly exaggerated and even then you can JUST buy 3rd party extra batteries
>but muh video specs
dont care lol
>highly exaggerated
on average i get 2 days from a “real” canikon (not crippled hammered canons)
4 days from sony
1.5 weeks from a DSLR
is plugging the battery charger in that hard for you?
>3rd party batteries
>get hot, expand and ruin a cheap outdated camera
nothing of value lost but still...
Z30/Z50/ZFc is shit AF. Will miss focus or lose focus easily.

Z50ii, Z6iii, Z8 will probably be fine.

Would buy a D750/D810/D850 over a Z30/Z50 any day of the week if you can stand the size.

If you want mirrorless used buy a Sony A6000, Canon M50ii/M6, or newer.

You don't need good autofocus, but it'll mean less pics taken the first time around with less effort = time saved in post instead of binning the ones out of focus to keep 1-2. Plus its nice to get the pic you want the first time around.
A D750 is a way better option than a Z30 or Z50 in terms of learning, build quality and image quality, perhaps more challenging but it will give you good experience when jumping to a mirrorless.
It is a bit more complex but nothing you cannot learn in a hour or two on field.
The D750 is an absurdly good camera. It has modern sensor performance with soulful lenses and flawless color science that isn't limited to looking good just at golden hour.

Most of the actual decent looking photos on /p/ are either from a D750 or fujifilm.

Everything else is hypersharp sterile looks like AI shit.
>with soulful lenses
such as?
Hardmode: the lens must have autofocus
>I posted my a7c for you
Bitch, you haven't posted shit. Now fuck off with your gay ocd board shitting posts.
D750 does rock, as do the D8x0 bodies. F mount has some great lenses, just be aware not all adapt well on Z. Aside from that the D750 is a damn fine camera. You don't need animal butthole af, learn to use DSLR AF the way it was intended and you can shoot very fast action with ease.
>the lens must have autofocus

In the right hands focus peaking trumps most AFs.
lmao look at him melt down and never post a camera

Focus peaking is based on the displayed image so its inaccurate.
>never posted a camera
>"why won't you post camera?"
Waiting for you.

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Wow left looks so much more detailed and realistic
what camera is the photo on the left? gfx100s and sony on the right?
Does a6000 mean anything from the 6000 series? I see a 6400 with 18-135, bag and 2 spare batteries for less than 800, which looks like a good deal then. But if the d750 is better, then I can still go with that. I'm looking around to see every deal I can find before pulling the trigger cause I'm not in a rush and I want to think twice before spending so much, but I'll let you guys know once I buy.

One more question: when thinking about taking portraits for family albums and such, does it makes sense to buy a light&umbrella? Or is that something that is only needed for studios/pros? It seems to me like it makes a lot of difference in pics, so I was thinking of buying one. I can find those things for 100bucks more or less, probably less if used. I've read that lighting 101 course on the wiki, and he seems to recommend that as well. Today I was at a second hand shop and they had that aluminum umbrella for 35
The d750 is, in fact, better than a low end sony.

An a6700 would at least make up for the sensor size lulz
You don’t need or want strobes for basic family portraits. Especially not cheap lighting gear with color accuracy issues. Strobes are for professionals aiming to shoot everything at ISO 50 f/11.

Normal flashes pointed at reflectors are good enough. Maybe you could use a strobe for an outdoor group, if you bought a 400w head and the largest photek softlighter.
Yeah the lighting101 on the wiki said manual flash (as in, you can set the intensity) on umbrellas was the way to go.

Ok, then I guess d750. I'll try to find one that comes with good gear
>Focus peaking is based on the displayed image so its inaccurate.

Low grade cope.
i shoot pro video. even when i dont use external recorder only codecs, i use a monitor anyways because focus peaking with a higher res feed than the one for your 1mp back screen actually works without stopping down to f8.

Sad that a $200 monitor has a better display than a $2000 camera which has a worse display than a $800 phone.
>Sad that a $200 monitor has a better display than a $2000 camera which has a worse display than a $800 phone.

Pic related is what Xiaomi uses on a $200 phone.
Focus peaking works pretty well on the display too, I can nail 24mm f/1.4 pretty easily. Maybe not at telephoto lengths? My 85mm f/1.4 is AF so I've never tried.
>Nailing focus on a 24mm
Oh yeah pretty tough job there
Have you ever tried focusing a 24mm f/1.4 without any aids?
Yeah i have, my Rokinon was brand new and doesn't have any sickness or syndromes as far as i know
Also the absolutely tiny battery.
I get 400-500 shots per charge, carry two, never once depleted both of them.

Also, the dynamic rage is perfectly serviceable for real-life use.
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well, that can be found under 200bucks used... are we talking about the same camera?
Wow, the demand must be insane.

I sold my first gen (2012) EOS M for more than that, lmao.
eos m has sovl, sony has none
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Really? I'd heard in a lot of reviews that people struggle to get 300 shots.

Yeah, gonna have to call bullshit on that one without a link or screenshot.
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>Really? I'd heard in a lot of reviews that people struggle to get 300 shots.

That's because they're morons who can't set up their cameras correctly.

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>these short af timeouts
moment missing

this cannot coper doesnt shoot street, he stalks victims, less warzone more assassination
lmao, you absolute schizo
>needing the back screen lit up at all
Do mirrorless cunts really?
Only the retarded ones.
>not using the back screen exclusively
viewfinders are dated prism/rangefinder slop

real photographers always used the back screen, even for film. i carry a dark cloth with my snoy for the authentic ground glass experience.
>"sony viewfinders are so bad their users exclusively use the back screen"
the viewinder on the a7iv is pretty good. i just prefer the superior ground glass experience

when i use the dark cloth i also use the lens cap to end exposures
Why would I be bullshitting, when I'm the one asking for help? I did find 2 ads for it under 200bucks that claimed it works, but they didn't reply on FB marketplace so they probably are bullshit.

But that's why I'm asking here, prices on FB MP make no sense, so I'm trying to understand what's the value of different cameras. In the same price range, I can find Canon 5 I and Sony A7 III, and I'm not convinced that they're really comparable. But sometimes people sell stuff that belonged to someone else, so they don't know the real value of it.

Someone earlier said that an a6000 is comparable to the nikon that most suggested - I can find various ads for that one, with a fixed lens, for 100-200bucks. Since I found one that looks legit for 130bucks, I might just go with that.

130 vs 200 isn't a big difference, for the lower price I get something that seems to have better upgrade paths (for Nikon, you guys were suggesting just one model that I could jump to - on sony it seems I'd have multiple gens of A7 I could upgrade to, besides "the latest, when it gets cheaper"); I wouldn't have to worry as much for the lenses (either buy FE, or buy E mount knowing they'll use cropping if I upgrade the body); the camera would be lighter and I could see the effect of changing settings in the monitor.

However, one guy was saying the APS-C format is a big drawback, and I'd need to go to the 6700. How does the A7 III compare to this mess?
with MF glass IBIS is highly convenient since it stabilizes the viewfinder image as well
>real photographers always used the back screen
>Single most retarded statement of the day
Define a "real" photographer pal
FB Marketplace is full of unironic thirdies trying to get dumb westerners to give them a deposit for a camera that doesn't exist because the $200 they get from you is a months pay in their Southeast Asian shithole. If you noticed by now you could literally be in the same neighborhood that they claim they're in and they won't meet up.

eBay or physical meetup or nothing. Craigslist is pretty legit too. Just do only a physical meetup. No one actually doesn't know the true value of things when they can just google the make and model on eBay. Everyone has a smart phone and Google

a6000 is still a $3-400 camera. a6700/a7c is $900-1200 used. a7iii is $800-1100
Only lenses matter. RP is more than enough for general shooting but you must look what lenses do you want in the future and then choose system.
The rp is worse than a d750 (stop making excuses for anticonsumer companies)
Canon lenses are worse and overpriced vs nikon af-s except for maybe 2 telephotos
Found the retard.
>says the mirrorless babby that needs his 6d2 to be stuck in live view
> needs his 6d2 to be stuck in live view

I don't, I'm so used to the VF that I don't use the back screen on any cameras. No idea how much not using the rear screen affects the battery but if it makes a positive difference, then it's a win-win for me.
Typically the EVF is a higher res, brighter screen, so they chew more power than an LCD
>3" screen uses more power than a 0.39" screen

A whole new world has been revealed to me.
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Size isn't everything. EVFs have a higher pixel density and in reality that's what's going to matter with your total power usage Each pixel has subpixels to power, and the EVF is going to be brighter as well.
FB marketplace with physical meetup has worked for me up until now, but maybe that's a benefit of not living in the US. To sell on FB they'd need to learn random languages for every country they want to sell in, while for US/UK etc they can just write in English which they think they already know, I guess.

I looked up craigslist and I didn't even know it was a thing in non english-speaking countries, checked it out and it has literally 13 ads for things for sale in the whole country, all categories.
A7 III replied and is doing 600$ for the body, 1000 bucks for all accessories. I'm asking for what accessories specifically, but it seems it has 3 lenses plus what looks like a very big telephoto, 2 batteries + charger, what looks like an ND filter, 3 SD cards and the battery grip. It also has a bag and box to store stuff. It's a bit further away from me but I wanted to visit that city already so I'll probably just go there to pick it up or smth. If everything works it looks like a very good deal
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Makes me love DSLRs even more. Just leave them on for weeks without battery drain. Then when I want to take a photo I pick up and shoot. No lag, no wake up delay, just instant response.
My sony lasts just as long as an IBIS having DSLR lol

Even huge sony fans will tell you the a7iii sucks balls. Enjoy relying on capture one and still editing to get decent color. Enjoy being paranoid about weather sealing consistency. Enjoy being paranoid about the shutter.
Yeah sure sony won
With the a7c and a7iv
> go to 4chan to get suggestions
> give budget range
> everyone is helpful and gives solid recommendations
> some fanboyism happens, but the recommendation settles on the Nikon D750 for that price range
> OP is afraid of mirrors, asks for mirrorless
> "for the same price mirrorless is worse"
> OP finds a mirrorless from totally different price range at a very low price

Ok man, it sucks. But is there anything better for <600$?
Huge Sony fans will tell you the A7III is when it actually got good in terms of colors and autofocus. Autofocus performance is literally half the reason you bought a Sony over a Nikon/Canon DSLR. The other half is wanting to take videos without settling for a Panasonic

For $600 it's pretty damn good. They're still $1200-1300 brand new iirc with a kit lens. Find out what lenses it has.
>But is there anything better for <600$?

My brother in Christ, you've been lied to.
Oh snap did OP settle for a A7III? incoming shutter failure thread in a couple of months then.
Some people only learn the hard way.
All things considered the failure rate is absurdly low. The a7iii outsold all other cameras period and it was a bad batch, not a design flaw like the pentax solenoids.

But is there.
And the colors even in raw +c1 aren’t as good as later bodies. It’s probably a CFA change.
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> All things considered the failure rate is absurdly low
Its safer than buying a canon 5div and expecting low light photos without unremovable green lines bro
Still wouldn't buy a Sony.
Didn't buy yet until he replies. I'll google that, cause if it can be repaired I'm not afraid of doing so, I generally repair electronics when they break.

Seems pretty easy to repair
>product breaking down isn't an issue if it's easy to repair

Jesus fuck, you people fully deserve being played.
If I'm paying half the price for a good product, no big deal. "You people" I'm not a sony fanboy, I don't even own a camera yet
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You dishonest piece of shit.

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