Earlier today Fujifilm announced its first dedicated camera for filmmakers, the Fujinon GFX Eterna. RIP SNOY and Canikon[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width763Image Height303Scene Capture TypeStandard
>>4384556>muh xtranny
>>4384556Is this good for content creators?
>>4384570I'm getting one for my Youtube channel where I review other cameras
>>4384556>no optical rangefinderbaka
>>4384556Who is this for? It'll probably be too expensive for the indie/youtuber, so are they trying to get into the Arri market?
>>4384568nah, it's a snoy bayer sensor
>>4384590You say it’s too expensive but the FX3 and FX6 have done great in that market it’s probably going to be priced at around 8-9k so a little more than an FX6
>>4384593I feel it's gonna cost more than that, it's not a sensor that has some ground in the game with lenses, etc.
looks pro
>>4384594I’m pretty sure it’s actually the same sensor that’s in their current photo models and the same mount meaning all the adapted lenses that worked with GFX100 should work with this and that’s 100s of lenses.
>professional grade film sims
>>4384556This is the beginning of the end for everything smaller than full frame outside of character cameras isn’t itThis increasingly usable 100 megapixel so called fake medium format is visibly 1.5-2 stops better than 24mp full frame at high ISOs when resized to 24mp thanks to the magical power of oversampling (you’re doing a weaker form of phone camera trickery if you do this). I’d love to see what say, 150mp real medium format can do but apparently the cost of entry is $40k and anything cheaper is on a painfully dated sensor
>>4384616we call them LUTs
>>4384556Nikon chuckles quietly to itself in RED.
>>4384693Nikan't hasn't used a single bit of RED technology yet. Just because they own RED doesn't mean they have to put RED sensors in Nikon cameras. In fact, it's probably cost prohibitive to. Cinema cameras are very bespoke and the sensors for them are absurdly expensive. Either the camera would cost as much as a RED anyways, or they'd lose money selling it.I strongly doubt they will stop using sony for consumer camera sensors this decade. There's a lot of stagnation but photographers have a baby boomer mentality where they would gladly pay for a brand new 1950s car every year.>>4384644Slowly but surely. G mount is getting sports lenses now. There will come a time when the cameras most people consider not the best but good enough will just be lofi retro memes, just like all the small sensor point and shoots ken rockwell considered not the best but good enough. People who aren't into lofi retro will just see them as the bullshit they put up with until technology got better.>b-b-but 50hp leaf spring suspended cars with no crash safety have "soul", ur a consoomer, heccin skill issue, #actualthingenjoyer #normiesout!
>>4384698>nikan'tyeah, but why would they bother when their competition is canon't
>>4384556DAILY REMINDER xtrans iso 200 is equivalent to CMOS 800 or stacked ISO 1600 in terms of resolving power and contrast
>>4384740Fuck off retard[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width607Image Height342Scene Capture TypeStandard
>>4384740I willing to believe this is you can supply a single shred of evidence
>>4384698>Nikan't hasn't used a single bit of RED technology yet. Just because they own RED doesn't mean they have to put RED sensors in Nikon camerasYou seem very good at coming up with dumb ideas and shooting your dumb ideas down. So congratulations I guess?
>>4384698>muh pixel peeping at 500% literally kill yourself today
>>4384740lmao it's bayer anyway you sad fuck.
>>4384759>anything that shows my poorfag camera isnt as good as expensive ones is badNot him but here it is scaled to 8mp so the crop is like viewing a screen sized image on a standard laptopStill better lol. Its real medium format, and its better than full frame.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution144 dpiVertical Resolution144 dpiColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width750Image Height997