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/p/ - Photography

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File: _AAK5349_5MB.jpg (3.48 MB, 6000x4000)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB JPG
late autumn edition continued

last: >>4382671

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-S5M2
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.6
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)300 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 21:58:46
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/8.0
Exposure Bias0.3 EV
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length300.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
File: 046A6943.jpg (1.15 MB, 1365x2048)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB JPG
got a couple

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 12:58:01
Exposure Time1/250 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/4.0
Exposure Bias-1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length48.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 046A6969.jpg (1.63 MB, 2048x1365)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 12:58:03
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating2500
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias-1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length24.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 046A6958.jpg (1.61 MB, 1365x2048)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 12:53:39
Exposure Time1/125 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/4.5
Exposure Bias-1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length34.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 046A7017.jpg (2.13 MB, 2048x1365)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 12:59:56
Exposure Time1/250 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating400
Lens Aperturef/9.0
Exposure Bias-1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length24.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: _1415822.jpg (1.44 MB, 1800x1439)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-GH5M2
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)30 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:11:19 11:12:43
White Point Chromaticity0.3
Exposure Time1/50 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating320
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length15.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1800
Image Height1439
Exposure ModeAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Image QualityUnknown
White BalanceAuto
Focus ModeAuto
Spot ModeUnknown
Image StabilizerUnknown
Macro ModeNormal
Shooting ModeAperture Priority
Flash Bias0.00 EV
Darktable cant correct purple fringing lol
File: 046A6921.jpg (1.47 MB, 2048x1365)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 12:58:01
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.0
Exposure Bias-1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length31.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 20241119-IMG_1154.jpg (4.49 MB, 1350x1800)
4.49 MB
4.49 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeApple
Camera ModeliPhone 16 Pro
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.1 (iOS)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)120 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 23:50:42
Exposure Time1/120 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating80
Lens Aperturef/2.8
Brightness5.1 EV
Exposure Bias-0.7 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length15.66 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
File: DSC_3060.jpg (3.64 MB, 3000x1500)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)35 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 15:05:34
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating280
Lens Aperturef/11.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSC_3050.jpg (3.39 MB, 2997x2000)
3.39 MB
3.39 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)35 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 14:44:03
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating160
Lens Aperturef/11.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSC_3028.jpg (3.69 MB, 2996x2000)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)35 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 14:59:31
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating220
Lens Aperturef/11.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSC_3002.jpg (4.3 MB, 2996x2000)
4.3 MB
4.3 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)35 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 14:58:21
Exposure Time1/125 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/11.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSC_2991.jpg (4.05 MB, 2996x2000)
4.05 MB
4.05 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern846
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)35 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 14:55:18
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating140
Lens Aperturef/11.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length35.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: IMG_3222.jpg (989 KB, 2100x1575)
989 KB
989 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot S95
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.5
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 00:46:49
Exposure Time1/80 sec
ISO Speed Rating400
Lens Aperturef/4.5
Exposure Bias-1 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length18.19 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width2100
Image Height1575
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_3215.jpg (1.24 MB, 2100x1575)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot S95
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 00:46:48
Exposure Time1/500 sec
ISO Speed Rating80
Lens Aperturef/3.5
Exposure Bias-2 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length6.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width2100
Image Height1575
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_3241.jpg (1.01 MB, 2100x1575)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot S95
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.2
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 00:46:52
Exposure Time1/100 sec
ISO Speed Rating80
Lens Aperturef/4.0
Exposure Bias-2 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length6.85 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width2100
Image Height1575
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_3249.jpg (1.11 MB, 2100x1575)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot S95
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.9
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 00:46:54
Exposure Time1/250 sec
ISO Speed Rating800
Lens Aperturef/4.9
Exposure Bias-2 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length22.50 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width2100
Image Height1575
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 1000042521.jpg (4.09 MB, 3648x5472)
4.09 MB
4.09 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSAMSUNG
Camera ModelNX2000
Camera Software1.14
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)77 mm
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width3648
Image Height5472
Image Created2024:11:20 22:09:47
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
White Point Chromaticity0.3
ISO Speed Rating100
Exposure ProgramManual
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Focal Length50.00 mm
FlashNo Flash
Light SourceUnknown
Metering ModePattern
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure Bias0 EV
Image Height3648
White BalanceAuto
Image Width5472
Exposure ModeManual
Color Space InformationUnknown
File: _DSC6590-Enhanced-NR-Edit.jpg (4.83 MB, 3000x2000)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB JPG
First frost. Cold AF

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D850
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024-11-20T10:36:53+01:00
Exposure Time3 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating64
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length28.00 mm
Image Width3000
Image Height2000
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: 1000042485.jpg (2.17 MB, 3648x5472)
2.17 MB
2.17 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSAMSUNG
Camera ModelNX2000
Camera Software1.14
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)83 mm
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width3648
Image Height5472
Image Created2024:11:19 19:17:20
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
White Point Chromaticity0.3
ISO Speed Rating800
Exposure ProgramManual
Exposure Time1/160 sec
Focal Length54.00 mm
FlashNo Flash
Light SourceUnknown
Metering ModePattern
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure Bias-3 EV
Image Height3648
White BalanceAuto
Image Width5472
Exposure ModeManual
Color Space InformationUnknown
File: 1000042402.jpg (950 KB, 4080x1884)
950 KB
950 KB JPG
Based piano motorbike enjoyer
File: usnyroc_DSC7616.jpg (689 KB, 1800x1800)
689 KB
689 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 15 Macintosh
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution100 dpi
Vertical Resolution100 dpi
Image Width1800
Image Height1800
File: usnyroc_DSC7634.jpg (715 KB, 1800x1800)
715 KB
715 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 15 Macintosh
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution100 dpi
Vertical Resolution100 dpi
Image Width1800
Image Height1800
File: DSC00325_019_.jpg (4.61 MB, 3078x2080)
4.61 MB
4.61 MB JPG
e92 m3s are based

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelZV-1
Camera SoftwareNX Studio 1.7 W
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)33 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:19 21:08:06
Exposure Time1/640 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating125
Brightness8.0 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length12.79 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width3078
Image Height2080
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 046A6905.jpg (1.43 MB, 2048x1365)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 13:06:39
Exposure Time1/250 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/8.0
Exposure Bias-1 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length43.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_20241116_120945.jpg (1.98 MB, 2736x3648)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeHUAWEI
Camera ModelELE-L29
Camera SoftwareELE-L29
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width2736
Image Height3648
Number of Bits Per Component8, 8, 8
Image OrientationUnknown
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:11:16 12:09:47
Exposure Time381/500000 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating50
Lens Aperturef/1.8
Brightness0 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceDaylight
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length5.58 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2736
Image Height3648
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: IMG_3196.jpg (635 KB, 1440x1800)
635 KB
635 KB JPG
The aberrations module fixes this for me. I have a style that swaps filmic for sigmoid with higher than default contrast (about 2.0), diffuse and sharpen, denoise (lower than default, just to remove chroma noise where it pops up), lens corrections and aberrations.
File: IMG_20241120_200418.jpg (295 KB, 4032x3024)
295 KB
295 KB JPG
Bought a NexStar 8SE today, set it up, pointed it at a bright spot, turned the focus nob and boom, rings of saturn
best I could do while holding my phone, camera mount for the telescope should be here tomorrow
anybody know where I can learn more about astro-photography? any special kinda camera I should pickup?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment Makesamsung
Camera ModelSM-S901U
Camera SoftwareS901USQS6EXJ3
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.9
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)23 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 20:04:18
Image Width4032
Image Height3024
Exposure Time1/30 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating400
Lens Aperturef/1.8
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length5.40 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Unique Image IDO10XSOD00CM O10XSOD00CM
Sometimes colours win...

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D850
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024-11-21T08:56:51+01:00
Exposure Time3 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating64
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length28.00 mm
Image Width2000
Image Height1333
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
from a recent trip

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 21 Windows
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Width2560
Image Height945
been a long time since i posted on /p/, life was busy and got my IP range-banned somehow
just realize i somehow purged all the EXIF info in the last export, will have to reexport all the image i worked on
forgot to upload this image lel

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro3
Camera SoftwareCapture One 21 Windows
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/160 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating320
Lens Aperturef/8.0
Brightness7.3 EV
Exposure Bias0.3 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length16.00 mm
Image Width2560
Image Height945
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: _1348010-Modifier.jpg (3.63 MB, 2592x1944)
3.63 MB
3.63 MB JPG
First snow of the season, yay.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-GX9
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.5.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.2
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)86 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:21 20:45:53
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating400
Lens Aperturef/4.0
Exposure Bias-0.7 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length43.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
File: IMG_4759-2.jpg (4.26 MB, 4320x2863)
4.26 MB
4.26 MB JPG
Love the coloring on this

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Image-Specific Properties:
ISO Speed Rating160
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash
White BalanceAuto
File: IMG_4768.jpg (4.11 MB, 4320x3240)
4.11 MB
4.11 MB JPG
I think this and the black and white one would look sick framed next to each other

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
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Image Number247-4768
File: IMG_4750.jpg (3.49 MB, 4320x3240)
3.49 MB
3.49 MB JPG
nice, where did you go?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size4.30 - 150.50 mm
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Image Created2024:11:21 00:20:26
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Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed160
Image Number247-4750
File: IMG_4735.jpg (4.3 MB, 4320x3240)
4.3 MB
4.3 MB JPG

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Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
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Image Number247-4735
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3.31 MB
3.31 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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4.36 MB
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Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
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Lens Size4.30 - 150.50 mm
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Image Created2024:11:20 02:05:51
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Image Number247-4724
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3.99 MB
3.99 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
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File: IMG_4731.jpg (3.54 MB, 4320x3240)
3.54 MB
3.54 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size4.30 - 150.50 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.00
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4.56 MB
4.56 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size4.30 - 150.50 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.00
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3.19 MB
3.19 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.5
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Image Number247-4716
File: IMG_4688.jpg (1.42 MB, 4320x3240)
1.42 MB
1.42 MB JPG
fuck yeah, looks comfy

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX30 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size4.30 - 150.50 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.00
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Image Created2024:11:16 07:21:31
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Image Number247-4688
Damn that's still pretty sick
Thanks! The snow has already melted. :(
yeah I was super hype. I also managed to spot the stripes on Jupiter later last night but wasn't able to get a pic. The camera mount just came in but it's snowing tonight through tomorrow so it'll be a few days before I can test it out.
File: 1731805110411749.jpg (1.08 MB, 4320x3240)
1.08 MB
1.08 MB JPG
Apparently mid January all planets will be visible in the night sky, hoping I can get out and get some pics of it

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
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Austria and Germany. Mainly the large(r) cities, but also some smaller places.

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youll probably need to go to a good dark sky area to actually get them all, unless youre already in the middle of nowhere it'll be like 2 hour drive most likely
File: 1731805186902275.jpg (3.78 MB, 4320x3240)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB JPG
nice, from that clearly well maintained train platform I would believe Germany/Austria to be spotless public places
oh yeah for sure lol I live right on the edge of upstate ny so I could definitely drive 1 or 2 hours out of my way and its just woods and farms and hills

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
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File: DSC_2834 v2.jpg (4.94 MB, 4916x3933)
4.94 MB
4.94 MB JPG
Which is the better crop? This? Or...

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File: DSC_2834 edit 5 resized.jpg (1.77 MB, 1966x2294)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB JPG
I like the first, it is more focused on the reflection and the rock.
The first, better have been at a lower angle though.
File: _1348077-Modifier.jpg (3.41 MB, 1780x1335)
3.41 MB
3.41 MB JPG
Little pigeon in the sunset.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
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Image Created2024:11:22 22:07:36
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Pretty colors. I like this out of the two more but would have really tried working the scene as much as possible in person. A really high angle focused entirely on the water would be interesting to me. Large format old timey photos used to bring stools around, Ansel Adams used to take photos on the top of his van, I think there's something to high angles for nature and landscape but it's not always doable.
File: 20241122_143632.jpg (4.63 MB, 4608x3456)
4.63 MB
4.63 MB JPG

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2.32 MB
2.32 MB JPG
Textures on a lake at sunset 2 weeks ago. Is it oversaturated?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:11:23 03:01:34
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508 KB
508 KB JPG

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maybe a little on the orange/yellow side, but I like it with a bit more color rather than less color. You could try ken rockwelling it.
Yeah well it was taken at sunset so the orange/yellow makes sense to me. My goal was to make the textures of the wavelets on the surface of the lake pop a bit, I'm afraid that saturation would defeat the purpose. I will try just to see but I'm quite doubtful
Try editing in bw and bothering with colours afterwards
Even though it looks pretty good already
Excellent idea, I kinda liked the colors so I didn't even think about bw. Thanks anon
File: 01416034.jpg (3.52 MB, 2048x1366)
3.52 MB
3.52 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
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4.03 MB
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White BalanceAuto
Very nice find
File: IMG_14731.jpg (4.59 MB, 5000x3333)
4.59 MB
4.59 MB JPG

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1012 KB
1012 KB JPG

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70s prog rock album cover type sky
File: Helenecopter.jpg (2.02 MB, 3651x2434)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Windows
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2.07 MB
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4.28 MB
4.28 MB JPG

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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
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File: IMG_6554.jpg (1.8 MB, 3593x2716)
1.8 MB
1.8 MB JPG
here's my snapshit of the moon since we're posting moons

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon EOS 6D
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
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Image Created2024:11:18 21:40:27
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>blurry snapshit with zoom lens
cANON would be very impressed with this
Lower your brightness, usually if you can see the moons you wont be able to see any details on the planet. you look like youre a lil out of focus too, try finding a star fist to get your focus right. I have a 5in reflector but only got a 650mm fl so I cant get as close as a cassegrain.

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AstroMaster 130?
orion observer 134
I'm using a normal lens for my next astro shot, just waiting on weather.

Oh, cool. My first decent telescope was an Orion.
>I'm using a normal lens for my next astro shot, just waiting on weather.

this anon is not me
i am blurry snapshit anon
Yeah, I figured. I just saw the memeing regarding that in another thread.
i don't plan on using a better lens
that lens is already decent
i know what i need.
it's a tripod
just really haven't gotten around to it.
been busy with so many other hobbies
the only reason i busted out my 6d is because the weather is nice in texas and it's no longer 110 degrees out. Plus i took that moon photo while drunk and in the middle of a bbq grease fire my other photo is pretty decent>>4387663
was thinking about a tracking mount so I can use my pixels 4 minute long exposure instead of just 6 seconds but I gotta move soon so thats not an option atm.

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Image Created2024:11:01 04:58:09
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dude that's incredible
i would have never expected a phone to be able to do this
so it's just telescope or is there any other astrophotography software involved?
I just use a pixel 6 pro with a celesteron nexyz. For deep sky switch to night mode and set it to max exposure. For planets if youre good with editing, take a vid then stack it but im still new so I just take pics.

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2.51 MB
2.51 MB JPG

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2.55 MB
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who told you to use a better lens?
File: dt_CRW_4659.jpg (4.12 MB, 3832x2846)
4.12 MB
4.12 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)36 mm
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Image Created2024:11:24 08:56:11
Exposure Time691/12500 sec
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Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
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Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3832
Image Height2846
File: DSCF8806.jpg (1.19 MB, 2403x1352)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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File: DSC00335-Enhanced-NR.jpg (2.31 MB, 3926x2454)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB JPG
I really like the $90 I spent on a year of Adobe Lightroom. Even if AI Denoise melts the CPU of my 10 year old Thinkpad it really improved my photo's IQ. I was gonna pirate it but I'm a little scared, pirating isn't the same like it was 10 years ago. I blame crypto making third worlders realize they can easily steal actual money from firsties with it electronically.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelZV-1
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:23 19:00:57
Exposure Time1/125 sec
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Brightness5.5 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length25.70 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: DSC00338-Enhanced-NR.jpg (3.2 MB, 5029x2829)
3.2 MB
3.2 MB JPG
This is a pic of 4 Boeing 777-3/2s lined up. British uses 777-300ERs, American uses 777-200s. I like the composition of the first pic more.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelZV-1
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)61 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
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Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:23 19:00:37
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Brightness5.6 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length22.56 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: DSC00354-Enhanced-NR.jpg (1.62 MB, 3368x2245)
1.62 MB
1.62 MB JPG
Even with a heavy crop this looks good. I love the colors. I guess I'm going back to shooting raw, just might not use denoise as much for when I have to edit the 100s of photos I take in Mexico City this week.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelZV-1
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:23 19:48:52
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeOther
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length25.70 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
I'm more and more tempted to ditch my dslr with too many lenses for a phone with a good camera. The mere benefit of hiking without the heavy gear is a huge plus desu
You realise he's using his phone with a telescope right? That's what the nexyz is, just a phone clamp to mount it to a telescope or binoculars. It cant do anything on its own.
Yes but I wasn't referring to this photo specifically. Phone cameras have become extremely good these days, and the gap with dslr isn't huge anymore.
In any case even with a dslr, you would need a telescope to get a similar result.
>Phone cameras are extremely good these days
Even compared to crop that is a cope statement
I'm glad casuals like you are leaving, honestly. Make Photography White Again.
I have probably been into photography for longer than the vast majority of the other anons tbqh. Long enough to have overcome the temptation of extreme gearfagging at least
get over it
A lot of people on /p/ care about how hi res the picture is vs the composition of the photo anyway.
>despite trying for a long time, i never could find a love for photography so will just call owning a camera extreme gearfagging
>casual can't get over being called a casual
A phone camera is still a camera anon
and your photographs, anon?
>he thinks it's the same person

schizos should be banned from any normal hobby honestly
>a lot of people on /p/
The majority. The midwit masses. Casuals, notphotogs, and snapshitters. The kind of people who say "wow, i can take a photo of another planet with a PHONE?" completely ingoring the low quality of the image and the fact that it was done with a telescope. They are just happy with half-assing everything because they are lazy and have no standards.

This is just how /p/ always is. Confused, aimless casuals chasing dragons and making excuses while the real photogs who are few and far between just take good photos.
>The kind of people who say "wow, i can take a photo of another planet with a PHONE?" completely ingoring the low quality of the image and the fact that it was done with a telescope. They are just happy with half-assing everything because they are lazy and have no standards.

you're the exact person im talking about retard.
Your reading comprehension sucks
Some of the telescope photos are great like>>4387686
but you proved my point entire that you care more about hi resolution than composition
Lenses are much more important for image quality. You proved this point by writing that a telescope had to be used for these pictures, for which the influence of the camera device is minimal.
can you gay retards go shit up a different thread?
>you care more about hi resolution than composition
>hi resolution

50 MP on a tiny sensor, downsampled for even more fake resolution with algorithms. You're not even looking at a real photograph, it's just digital art. Meanwhile, a proper astro setup would be happy with straight 9 MP or using film if you're oldschool.

You may be retarded, anon. Stop simply parroting words. You don't know what you're looking at or what you're saying.
File: DSC_0004.jpg (692 KB, 2048x1371)
692 KB
692 KB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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im not googlr pixel anon you fucking schizophrenic retard
>lenses are much more important for image quality
Then why is a good astro cam less than half the MP of that cellphone yet over $5k? Why are the most professional ones not even color and require you to manually change color filters? You can get deep sky shots with any lens, what you can't do is keep the sensor on long enough to capture the entire galaxy or nebula without generating extreme noise. You also need guidance if you're going to shoot for longer than a few seconds.

Is literally incomplete. You're only looking at the densest parts. You're basically just ignorant, and a beginner. Why you'd want to stay at that level just to say you're not a gearfag is an alien concept to me. If you want to shoot astro poorly using the wrong equipment then that's fine, but lashing out at people who do it properly only makes you look ass blasted, and you'd be alienating yourself from 90% of the astro community who use the proper gear because they love astro, not because they are "gearfags".

Stop being a loser.
>sperging out till bump limit because he doesnt like fun
>i'm not
I never said you were him, you retard. You literally pointed to that image and said it was "great" while attacking resolution. Meanwhile that image was taken with a sensor with more photosite density than probably every other sensor on this entire board right now.

I know better than to get into discussions with total noobs, yet here I am. It's like talking to a wall.
File: dontcare.jpg (47 KB, 620x387)
47 KB
Not reading any further posts, I came here to enjoy seeing photos being posted and have comfy advice
>abandons all of his arguments because he realised he didn't know what he was talking about
>something something fun
What everyone who gets into astro realizes is that it really is about gear. But it's finnicky gear that takes a lot of time to get familiar with and there's lots of room for tinkering and experimenting. Every advantage gained from better gear presents its own set of challenges... I could turn my OTA to f/2 for much shorter exposure times (reducing noise) but getting proper focus across the entire frame becomes much harder. Temperature changes and mirror sag become apparent as the mount moves, that sort of thing. It's a balancing act. There's always something to overcome and that's part of the fun.

You have to put a lot of time and dedication in and take a lot of notes. It's actually part of the hobby and why astro is for autists.
>now he's waiting just to agree with himself

absolute state of this website
For astro? Well yes, getting higher useful resolution is very difficult so you shouldn't dismiss it. It's not as simple as using a higher res sensor, you have to work for it. With astro, composition is the easy part.

Things that affect composition:
How you orient your scope

Things that affect resolution:
Polar alignment
Mount type
Telescope type
Sensor type
Guidance type
Guidance quality
Focal length
Exposure time
Seeing quality
Heat management
Frame count
Stacking quality
Producing dark frames properly

There's more than that but you get the idea. It's not just as simple as saying "gearfag", it's a lot of work to get a decently clear image regardless of the gear you're using. The fun/satisfaction comes mostly from that work, not where you pointed the scope. That's why so much emphasis is put on it. That's where the pride lies.
holy shit he's really sperging out and spamming till bump limit
>absolute state of this website


Get off the meds, they are making you worse.
You have contributed nothing but pointless sperging.
half the posts in this thread are you screeching about astrophotography
yesterday i posted photos but you havent posted a single thing
From time to time I visit this board and take a look into the recent photos thread.

You people are terribly talentless. It's really an achievement to have a thread with 80 images and NONE of them is any good. How do you do it? I mean by sheer luck and chance you should at least have one or two snapshits that aren't totally shit.

This board is a cruel joke.
>the only nice shot in the thread gets deleted
Can't say I blame you. You wouldn't hang your photos in a public toilet either.
There are a few decent ones though, >>4387810 is pretty good. What pictures are the least shitty itt according to you?
File: IMG_1817h1.jpg (554 KB, 1440x1800)
554 KB
554 KB JPG

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they're all trash. no sense in naming "the least trash" one as it still would be terrible
I'm outta here. See you in a few weeks when I accidentally visit this board again
Ok bye snapshitter
Make it less shitty and post your photos anon
>I'm outta here.

Good riddance.
every photo on this board is trash but mine
>thread derailed successfully
great job everyone
Why has everyone been so angry lately? I've noticed for myself that the bitter and non-humorous shitposting has gotten worse even on slower boards.
Someone got mad about being told a phone isn't the best choice for photography and then raged when anyone gave an opposing opinion.

>photography thread derailed by someone with no real interest in photography
Imagine that.
>he still thinks it's just one guy
What gave you that impression?
>phone anon who posted astro
>person who said he wanted a phone
>someone else who shoots astro
>probably another person or two
The person who wanted the phone is the one screeching about everyone else being a gearfag
based tourist leaving maximum seething on his way out lmfao
>phone cameras increase in quality every year while ILCs have stagnated for a decade
Best camera is the one you always have on you, not some hunk of plastic and metal that collects dust on a shelf and *technically* by some computer created metric supposedly takes better photos
>le based me seething on my way out
>oh wait, i came back to call myself le based and seethe more
I just like taking photos because it's fun and relaxing.
It also gets me out of the house
>collects dust on a shelf
Entirely up to you. You can do the same with a phone.
File: _1416121.jpg (1.9 MB, 1440x1800)
1.9 MB
1.9 MB JPG

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The point of the RPT is to simply dump shots so people can critique them.
In some RPTs there are gems, in others you have to sieve through a lot of shit to find anything half decent.

Its like an inner city bar at 2am - if you're in it, you're probably looking for something nice or some attention, but the odds are low and most of the people looking back at you are teenagers, painted up whores or bipolar cunts.
Look it's the anon that constantly calls samefag and is wrong just as often lol
>they hated him, for he spoke the truth
no that's me.
that anon isnt me.
I cleaned my apartment then went to get pizza
>no that's me
no that's not me
sorry typo
was setting up my new bo flex as well
See you next week.
File: Dad_web_copy.jpg (531 KB, 945x1417)
531 KB
531 KB JPG
Opinions of no photos are no better than armchair quarterbacks. Anyway, here is a portrait of my father I took a couple of days ago.

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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Those eyebrows are great
File: falls1-1.jpg (1.63 MB, 2000x1125)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
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Image Created2024:11:22 19:13:59
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File: albay.jpg (1.95 MB, 1600x2000)
1.95 MB
1.95 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:11:23 12:45:34
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: craaaaaaaaab.jpg (1.55 MB, 2000x1500)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB JPG
recent edit of random old photo

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Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern842
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)90 mm
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Image Created2024:11:25 08:22:14
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Exposure Bias1/3 EV
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length90.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: craaaaaaaaab-1.jpg (1.26 MB, 2000x1333)
1.26 MB
1.26 MB JPG

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Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern842
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:25 08:26:32
Exposure Time1/250 sec
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Exposure Bias1/3 EV
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length90.00 mm
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Exposure ModeManual
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This is fucking awesome. Great shot anon.
File: IMG_0162.jpg (2.36 MB, 4240x2829)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwarePicasa
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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Image Width4240
Image Height2829
Scene Capture TypeStandard
kek phone posting removed the metadata
File: IMG_0163.jpg (3.87 MB, 4240x2829)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB JPG
maybe the metadata will stay on this one

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwarePicasa
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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File: 24_07775.jpg (1.16 MB, 2048x1365)
1.16 MB
1.16 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelILCE-7M3
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:11:25 11:02:24
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Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
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Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
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i like this one very cozy
For me the color balance is too blue, the tonality is too dark (not enough contrast) and the out of focus trees in the foreground are distracting
thanks for the feedback.

I took this one at dusk just before the sun set, so I couldn't use a stopped down aperture.
When in doubt focus on the foreground unless the background contains the subject, ie, mountain, then frame so the OOF parts arent there.

Who tf is gonna pixel peep background leaves
>Who tf is gonna pixel peep background leaves
idk but for this one >>4387919 the blurry background in the middle is also a bit nervous and weird (without even pixel peeping). I think I would have preferred something much more blurry or in focus, not in between like it is here.
It looks cool at a higher pixel density or smaller res, but lens issue. This is why people sperg out over bokeh rendering.

Photos were not meant to be enjoyed as full megapixel 72ppi prints. Thats what web browser or low res window$ screen pixel peeping is.
yeah idk what's going on with my camera.
I plan on getting a tripod for christmas hope that resolves any issues i have
It could probably be the lens having bad out-of-focus rendering, and/or a bad choice of aperture
should i lean away from auto focus?
landscape is better with manual focus
Don't hesitate to take multiple shots focusing on different areas. That way you can pick your favorite photo once you're home.
And as >>4387960 wrote once you are satisfied with your focus, you can stay in manual until you move to a new spot. But do try focusing on different parts and different apertures, you can always delete photos later.
Reminds me of the blur I get using a shitty old Nikon lens with broken VR
thanks guys
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very comfy
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forgot pic lmao

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This is just blurry from a low shutter speed.
This has nothing to do with bokeh or lens rendering, lol.
Your problem isn't focus related, you just need to learn basic exposure settings and how to use your camera better.
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14 panel mosaic of the moon last week

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Single panel for reference, it's as close as I can get with my current equipment. 500mm telescope but with a 2.5x barlow (teleconverter). Shooting a 5 minute video at 130fps and stacking the best 10% of frames
Cool stuff, I like.
Well that craps on my 700mm attempt from last week. Looks great. Might want to remove the boxes in the bottom right though.
how so ? at 1250mm you should have over 35 arc minute fov, you used a tiny sensor ?
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Yes, 1936*1096 but it's able to record at around 130fps

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Nicely detailed capture, man. I'll have to reconsider my own setup before I try shooting the moon again.
Great pic anon! It's always kinda frustrating to shoot mosaics with a huge resolution while knowing 95% of the viewers won't even bother exploring the details, even if that's one of the best things about these photos
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Do colors look wrong here?

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Image Created2024:11:25 19:21:01
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Less recent but kind of forgot about posting here since i stopped taking photos for a while

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fuck this is the version without the people edited out. I never saved a small version of that
Very nice capture and colors, not very fond of the sky though it seems unnaturally dark and green
This one is KR tier, way too saturated and too much microcontrast imo. Also the bush on the right feels a bit awkward, there might be either too much or too little of it
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Yeah 2nd one is a phone pic and i forgot to turn on raws so i kinda just did what i could, it was all i had, youre right about the bush. As for the first it was kinda a dingy day so i liked the sky that way but i get the sentiment

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oh right got a couple drone shots recently too, even though this thing is a pain in the ass to use and never works right
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Lastly a question for folks here, do you have issues with the colors you see in the editing programs like lightroom or affinity not being the same as what you get when you export them and post them or view them in any other program? It's not all photos and sometimes it's more extreme than others but ive tried all the color profiles and suggestions i saw from brief searches without luck.
You have a tendency to process your photos too far for my taste, high saturation and contrast makes them look like what semi-beginners trying their hand at HDRI used to produce
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i go both ways myself. Sometimes ill edit them and think theyre okay then look at them and think theyre too much and then back. I think the top one is okay the bottom one maybe a bit much. It depends on the raw i get This is the original for the 2nd, i initially was much lighter but it just felt too bland to me. >>4386809
is another of mine (one where the colors are way different), it doesnt seem to contrasty to me.
Just goes to show what dedicated astro gear can achieve. Too bad it's generally fuckin' expensive. Still waiting to pull the trigger on that 10" dobsonian.
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How much is this kind of setup? I've been wanting a telescope for real astro stuff, so far this is probably the best ive gotten of the moon, ive gotten some okay long exposure stitches but noting amazing

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I get it, it is quite normal to process the same photo very differently depending on when you do it. That's why reprocessing old photos is an interesting exercise. I also had a period of rather extreme processing, but nowadays I tend to go for way more natural looks (even a bit too much sometimes, to the point of being bland).
The picture you pointed to is more to my taste, although I would still say that there is slightly too much contrast in the sky (but also another case of foreground bush on the left).
sky contrast is definitely just something i like, i know it's not up to taste for a lot (here especially) but i prefer too much in the sky over drab, usually. Ive been doing this way too long to be this shitty but i really liked the minimal/abstract/macro stuff mostly for a long time with some landscape. Im trying to get into doing more portraits but directing people is hard and when i do street stuff its so often i miss focus for a variety of reasons. A few of the early images in this thread were also mine from a trip to mexico.Im getting slightly better at telling the subject what to do but they (friends) said i wasnt being gentle enough in saying what i wanted them to do. Live an learn i guess.
>. That's why reprocessing old photos is an interesting exercise
Also, this is storage and the new features are the main reason i keep paying for lightroom cc. I know its a rip off but its just so nice to have it across phone, ipad, and pc and any new features plus all the storage. I tried switching and i couldnt.
Yeah you do what suits you best, they are your photos after all!
Enjoy exploring portrait photography, I love trying new stuff too, although I always go back to landscapes. There are many genres to explore. It opens up horizons and prevents stagnation and boredom.
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A good landscape is really hard to top, but going out to the right place at the right time can be just too annoying. Besides abstract street stuff is always fun if the location is right because its just such low stakes you just shoot whatever catches youre eye and youre bound to have some that turn out

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just look up the am5 to get an idea
For me, landscape photography is also a good excuse to push myself and go out for a hike/stroll tbqh
damn so you're looking at ~2k just for the mount, the a telescope on top of that. So id assume $3k for a decent entry kit.
Maybe if you go with budget brands like svbony sky watcher touptek or even the chinese mounts like juwei17. From what I can see theres an askar fra 500, two dew heaters, an unknown zwo camera, a zwo giude camera, a zwo filterwheel, asi air or some equivalent, zwo am5 and a zwo electronic focuser, astro isnt cheap.
a 10" dobsonian will set you back around $800-1000 USD if you want something more "traditional" you can simply mount a camera to. (Yes you will still need the mount kek).
Honestly $3k was around what i expected for entry good astrophotography, which is why i haven't pulled the trigger because I'm not sure how much use I'd get. Driving a couple hours out to an actual dark sky zone is just such an annoyance. Maybe sometime but with me being out of photography in general lately doesn't seem worth it.
You can haveplenty of fun with astro for pretty cheap.
So far I've mostly used my 70-200 2.8 or another wider f2.8 lenses, but it's not the same. I've felt like if I'm going to buy a telescope and mount i might as well go with something more capable
NTA. A basic 5", 400-600mm telescope would be enough for moon shots at reasonable resolutions using a T-adapter and a basic tripod. If you already have a DSLR/MILC that'll only cost you $200-300. For sweeping sky shots you might be better off getting an actual wide prime like a 24mm f/2 or whatever.
The only real struggle for cheap astro is deep-space and celestials. Yeah you still aren't going to get top-tier results without dedicated hardware, but most of the effort lies in the planning and the positioning (in the world, aka not in a city of light pollution).
Moon shots don't really interest me anymore. I either way grand, wide milky way stuff or deeps space. That's my problem, the moon is done too death
The moon as an element in a more complex photo is great, but yeah I see your point.
It's a shame, since deep space is the most interesting stuff, and it's interesting since it's expensive/difficult to pull off. wygd.
The whole smart phone faking moon photos also puts me off of it to be honest. I have some good non moon astronomy photos but that kind of thing runs be wrong and makes me want either a good setup or nothing, unless I find myself in the middle of nowhere. The aurora borealis seems interesting, but I bet it's quite hard
Yeah and to both your guys' points, I joined a local astronomy club, where they have a 14" under a rolling observatory, and you can climb up that ladder to the platform and stick yer camera on an adapter, and bobs your uncle. Except my picsas still weren't as good as what NASA was posting, and then I realized, I can just enjoy seeing space with my eyes live through the telescope, and then download a perfect flawless image of said thing straight from NASA that invariably whips the shag out of anything I'd cobble together. So sort of like trying to record a concert from the audience by smuggling in your $350 binaural mics on your iphone, while the band is professionally recording and filming the fucking gig... you might as well just put your phone down and enjoy the live experience, and get the professionally done image afterward.
I went to cu boulder and did some astronomy courses where we got to do stuff with their scopes, except what we did was view.dkstant objects that just ended ho blurry dots. I really should have asked about trying to take personal photos of closer stellar objects. One of many college regrets
just a little green.
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I really don't think I took that at 16mm, probably 28. Not sure why it says that.
Thanks anon
I never get the wb right it's infuriating
Nice, went up to Albany for my bday and went to that bar. It's cool they give you coupons for those little flatbreads "pizzas" with drinks
top tier anon great work
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It's utter shite. The fuck is wrong with you?
File: _AAK5471_5MB.jpg (3.89 MB, 6000x4000)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB JPG
funny, you should know OP pic was taken walking the same hike as you
FUCK these rocks at the peak

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i think it looks cool
File: TrickOrTreat.jpg (207 KB, 1160x1140)
207 KB
207 KB JPG
I fed the pumpkin to local deer.
wow a portfolio shot right there
nice blurry ears
you should edit out the train, too. it's visually disturbing

Nice. Surprised to see another BVLgarian here. Is that pic from after the recent snow storm? I'm hoping to go up there myself once the ski slopes open up.
Angloid detected, opinion rejected. Don't you have a swamp to be bathing in?
File: IMG_6624.jpg (2.46 MB, 5494x3666)
2.46 MB
2.46 MB JPG

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too big to post from laptop
trying phone

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man this board is dead since the husky schizo has been banned and I sold my m43 gear
this is what a retirement home must feel like

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didint you notice the poles? or did you think "man great leading element"? serious question - not a flamebait
File: _AAK5478_5MB.jpg (3.67 MB, 6000x4000)
3.67 MB
3.67 MB JPG
I did notice them, in fact I wanted to take a pic like >>4388104 but I try to only swap lenses once outside due to dust
the rocks I'm refering to are on the actual peak thats on the trail, which is not pictured
its behind the hill of pic related to give an idea
hope thats not sarcasm, I don't like it that much compared to op image which I'll print soon
same date as exif, 17th, first snow was on 12th I think. I was expecting and hoping for snow but it was quite warm that day actually

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Image Created2024:11:17 19:43:46
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>hope thats not sarcasm, I don't like it that much compared to op image which I'll print soon
OP image is print worthy. that one with the poles I would have culled. they're just too distracting. maybe clone the more prominent ones out?
File: dt_CIMG2531.jpg (2.26 MB, 3415x2338)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB JPG

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What is this image trying to convey?
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2.19 MB
2.19 MB JPG
feel free to look and discover

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I'm asking because I don't feel anything
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Nice cable
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2.62 MB
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Image Created2023:06:21 18:14:46
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>peak thats on the trail
"Kominite" right? I went up "Kamen del" myself.

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no, my last pic is just on the hill by the hut right before Kamen del, I went there too
I don't have a single pic of NDK because it was hidden by this tree from where I was sitting and I forgot it existed

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Image Created2024:11:17 19:43:33
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2.72 MB
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Truly good stuff anon
Really enjoyed these, great colors
Very good photo. The bloom in the middle gives it an uncanny vibe while the opening to the field on the right has a calming effect.
Do you have a blog or socials?

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