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>1 - you need moar card slots
You don't need 2 cards slots. You need to learn card management. Cards fail due to excessive write cycles and data fragmentation. Never cull on camera. Fill your card entirely before wiping it. If you are working for someone, use a fresh card. They're thirty fucking bucks. Problem solved. Ignore this advice and enjoy having your dual cards fail anyways.
I have never experienced a card failure since the days of 1gb primitive SD cards that would 100% be filled at least 20 times in a week. I have always used single cards. You are more likely to need a full sized HDMI port than a second card slot.
>2 - ETTR is an essential skill
You do not need to ETTR or protect all the highlights. Even in 25 stop DR human vision some areas are pure black and pure white. As long as the areas transitioning to these don't hard clip in one or two channels the photo will look good. Expose for the subject, not for the bokeh balls and lightbulbs.
>3 - flash looks bad
Your cheap diffuser, poor understanding of shadow and contrast, and inability to use gels to match flash to ambient light looks bad. Skill issue.
>4 - "equivalence" and dynamic range charts are useful
Use your eyeballs and the shadow and highlight sliders and observe how your results will always beat the charts and be noncongruent with equivalence theories because the way cameras work on real images is actually a bit more sophisticated. Real dynamic range testing is a lost art among photographers. DXO scores were invented to be easily cheated review metrics, not anything relevant to IRL photography. Just ignore them, most every camera handles DR better than you need it to unless its micro four thirds.
>5 - lens sharpness is a bar graph
It is certainly not. Most often these bar graph tests are actually field curvature at 5 meters test. Lens performance varies between MFD and infinity and so does the shape of the depth of field.
>6 - color science is in your camera
It's actually in your lens.
Apologies for the english I'm a slav

Recommended camera is canon rebel or sony nex with helios lens
Nah. Think I’ll keep using a CF card as my primary/RAW and SD as my secondary/jpg.
And I will continue to cull on camera. It’s just so convenient to press one button to zoom 100% and check focus that way. I will also format every time after an image dump.
As a hobbyist, I've never even thought about needing more than one card at a time. I do know that I'll never buy anything but Sandisk ever again, I've had way too many failures with the others.
I still struggle with this.
I haven't used flash in a while, but this is helpful. I should upgrade my cheap units, since their quirks and problems were what made using flash such an annoyance before.
I have never once cared for charts. I'm happy to say that they are still useless to me even after 15 years.
More chart shite that I happily ignored.
Certain manufacturers do tend to lean towards one color cast or another, but otherwise you are correct.
please expound on number one. it's harmful to the card if i delete photos from the camera? is it harmful to import photos using a reader to my computer between when it gets full? i'm a total amateur who was thinking of getting another body that has two card slots for the convenience.
Good thread, you're smart and know what you're doing. I don't necessarily agree with everything you said, but these are minor disagreements.
>1 - you need moar card slots
Depends on specific use case. You need two card slots if you're shooting a very unique and unrepeatable moment, like someone's wedding. What you said is true, but sometimes you can be out of luck and have a new card fail on you. Rare, but it happens. Didn't happen to me, but happened to a photographer I know. A brand new card failed. And if it happens during a wedding, and you lose an important part of your material, you're fucked and your career is over. As someone slowly going pro and being paid for my photos, I invested in a camera with dual card slots. Maybe it's unnecessary, but I sleep better when I have two card slots and two bodies on important events. It's also not a matter of IF a card will fail, but WHEN. Oh, and I wouldn't fill my cards to the brim. Usually at 90% the recording speeds slows down and the card is more prone to failure.
>2 - ETTR is an essential skill
It's an essential skill, but it doesn't need to be applied every time. In general yeah, if you don't fuck your highlights you're fine in most cases.
>3 - flash looks bad
true. skill issue.
>4 - "equivalence" and dynamic range charts are useful
you're right
>5 - lens sharpness is a bar graph
once again, you're right
>6 - color science is in your camera
it's in your camera and in your lens. Certain brands tend to go for a certain look and each brand has slightly different colors. Even when using the same lens on different mounts. It's not a big difference, though, and many people won't even notice. Especially in Lightroom era, where every photo is edited and not many people use SOOCs. Oh, also every manufacturer has a different recipe for processing RAWs to JPEGs.

>it's harmful to the card if i delete photos from the camera?
>f you're shooting a very unique and
unrepeatable moment
>like someone's wedding.

Lmao cocksucker
yeah, if you're paid to shoot at a wedding it'a once-in-a-lifetime event and if you miss/lose data you won't able to get it back. And that will cause you to spectacularly fail the job, possibly ending your career as a pro photographer. Is this so hard to comprehend? Also, weddings are cool and they bring you money. Lots of it, if you're decent.
>yeah, if you're paid to shoot at a wedding it'a once-in-a-lifetime event and if you miss/lose data you won't able to get it back. And that will cause you to spectacularly fail the job, possibly ending your career as a pro photographer. Is this so hard to comprehend? Also, weddings are cool and they bring you money. Lots of it, if you're decent.

Weddings are some of the most uninteresting things imaginable, who cares, you will have plenty of photos from other moments of your relationship.
50% end in divorce with them burning all the photos…
Card failures with brand new cards basically dont happen but if you’re always wearing on both cards, both might happen
I shoot weddings on a single card slot mirrorless, ideally you'll have two cameras anyway.

Never had a card fail and never actually met anyone outside of the internet that worries about it. I feel it's more an excuse for gearfags to shit on certain cameras and claim you need to buy some 5k+ camera instead "just incase". You don't, I know people that shoot weddings and pets with used, busted up crop cameras. Test your gear before the shoot. Photographer skill ultimately is going to be what makes your job successful or not.

"I feel safer"

No you're just retarded and low test, so need to compensate by gearfagging

O shit my shutter broke mid wedding, lucky I have 2 memory cards in my camera…
wedding photographers are, the reddit of photography.
They're also some of the only consistently working photographers. Well, working and getting paid anyway
If you replace cards for jobs not only is failure as likely as two used cards simultaneously dying, you can use it to give your client a hard copy of the finished movies, tiffs and jaypegs.
I had a virtually brand new Sandisk card fail once.

I'm not a professional, but if I were, I wouldn't even dream of not using dual slots.
ETTR is about maximizing signal captured, NOT about the exposure final product.
>it's harmful to the card if i delete photos from the camera?

Care to expand on this? I've got a decent knowledge of file systems and physical disk intricacies, so I'm guessing it is something to do with how proprietary camera software interacts with the card, and that SD cards lack lookup tables?
I expose to the right and often even need to darken shadows to get the look that I'm going for.

And this on a camera that, according to /p/, has no dynamic range whatsoever.
You should ignore the screeching retards that fag on about DR DR DR DR DR!
Even the most dogshit APS-C camera from 20 years ago can resolve enough DR to make a decent photo. Advances in technology have simply increased our range to make things more forgiving.

Tl;dr: DR is a skill issue
lmao stfu

Even at the canon event the reviewers literally had card failure and had 0 photos for their review video. At a canon event with a single slot camera lmao
If you’re using a single slot camera for a professional paid application, you ought to at least shoot tethered so you’ve got a copy on the card and a copy on your capture station. If you’re not getting paid, who cares?
Solic state storage has "limited" read/write cycles, if you write and delete data to the same sector it will degrade faster than the rest, possibly leading to an early card failure, but those limits are so high you only need to worry about them if you buy used cards
it's also the reason I never buy used cards
>>6 - color science is in your camera
>It's actually in your lens.
up to this point it was pretty good writeup, but 6 is snoy cope
Sony has good colors
That explains the basic flaws of the flash storage, but not why manipulating files in-camera is more harmful than with PC software. Without a specific reason, any solid-state storage would be equally vulnerable regardless of the device and software manipulating it.
There are high endurance SD cards designed for applications where data is written, read and erased much more than in the usual consumer mobile storage. Security cameras, dashcams and embedded storage for example. If max 256GB is enough for you, those are not even expensive compared to normal brandname cards.
Do people actually manage files on the card instead of copying them first?

Correct, but good sooc jpegs didnt come until bionz xr and adobe still renders arw files worse than fucking darktable (it also renders .raf files like shit) so the cattle are unaware.
Exactly, modern cameras have merely increased the margin for error and they'll keep increasing it. Sony's 120 shots per second is another example of this, it's meant to help talentless sports photographers with barely any knowledge or understanding of the sport they're shooting to deliver something usable.
I cam shoot indoors and recover windows ENOUGH at ISO 3200 on FF

At base ISO its close to human vision
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>High endurance SD cards
Now I just want a WD Purple or Red equivalent SD card honestly. I see plenty of high endurance microSD cards (because of security cameras I'm guessing) but can't really recall seeing high endurance SD cards.
I will delete shit but that's about it. Oh and for the two days I was shooting HEIF I was doing JPEG conversions on camera since it was easier than on PC.

"Yeah mate you got the job, just point this vaguely in the direction of the ball and hold this button down when your balls itch or whatever"
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For best practice, don't bother with deleting in camera, moving files around on the card, and just format regularly as part of your shooting prep. In 15 years shooting digital, I've had 3 card failures, but saw plenty firsthand working at a shop that offered recovery services. Dual slots are only necessary for wedding or other important live events, but can be nice workflow wise to split up photo and video easily.
Better rephrased as "clipping your highlights is fine sometimes", ETTR is still good practice if your goal is not to clip
Flash can look like anything, but saying always bad is skill issue
True, real world images are way more informative
Lens + Camera, but if you just get good at editing it doesn't matter at all (outside of having to match different systems).

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