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>Yes, I have thousands of dollars worth of electronics in my backpack, how could you tell? Yes, I am low test and likely unable to defend myself.

How do you carry your gear? I don't use a dedicated camera backpack since I don't want to be a walking red flag.
I've been carrying my camera and lens bags inside of a thick plastic shopping bag. Makes it hard to tell that I have several thousand dollars worth of equipment and a handgun.
>this thread again
what would happen if you just jump on his backpack and try to ride him like a horse
Death Stranding style wipeout
never felt the need to hide the fact that im carrying gear
just carry it as comfortable as you can and stop worrying
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Good old filthy ass surplus pack. I found in the tropics it soaks up humidity from the air and becomes even nastier looking than normal, especially if it's raining. Tripod in a tripod bag which is also handy for housing the umbrella and a water bottle. None of this for security really, it's just because I'm a cheap ass motherfucker.
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If you're carrying so much shit that it's obvious, it's because you're doing a paid gig and you have four 'yuge-ass f/2 zooms. At that point it's an issue of business insurance kek. Should have taken out the 'Angry chimp trying to buy meth with my stolen camera equipment' policy.
Even with a 5 lens kit, I don't take more than three out at a time, and that can all fit comfortably in a small camera bag, or in a backpack with the rest of my hiking shit. Just never a problem.
Demographics, dude.
yeah man, but you don't live in a shithole like merica
>carrying more than 1 camera 2 lens without being paid and insured
Larping dweeb
A simple strap around my shoulder. Or a GR in my pocket.
I’m not a faggot.
>i take photos for a living
Oof... max soulless.
Who said paid = necessary income?
>i gearfag as a hobby
Even worse.
>inserting new words to protect your retarded stance
>oh no words! scary!
Consider you might be wrong and inherently submissive
Anyone who loved photography or made decent money from it wouldn't be as mad as you, kek.
Who said I was mad? I’m jerking off right now. Tell me what you’re wearing
Kek, stay mad at people having gear, poorfag.
Chinese knock off supreme huh hun? Sexy
>word salad
Looks like you've reached the end.
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I carry it in a bag that says "CAMERA" on it when im not holding it. If you're so much a of manlet faggot that you can't defend yourself, you deserve to have your camera taken off you, lmfao.
>get btfo
>screech "werd salud"
Less kamala, more camera
>falls for the 2-party paradigm as well
Weren't you just advocating for less camera?
How high are you right now?
>if you compare me to a bitchy charisma black hole with all the wit of a senile housecat, you support trump
No, rather, i use both kamala and trump as insults.
No, I was advocating for less lens. Lern to reed, ideeit.
There was literally 1 less camera than lens in your post, kek.
He didn't deny being high either lmao, good call.
As opposed to your funko pop collection, geezer? 2 lenses is the minimum and maximum. You dont need more. You don’t need less.

Sorry I dont respond to projecting junkies. If you violate federal narcotics law you deserve to be jailed and publicly humiliated. Drugs are for scum and destroy societies.
Sure thing, stoner
The only stoning I do is throwing bricks at sodomites, american.
>lens consoomers so btfo they’re grasping at invisible pot plants

Owning anything else is morally wrong.
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what I use currently, just depends what I'm doing and bringing
have +10 more bags I no longer use, these are my favs
I hike with three lenses and a single body. Camera with lens goes around neck and one arm on a short-ish neck strap, stable enough for hiking and easy scrambles, and the other lenses go in a waist pack. It's not the comfiest if I decide to take heavier lenses but with my normal kit it's fine. For getting robbed, I worry more about my window getting smashed than someone trying to stick me up 20 miles from a trailhead lol. Not really an issue.
I just carry my camera and mount my gun to it
Non-issue, don't miss out on the convenience of a camera bag out of paranoia.

I'm so low T and scrawny people mistake me for a woman constantly and nobody has ever mistreated my gear or stolen it so far.

I cover all the gold rings Nikon puts on the lenses with hockey tape because I have middle eastern evil-eye instincts and I hold my camera by the lens when I walk somewhere like Istanbul where people allegedly will try to twist and grab the lens.

Also speak Russian when you visit countries like that. American tourists come alone, are good-natured, trusting, and have money. Russians are poor, distrustful, travel in massive tour groups and are feared like negroes. If a gypsy comes to you trying to distract you to sell you something so his friend can grab your lens or wallet, literally say anything in Russian. Insult him, threaten him, propose marriage to him. Perhaps the gypsy's dalit ancestors scream out in fear to him, or perhaps I just seem retarded. Most likely the latter.
>i go SUPER far into trails with my gear
Wow, you're AWESOME!
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I don't need a dedicated bag for large lenses, I just put this large bubble wrap in the bottom of my backpack and bundle my camera and meter and filters in one or two of those ruggard velcro wrap squares, works great
Mil surplus backpack. Also lots of ratty looking but good military shoulder bags available. I use a gas mask bag when it's enough.
This also works if you're from any nip nong country with an obscure language, start angrily swearing in that and the roaches scatter. The bigger problem with Americans is they will not believe anything you try to tell them about gyppos. You do not associate with gyppos. Not for any reason. But they won't listen and get rolled every time.
As other anons have mentioned, milsurp bags are pretty good. Some companies make padded camera bag inserts you can throw inside a regular backpack so your gear isn't just clunking around. There's also a lot of lower-profile camera bags/backpacks out there if you do some looking.
No one's robbing me for my camera in the wilderness was the point.
im actually scared about carrying my gear when i visit america. what do i need to know to prevent getting mugged or robbed?
In my shithole country in Europe I don't feel much when carrying a camera because average African has no clue what these are and there's no big trade in these.
If anything it's my watch (which looks like a Rolex if you're clueless) I'm scared about.
Buy a gun and open carry.
>but I'm afraid to kill someone
Well the nig nog sizing you up on the corner isn't
>open carry
The point is to conceal it so you can bait the guy into trying and shooting him there and then
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Tamrac Expedition 7 for my main squeeze, fits 4 primes, two bodies, 70-200 and a bunch of other shit. And I can hike Moab with it which is pretty damn cool, even has room for some trail snacks.

They are fairly expensive but well worth it

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Oh wait you're talking about carrying cameras in large blue Democrat population centers? Don't, this is what I use, it's more than enough for your street snapshits
a massive megafaggot
new street photog method just dropped
This but unironically.
Good for you man, but holy shit that is gay
Akimbo with one hand on the trigger and the other on the shutter button
being fat really lowers your testosterone huh
I use an actual hiking bag with a camera insert. Dedicated camera bags are usually terrible at being regular bags (especially for hiking moderate to long distances) whereas a good regular bag can be just as good at being a camera bag with an insert
>how do you carry your gear?
This thread's kind of retarded because there are virtually unlimited answers, none of which are useful to anyone because they are all common sense. It's just asking people to blogpost for the sake of it.
Tamrac Expedition 7 for my main squeeze, fits 4 primes, two bodies, 70-200 and a bunch of other shit. And I can hike Moab with it which is pretty damn cool, even has room for some trail snacks.

They are fairly expensive but well worth it
>Just asking people to blogpost
In the real world, we call this "asking for an opinion"
This, milsurp is cheap and often waterproof.

I've got an old east German field pack and it's got a rubber liner that I've walked through typhoons with and all my shit remains bone dry. Lots of attachment points for shit like a tripod bag if I need it
anon, you're telling me you don't have insurance on your camera gear? It's like 300 bucks a year for up to 10k worth of equipment
>Portable contents home insurance
Nmgi without it
My uncle kept having his camera bags stolen so he started keeping his cameras in a diaper bag, like the kind that new parents carry diapers and baby changing supplies in.
Hasn't lost a camera since.
>that's m-my camera bag
>i k-kept getting my camera stolen so use this now
>d-don't open it
>keeping his camera in a diaper
let me guess, it's a snoy
if i ever got mugged id ask to keep the sd card and just give them the camera. insurance will cover getting mugged
I have the Peak Design 30L backpack and I like it a lot when I need more space.

I've got the PD messenger bag, and I'm not a fan. Too bulky even when there's not much in it.

I have the sling as well, and I prefer that for general walking about.
He's actually a big gregarious boomer type of guy.
I think part of why he uses the diaper bag is he thinks it's funny.

I think he shoots canon mostly, but he has a big collection.
>if i ever got mugged id ask
I'd give them my e-mail so they can send the files back (I shoot jpeg).
If it's a film camera, I'd ask to finish the roll.
If i ever got mugged i’d shoot them and keep my camera
Sane thing is to meekly give em whatever they are are after. Judging from the one or two encounters of that kind I've had in my long life, I'd likely hit them hard on head with my 2nd hand 10 year old crop dslr before thinking and regret it later. I do not carry anything worth risking my life or life of a desperate junkie.
i use the first gen peak design 30L everyday backpack. I don't think its the most efficient use of the space available due to its side opening design, but its a nice travel backpack as its quite easy to fit other misc stuff like snacks and souvenirs to keep my hands free.
>I have thousands of dollars worth of electronics in my backpack

what if i have 1K or less ? i buy most of mein stuff 2nd hand

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carry a knife in your pocket like a normal person and man up. i use my pockets, hands or reusable shopping bag because im not a larping gearqueer with weak rubber band elastic arms. yeah my pictures shit and i don't care i go up to homeless encampments and take pictures and never had any problems.

reminder drink water eat pussy
It's literally just a messenger bag and a camera insert inside. I really don't like camera bags since they just advertise what you have or look like utter shit (I really don't like Peak Design, something just looks shitty about their bags).
I'm a constant walking red flag bc
>woman wearing a backpack taking photos
Doesn't matter what I do unless I'm able to fit everything in my purse.
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get served
Does anyone have a hiking backpack with an easy compartment for camera gear, like the lowepro photo sport 300, that they like? I want to be able to store stuff for a day hike while keeping telephoto, macro, etc lenses safe. I usually keep my camera out hiking so it doesn't need to store that. I have a pretty compact non-photography day hiking kit so I don't need a ton of space, but extra would be nice if I'm carrying winter gear or maybe even backpacking (that'd probably be a stretch I guess).
Wandrd Fernweh. Liked it enough that it became my go-to for 1-2 night backpacking, even if I don't bring camera gear.
Just buy a $10 little camera pouch off amazon and put it in a normal comfortable backpack. Photography backpacks are all garbage.

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