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Is this common or did I get a 1 in a million lemon?
its a well documented problem. Its not a matter of if, but when
what else did you expect buying snoy?
It's unfortunately common, however I'm sure you got some great images out of it, unlike if you had bought a Canon. But I encourage you to see this as an opportunity to try something new, like film.
It was literally something that sony should have issued a recall over, but their market strategists decided otherwise. Welcome to cameras.


Every other model is fine, and at least you didn't buy an R5II and get a $4500 brick straight out of the box or watch your z8 fall down a cliff with the strap lugs still attached to the strap.
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Its more likely than you think!
Meanwhile my Nikon D850 is on 100k actuations and feeling fine.
Its funny, other brands suck so bad people buy a controversial sony model and then complain about it. If you had an alternative would you really?

a7c, a7iv, etc work fine btw. Well, apparently someone touched his a7iv shutter when it was in dust cover mode and broke it… user error, but also bad design decision when these cameras must weather being owned by retards.
he does have an alternative

the a7c, and stop pretending EVF resolution matters. its either as good as an OVF, or it’s only good enough for composition. most OVFs arent even good enough for focusing without aids.
Sounds like sour grapes. No one has asked for a lower EVF resolution before, even though it would benefit battery life and fps. EVF resolution obviously matters
Noone asked for an evf period but a lot of consumers will gladly take any “progress” (change) and 400 incremental upgrades if biggo jew corpo will serve it to them
Correct. People asked for an optical rangefinder. Electrical coupling and optical zoom in an ORF would be trivial especially for sony.

But so would a $2000 2020 camera having a screen as good as an $800 2020 phone.
Mmmm that's the kind of quality I'd expect from the company that brought us the uncomfortable ugly brick with a badly designed menu system. Gaddayum they really just can't do anything right can they.
And yet cameras have EVFs, so EVF resolution matters.
>Noone asked for an evf period but a lot of consumers will gladly take any “progress” (change) and 400 incremental upgrades if biggo jew corpo will serve it to them
I personally prefer EVFs.
EVF resolution must reach a threshold to matter. Otherwise it is like comparing cars on the basis of 30mpg vs 33mpg.
Nta but what about EVF framerate? Personally think it doesnt matter since I was fine with 30 fps to save battery.
I agree. When we can achieve a quality similar to OVFs without dropping resolution during CAF etc, EVFs will be good enough. We are not nearly there yet.
>30 vs 33mpg
The A7C has a 2.36MP 0.59x EVF. That's hardly near decent compared to, say, the GFX100 II's 9.44MP 1.0x EVF. Obviously that camera's in a different league but it's a valid comparison if we are just addressing your point.
The human eye can perceive 1000fps with trained subjects. Give me 1000fps EVF or im keeping my DSLR.
Lets make it comparable.

Canon’s idea of a gimped travel camera is the R8. It has a 0.7x 2.36mdot panel, but also an SLR style design. Overall, cons 12 bit raws only in eshutter, no ibis. Pros, slow motion 4k, crazy eshutter FPS.
Yes but what about pixel refresh times?
What about 0.1% fps lows when shooting on continuous?
Will we ever get G-Sync/Freesync capable EVFs?
I wouldn't be satisfied with either the A7C or the R8 so I can't comment.
The end of gearfagging is buying a fuji GFX but all these homos just cope and call it fake medium format while it mogs full frame hard
The a7riii, a7c, a9ii, a1, and a7rv are the only good sony cameras, sorry op.
So this is the power of Sony.

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>"it's just that model bro trust me this other one is fine"

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>Pros, slow motion 4k, crazy eshutter FPS.
That and a working shutter.
I think mechanical shutters are a thing of the past within a few generations.
>mechanical shutters are a thing of the past
>can't take a photo near artificial light
Yeah a solid state pellicle shutter that blinks between opaque and transparent sounds awesome. Imagine a focal plane shutter that can flash sync at any speeds.
>$55,000 + israel tax
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>So this is the power of Sony
It's such a brutal trvth nvke that there are people who still use 1Ds III's and 5D2's with 600k shutters professionally while these things are so much newer and so much less durable... Snoysisters, how will we recover?
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By avoiding this one specific model that sony should have recalled

Inb4 FUD
We were talking about the a7c, not the a7iii

Yknow i turn on the news and every camera is a sony, i walk out the door and every camera is a sony, and /p/ is still seething about 5% of a7iiis and a faked weather sealing test, buying nikons, and then getting mad because the autofocus doesnt work
Yes. One. The rest are fine if you dont poke the closed shutter like you pick at your weather seals.
>4channers believe alternate reality, suffer
Yeah they also do this with believing women are all whores
Lol, no. The a7 mark 1 and 2 worse, and the 4 isn't old enough for us to know, but likely also will have the same issues.
Sure jeet. Sure. We believe you. And panasonic cameras are the best. S5ii battery drain? G9ii frying cards? Never happen saaar.
Pajeets are consumer tech obsessed. Both panasonic and sony are tech brands, not camera brands, and they're bot only popular with shitskins and 14 year olds. Don't think you can differentiate yourself from panasonics userbase, you're the same. Black.
>Facebook filename
OP does not own a camera. This did not happen to OP. It happened, but probably 2 years ago to some woman on facebook. This thread is a paid shill campaign as part of a persistent effort on /p/ to slander sony while simultaneously recommending panasonic. You think OP is a bitch wearing yoga pants? On 4chan?

You guys DO remember january 2023, when /p/ was being spammed with threads claiming that it was over for sony because the s5ii came out? Notice how it's not over for sony, the s5ii had major reliability and functionality issues, and yet, you keep seeing the rehashed a7iii news and not nearly as much attention paid to other brands failures, especially not panasonics? Yeah lol.

On /p/, we have non-stop sony hate. Non-stop. Multiple threads per week. With HUGE surges ahead of release cycles, like the board-wide pancake meltdown. Coincidentally, it happened in between the a1ii release and the release of the s9+its pancake. HM! If you do not see how suspicious this is, you're not literate enough to be on the internet without falling prey to the numerous third world marketing teams that bot up reviews and comment sections.

You may also notice that someone keeps reposting a "test" involving the panasonic S9 where the a7cii has purposefully altered white balance settings giving it an extreme green bias not seen elsewhere, and the S9 receives a heavy magenta bias. Anyone who owns a camera knows these are custom settings, and of course it's a panasonic...

Sorry 'jeet. The bad batch of a7iiis was showing problems within months of release. Sony had a moral duty to disclose the affected serial numbers and issue a recall, but they did not. This is unfortunate but not out of the ordinary for camera companies. You would have to boycott the entire industry except for phase one and kodak to show zero tolerance of this behavior.

The good news is, they're fine before and fine since.
>Shill getting desperate
That's funny. Back in real life, they basically murdered nikon and are trailing behind canons mirrorless market share by an amount less than their r100/r50 sales.

They're also the only brand other than fuji providing compact primes with aperture rings and rangefinder style bodies. Common, but ignored, photographer requests. Canon only puts aperture rings on giant video-centric lenses and nikon uses clickless scroll wheels on their lenses instead.
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i remember the g9ii getting like 15 threads too, all claiming it had better DR than the newest sony and canon based on really inaccurate DR measurements and unrealistic equivalence charts. When other brands release a camera there's 1 thread, maybe 2, and they die fast, unless its fuji, but people actually like fuji. There is an actual paid panasonic shill stalking /p/ 24/7 and he keeps telling us to buy brand new S5 bundles on sale.

Shills always tell you to buy new because that's how their employer makes money. The actual, non-paid users here usually recommend people buy used cameras, usually a z6ii, a7c, r6/r8/r7, 5div or d750.
By 'trailing' you mean getting mogged year after year with a rapidly widening gap. Sony had its years, when the A7 was novel and had no competitors, but now there's no reason to buy them. It's essentially the same product as what canon sells now, except with heaps of vignette and irreparably, hilariously shit colours. All you can do is shill your stereo company and project about how indian you obviously are to everyone you interact with. Meanwhile the rest of the world doesn't care and is just going to choose the obviously superior product, as they have already done. Sorry, get BTFO'd.
>facebook filename
>yoga pants
Holy shit i just noticed lol

Thread tldr: Don’t buy an a7iii, the newrr cameras like the a7c and a7iv are what earned sony their current top dog spot
>mogged year after year
The canon-sony market share gap is closing so fast they desperately handed out free R1s at the olympics and still photographers preferred the z9 and a9iii or a1+bg (which outlasts the r1/r3)

Canon has very good legacy glass, sony never did. I’m surprised they’ve managed to beat canon like that.
>despite what the statistics say... I have le anecdote that says otherwise!!
That's cool Sanjay, I hope once you're finished arguing with people about brands you idolize and products you don't own that you're finally able to patch that hole in the roof of your slumhouse that higher castes use as a target for challenge pissing.
Most sony lenses actually vignette less than their RF L counterparts. The poor performance of the rf 24-70 f2.8 l v. the 24-70 f2.8 gm2 actually lost canon a lot of customers. Their 1.2 primes only fare a little better. How do sony lenses vignette less even with corrections off? Well, 1mm of mount doesnt matter unless you are building symmetrical UWA pancakes.
>rajesh has fully internalized racism against his own people to cope with being called pajeet on 4chan
Are designated pissing roofs really a thing in india? That’s crazy.
That was weak as fuck. Come up with something creative and try again. Embarrassing.
Genuinely no way anyone actually believes this.
Its facts. I know it hurts the shills 4chan specific “snoy bad!” narrative but its why i ditched my r6ii for an a9ii. Some EF zooms are still good but they adapt to sony too.
And whats this about castes

I thought india stopped doing that when muslims replaced your british rulers or whatever
the rf 24mm f1.4 l vcm doesnt even cover full frame before distortion correction (lowers resolution)
the fe 24mm f1.4 gm has no distortion a fairly normal vignetting figure (1.5 stops close focus, 2.07 infinity, extreme corner) comparable to nikon z mount lenses

e mounts problem is ray angle, not vignetting. sony lenses are designed in tandem with sony glass so they dont have ray angle problems but making a pancake thats sharp in the corners is impossible.
>sony cannot build a shutter
>sony cannot figure out rubber seals
Not like this snoysisters...not like this....
>writing an essay in defense of sony
Wouldn't it be easier to post a picture of a working sony shutter?
>404 not found
>The canon-sony market share gap is closing so fa...
Imagine getting btfo'd by an AI. Truly we live in the future.
Worldwide cameras includes PNS and vlog sticks. MILCs only…
Canon sisters, we beat snoy in the walmart camera segment!

Amazing how well they do when the reviewer isn’t sponsored by any companies.
SNOY can not compete with the r50 (on sale now at canon.com)

Its OVER for snoy!
>sony internal data
>not for review
Data discarded
Its pretty close to their global share of all MILCs (32%) and makes sense when you realize sony does not compete with canon’s low end crop sensor and old-sensor ILCs at all. The RP, R8, R7, and R50 are the only thing standing between us and planet of the snoys.

Meanwhile canon does not compete with sony’s ILCs at all. The R6II, R5 and R5II, R3, and R1 are pathetically bad against the a9ii, a9iii, and a1 and canon has no answer to the a7siii and zv1 at all. Their lenses have also been worse lately. Nikon is #1 in optics quality, sony is a mere #2. Canon is starting to look like they deserve a #4 under sigma.
the r5ii wasnt even usable on launch lol
sony having the majority in FF only is predictable. they cant make a good aps-c at all.
>Its pretty close to their global share of all MILCs (32%)
Their marketshare based on open, verifiable data is 26.1%. If they're telling themselves it's 32% internally, they are lying to themselves.

>and makes sense when you realize sony does not compete
I agree.

>The R6II, R5 and R5II, R3, and R1 are pathetically bad against the a9ii, a9iii, and a1
LMFAO...defend that statement snoyshill, I dare you to try.
- The R6, not even R6ii, the R6 sucker punched the A9 and A9ii at a much lower price.
- The R5, not even the R5ii, but the R5 was pretty damn close to the A1 but at a lower price.
- The A9iii is a one trick pony: global shutter. Now that's a good trick, but sacrifices DR and high ISO. Every review of the R3 and R1 is glowing. If you need global shutter, granted, you need an A9iii. If you don't...
- Sony sacrificed some high ISO performance across their line with the last generation.

>and canon has no answer to the a7siii
In what way? It sacrifices stills resolution for cinema. R6, R6ii, and R8 all produce sharper 4k to 60p and better high ISO, R6ii does 6k RAW, R5's do 8k RAW. A7sIII wins on long form 4k record time if you're not using an external recorder, that's about it. If you don't care about stills then Canon has an entire line of cine cameras in addition to the hybrids.

>Their lenses have also been worse lately. Nikon is #1 in optics quality, sony is a mere #2.
TDP tests all three. Prove it.
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Sony isn't usable after 10k frames.
>the r6 sucker punched the a9ii at a lower price
no buffer?
significantly worse rolling shutter?
lower max shutter speed?
sure. Didn't read the rest since you proved you are retarded.

>STILL hyperfocusing on a bad lot of ancient cameras
>one so small, you have to repost the same few images repeatedly

Canon can't compete in full frame. Their lenses are dogshit (50mm f1.2 vignettes more than the sony one, 24mm f1.4 doesnt even cover the whole sensor, lets not get started on that 24-70's quality, or the 28-70 being a behemoth... lmfao). Their cameras are low DR compromise clusterfucks. They have no true compacts. It sucks.

Yeah yeah sure MUH VIDEO CODECS! Here's the thing about the market. If you are not a professional, you do not. fucking. need. 6k. raw. PERIOD. If you are a professional, you're not going to do something stupid, and buy a canon hybrid that is mediocre at video and medicore at stills. Why not? Well, you can't film and take photos at the same time, so it doesn't matter if your photo body shoots 10 bit video.

Sony owns full frame right now because they make separate cameras instead of all in ones. The A1 is a professional's stills camera, the ZV1 is a professional's video camera.

Canon expects you to double up on two of the same EOS R at the cost of everything being worse on average. What do you get out of the R3,R1? APS-C dynamic range, rolling shutter, "ok" specs all around, and you need two anyways. I'm sorry, but in the real world, in real use, canon fucking sucks. It does not matter if you have sharper 4k60. If you are a professional, you don't need sharper 4k60 on your photo body. You need all-i 4k60 on your dedicated video body.
>Better high ISO
You keep saying this. But the high ISO isn't actually any better than sony, except at a point where both cameras are unusable regardless and no actual professional goes there

Just schizophrenics mumbling about “seeing a threat approaching my compound” (you actually said that)
>reposting a ragebait youtube thumbnail
>not snatching non-indexed images off facebool groups like op
go back to shill school cannot simp
Professionals don’t shoot 4k60 period
>inb4 i film on the set of chicago med
Respectable professionals working on anything worth seeing don’t shoot 4k60 period.

I think the fx3 does all-i 4k60 but why would you…
Sony didn't make the shutter, Copal did. They're also used by many other brands (probably Canon and Nikon too, I can't be fucked to look it up) and could have ended up in any number of different bodies. Sony isn't at fault for having a failing shutter, they're at fault for not doing a recall and replacing them free of charge.
A sensible, competent post
>no buffer?
The original R6 does 240 uncompressed 14-BIT RAWs. The A9ii does 239 RAWs, but they are 12-bit LOSSY compressed, nobuffer.

>significantly worse rolling shutter?
At 14-bit readout you are using the mech shutter at 12 fps, so there is no rolling shutter. At 12-bit 20 fps e-shutter, readout and rolling shutter are good. The A9ii is better here if you can tolerate lossy compressed RAWs, but in real life it's not an issue.

>lower max shutter speed?
Talk about a useless spec...

>Canon can't compete in full frame.
Funny, because Canon seems to have better options at every tier. Only thing Sony is ahead on is apsc DR and ISO global shutter.

>Their lenses are dogshit
Still waiting for you to post TDP comparisons proving this. I'm sure I'll get it right after you post an 80mp 6x7, a 20 stop film shot, a 16 stop apsc sensor film, and a photo of your own camera.


>writes an essay about what people need and don't need while getting basic facts wrong
>doesn't own a camera
How would you know what a photographer needs, nophoto?

>i'm sure other brands do it to
Yet no one is complaining and there are no class action lawsuits. Weird...
The old buggy 20mp r6 with worse autofocus, busted (actually dysfunctional) IBIS, and build issues? The r6ii does 75 raws

In either case you’re limited to cannot lenses.
Overall, L. No wonder sony goes from 32% share to over 50% if you only count full frame cameras.

Whats this bullshit about 6x7? Did doghair post a higher resolution scan than your shaky incompetent hands ever produced? Sucks to be you, cannot pos r shill.
SEETHE all you want but it was a minority of a7iiis, ancient history. The r5ii is coming broken OOTB today! The R1 is a blob that cant hold up to an a9iii or a1ii today!
LOL so now you're going to resort to making shit up rather than taking the L? I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you always make shit up.

>nooo it's buggy busted broken it's no good
R6 is amazing with better AF, buffering, DR, ISO, IBIS, and much better video than a $4,500 A9ii. A9ii has better 12-bit readout speed, but that's rarely an issue in the real world with stills. And you can always shoot full 14-bit RAWs on the R6 at 12 fps with no rolling shutter.

>The r6ii does 75 raws
Typical of you to purposely misrepresent the situation. That's at 40 fps with uncompressed RAWs. The A9ii wouldn't even be able to buffer 75 shots if it could shoot that combo. At 20 fps cRAW the R6ii will match or beat the A9ii.

>In either case you’re limited to cannot lenses.
Still no TDP comparisons to back up your claims? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!

>No wonder sony goes from 26%

>"no it was just one model and very rare"
>class action lawsuit intensifies
>cope essay
yep, sony has the majority share of full frame ILCs for a reason

canon has to pay this guy to shill on 4chan of all places. its that bad.
They’re still whining about the a7iii. Never mind the r5ii comes out of the box full of bugs. Kek.
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>you need computer equipment to measure the vignetting in the EXTREME corners
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I own an A7C and a RX100vii (which I owned for a year first so was used to the EVF).

The EVF is the same on both and it's usable, certainly much better than an OVF and with focus peaking it's even easier in manual. This I find weird because the RX100 is recommended here a lot but people never mention the EVF as being bad on that camera.

I got to try out an A7iii at the store which was the same price as my A7C and I really didn't like it that much, I was expecting to be blown away by the EVF on the A7iii and it's shilled a lot here and in other places and it was better sure, but not really worth the extra weight and EVF hump. A7C is a much better looking camera and even with a chunky zoom lens I don't notice the weight on my neck walking around all day, which will result in me taking it out more.

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>This I find weird because the RX100 is recommended here a lot but people never mention the EVF as being bad on that camera.
Because it's an actually small camera and there isn't an alternative with a better EVF

>not really worth the extra weight and EVF hump
150g isn't going to break your back. And it's really not that much smaller at all, it really is just the EVF hump and that makes fuck all difference for carry it around or putting it in a bag. You're also giving up a dial, AF point joystick, getting a less ergonomic grip (no the smaller grip isn't an advantage), slower max shutter speed and flash sync speed. The only advantage the A7C has is the fully articulated screen if you're wanting to do selfie stuff or overhead shots, however it is worse for waist level shooting as you have to flip it out before tiling it up.
I use mine for photography so didn't really miss the extra dial, I just changed the video record button to white balance. Shutter speed is on the ring dial and aperture is set to the rear dial.

Custom button and extra ring on my lens if I need them. Having tried out both in the store side by side I can say the
A7iii is noticeably bigger, I shoot in crowds a lot so the flip screen comes in handy.

Not shitting on the A7iii too much but it will come down up personal preference for most people,they're very similar cameras.
It's funny, whenever you expose the snoy shills they same fag like 7 posts just making shit up. If your camera is so good, why do you have to constantly lie about it? Do you think anyone here believes what you're saying?
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Snoy shills always reply agreeing with themselves. Literal schizos. Imagine how empty your life must be to defend a soulless corporation for free lol.
sorry is this coming from the person that said all sony cameras have exploding shutters lol

just look up the lenses yourself.

slr style bodies are nose smashers. there is no substitute for the viewfinder being designed around a normal human face instead of a nonexistent mirror box. tilting, offset evfs should have been standardized decades ago instead of living and dying with some shitty micro four thirds.

it is inherently unsanitary to repeatedly press your nose up against an object. you’ll get zits or blackheads even if you obsessively clean it.
People must be saved from cannot shills, for their own good.
>I'm not lying!!!
>*lies again*
This is so embarrassing. Post your paycheck from Sony, there's no way you do this for free. That would humiliating.
Camera doesnt matter, it's all same shit: canon, sony, pana, nikon, fuji
Don't overpay
A7c is a compact camera, find some blob of a dSLR and you'll see why
Not true, sony was used in trump photo. Name 1 great photo taken on nikon
>Name 1 great photo taken on nikon
not sure if bait
>working autofocus x2(1x blobs with spec sheets, 1x cameras for the real world)
>cope cameras x3
>just look up the lenses yourself.
I did and found no advantage to Sony. You can cherry pick a lens where Sony is a little better, but there are other lenses where Canon is a little better. Lots of good glass on both.
Seething lol

Yes, canon has better cheap junk lenses and better five figure telephoto primes you’ll never use
It's small for a full frame body, the non-C models are only a small amount larger. But I wouldn't really call it compact (especially once you have a lens on it) and no where near the size of an RX100 which actually justifies having a small EVF.
>t. has a flat, upturned nose that suctions to screens so he does not have to hold the camera by its grip
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply
is that a different model

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