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File: twolensesonephoto.jpg (37 KB, 533x801)
37 KB
Which lens for sports, /p/?
>100-400 (smaller, sharper, shorter range)
>200-600 (bigger, slightly less sharp, bigger range)
Which sports you dumbass
well how far are you from the sports?
In that case probably the 100-400, in theory the 200-600 is better but faster and sharper is better in this regard, particularly because car pics sell more if you add the context, like track position and landscape, along with being a better at cropping.
Which system are you in? Canon has a great albeit pricey 100-500. Works good for outdoor sports. Note that you also need a 70-200 f2.8 for anything indoors and sometimes outdoors too. I can't imagine shooting a sports event without a 70-200 in my bag. Other than that, I would stick with 100-400. There isn't THAT much difference between 400 and 600mm, and 200-600 might be a bit difficult to shoot handheld, especially on longer events. I'm able to shoot my 100-500 for around 3 hours, then it becomes kinda heavy and I wish I had a monopod.
That's what I initially thought, but the additional 200mm makes me think that I may capture more car details.
I have a Sony FF. I never thought about the lens weight; the 200-600mm does seem a little big, to the point that I wonder if security would actually let me bring it with me. The 100-400mm does seem a little more "amateur," size-wise.
You would be correct but honestly car details do not "sell" that well in track photos (as in moving cars), and your potential format is too small anyways unless you focus specifically in these details while the cars are moving.
That's an interesting niche but seems tough, you would probably need a very flexible tripod and a prime supertelephoto to pull it out constantly. I would try cropping first.
400mm to 600mm is not that much of a difference if you camera is above 24MP in resolution and you are not shooting at night.
>"amateur," size-wise.
Oh so they have these "no pro gear inside" rules? be aware any lens painted in white or with a collar is considered pro by guards. A Sony RX10 IV would be much more easier to get into the place and practically just as good in daylight conditions.
Weight is super important in case of telezooms. 200-600 is much heavier, and you WILL feel it after lifting. It weights over 2 kilos, that might be too much even if you hit the gym regularly. You'll want something lighter, or a monopod, but if you aren't an accredited photographer good luck bringing a massive lens and a monopod to the event. 1400g vs 2100g is a MASSIVE difference. The bigger range on 600 won't make that much difference and it'll be hard to find a situation where you would be able to catch it on 600mm but not on 400mm in case of sports.
> you WILL feel it after lifting. It weights over 2 kilos, that might be too much even if you hit the gym regularly
Look out everybody! we have a sissy here!

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