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>Petapixel: One of the Best Lenses Ever Made
>Canoncels on suicide watch
Sonychads just keeps on winning
Scary.. Snoy is 6 years late to the party releasing a niche lens, how will Canon cope?
Getty is the only major agency still shooting canon (more fps per dollar after all). I wonder how long until sony gets them too. This year?

For having a worse money sony keeps hitting their lenses out of the park whole canons often dont cover FF and vignette double digit stops without distortion correction and a crop, or just plain vignette more despite being larger. It seems the sole flaw of E mount is the impossibility of producing a good pancake, otherwise it might actually be better.
why doesnt swipe to type work worth a FUCK on iphones? I’m getting a samsung next. Fuck.
Lmfao get outa here
Yeah nah brah
Nikon DSLR Boomer here, that's actually impressive, wonder how it does at f/2
>smallest diameter E-mount
>release most compact f2 zoom

How did they do it sony bros? All the shills here told me sony wasn't a camera company.
Of course. They’re paid shills.
>How did they do it sony bros?
Massive digital corrections.

How many Big Macs of weight difference is this?
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uhhh... yikes?
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Sony got all of the Minolta engineers when they bought the company and then went on to poach more from the rest of the industry
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The thing is "Sony" was never a traditional camera company, but Minolta absolutely was. Brandfags always attribute "Sony" as being a consumer electronics company when they forget that they are just Minolta reborn.
minolta, more like shitolta lmao
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Absolutely seething. Nikon couldn't even match the A900's massive OVF until DSLRs were basically dead.
I love Minolta. I would love to get some more MDIIIs in my collection.
holy fuck i want that 1600mm
It’s a mirror lens. Only $4.5k used and 15 lbs.
Didn't Sony also get a hold of the Zeiss blueprints?
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Zeiss probably doesn't even have the Zeiss blueprints anymore. Batis line was all Tamron.
4 quarter pounders of a difference
So, a pound..
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Olympus did this in like 2006. Once you crop out the vignette on an A7 picture you get about a 4/3rds sized image too so it all works out. Only thing is even doesn't make skin look green lmfao.
>Source: trust me bro
No one shoots sony professionally, because most clients will not accept sony colours. While fixable they add a huge amount of time to fix in post, and when you're taking thousands of photos, that matters. The vignette is just dogshit too. Meanwhile, back in the real world, a quick google search will show you that Canon is currently gapping sony in all camera sales, professional, and consumer. We all know why you go after canon with these posts, and thats because even an RP is just a straight upgrade from any A7. They really should recall all their cameras affected by their abysmal colour science, or at least compensated the idiots they scammed with some lightroom licenses so they can attempt to fix it.
Thank you for your input Mrs. Canon Saleswoman
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Bait, but I'll bite
>muh communist propaganda outfit is getting free cameras from playstation maker
wow anon, this should show him
e-mount is so small it could be considered an APS-C mount
oh wait it was designed for APS-C sensors lol
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these lenses are fucking ugly and I will never put them on my camera. The canon lenses especially look really wide and bulky, fat as shit.

Sigma zooms are about as big as I'll put on my camera, they still looks cool

>Pic related
>vignette is just dogshit too.
stop lying you absolute fat brown tranny fag
Up until now we have 3 trump pics of historical caliber made with Sony
i don't see canon anywhere
Please tell me more of all the important photos taken of the half-dozen presidents before Trump, because all I fucking hear is the one event where he survived a hit from a faggot with a misaligned scope.
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>my camera brand is used to take snaps of rocks and leaves only because professional photographers don't trust it
not my problem senpai.
>all the important photos taken of the half-dozen presidents before Trump
post 1
Can I has apsc version?
canon lenses look kino with that red ring. sadly everything else with canon is shit
That's the air condensing behind the bullet as it passes. You can't actually see the Bullet. You can, however, see this streak in lots of the video footage from the event. It's not an amazing shot, it was just mildly lucky.
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Canon can feel free to sue if they lied (like canon lied about their sensor quality by forcing NR to game DXO/dpreview tests)
Canon is merely gapping sony in the ultra low end vlogging market among poors (ie: europoors) lmao
Sony is winning overall in the first world too



>inb4 muh 5 broken a7iiis on repeat
>inb4 muh toy pancake lenses
>inb4 muh faked weather sealing test where olympus bribed them
>inb4 muh random vlogger used a tokina lens in a hurricane


Minor concession: Canon makes the best cameras for a really talentless wildlife photography hobbyist that wants to fill cards but can't afford a Z8 (R8/R6II+200-800)

Xbox keks and nintentroons on suicide watch!
Oh boy, you done it now
here come the same 3 screenshots of "sony green (your white balance on a7iii wrong)" youtube videos and the canon shill trying to misrepresent a snoy that fell in the ocean as rain damage
and then you post the video from the non-sponsored guy who used two a7riiis in a rainstorm for an hour
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I'm talkin bout dat a-7 quintuple
By fell in the ocean you mean entered a climate above four percent humidity and had a complete shutter failure? Let's be real, the snoyboys are only making these threads now cus they know its over. Every year Canon's lead gets bigger. To the average buyer, why would you buy a camera from a stereo company that's just going to break in a month when you could get the same thing but objectively better in every way? There's still been no actual arguments about why anyone would go Sony over Canon (mainly because there aren't any), it's just autistic screeching that any well adjusted person would take one look at and think "nah that dude's got something wrong with him ay" like >>4386784
Soon sony thread are going to be more hated than m43 ones lmfao, at least m43 threads have a couple pictures.
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Imbeciles repeating bullshit won't make it true. It's hilarious how much this dumbass is seething at the shot.
I made a mild point about a photo.

You went searching for old comments to make a point about something no one cares about.

Who has the problem?
Haha keeping tripfags accountable
Now you're talking to yourself.
>didn't quote the attentionwhore
>still responded immediately
triptards get the rope
Walk on son. You have no power here.
>You have no power here
holy cringe. just when you think tripfags couldn't get any more pathetic
Damn homie u got btfo so hard your ass is in an alternate reality

Sony finna nab getty before 2025 ends
Canon finna nab the developing nations vlogger market
>be canon
>tilt entire product line towards fps uber alles and video codecs, gimp your high res landscape/studio cameras DR even harder for a very buggy and QC problem ridden version two
>assume that if you make your cameras blobby you dont have to design smaller lenses
>pretend you domt have to improve your color science because boomers are used to it
>make shit like a 24mm f1.4 pro prime that doesnt actually cover the whole sensor
>we have the EF legacy we will never lose lol, 30 years of lenses
>lose to playstation cameras
It seems to be slightly sharper than canons, and should be. Sony has higher resolution cameras with more real dynamic range so they need the best optics to make having the best photography sensors worth it

Looks like canon and nikon should consider giving up in the stills segment and start just selling camcorders before panasonic has the same idea
Not reading your schizo post buddy. I hope you soon learn how obvious it is when you're being untruthful. Truly, you lie like a toddler. Do you think anyone here believes anything you post? Are you really unable to tell how much everyone here can see you're developmentally disabled?
Smaller lens, smaller mount, less vignetting with corrections off. What happened to baby mount vignetting? Where did it go? Why is canons vignetting 2.5-3 stops when SNOYs vignettes almost nothing? +15 to correct is not even a whole stop. HOW?
This is some cope if ive ever seen it

This guy is projected to be rocking back and forth in the corner of a padded room muttering "baby mount green tint broke the shutter in the rain" by the time sony finishes taking over
you ask this when canon somehow made a modern50mm f1.2 that vignetted more than the sony alternative, because they thought an undersized front element on a basketball sized lens would be funny.
Opinion discarded
Simply put,
Sony is a photography company (accumulated design expertise of minolta and zeiss blended with a major semiconductor manufacturer and the leading name in the cinematography business)
Hasselblad and phase one are also, of course, photography companies and need no explanation
Nikon is an optics company (even better lenses and some mean ass scopes, but camera design is not their strong suit, which we all hope is why they bought RED, an actual camera company)
Fuji is a film and photopaper company (top tier color rendition, so-so technology)

And then you have canon… a printer company (good at making clunky pieces of shit that people typically regret buying)
>Fuji is a film and photopaper company
if only they understand that, their digital cameras suck ass but they keep killing their film!
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Actually entirely yes.
Medium temperature, 5mph low wind, high humidity.
You can get a streak out of a .223. I wouldn't rule out that white streak being a wake con trail.
Your vapor trail is visible and wide through the entire shot yet trump's """vapor trail""" conveniently is only visible for 2 ft after it passes his head and about as wide as a kebab skewer, almost as though it's an artifact of a bullet being too fast for the ~1/250 electronic shutter of the Sony. Please grow a brain before you embarrass yourself even further.
you are so retarded it's not worth engaging with you in a civil discourse.
The trump bullet shot was at 1/8k. Too slow, even though the a9iii can shoot at 1/80k it needs some light to do so. The bullet would go 4-6 inches before the shutter closed. You’re seeing motion blur and a NEW vapor trail created from a part of trump’s ear
This does however indicate that the photographer was expecting a bullet or received instruction from someone who was because 1/8k is way too fucking fast for event photography. Thats the speed you use for an athlete at their peak pushing the limits of how fast a human being can move while surfing on a racecar.
>The bullet would go 4-6 inches before the shutter closed
[citation needed]
>information age
>seething about bullets going too fast for the ideal exploding head shutter speed because you deny global shutter as hard as cANON denies the moon landing
The retard was at f1.4 1/8k iso 1600
Peak planned hit
But not fast enough for a sharp bullet
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if you think you're so smart then post the math, dumbass. prove how the bullet would only go 4-6 inches within that frame.
>because you deny global shutter
you're a fucking retard since the A1 doesn't have a global shutter. im fucking done with your dumbass. never reply to my posts again unless you have some solid math to back your bullshit up.
Just saying what you think is right is so much easier than looking it up first. Thanks bro.

Not posting the math for you btw, you can look it up yourself
Yeah, at this rate sony is definitely going to take canon’s last major contract (getty) before the year is over. Lenses matter more than anything and anyone bad enough to need FPS just writes off an a1/a9. Hobbyists bitch because sony’s older cheaper stuff isnt very good so they’re a $2500 minimum brand but in US tax code its not a big deal for businesses.
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>completely mindbroken snoyboy
holy shit lmao
Seems like a nice lens.
>sony won so hard that the best other brands fanboys have is an a7iii that fell in the ocean

truly the donald trump of camera companies
Sirs, I have no rebuttal but what he inb4d

I consneed. Sony wins. I am quitting my job at canon and going back to shooting 6x7 film for its superior 100mp resolution and unbeatable color science
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It’s very slight but I prefer the rendering of the Canon it has a bit more depth also in some images the Sony has onion bokeh. But 95% of photographers and their clients won’t notice or care.
>It’s very slight
It's somewhat considerable in context, good luck finding another zoom that steps on the Canon's heels but i think the one on the left is better, a tiny bit more sharp and punchier.
For the weight cut i think the Sony is a very considerable contender, this is a weddingfag lens and they are limp-wristed for some reason so it's a valid candidate, especially with the video specs Sony has with native lenses.

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