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Buying used lenses.

I've been a bit hesitant lately with buying used, older lenses that would still work great for even mirrorless.

Issue is, people tend to take good care of their gear and not scuff it up, but internally, it might have lots of use,how do I know if a focus motor or something is still in good condition?
>focus motor
If only you had bought old Nikon F mount lenses you wouldn't have to worry :^)

How about don’t buy it.
Old lenses are for old cameras not for mirrorless.
Nobody needs all these digislop shooters driving up prices for film shooters.
Get back to work, save more and buy the right lens for your camera.
I recommend doing the opposite of what this fag says. Film is already a waste of money, might as well do what you want and ideally cost filmfags more over crappy old lenses they think have "character."

Don’t listen to this guy, film shooters are the gods of photography and whatever they want should be provided.
This doesn't answer the question.
>how do I know if a focus motor or something is still in good condition?
>focus motor or something
>or something
(You) don't
Either it (or something) works or it (or something) doesn't
Focus motors die of age before they die of use. Exposure to the elements accelerates the aging process. If the lens looks dirty or discolored anywhere or has an unusual amount of shit inside don’t buy it.

All weather sealing can allow dust or moisture in, but because freshwater isnt very corrosive or conductive, the gear rarely, very rarely immediately dies. You can abuse stuff like canon 1d bodies and L lenses and sony’s $5000 flagship shit as much as you want. It will last an abusive photographer until his next big upgrade. Plus a few years.

Those few go to the guy he sells it to and then the corrosion finally kills it
>how do I know if a focus motor or something is still in good condition?
If it focuses smoothly and doesn't make any weird noises, it's fine. Lens AF motors are not high stress parts subject to use related failure in the same way as, say, a shutter mechanism. Yes, there are examples of failures but it's typically the result of an out of spec part (no manufacturing line is perfect) or abuse.

Focus motors, specifically Nikon ones, will squeal when they start to go out.


solid advice

OP, my big rule on used equipment is to get your hands on it if possible, buy from local mom and pops. Spend more to not have to send something back through ebay.
All my dx lenses squeal.
There will always be a risk involved in buying used. No way of telling 100% how a lens is before buying on the internet. Only thing you can do is use the return policy for whatever platform you are buying from if it is less than satisfactory. Too many variables to account for in order to ensure proper function. There is always companies such as KEH and MPB or whatever they are called that will do proper testing before selling.

So what actually happens with the early Nikon SWM stuff is the roller bearings the focus motor rides on get dirty and need to be cleaned or the surface it rides on has an issue.

The problem is I can't find these roller bearings anywhere.

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