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Hi boys. I want to ask a question about adapting M mount lenses to my X-T4 and noticed there was no /fag/ thread.
Does anyone use the Leica M to FX adaptor?
I'm also planning on using a 28mm and want the best yet most compact lense I can find.

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Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
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>most compact
I'm using Voigtlander 27mm f2, it's a tiny dedicated X-mount pancake and it's doing a great job given its dimensions. Not sure how leica compares, but it could be one thing to consider if you've missed this one. Here's some random stuff taken with this lens.

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Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T2 Ver4.40
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Image Created2024:05:23 22:15:21
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Might sound dumb, but I struggled to enjoy the way camera handles lens corrections, so I taped the connectors out, hence no f-stop report in exif. Got this lens with X-T1 that didn't support the lens at all, loved it, then switched to X-T2, then I had a period of not liking this lens very much due to tons of extra noise in corners at high ISO (aggressive vingette correction). In the end I just taped it out and called it a job well done. It's subjective, but as far as I'm concerned, disabling lens corrections was a proper improvement.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelX-T2
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T2 Ver4.40
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T2 Ver4.40
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I got my sister a used XT3 and gave her my 18-55 to learn about the camera, she now wants to shoot macro for product photography, mainly pastries.
Is the new XF30mm macro good enough for such a use case? I can get it brand new for $580, the 80mm costs twice as much brand new and $700 for used. 60mm is also available used for $450 but has 2:1 scale, which I don't know if it makes a difference or not for this kind of use case.
Wait, that's actually a good landscape. Is fuji... good?
I was not aware of this lens. Will check it out. Worth the £380 you think?

I don't have a clue what I'm doing with landscapes.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Image Created2024:10:26 12:33:26
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the xf 27mms have probably the best quality to size ratio. if you're coming from m mount , you might not mind the long minimum focus distance

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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>Worth the £380 you think?
I personally love it, it sits on my camera 90% the time. Sharp in the center, sharp in edges above f2, minimum focus distance is relatively low, feels good in hand, and focus ends on infinity instead of going way beyond it - so when you see something cool more than 3m away, you just slam the focus ring all the way into infinity and then you can get a good shot even at f2 (correct me if i'm wrong, but I consider it a massive win, from all of my manual lenses this is the only one that does that). And in purely subjective terms, it does nice things to colors and sharpness in my opinion, feels like it kinda pretends to be somewhat vintage despite being sharp. No nasty chromatic aberration, no extremely blurry edges, the only two optical downsides are serious coma and vignette, I don't mind vignette and I can live with coma.

All things considered, I don't even consider it overpriced. It's expensive for what it looks like at a glance, but it's the only fuji native lens I can think of that does the things this lens does, at the size it is.

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Camera SoftwareRawTherapee 5.10
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Exposure Time1/250 sec
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It is a lovely lens but it makes me angry Fuji themselves are not trying to make pancake sized F2 lenses because these bastards know it will eat into their x100 sales. There should be a 18,23,27 and 40 mm F2 auto focus pancakes for this system almost all other systems have it apart from us.
I feel you on this one, I'm annoyed by fuji's disregard for compact size in general
>official pancakes are not bright
>bodies keep growing larger and larger every generation, except for the new X-M5 but this one doesn't have manual dials
>small fuji bodies don't have dual display mode that helps with manual focus, it's a basic software quirk and there's literally no reason to not include it for those who want to use it on a smaller EVF
>35mm f1.4 is famous for subjective niceness, but objectively speaking it suffers from chromatic aberrations and it's just not horribly performant for modern standards, so fuji replaced it with 33mm f1.4 that's optically perfect, but it grew up twice in length in result
>meanwhile, leica has a 35mm f1.4 lens that's full frame and it's still shorter even compared to fuji 35mm f1.4. Of course leica can provide just about anything that's physically possible given their price, but still, they prove it's doable, and I bet many would appreciate a compact bright lens even if it's less than perfect, not to mention that aps-c should shrink it down further

I fully realize that size is a limiting factor for lens optics quality, but eh, I wish they would've played the lightweight card a bit more than they do. I'd kill for an x-t30 sized camera with a dual display mode, or a for a 33mm f1.4 in 35mm f1.4 form factor, but apparently they'd rather participate in optical quality rat race at the cost of practicality.
I'm just waiting for the XT6 announcement. I'm very curious to see what that will be like. I'd be very interested if it's pretty much the same, but with a stacked sensor.
Would be cool to run a lean and mean dual camera setup with the x100vi and XT6.
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bitcoin is doing well. I wonder if I keep holding to afford my 50R or if I should buy a XT4 instead? what do you think?

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The Dual Display really pisses me off because even my fucking XT1 can do it but not my XPRO 2 so it’s 1000% an artificial software limitation
The pros don't have it because you can do the same, but better, with OVF + ERF
It's an EVF size limitation
Anything less than a GFX100II is a cope camera, sensorlet.
I'm sure it's a good camera, but what's the point in medium format if you don't make large prints? Medium formats seems like a very specific tool to me.
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>TOKYO, November 12, 2024 – FUJIFILM Corporation announces that it is currently in the process of developing its first-ever filmmaking camera, the “FUJIFILM GFX ETERNA” (GFX ETERNA), with plans for a release in 2025. The “GFX ETERNA” will feature a large format sensor, “GFX 102MP CMOS II HS”, which is approximately 1.7 times larger than a 35mm sensor, and the high-speed image processing engine “X-Processor 5”, enabling filmmakers to capture rich, true to life visuals and have enhanced flexibility in post-production. Both the “GFX 102MP CMOS II HS” sensor and “X-Processor 5” are the latest technologies featured in the mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”, which delivers extraordinarily high image quality with its 102 million pixels.

>Fujifilm will showcase the “GFX ETERNA” as a reference exhibit at the comprehensive media event “InterBEE 2024”, which will be held from November 13th to 15th 2024.
35mm is now officially small format
APS-C downgraded to micro four thirds
Micro four thirds downgraded to “phone/webcam”
the medium format look, duh
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I think I’m addicted bros

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ok but when are they going to announce xpro4 with rangefinder patch and no rear display?
also, i've been thinking for a few days that long rectangle shape of film mf slrs is a form factor fuji should try for gfx rather than the thin rectangle of digital mirrorless. the space on the non-grip side of the body is wasted. and making a body thin does nothing but add heat management stress when the lenses are giant bazookas and there's a big grip adding a ton of depth anyways. i realized the other day that my little camera bag that can very awkwardly fit an xt3 with the 35/1.4 and is pushed to the limit fitting a 50R with the 50/3.5 very handily holds a bronica sq with standard normal lens. the same bag also easily fits two m bodies with pancakes i find myself quite taken with the packing-efficient shapes of this long block of medium format slr and the thin bricks of rangefinders
>also, i've been thinking for a few days that long rectangle shape of film mf slrs is a form factor fuji should try for gfx rather than the thin rectangle of digital mirrorless.
hassleblyat did this and no one bought the stupid MF cube. they all went for the faux rangefinder body
any yall niggas use a Fringer adapter? worth it? considering getting the Nikon F one but I'm such a cheap ass
Efficient to pack, awful to use for anything but building corners.
The box form factor is horrible unless you shoot street and building corners with your neck craned over all day. For anything more creative it becomes a hinderance fast, and then you put the grip and prism on.
what film simulation is this? Looks nice
Converted my friend to the church of Fooj :)
He's going on a long holiday soon and his old DSLR isn't up to the task + he uses some A7 for his work as videomaker for a big webshop. Borrowed him my old X-T2 with the 18-55 kitlens to test it out first and within a week he completely dove into the rabbit hole, already seems to know more menu options than I do and other tricks. Love to see it
It's because the market in general demands beefier stuff. Small size only appeals to a small group of people while all those boomers who pre-order new stuff care about grip size and clinical sharpness
>(correct me if i'm wrong, but I consider it a massive win, from all of my manual lenses this is the only one that does that).
You're not wrong at all and this is exactly why I never walk around with my LingLing manuals
that's fine since building corners are the ultimate subject and only can be appropriately captured by a format larger than ff
you're not thinking big enough. there's no reason a mirrorless camera would be limited to the top down vf or giant clunky prism finders of the film slrs. you could have a swiveling evf, a tilting display on top or back or side...
i've used it for portraits with no issues
The WLVF is awful if you ever want to shoot OVER something. There’s a reason basically all cameras essentially have both now. The sideways rectangle is more compatible with human hands. Ergonomically the modernized box (907x) is a shitshow. And also poorly made. I was excited, then mine didnt fucking work so i spent the 10k on a new hot tub.
It's a slightly adjusted Kodachrome 64 recipe from fujix weekly I think.
Anyone still using the X-E2? I'd like something smaller and wondering if it's long in the tooth nowadays. Does it have Classic Chrome?
I have X-T1 with the same sensor and hopefully same software. It has classic chrome, but you have to use latest firmware, it gets a bit old both in UI speed and in sensor noise at high ISO, but it's not exactly a tragic situation, just don't expect a particularly amazing responsiveness. On the flipside, auto white balance sets nice, pleasant, warm tones that I like. I've been using X-T1 on AWB all the time, then I switched to X-T2 and I hated colors, for quite a long time I thought it's this meme sensor magic, finally I've realized it's just AWB being trash on x-trans 3. Still pulling X-T1 out of my drawer every now and then, it's more than enough for casual photography and if it'd have sensor mapping (to reduce nasty uneven high iso noise), I'd probably still use X-T1.

X-E2 should be the exact same thing, except EVF is smaller and there's no dual display mode.
Am I the only one who doesn't really like classic chrome? I find Reala Ace way better, but it looks like almost everyone are using classic chrome or some variant of it
Which 23mm to buy? Except the latest one as that's too pricey for me. I just need it as a travel lens and not too picky about weather sealing.
Are my only options the Viltrox, Fuji f2 or Fujif1.4?
I had 23mm f1.4 and chromatic aberration was very painful to me, to the point where I sold the lens after some time. It was a nice lens otherwise, and it had nicest electronic focus ring I've ever felt in my life - but if I'd want another 23mm now on a budget, I'd probably go for an used 23mm f2. Even though I never had one, I know from 50mm f2 ownership that F2 trio delivers some really decent performance for what it is, so I'd expect good things from that, plus it's dirt cheap used.
Were you having issues with the original 1.4 R or updated WR version?
New WR version is worth it, big improvement.
f2 is on par or even better than the old f1.4 when stopped down, just worse at f2.
Original R. As far as I know, all R LM WR updated ones are nearly optically perfect with no major issues in any category, it's just that they're big and so I never got to buy one.

"having issues" is pretty subjective here though, I personally hate CA, but depending on your style, tastes, and subjects, it might be different for you. Big downside was that if I remember right, chromatic aberration wasn't exactly going away even when stopped down - but other than that, it was sharp, and it had really nice colors, so I don't want to bash on it all the way through even though personally I really disliked this thing.
>fuji lenses
>optically perfect
So true, can we see some of your shots with some optically perfect lenses?
Nothing is perfect, and you know exactly what I meant. No big points of offense, no major downsides, nothing to ruin your photo just because lens didn't perform as expected and failed to correct some specific optical flaw.
The great joke is, they are as flawed as the smaller lenses from sony and canon despite being nearly GM sized, and maybe marginally faster but its like f2.1 vs f2.8 in “equivalence” (nothing important then). The size and price simply dont reflect this middling performance.

The tragedy of trying to pretend aps-c is viable outside of "character" (blurry photo) gear. Fuji done goofed.
The 18 f1.4, 23 f1.4 wr, 30 f2.8, and 90 f2 are the optically perfect ones of the system for me
Never once felt a need for improvement on them optically, and never once felt like I was missing out on anything compared to "better" FF glass I also use
The 33 f1.4 is close, but could be a tad sharper with less CA at f1.4
So when can you post some of your examples using that glass?
Why do i have to waste money on garbage to say it is garbage? This is the information age. Everything is tested and the results published. Lenses are not personal things. There is no magic or wonder. They are not crafted. They are soulless objects designed by algorithms and copied en masse by machines, then 9000 bugmen test them on all the charts, cats, corners, ugly people, sunsets, and hills in the world before putting it up on ebay at -30%$ for my consideration.

Get a grip. Gear is nothing but consumer products that spill from a factory at 1/4th the rate of some toxic sludge. I will dismiss it all on test photos alone if i so please and continue waiting for my x100six preorder.
apparently having the same look as a mediocre full frame lens on apsc is a big deal or something (but we bought apsc for it to be apsc not sharper full frame????)
>Why do i have to waste money on garbage
You misread, I was asking for examples from the optically perfect glass you use.
who owns the 27mm pancake and likes it?
Two anons on top of the thread, apparently
When did I say I used perfect lenses? They definitely exist. Its easy to find out what they look like (not like anything fuji makes desu). That’s why I don’t use them. Duh! Grow a brain moran
Waited like 6mo for mine and always disappointed when using it. Optics are fine, but slower AF, f2.8 kinda sucks, not internal focusing. I just stick with the 35 f2 for small size.
Voigt 27 f2 seems great though.
I just assumed since you made a fuss about Fuji glass, but thank you for confirming you are just another nophoto. Unless of course you want to contribute and share some examples of that glass you like and use, that looks nothing like Fuji.
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Just upgraded from the T1 to T4 and trying out the 35f1.4 as well. I'm liking the film styles more, and I'm still being lazy about colour correcting myself. Took these shots a few days ago, appreciate any feedback. (Positive and negative)
I was caught between getting a H2s, T4, or maybe switching to Nikon, but in the end I just went with what seemed the best increase in features/price. It's hard not to go full gearfag though and buy the best you can afford. If it's just about that med format style then get what makes you happy. It is a hobby after all.

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Overlooking Lake Ashi.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:11:17 19:53:57
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658 KB JPG
Last one, definitely need to stop-down more often I think. I like Fuji's bleached film for seeing Fuji.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)53 mm
Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:11:17 19:53:53
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>appreciate any feedback. (Positive and negative)
I think you'd benefit greatly from avoiding clutter in your frame, or from putting more effort into leading the eye towards the subject. I won't complain about center framing because I think it's intentional and you're doing some work to make it right (like framing subject with bushes in second and third photo), but I must say, it took me quite a while to even notice the mountain in third picture, or gate in the second one. Kinda like pic related, I think it's easier without attention-grabbing cars - and then it'd be even easier without the aireal tramway, but I don't want to remove it from your photo because I bet you like it and it also makes it an extremely basic landscape of a mountain with only some minor bushes to distinct it from every other mount fuji photo.

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I also struggled to find the gate here despite having it dead in the middle, but I'm not sure what could be done to make it better. Maybe postprocessing/film simulation thingy that emphasizes of red? It's cheesy, but it helps with knowing what's where, so that's one idea.

I don't think second photo is a bad one though, I like the colors and this odd feeling of scale on those mountains. My mspaint crops and gimp edits are probably not very striking, but I'm trying to somehow visualize the idea of having less things that distract you from the subject.
Funny you say that because I took a second shot without the cars or the aireal, but it looked too simple and I didn't like it. Probably could have edited it similar to what you have here, and I agree it looks better without the cars. Hakone was super busy that day.
I'm with you that it kind of blends, but I really like the muted colors and how it affects the mountains like you said. These are more luck than skill I think, but I was trying to get the center framing with blurred foreground because I enjoy the feeling. The blurred lantern in the first one for example. The lake one was just a spur of the moment shot that I ended up liking. I don't know why the water feels so firm(?) but I like that as well.
Thank you for the feedback.
>finally got my x100vi as my compact daily camera
>sudden thoughts of trading it in for a Nikon zF
oh lord
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i have it and like it and i even said it's the best value of all of fuji's small lenses earlier itt. it's a nice general photography lens. however i haven't used it all year. i have many x-mount lenses and many other camera systems so with that comes specialization and less benefit from an all-rounder. if i want a compact setup, i'll take a bessa r or a point and shoot. if i want a compact digital setup with better iq than a compact, then i'll bring an xpro. this case is generally edc, street, or some sort of event with crowds. in which case i'll take the xf 18/f2 for its wider field of view and closer focus compared to the 27. the 27 is the smallest fuji xf lens but its normal fov and relatively long min focus distance prevent it from being particularly useful in the situations where i prioritize portability. the one big thing it does better than the 18 for me is be weather resistant, but it hardly rains in my area and i can't justify buying a hood for a lens i only use five times a year at most
you would have the option to shoot waist level, but not be locked into that position. again, not thinking big enough. tilting/articulating screen could be attached anywhere and point any direction. essentially what i'm suggesting is the camcorder layout

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>x-t30 mk2 only like $50 more expensive than new X-M5
>$300+ cheaper than X-S20
>$400+ cheaper than X-T50
Am I missing something here or is the X-T30 Mk2 by far the best brand new Fuji to buy?
It was my first lens and is still my favorite. It's really hard not to love it.
That said TikTok fucking ruined the pricing, you could pick them up for less than €200 because nobody wanted them anymore. I think I can now sell mine (non-WR version) again for like €350
the nikon zf feels awful to use and the baseplate is cheap plastic. it's comically oversized for a retro body and looks like a clown's prop.
PASM switch+retro does not blend.

get a 1st gen a7c, and then the 24mm f2.8 g, 40mm f2.5, and the sigma 90mm f2.8. it's the actual classic photography experience with modern specs. although the a7cii has better options for jpeg shooters, 24mp is closer to film.
Based three-prime enjoyer.
All you need is two or three good primes. All else is skill issue
Seconding this anon. I don't think Zf is all that horribly huge objectively speaking, but the first time I saw it on the store's display, I thought it's an upscaled model for advertisement purposes. There's something weird about its design, it just feels way off, again, kinda 2:1 scale mode vibes. If anon bought x100 for compact size (and x100 is not even all that horribly compact), then swapping it for a Zf would be a weird choice, unless some realizations happened and compact size is no longer a concern.
Fuck that. Get an X-T4 or 5 with 23mm f2 and 35mm 1.4
Anything wider than 35mm is pleb.
Why the fuck is the Fuji 28mm 2.8 so expensive?

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If you mean the 27mm the answer is tiktok.
Fun fact: it used to be the cheapest Fuji prime on par with the XC35
People want the X100 series as a fashion accessory but can't afford them. X-Pro with the 27mm pancake was the closest aesthetics wise. Those are are also ridiculously expensive. Then they moved on to the X-E series which is why an X-E4 costs the same as an X-T4, which makes no sense at all aside from the pseudo rangefinder form factor. This all explains the X-M5 which is closer to what these people want and need. But they're still going to want to put the 27 pancake on it. Why Fuji doesn't ramp up production on the models of cameras and lenses that sell out is beyond me.
Based working autofocus enjoyer
I'd like to see some comparisons between the new 16-55 2.8 ii and some prime lenses. The new 16-55 pretty much looks like the only lens I'd need.
>the answer is tiktok
what happened?
>still using my X-E3 from 2018
>bought the 27mm f2.8 WR in Japan last year before the official price hikes
Feels comfy man
Hopefully the X-E5 goes back to looking more like the 3 rather than 4
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why would you hope that? the 3 and prior are just shrunken xpros in design. the 4 was pretty much flawless in design and had the cleanest look of almost any modern camera and still has nothing comparable out rn amongst ilcs>>4387246
>Anything longer than 35mm is pleb.

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The flat everything on the 4 looks like ass
>but i think it's great
and I think the 3 looks great
xh2s firmware is working well
eager for xt5's update too
See >>4387281
Fuji with in particular the X100V (like 2 years after release) became incredibly popular and a whole new generation of ""photographers"" started buying up all the compact gear like the X-E4, X100V(I) and XF27mm.
I have some tiktok addicted friend who told me about a camera brand with build-in image editors which looks like old film cameras. I've been shooting Fuji since 2018
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>and I think the 3 looks great
oh man that's super cool! fortunately for you, there are at least six whole other bodies in the fuji x system alone you get to choose from with the looks you like, as cheap as $500! not to mention other systems. meanwhile there is nothing else like a 4 which is inflated to the moon and doesn't sell for less than $1000. thanks, you really convinced me

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Genuinely don't get this. They're fine. I know the viewfinders are stupid in that the waist level ones have a mirrored view, but other than that I find them absolutely fine to shoot at any level. Are you really weak or something? Does your neck not bend? I genuinely don't understand what your complaint is.
Can we see some examples of the types of pictures you take with yours?
I love my X-T4 and in the market for a 23mm. Should I just go for the f2? I'd appreciate the WR.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
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you mean f3, cropfag
I've actually gone for the MF TTArtisans 25mm F2 to try it. Will post results and if it sucks I'll return it.
Woah calm down there, Diogenes
Own it. Decent. Bright enough aperture and solid build. Only major flaw is the strong purple colour cast at f/2 until f/2.8 when there's a bright light source.
I can't believe people are so mindbroken about some DOF on cameras that they don't use and images that they don't take.
Equivalence is a lie, gearfag. f2 is f2. period. as long as every f2 is a t2, 2 exposes the same everywhere for every sensor size and focal length.

DOF curves don't follow equivalence 1:1.
Exposure doesn't change with sensor size. The apparent amount of quantization noise does.
Equivalence does not include ISO because crop sensors only have more quantization noise. Other sources of noise are not enhanced.
Sampling rate changes processing options for noise reduction efficiency so not just theoretically, but factually, a sensor with a finer sampling rate has less noise if not used at 1:1 zoom. This is frequently abused in video. Oversampled 4k is less noisy because the pixels are averaged together. Line skipped 4k is more noisy because the pixels are NOT averaged together. Stillsfags are still confused about it because they can pick their own downsampling algorithm and lean towards sharper ones, which dont average the noise out as effectively. But if you have say, an x-t5, xh2, or x100vi, if you use your 40mp xtrans to create 24mp, or smaller, photos, the noise basically fucking vanishes and you get performance within a fractional stop of full frame. Sometimes better because xtrans has less chroma noise, and finer luma contrast preservation. It shits the bed on red and blue textures like cardinals but everything else comes out better than 24mp FF.

If you wanna bitch about fuji harp on the autofocus, write fuji a letter, we'd like it if they were as good as sony too

But due to the nature of high res xtrans ,equivalence is totally fucking irrelevant.
a7c and a7cii are good cameras, great IQ and great af. But I'm happy i sold the a7cii because of how awful it is to actual shoot with it. The shutter sound is incredible anoying. UI is bad, even though it got better with the 2nd gen. And obviously it looks shit. Bad design overall. But the lenses you mention are amazing. The other sigma i-series are so good!
To this day I'm waiting for a perfect full frame camera with a shooting experience similar to Fuji as well as a nice body design. Nikon came close with the Zf if it would be 2/3 the size, or even smaller. With the hype it generated I sure hope they continue working on retro body full frame cameras.
I automatically ignore anyone who gives a shit about shutter sound personally. Its very "i own an analogue pocket and a dedicated mp3 player".

Retro design on digital is awful. 1/3 stop declickable aperture rings can stay. The rest of retro design was engineers coping around 35mm film transports and they ditched it as soon as mechanical linkages were not needed to control everything. Even fuji knows hence the more ergonomic bodies.
Equivalence can be useful for comparing different field of views and DoF
>DOF curves don't follow equivalence 1:1
Except they kinda do though
an aperture ring is just a normal control placed where your hand should be anyways. they should be the standard. sony, fuji, and finally canon figured it out. nikon can not. permanently declicked controls suck dick. declick is only for video.
the only thing sony cameras are missing is a dial pair for AF modes and drive modes and a physical auto ISO toggle. almost spot on otherwise
>aperture control on lens
>shutter speed, ISO, and AE compensation on body
I hit some portraits w my XT-4 this weekend (35mm SMC lens) and am now realizing I have no clue how to edit portraits.
>just do shit till it gets better bro
but what makes a portrait "better"?
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Like I get the basic idea, some touchups for spots, wrinkles, makeup, etc. But all color correction I try to do ends up with the vintage-ness of the lens getting washed out and making the image look overly sterile and digitized, which I hate.
Jon Crab.
Editing is like frosting a cake. If you put shit frosting on, the plain cake would be better. The plain cake is actually pretty tasty. If you’re a half competent chef, you pick the right frosting before you even make the cake.
No because I don't have a 6x7 scanner. Also doesn't answer my question, that's just a catty remark typical of someone with weak arms.
Looking for a little advice
I have a friend who is looking for a compact point and shoot style camera that's better than a phone camera. Also not very expensive.
The thing is, he's 80 years old (but is very fit and healthy both physically and mentally) and just wants it to be as simple as possible, but look great.
I thought something like the XM5 with the 15-45 kit lens would be perfect for him. It's just a little too expensive and doesn't have a built in flash.
Do any of you have any recommendations for a used Fuji camera that would be good for this?
So cheap, compact enough for travel and for it to not really be noticeable when hanging on a strap around his neck, better than a phone, built in flash, very simple to use, can transfer photos to his phone.
It doesn't need to be Fuji, but he liked the idea of the film simulations and I think he found the design of the cameras pleasing too because they reminded him of older cameras.

Would love to get some advice on this
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>but what makes a portrait "better"?
i think portraits are about emotion and personality. a better portrait expresses these human qualities more impactfully or more accurately

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The sorrows of analog, okay nophoto, go enjoy your imaginary camera
they still didn't fix the shutter sound? It was one major reason I stuck with fuji rather than sony back then, but I thought it was limited to their cheap models
people care about shutter sounds? what aspergers variant is this?
Gear youtubers who use the sound bite in their fade to the slowly zooming photo care about authentic shutter sounds.
I enjoy using Nikon AI/AIS lenses on a Fuji XT2. 28 2.8 and 105 2.5 specifically. I think it's very fitting. That's all.
Me when I take upskirts on the JR
Have fun trying to live as a male and being unable to carry 2kg
I Actually find the tactile sound of the shutter is pretty important. PEN F and X-T4 have the best shutter sounds I've heard.
I use an old Canon FD 28mm f2.8 and it's pretty fun. It has a natual bloom that makes the photo look old.

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Have fun with your imaginary camera
I have unexpectedly come into possession of an X-T5 with 16-50 f/2.8-4.8 kit zoom.
I'm a fullframefag and the ergonomics on this don't work for me at all, feels like it's made for female hands (how much does the OEM grip improve this?), but everything else aside from a some additional nitpicks is pretty neat, particularly impressed with the IBIS.
I also like the lens selection. Good variety of cute little OEM AF glass and the 3rd party primes, of which Voigtlander and Sigma are the most attractive to me. But it's still fucking APS-C and 40MP on this tiny sensor is retarded..?
Do I keep the camera and invest into the X system? I already own a late Canon DLSR with a few lenses, a Ricoh GRIIIx (which I had previously intended to be my sole crop sensor camera), and a Nikon F3 with some vintage glass. I was thinking I'd get a Zf and adapt some F mount Voigtlanders (good value for me when I can use them on the F3 too), but now the X-T5 has thrown a spanner in the works of my overthinking...

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>I have unexpectedly come into possession of an X-T5 with 16-50 f/2.8-4.8 kit zoom.
give it back, Tyrone

Seriously, keep it and use it for 6 months and then review your needs/wants
I like the smallrig grip, improves it a lot imo. I liked it so much on the Zf, I went back and got one for my T5.
Zf is better for adapted mf lenses, but I prefer using my T5 for everything else. T5 handling / operation is significantly better, and a similar kit comes in like half pound lighter, and takes up less space.
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Thanks. Decided to try it with the grip and adapter.
Image quality protip:
Use capture one. export 6000x4000. Do half your sharpening in the edit mode and the other half in export mode.
I dig it.

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Fuji GFX rangefinder with fixed lens incoming according to fuji rumors.
Are they already coming out with the x100vi killer?
You mean the gfx100sii killer because half that things sales are cash strapped a7r shooters who just buy the 55 and nothing else and use it for high resolution travel snaps.
Is this contrast your processing, or uh, built-in lens feature? I feel like it's the lens, if it is, i must admit it looks kinda stylish, can see how this style would fit all kinds of photos

especially given this lens costs pizza money
I kinda get what you are saying, I ended up just going ham on what functions I already knew how to use and then dropping the opacity on the layer to ~60%, just to avoid getting that over-processed inhuman look. Client seems to be happy with it, so.
It's SOOC but with a film recipe. It looks the same with my 35mm 1.4. Actually quite a similar lens visually.
Ok, the workflow with adapted lenses is really nice. However, sometimes I get serious EVF lag (like 5 frames per second) when focusing (possibly related to punching in and the digital MF aids - happened with both digital split image and microprism). Is this a known issue?
I have that in X-T2, and I solve it by putting it into performance mode.
My man Andy Mumford still got me
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meh usual youtuber practice. if anything, it's surprising that he didn't branch into other systems before seven years. besides, i don't blame anyone for dropping fuji these days. the company peaked with the xt3 and by now has lost its edge

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Why the fuck is it even worthy of a mention what brand of camera you shoot with or don't shoot with? I just find that brand "loyalty" so ridiculous, like it's a lifestyle thing or a reflection of their personality. It's a fucking tool.
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same reason you'd use as many differnet systems as possible - so your video comes up when someone searches a camera. seo. good luck starting a photography channel without mentioning a piece of gear in title

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Do you keep all your raw files? The GFX is filling up my external harddrives really fast. Spend another 70€ für a 2TB harddrive or should I change my workflow and delete all the unedited raws?

Thing is sometimes I enjoy checking my years old raw files and find some gems that are worth to edit
I know what you mean, but this is more like it's a lifestyle choice or some shit and I find it ridiculous.
I can see he made the video unavailable too now.
I personally hate clutter and I tend to remove everything except for a bunch of things i like (usually 5 photos or so) + rejected folder of things I don't like but see the value in, but if you're struggling with size, yeah, 4tb external ssd would be good for probably 20-40k gfx raws.

I'd do whatever's most comfortable for you, if you want to batch dump everything into an external SSD and it makes you happy, then mechanical portable hard drives are dirt cheap nowadays and it's definitely a worthy purchase. If you want to give it a shot without walking out of your comfort zone, then copy a handful of genuinely great shots on main hard drive and dump everything on a spare portable HDD, then you can make an informed choice on whether you want to keep being selective or not.
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I've seen it repeated several times that GFX is only worth getting in 100MP.
What's the reasoning here? Wouldn't 50MP have better SNR? What if you don't need 100MP/don't want to deal with insanely large files?
afaik 100mp is full modern sensor, BSI, phase detection pixels, you name it, while 50mp is just some old ass basic bitch sensor thing. So, for example as far as noise goes, 100mp seems to actually perform better despite having 4x smaller pixels. Verify that yourself on the internet though, I'm not 100% certain, just remember some news here and there
I hadn't considered that, thank you for the info.
I'm in this camp, having used a 50R for a few years. For lowlight shooting or bokeh, or anything that moves, FF is way better. Even IQ wise, my 50R often left me quite underwhelmed. You're getting a much slower and bulkier system for some marginal DR increase at low ISO, which just wasn't worth it for me.
The 100mp models include a number of performance improvements (AF, IBIS, battery life, etc), combined with the 100mp sensor makes them worthwhile.
The 50r uses an old sensor with smaller pixel apertures so it receives less light
not only is the 100mp a better sensor, it enables downscaling based NR (which you WILL do to get down to sane resolutions) and is basically immune to moire irl

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